srijeda, 24. rujna 2014.

Austrijska platforma za medijsku umjetnost.
is a platform for media art – for the support of an active discourse from, with and by the protagonists, the media artists themselves. As an on-line medium it is easy accessible and therefore also operates as an art promoter across the physical borders of exhibitions and festivals. was founded 2006 as a pure online documentation platform by four media art students from the need to complement a disregarded media coverage about new media art festivals. With an experimental and individual way of documentation we wanted to make media art accessible for everyone.
Because the tagR team primarily consists of media artists and students who are in some cases invited to the events themselves, a new insider’s perspective of the reporting originates and leads to deeper discourse and exchange.
Over the years the cooperations with festivals deepened and opened new ways and perspectives and therefore also changed the role of e.g.: Transmediale in Berlin and the ARS Electronica in Linz provided us with a temporary workspace and therefore we were integrated in the Festival and additionally became a center for exchange and discourse on site.
The work with our mobile interview studio “umbr.ella“, a reconstructed umbrella, attracts a lot of sensation by its performative character and therefore acts as an intervention at art events by its own. „umbr.ella“ was invented by the media artist Ella Esque and is only one kind of interview technic > the strategy and approach to document the works is subject to the individual style of every tagR within the team. supports their members with the organization of accreditations and the contact with festivals and the artists. Furthermore we try to provide travel expenses for our tagR team as far as possible. In this way we facilitate our members with the access to the festivals and therefore stimulate active involvement into the art discourse.
By an improved infrastructure, like video cameras, microphones, a computer and an office space in MuseumsQuartier, can expand its activities. The office in the MuseumsQuartier additionally became an exchange platform about media art and offers a space for Workshops and discussions. was established in 2006 by Andreas ‘Muk’ Haider, Emanuel Andel, Ella Esque, Martin Ferstl und Peter Scharmüller.
02L 3d 5VOLTCORE 8-GB 10-day-detention 24c3 74HC595 2008 2010 a/v ACA Gallery access activism activists ADA addtag adidas aec AElabs A Guy Called Gerald ai Aist Albert-Bernard Alejandro Jodorowsky alessandro-ludovico Alex-Adriaansens alex-smoke algorithmen aliens Ali Miharbi Alive-In-Baghdad Alois-Huber als Alvaro-Cassinelli AMAGATANA Amazon-noir amelia-andersdotter amsterdam analog-inputs Anaísa-Franco andel Ander-Zivanovic andreas-broeckmann Andreas Steinhauser Andrew Goffey andrey-smirnov angewandte animation Anna Bertsch Anomos anonymous AntiVJ Antoine-Schmitt Anya Major apo apo33 aram-bartholl architecture arduino arm Armando-Menicacci Armin-Medosch arnout-mik arougate ars ars-electronica ars07 ars08 ars09 arse-elektronika ars electronica 2011 Ars Electronica Gala art art-history Art-Institute-of-Chicago Arthur-Kroker artificial-kid artist artvertiser asimo atom aufmerksamkeitsungeziefer augmented-reality augmented sculpture austrian pavillon autechre author award award-nominee badeschiff bag Bagatelle Concrete barbican-center barcelona baudrillard baywatch beach beijing Beijing-Accelerator beijing6 belarus Bengt Sjölén bergen berger Berlin bernd-grubmann Bernhard-Garnicnig Bernhard-Lang biennale biennial bilgi university Binär platten black blackriver blkriver bobo body body-hack bong-ra book bootleg born-again Boxed-Ego bragophone Braun-Tube-Jazz-Band Brazil break-core Brendan Howell brian-kneb Brian Holmes bronac-ferran bruce-sterling Brussels burning burning-snake business BWPWAP c-base Cabinet California call call-for-papers call-for-projects camera-tracking capitalism Carnivorous-Domestic-Entertainment-Robots CAT ccc cccc cctv central-garden ceremony cervantes-institute change chaos-computer-club chapter-I Charlemagne Charlemagne-Palestine chat chemical-brothers Children chris-haring Chris Cunningham chris sugrue christa-sommerer christian-boltanski Christian-Guetzer christian-gützer christian falsnaes Christine-Gaigg christine-schoerkhuber Christine-Sugrue christobal mendoza Christopher-Bauder christopher-chippindale CIA claire pentecost Class-Wargames Cliff-Randell climate climate-change Cloaca cloud club-transmediale cmos code31 coded-cultures coded cultures collegium-hungaricum colorgrid comic Command-Line-Wave common-grounds community concert congress coniglioviola Conley conspire Constant constraint-city Contemporary-Art-Tower cookbok cooking cooperation copyright corejulio CPU City crafts Creating Diaspora creative creative-industies creative-industries Creative Cities Symposium creativity crew crisis CTM ctm-festival 2013 culture curating curator Cyberfest cyberfest-2008 cyberpunk cyborg Cyrille-Henry Daan van den Berg daito-manabe damian-stewart dance dancing Danja Vasiliev DanmatsuMouse Dash Macdonald datenstrudel David-DC-Spensley David-Rokeby De-Betekenaar de:bug dead-drops deaf deaf07 deaf 2012 Death-Before-Disko deep-north deep space delicate-boundaries Demdike Stare DemiPas Demitrios Kargotis democracy demoscene derek-holzer design destroy-athens destruction Detlef-Mertins didi-bruckmayr digital-art digital-output digitale-kunst Dimitri-Delcourt Dirk-Eijsbouts disabled theater DIY Dmitry-Gelfand documenta dodekahedron dokumentation Dominique-Leroy donaufestival donaufestival 2012 donaukanal Don Foresta don satijn Douglas Adams Dr. Whippy drum&bass drummachine Duper/Looper Dziga Vertov ear-on-arm ecology ecomachine economy ei-wada eindhoven ElectricmoOns electronic-art electronic-voting ella ella-esque Eloi-Maduell emanuel emf-piano emmanuel-madan emovie endlichkeit enter environment environments ephemeral-melody eric-duyckaerts Eric-Gunther erich-berger eric joris Ernesto-Klar escatological-society esel Esque Esther-Polak eva-jantschitsch evan-roth Evelina-Domnitch Evil Media exhibition exhibition walk Exonemo exosceleton experimentelle-Kunst experimentelle-Politik experiments-in-galvanism extended extreme-green-guerrillas eye-tracking eyebeam eyewriter f.a.t. f.a.t.-lab face-mod face-to-facebook fat lab felix-kubin Felix Luque Sanchez festival fight fight-for-your-right FILE FILE-2010 FILE Sao Paulo film film-theory filmfestival fiona fire flakturm flame flaming-lotus-girls flash flickr Florian-Cramer Florian Schmeiser floss fog food foodmatch football for forum fragility frame(o)ut franz franz-ablinger Franzoesischer-Dom frederik-baker Frederik-de-Wilde free Freerk-Wieringa french-pavilion Freqtric-Project Frequency-and-Volume freyluft friedrich-kittler From-One-to-Many fruits-of-kronos fullframe future Futurezone Föhnseher (Seer of Warm Winds) Galina Dimitrova game Game-of-War games Garnet-Hertz Gatekeeper gazi geld gelitin gender geneve genf georg-luif Georg Russegger german gianluca-del-gobbo giant-joystic gijon gipsy-music Gisele Trudel Gisle Froysland glass global glow go go-up gods-entertainment golden age golden nica Goldin google gordan GordanSavicic Gordan Savicic gordon gps graffiti graffiti research lab Graham Harwood Grant Gregory-Shakar grl Grow gustav Guy-Debord h2omagazine hacker hall Hamburg hand hanne-rivrud hannes-koch Hans-Bernhard happen harddisk harddisko hardware haus-der-kulturen haus_der_kulturen_der_welt haze Heart-Chamber-Orchestra HEHE heidi-wasserbloom Heiko Hansen Helen Evans helsinki herbert brandl Herman-Asselberghs Hermitage Herwig-Weiser hexler Hideaki Kuzuoka Hiroshi Kasai hiroshima-mon-amour history hkw holunder home homo-technologicous Horacio-González Howard-Caygill howto Hu-Jie-Ming Hugo-Vrijdag human-browser hunger hyungkoo lee ice identity ideologies if-else Igor-González ikea IKEA LAMP Ikkaku Kawaguchi Image-Fulgurator imaginary-futures immaterials Immodesty inakage-lab industry indymedia installation intellectual-property interaction interactive-art interactivos interactivos08 interaktivos interface interface culture interfaces internet interrupting-realities interview intriguee irak isea isea-2010 isea2010 istanbul italy iteractivos08 jacob-appelbaum jacob-dahlgren James-Auger James-Elkins James-Powderly Jamie Ziegelbaum jan-peter-sonntag japan-media-arts-festival jaromil Jeanne-van-Heeswijk jerome bel jihoi-lee jmaf johannes-grenzfurthner johannes-hucek John Bock John Merrick join jon-kessler jonas-bohatsch Jonas-Vorwerk Jonctions Jordi-Puig josef-knierzinger juha-huuskonen Julia-Starsky julia-zdarsky julian-oliver julian-palacz Julien-Ottavi julius-stahl Julius von Bismarck jury Justin-Manor Jyun-ya Kataoka k-haus karina-fernandez Karina Smigla-Bobinski karl-salzmann Karolina-Sobecka Katharina Mayrhofer kathrin-stumreich kazamidori kenia Kensuke Sembo keynote kirtsy-boyle klangmanifeste klaus-engelhorn Knowledge-economy koch kon.txt Kora-Van-den-Bulcke krems Kuenstlerhaus kunst kunsthaus-graz Kunstuniversität Linz labor laboral labour lars-ramberg Lars-Spuybroek las-palmas laser laser-tag Lasse Marhaug laurent-mignonneau law LED Leo Peschta lerchenfelderstrasse let there be light and sound liberta lichterloh light Lightbox-Sequence lighters linz liquid-democracy Liss live liveperformersmeeting liz lizvlx Lluis-Gomez london loops lorenz seidler los-angeles lotus LPM ludic Lustmord Luzes-relacionais Lygia-Clark lynn-pook madrid magic magican make malte-fiala manufacturing map mapping-festival Marcelo Coelo marcos-novak maria marienstrasse Marina mark-coniglio mark-formanek Mark Shepard markus-wintersberger Markus Weickinger Marnix-de-Nijs Martha Colburn martin-howse martin-kaltenbrunner Martin Pichlmair Martín-Nadal marx-palast mary-flanagan material-beliefs Matsuko Yokokoji Matthew Fuller Matthias Tarasiewicz Matthias Zauner Maurizio Lazzarato maxwell-salzberg Maylsa Denki md4-200 media media-art media-rt media-theory Mediadanse medialab-prado mediaopera mediencamp Medien Kultur Haus medienkunst Medientheorie merchandising mexico michael-kontopoulos Michal Wlodkowski Michiko migration mikhael-a-crest-sator-ArXeNeKrOHeN mikko-hynninen minimal minoritenkirche Mixed-With-Sighs Mobile-Media modeselector moids money monochrom monolake moosgaard motion Motoi Ishibashi Movie Mirrors moving-forest mp3 MQ multimedia_exhibition mus animatus music mutated nam-june-paik nanoart national-academy-of-art-sofia nature navinki nervous structure net-culture-lab Netless new new-economy New Renaissance Nicolaj-Kirisits Nigerian niki-passath nime Nitta Noise NomadicMILK Noortje-Marres nordic-pavillon norway notunterkunft Nova-Jiang Novmichi Tosa ntmy Nuage Vert NY Ochoresotto offf festival ok-center Olga-Mink oliver-ressler Oliver Buchtala OMA International On-Some-Limits-of-Film-Theory ondulation open opening Open Source Life operaism optical-camouflage orchestre-mecanique otieno-gomba otro blog mas overview OWL PROJECT pablo valbuena Packetbrücke painstation palace-of-mirrors Palestine Pantha du Prince Paola-Guimerans paolo-cirio paris parreno participate participation party paul-granjon Paul-Quassa pd pdp pdp_freeframe pedro performance performances Perry Bard peter peter-moosgaard peter-moosgard peter-scharmüller peter-votava peter-weibel Peter Horvath Petko-Dourmana Philip Lammer Philippe-Chatelain phillip stearns physics pickledfeet pierre-bastien Piet-Zwart-Institut Piezo Piezomirkophone piksel pirate pirate-camp pirate-party pixelache Playful Interface Cultures police politics pollstream portrait Post-Global-Warming-Survival-Kit Poster Powderly praekariat prague precarity press-conference pressekonferenz preview prison prix ars PRIX ARS ELECTRONICA processed processing project Proof-of-Life prototype psychedelic public public-space pure pure-data quintas radio Rae Rafael-Lozano-Hemmer rainer prohaska rambler random_international Ray Lee ray vibration re.sonance reactable reality realmadrid realtime rebekah-wilson reBlog ReConstitution reflexion refugees Relational-Lights remote resistors resonance respond response-ability reyes Reynold-Reynolds richard-barbrook richard-kriesche rinderhallen Robert-Henke Robert Seidel robocross robodock roboexotica robot robot-rabbit roboterträume robotics roman-hansi romana-schuller rotterdam royal-college-of-art ruben-balsa Rudolfo-Quintas RUHR Exhibition Run-Motherfucker-Run ruth-schnell ruth-sergel Régine-Debatty Sabina Marte salon sampling sanatorium Sao-Paulo Savannah College of Art and Design savicic schismatrix sculpture se-mi-sei-vicino SE/30 second-life secret-life secret-machine seminar sensors Servando Barreiro SESI sft shadow share share-fesival share-festival share-prize Sher-Doruff shift-out Shih-Chieh-Huang shock shockbot Siegfried-Zielinski silicium silver-rivrud single-use-cameras Sirenen sirous-namazi situation Six-Apartements six-appartements six-easy-pieces slr smiley smoking lamp snake social sociatry societies Sofia Software-Art SOiCHiRO-MiHARA somalia some-kind-of-congestion sonance sonar Sonarmatica sonia-cillari Sonification sonolevitation sophie-carolin-wagner Sosolimited sound soundframe sound lathe soziatrie space Spectral-Continuum squatting St.-Petersburg stage_fright Stan-Wijnans stapleton stefan-lutschinger stefanie-prinz stefanie-wuschitz Stefan Riekeles stef de paepe steim stelarc Stephane Claude Stephen-Kovats still-living stomach storm streamfest streetview strp strp-07 STRP-2007 strp-festival subculture subjectivity superbertram superbowl surrounded survival susanna-gartner suspension swiss pavillon sydney symposium SYNCHRON systeme tabakfabrik tactical-media tag tagged tagging tagr tagrtv tagr_tv tagtool Taiko-no-Tatsujin-de-Dodon-ga-Don Taken tantalum-memorial Tarik-Barri technology technopolis TEMPEST radio temporary tempt1 TENORI-ON TERMINALBEACH terra nova text-analysis TeZ TFT-Tennis the-discovery the-maze the-secrets-trilogy the-special-player the-stateless-pavilion The 120days of *buntu theatre The Execution of Mary The Infinite Contemporaneity Device themenparks theremin The Toaster Project The Transparency Grenade the Walls things third thomas-hitchcock Thomas-Kuehne thomas-mcintosh Thomas-Soetens Thomas Thwaites tibet Tilman-Reiff tink tm.09 tm.11 TM08 tm10 tm11 Tomas-Zierhofer-Kin torino torture classics toshare Toshimasa Yamanaka TQW trachtenkapelle-duerrenstein trademark transistor transmediale transmediale-2010 transmediale-2013 transmediale07 transmediale08 transmediale09 transmediale10 transmediale11 TrikeDoubleThree turin turntables u.s. ubermorgen UBERMORGEN.COM ubiquitous ulla-rauter Ulla Pfneudl Ulrich Brandstätter umbr.ella unibrennt university-of-applied-arts University-of-applied-arts-vienna universität-für-angewandte-kunst urgency Urs-Dubacher Uschi-Reiter Usman-Haque valentina-vuksic vandal Vanessa Ramos Velasquez Venelin Shurelov venice venice-biennale version video videogrid vienna vilem flusser villareal VIP virtual-camera virtually-identity-process visionr visualization visuals vj-aalto VJ-Emovie vj-meat-vs.-vj-meat vj-ratsi VJing vlx vms Volker-Morawe Vunhat Tan wada-ei Wahlcomputer walk Walter-Langelaar waste water waves we-make-money-not-art web webcinema weise 7 wels white-void WHITEvoid wien Wim Delvoye wire-wrapping wirtschaft woppow work workshop workspace-unlimited world worm/detour wrapping-pins xaver xxxxx-workshop Yae Akaiwa Yang-Zhenzhong YoHa youtube yuichiro-katsumoto Yuko Mohris Yves-Degoyon yves netzmann Yvette-Matterns zidane zizou zoe Zurkow

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