Monumentalna kolekcija filozofskih razgovora. (Povrh svega, svaki intervjuirani filozof izabire svojih najdražih 5 filozofskih knjiga.)
As we hit the 300 mark a couple of weeks ago I thought it might be a good idea to organise them in one place for readers who might find it useful. So here is the whole series so far. The categories used are pretty rough and ready but should help orientate people.
Epistemology, Language and Logic
1. Henrich Wansang :logics: more than one way to skin a cat…
2. Richard Heck:frege, dummett, vagueness, liars and julius caesar
3. Mark Textor: brentano’s mind, frege’s sense
4. Christopher Hitchcock causation, probability and philosophy
5. Volker Halbach on the nature of truth
6. John Turri philosophers wrong about knowledge since plato bombshell!
7. Marc Lange law
8. Bradford Skow reasons why
9. Miriam Schoenfield how rational is our rationality?
10. Berislav Marusic evidence, agency and bad faith
11. Anil Gupta against post-truth: the logical experience of knowledge, the circularity of truth etc
12. Hanoch Ben-Yam turing tests, chinese rooms, sherlock holmes, wittgensteinian vagueness and descartes
13. Sarah Moss saving wittgenstein, credence knowledge and semantics
14. Ernest Sosa the virtue epistemologist
15. Bob Hale frege and necessary beings
16. Greg Restall the logical pluralist
17. Bruno Whittle paradoxes and their logic
18. Mahrad Almotahari not and other metalinguistic stuff
19. Jose Zalabardo scepticism and early wittgenstein
20. Sara L Uckelman dynamic epistemology
21. Robert Brandom between saying and doing
22. Jeffrey King propositions, analysis and context
23. Diana Raffman unruly words
24. Penelope Maddy the stuff of proof
25. Penny Rush the metaphysics of logic
26. Margaret Cuonzo paradoxes
27. Ofra Magidor category mistakes
28. Stephen Yablo about aboutness
29. Stephen Read medieval matters
30. Pascal Engel truth, success and frank ramsey
31. Catarina Dutilh Novaes on cognitive artifacts
32. Sam Wheeler III davidson and derrida
33. Agustín Rayo absolute generality
34. Scott Soames kripke’s unfinished business
35. Peter Ludlow what the hell are we doing here ?
36. Gillian Russell a kill bill philosopher
37. Timothy Williamson modality and metaphysics
38. Paul Horwich deflationism and wittgenstein
39. Jennifer Lackey on testimony
40. Stephen R. Grimm understanding understanding
41. Robert Stalnaker the possible worlds hedgehog
42. Joel David Hamkins playing infinite chess
43. Colin McGinn brief encounter with the mysterian
44. Hilary Kornblith on reflection
45. Tim Crane mindful
46. Frances Egan meaning as gloss
47. Roy Sorensen philosophy’s madhatter
48. Herman Cappelen no intuitions no relativism
49. Ernie Lepore meaning, truth, language, reality
50. Arif Ahmed a wittgenstein kripke vertigo disturbance
51. Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra truthmaking
52. Alexis Burgess imagining god creating poppies
53. Gila Sher the place of philosophy
54. Sarah Sawyer a natural kind externalist
55. J.C. Beall spandrels of truth
56. Michael Lynch truth, reason & democracy
57. Graham Priest logically speaking
58. Jason Stanley philosophy as the great naïveté
59. Eric Schwitzgebel the splintered skeptic
60. Timothy Williamson classical investigations
61. Justin Khoo disagreement
62. Dennis Schmidt tragedy and philosophy
63. Andy Hamilton self-consciousness, aesthetics, music
64. Paul Crowther post-analytic phenomenology vs market serfdom
65. Karsten Harries heidegger, art, architecture
66. Peter Kivy apologia pro vita sua: my work in philosophy
67. Nickolas Pappas philosophy and aesthetics
68. James Grant: the critical imagination
Ethical, Moral, Political and Legal philosophy, and Philosophy of Religion
69. Matt Lister: thinking about globalisation, immigration and refugees
70. Adina L Roskies: brains
71. Helen Frowe: understanding defensive killing
72. Fabian Wendt why compromise? why peace?
73. Fiona Woollard on doing and allowing harm
74. David Wong the pluralist
75. Saba Bazargan-Forward just war
76. John Broome weighing goods and people: ethics out of economics: rationality through reasoning…and climate change
77. David E Cooper the measure of things
78. John Kleinig ethics, law and politics
79. Edward Harcourt wittgenstein’s ethical enterprise and related matters
80. Ron Mallon constructing race
81. Dale Jamieson reason in our dark time
82. Samuel Scheffler death, afterlife, justice and value
83. Derrick Darby keeping it real: the colour of mind
84. Ralph Wedgwood on the nature of normativity
85. TM Scanlon what we owe each other
86. Jerry Gaus the tyranny of the ideal
87. Nomy Arpaly in praise of desire and some
88. Tina Fernades Botts philosophy and diversity
89. David Estlund who rules?
90. Ewa Binczyk the rhetoric and lethargy of the anthropocene
91. Sarah Paul how far do you have to go before it’s a crime? and other puzzles
92. Jonathan Wolff political philosophy
93. Katja Vogt the pyrrhonian skeptic
94. Torbjorn Tannsjo the hedonistic utilitarian
95. Allan Gibbard thinking how to live
96. Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek from the point of view of the universe
97. Matthew Kramer law and ethics
98. Philip Kitcher life after faith
99. Costica Bradatan why murder philosophers?
100. Lisa Herzog philosophy of markets
101. Luciano Floridi philosophy from the zettabyte
102. Chris Lebron the colour of our shame
103. Lori Gruen philosophy of captivity
104. Lorenzo Zucca towards a secular europe
105. Joseph Raz from normativity to responsibility etc
106. Rebecca Gordon saying no! to jack bauer: mainstreaming torture
107. Katrina Sifferd responsibility and punishment
108. Susannah Cornwall queer theology and sexchatology
109. Tim Mawson the rationalist theist
110. Johanna Oksala foucault’s freedom
111. George Pattison towards hope
112. John Martin Fischer deep control, death and co
113. Greg Dawes on theism and explanation
114. Steven B. Smith an east coast straussian on political philosophy
115. Ruth Chang the existentialist of hard choices
116. Jeremy Sheamur on popper and hayek
117. Clare Chambers sex, culture and justice
118. Mark Andrew Schroeder being for
119. Robert Talisse and Scott F. Aikin. epistemology and democracy
120. Stephen Darwell from the second person
121. Albert Atkins peirce, pragmatism and race, racism
122. Howard Williams kant in syria
123. Omar Dahbour ecosovereignty
124. Samir Chopra go hack yourself
125. Pamela Hieronymi forgiveness, blame, reasons…
126. John Gardner law as a leap of faith
127. Kimberley Brownlee conscience and conviction
128. Sibyl A. Schwarzenbach on civic friendship
129. Thom Brooks in search of global justice
130. Virginia Held the ethics of care
131. Jeff Malpas landscaping heidegger
132. Quentin Skinner liberty before liberalism & all that
133. Kathleen Higgins eros art wisdom
134. Ann Cahill carnal ethics
135. Jason Brennan on the ethics of voting
136. David Enoch shameless realism goes robust
137. Valerie Tiberius mostly elephant, ergo…
138. Simon Blackburn whisperer of doubt
139. Jonathan Dancy ethics without principles
140. Elizabeth Anderson the new leveller
141. Mitch Berman clearing away confusions and debris
142. Andrei Marmor the endless search for truth
143. Meir Dan-Cohen a certain distance
144. Christine Korsgaard treating people as ends in themselves
145. Cecile Fabre on the intrinsic value of each of us
146. Alan Gilbert fighting from below for recognition as human
147. Japa Pallikkathayil rethinking the formula of humanity
148. Hilde Lindemann no ethics without feminism
Continental Philosophy, Pragmaticism and Early Mods
149. Ola Sigurdson: embodiment
150. Julian Young: schopenhauer, nietzsche, heidegger: sex, death and boredom
151. Dennis Rasmussen the infidel and the professor
152. Bart Schultz the happiness philosopher
153. William Lewis the fall and rise of louis althusser
154. Alexander Nehamas nietzsche and friendship
155. Emily Thomas jerk and whoosh time
156. Kyoo Lee jazz: reading descartes otherwise
157. Cheryl Misak recalibrating pragmaticism
158. Leonard Lawler french continentals
159. Anil Gomes kant, other minds and intersecting issues…
160. Ray Brassier nihil unbound
161. Don J Garrett having cake and eating it with hume and spinoza
162. Tom Jones on pope’s philosophical poem: ‘an essay on man’
163. Rebecca Copenhaver reid’s common sense, berkeley’s vision and whether gentile’s fascism should matter more than berkeley’s slave plantation
164. Paul Russell hume’s irreligious core
165. Allen Wood kant, marx, fichte
166. Karl Ameriks kant’s historical turn
167. Andrew Huddleston nietzsche, art and the neo-hegelian commitment
168. Brian Copenhaver italian philosophy, magic and peter of spain
169. Kurt-Otto Bayertz on german materialism
170. Alison Stone hegel, irigaray, motherhood & feminist philosophy
171. Terry Pinkard the legacies of idealism
172. Felix Ó Murchadha heidegger, politics, phenomenology, religion
173. Daniel Garber history from the early modern philosophers
174. David James fichte and rousseau
175. Dalia Nassar on the romantic absolute
176. Paul Lodge leibniz: strange monads, esoteric harmony and love
177. Jeffrey K. McDonough leibniz, berkeley, kant, frege; bees, toasters and julius caesar
178. Erica Benner the ethical machiavelli
179. Anthony Gottlieb dreams of reason
180. Tom Eyers lacan and french post-rationalism
181. Andrew Bowie schelling, adorno and all that jazz
182. Lisa Downing early mod philosophy
183. Cecelia Watson on william james and john la farge
184. Ken Gemes on the tragedy of life
185. Brian O’Connor adorno’s negative dialectic and so on
186. Fred Rush idealism and critical theory
187. Alison Assiter kierkegaardian
188. Taylor Carman mature: heidegger and merleau-ponty
189. Todd May the poststructural anarchist
190. Steven Nadler books forged in hell etc
191. David Bakhurst soviet philosophy and then some
192. Gordon Finlayson habermas, adorno, politics
193. C.G. Prado dangerously frank
194. Gary Gutting what philosophers know
195. John Haldane aquinas amongst the analytics
196. Jessica Berry a pyrrhonian nietzschean stakeout
197. Richard Moran keeping sartre, and other passions
198. Frederick Beiser diotima’s child
199. Ursula Renz after spinoza: wiser, freer, happier
200. Lee Braver on heidegger, wittgenstein, derrida
201. Robert Stern hegel’s modest metaphysician
202. Katerina Deligiorgi our complex, difficult & fragile enlightenments
203. Eli Friedlander awakening benjamin
204. Jeffrey Bell philosophy at the edge of chaos
205. Brian Leiter leiter reports
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action
206. Katalin Farkas internalism and descartes’ demon and stuff
207. Jan Slaby against empathy and other philosophical beefs
208. Marya Schechtman the constitution of selves: locke and the person led view
209. Barbara Gail Montero thought in action, panpsychism (and not using the f-word)
210. Mohan Matthen on perception, aesthetics etc etc
211. Dan Robinson keeping the manifest image in mind
212. Jonathan Cohen colour
213. Margherita Arcangeli imagination supposition, imagine
214. Thomas K Metzinger all about the ego tunnel
215. Eric Steinhart digital ghosts
216. Berit Brogaard truth, knowability, mind and romantic love
217. Kathinka Evers neuroethics
218. Joelle Proust metacognition
219. Evan Thompson waking, dreaming, being
220. Alvin Goldman thinking about mindreading, mirroring and embedded cognition et al…
221. Susan Schneider mental lives and fodor’s lot
222. Elizabeth Camp metaphors and minds
223. Susanna Schellenberg epistemic forces and perception
224. Susanna Siegel phenomenology never goes out of date
225. Edouard Machery without concepts
226. Anne Jaap Jacobson the neurofeminist
227. Jerry Fodor meaningful words without sense, & other revolutions
228. Richard Brown shombies vs zombies
229. Pete Mandik brain hammer
230. Mark Rowlands hour of the wolf
231. Kieran Setiya what anscombe intended & other puzzles
232. Alfred Mele the four million dollar philosopher
233. Roger Teichmann ninety-four pages & then some
234. Peter Carruthers mind reader
Metaphysics, Philosophy of science
235. Shan Gao: does god play dice?
236. Bas C van Frassen how to talk about empiricism
237. Michail Peramatzis aristotelian metaphysics
238. Barry Loewer descrying the world of physics
239. A.W. Moore modern metaphysics – the analytic/continental mix
240. Roman Alshuler time and the philosophy of action
241. Peter Lewis why philosophy of quantum mechanics is more important than that of poached eggs
242. Maria Kronfeldner darwinian creativity, memetics and some
243. James Marcum kuhn’s science and does medicine really care about patients?
244. Jessica Leech what kind of a fact is a flying pig for kant? and things like that
245. Elliot Sober from a biological point of view, and then some
246. Chiara Lisciandra robust
247. Tim Lewens evolution, bioethics and human nature
248. Michael Strevens bigger than chaos
249. Tuomas E Tahko necessary metaphysics
250. Joshua Mozersky time, language, ontology
251. Bana Bashour naturalism’s final causes
252. Richard Healey how pragmatism reconciles quantum mechanics with relativity etc
253. Roberto Casati what’s a hole made of and other enigmas
254. Markus Gabriel why the world does not exist but unicorns do
255. Jonathan Birch darwinian conundrums
256. Stathis Psillos philosophy of science
257. Stephan Kraemer on what there is for things to be
258. Friederike Moltmann parts, wholes, abstracts, tropes and ontology
259. Anna Marmodoro powers, aristotle and the incarnation
260. Richard Dawid string theory and post-empiricism
261. Thomas Sattig the double life of objects
262. Alastair Wilson multiverses and sleeping beauty
263. Peter Godfrey-Smith philosophy of biology
264. Frank Jackson mary’s room and stuff
265. Daniel Stoljar epistemic consciousness
266. Massimo Pigliucci rationally speaking
267. L.A. Paul metaphysical
268. Sean Carroll philosophy from the preposterous universe
269. Alex Rosenberg the mad dog naturalist
270. Tim Maudlin on the foundations of physics
271. Amie L. Thomasson on the reality of sherlock holmes etc
272. Jonathan Bain philosophy and physics
273. Daniel Dennett intuition pumping
274. Rebecca Kukla the relentless naturalist
275. David Papineau physical
276. E.J. Lowe metaphysical foundations for science
277. Stephen Mumford hidden powers
278. John Heil the universe as we find it
279. Gary Kemp on the weightlessness of reality
280. Michae Tye thinking fish & zombie caterpillars
281. Huw Price without mirrors
282. Scott Berman the platonist
283. Craig Callender time lord
284. Eric Olson the philosopher with no hands
285. Patricia Churchland causal machines
286. Kit Fine metaphysical kit
Ancient Philosophy
287. Gail Judith Fine all you wanted to know about plato on meno’s paradox, and other gems
288. Catherine Wilson epicureanism, early mods and the moral animal
289. Brooke Holmes philosophical frontiers of ancient science
290. Iakovos Vasiliou plato aims at virtue
291. Richard Kraut against absolute goodness
292. David Roochnik arcadian wisdom
293. Peter Sjostedt-H the noumenaut: psychedelics and philosophy
Non Western Philosophy
294. Jay L. Garfield buddhist howls
295. Jonardon Ganeri artha: india: philosophy
296. Nicolas Bommarito buddhist ethics
Experimental Philosophy
297. Joshua Alexander cosmo x-phi
298. Chris Weigel x-phi is here to stay
299. Bryony Pierce panabstractism crashes xphi (maybe)
300. Claire White mourning becomes a lecturer
301. Josh Knobe indie rock virtues
302. Eddy Nahmias questioning willusionism
Richard Marshall is still biding his time.
- www.3ammagazine.com/3am/end-times-philosophy-interviews-first-302/
![Image result for Richard Marshall, ed., Philosophy at 3:AM: Questions and Answers with 25 Top Philosophers,](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41tsj2PvCaL._SX313_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
Richard Marshall, ed., Philosophy at 3:AM: Questions and Answers with 25 Top Philosophers, Oxford University Press, 2014.
read it at Google Books
The appeal of philosophy has always been its willingness to speak to those pressing questions that haunt us as we make our way through life. What is truth? Could we think without language? Is materialism everything? But in recent years, philosophy has been largely absent from mainstream cultural commentary. Many have come to believe that the field is excessively technical and inward-looking and that it has little to offer outsiders.
The 25 interviews collected in this volume, all taken from a series of online interviews with leading philosophers published by the cultural magazine 3ammagazine.com, were carried out with the aim of confronting widespread ignorance about contemporary philosophy. Interviewer Richard Marshall's informed and enthusiastic questions help his subjects explain the meaning of their work in a way that is accessible to non-specialists. Contemporary philosophical issues are presented through engaging but serious dialogues that, taken together, offer a glimpse into key debates across the discipline.
Alongside metaphysics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, political philosophy and ethics, discussed here are feminist philosophy, continental philosophy, pragmatism, philosophy of religion, experimental philosophy, bioethics, animal rights, and legal philosophy. Connections between philosophy and fields such as psychology, cognitive science, and theology are likewise examined. Marshall interviews philosophers both established and up-and coming.
Engaging, thoughtful and thought-provoking, inviting anyone with a hunger for philosophical questions and answers to join in, Philosophy at 3:AM shows that contemporary philosophy can be relevant -- and even fun.
Richard Marshall, ed., Ethics at 3:AM: Questions and Answers on How to Live Well, Oxford University Press, 2017.
read it at Google Books
What do ethicists and moral philosophers really think about? What are the most pressing concerns in the discipline today? This collection of interviews with a range of interesting and original thinkers in the field provides a snapshot of contemporary ethics in all its complexity and nuance. It contains 26 probing interviews conducted by Richard Marshall of the cultural magazine 3AM, each consisting of a carefully condensed version of the interview, preceded by a brief biography of the interview subject. Marshall's questions are deeply knowledgeable while always accessible to the layperson, and the interviewees respond in kind with rich and opinionated responses. The result is a deeply engaging entrée into the state of ethics today.
Despite its stated purpose, this anthology of 26 interviews of contemporary philosophers, a follow-up to editor Marshall’s previous Philosophy at 3 AM, is decidedly not for lay readers. Even some undergraduate philosophy majors are likely to find themselves needing to search out definitions for terms such as Pyrrohian and endoxic method. The use of such dense jargon by the interviewees is unsurprising given that Marshall, a contributing editor for the U.K. cultural publication 3 AM Magazine, utilizes such terminology in his questions. This is a shame, because the contributors show themselves perfectly capable, in the introductory sections of their entries, of giving clear-cut explanations of why they chose to become philosophers. But it’s not just the language that’s a barrier to entry—the abstract, cold-blooded analyses of fundamental questions about human motivations and behavior are likely to turn off many readers and end up producing the opposite result of what Marshall intended, yielding a view of philosophy as only an ivory tower academic exercise. - Publishers Weekly
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