Najmisteriozniji i najčudniji konspiracijski čudak. Sveti Franjo teorije zavjere. Umjetnik paranoje, shizofrenije i manijaklano-opsesivne informacijske ejakulacije.
Sve je gore nego što mislite, čak i ako ste spremni na najgore. Tehnologija se osamostalila u autonomno žive biće kojim nijedan čovjek više ne može vladati (Ickeovi gmazovi, vratite se u vrtić!) - Svesvjetski smrtonosni ludi gangsterski komunistički kompjutorski bog drži nas sve u šaci.
Glavne fraze ovog (naravno, i antisemitskog, rasističkog, mizoginog) mesijanskog evanđelja su: "Frankenstein Earphone Radio," "Frankenstein Eyesight TV" i "Computer God Parroting Puppet Gangster Slaves."
Doktor ontološke i međugalaktičke arogancije.
The Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub
The Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub was
designed, created and illustrated
by zer0 in
2006. zer0 (that’d be me) is a dapper lad from
Sweden, who is a
very big fan of the darkly comedic aspects of the worldview presented through
Mr. Dec's paranoid
delusions. When not otherwise preoccupied zer0 enjoys
goofing off and drawing purty pictures, much like the ones on this
Speaking of which, if you like this site and would like hire zer0 to
draw or
illustrate something
for you, you are welcome to get in touch with him
(that is,
me) via the
address presented below. The same thing goes if
you want to complement me on what a great site I've made (or, you
know, just
want to say "hi"!), in which case you're also very welcome to head
on over and
on the
forum! Thanks for visiting the Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub!
Hi there! I'm zer0, the creator of this website. The pages you
are about
enter contain the transcribed and illustrated rantings of a
madman named Francis E. Dec, Esq. His rants, while hilarious, include
references to anti-Semitism, misogyny, anti-Americanism, anal sex,
almost complete misanthropy and blatant racism - and
naming a
things! Some people may find some or all of these
offensive. If you
among these people, please
DO NOT enter this web
site, as I will
refuse to accept any responsibility
should you
happen to be
offended by
anything contained herein. The same thing goes
those of you
devoid of a sense of humor. You are both
wasting your
time here
and should
go someplace else
Also: please note that the opinions expressed in the
aforementioned rants are NOT my
own nor
they in any way shared or endorsed by me.
I am NOT an anti-Semite, a racist or some kind of
insane paranoiac, I'm a Swedish cartoonist and an
all-around nice guy. The offending opinions in
question were held by Mr. Francis E. Dec, who originally penned the
rants in question. I have
done my best to transcribe and illustrate them to the best of
my ability in order to further
their comedic brilliance. By
choosing to enter this website you automatically understand and
acknowledge that any and all offensive opinions contained
within are those of
Mr. Dec and
are not in any way shared or held by myself.
So ixnay on the hatemail, yes?
Last but not least, the writings of Mr. Dec are far, far too
crazy in and of themselves to actually be
taken seriously enough to get pissed off over. Remember; these rants were
written by a delirious
madman trying to convince us of the validity of his warped perception of
the world. As such, this
primarily be viewed as a humor website and not as something to get
upset over. Capiche?
all that? You sure? Good! Now come on in, you hangman rope Sneak
Deadly Gangster scum-on-top! |
Welcome to the Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub! I'm your host, zer0. As its name implies, this site is an homage to Francis E. Dec, Esquire. An ex-lawyer from Hempstead, NY, and likely a sufferer of schizophrenia, Dec's claim to fame is his penning of the many rants which he mass-mailed to random people and media all over the world for several decades. These rants contain one of the most surreal worldviews ever conceived by mortal man, equally amazing and amusing in its utter madness! If you came to this page from an outside link, I'd recommend checking out the disclaimer before you do anything else, as most of Dec's rants can also safely be categorized as being incredibly offensive! |
This site is your chance to experience
outsider art of Dec's writings for yourself. Writings
were it possible to distil pure insanity into a 120% proof concoction,
would likely still be twice
as crazy!
To counteract the confusion his work tends
to create in most people new to it (see
picture on the right), I have taken
it upon
myself to not only transcribe Dec's writings
but also to illustrate them, as
it is really
to make any sense of Mr. Dec without an illustrated transcript. Head on over
to the page containing Dec's rants to check
out the results!
Be repulsed by the hatred!
Tremble at the paranoia! Laugh at
unintentional comedy! For your listening pleasure, the rants also feature audio dramatizations. Some of these were made in the 1980s by Boyd "Doc on the ROQ" Britton, while some were recorded more recently by other people. Be sure to check them out! |
ABOVE: A portion of one of Dec's many
rants. Click for a bigger picture! |
Use the links at the top of each page to get around and check out various sections of this web site! The Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub is unique in that it offers never before published rants by Mr. Dec, available through the rants section! It also offers previously unknown biographical information on the man, readable via the official timeline of events in Dec's life! If you're brand new to Mr. Dec, you may want to check out the FAQ before you do anything else. The Fanclub also features an encyclopedia of schizophrenic phrases that turn up frequently in Dec's letters. And please feel free to comment in the forum or check out how you can contribute to this page; I'd love that! If you're a big fan of Francis, why not join the Fanclub as well? It's 100% free of charge! Decologists of the world, unite!! |
A large portion of Dec's rants
deal almost exclusively with his mostly-invented accounts of the
"history" behind the evil
machine-entity he refers to as the "Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist
Gangster Computer God" (see
Dectionary) and its gigantic conspiracy. These rants were
to the Fanclub in 2008 and are available to the
public here for the very first time ever.
zer0 SAYS: Previously considered unobtainable (due to seemingly being owned only by a single party and said party not wanting to share it with anyone), this rant was nevertheless donated to the Fanclub in late 2008, together with other formerly unknown Dec rants. The benevolent donor was a previously unknown individual who, as it turned out, had received copies of Dec's rants during the mid-1980s! Needless to say, we here at the Official Francis E. Dec Fanclub were overjoyed beyond words to receive this donation! |
This rant is amazing in that it
offers formerly unknown
into the history and origin of the
Mad Deadly Communist
Gangster Computer God! And oh boy are they ever insane!!
I'm not sure whether this rant
was among the
earliest written by Francis, but as far as the actual
chronology of the Computer God and its Conspiracy are concerned, it is definitely among the very
This rant reveals how the Computer God
was originally created, as well as who its creators
were. In the beginning,
there was
man. And his empirical, scientific agnostic
of Astrocism.
And, for a time, it was good. Then, Slovenic-Polish man made machine in his own likeness. And thus did he become the architect of his own demise. The "conspiracy" which Francis perceived existed against his person (as detailed throughout his other rants) is in this and other newly recovered rants greatly elaborated upon. In fact, the gangsterization of Francis is revealed to have been merely a minor part of an age-old worldwide plot to completely eliminate the Slovenic/Polish people (to which Dec belonged, as he was Polish and spoke Polish, too), destroy their culture and dilute their "noble blood" by interbreeding them with "lesser races"1. Oh yeah, and Slovenic-Polish people also built the pyramids! The recording of this rant features the "purty" voice of me, zer0. As per my other recordings available on this site, I would like to encourage fans of Francis to please spread and file share this recording to all their friends in order to further increase awareness of Dec and his mad world. My illustrations in the rant can also be clicked on in order to bring up larger versions, which can be studied in more detail or used as desktop backgrounds! I very much hope you'll enjoy this and other rants by Francis E. Dec. The comedy and the sense of astonishment imparted through his mad delusions are both truly without equal!2 ------------------------------------------------ 1 I'm paraphrasing what Francis writes via this quote. As I've stated elsewhere on this site; the opinions in Dec's rants are his and not mine, so please don't send me angry letters, K? 2 Insane as it is, some things mentioned in this rant do actually have some basis in reality, such as kolenda. |
ADDENDA: These words, like most of the Slovenic language to this day, with its UNBELIEAVABLE sophisticated countless declensions of not only the suffix, but even the prefix and stem, are IDIOMATIC. Even the name SLOVENIC IS IDIOMATIC, meaning the worded people. Neighboring nations of Slovenia, alias Poland, still to this day call it Slovenia. Examples are Hungary and Lithuania. |
DAYS ETC. WERE AGRARIAN AUTO-MATIC TRAINING AND EDUCATION FOR THE SLOVENIC POPULATION. Examples: The happiest day, the first day of the new year, December 24, the first day the SUN Star moves upward in the sky making longer warmer days. The day for youngsters to joyously visit neighbors singing the countless beautiful KOLENDI, carrying long poles over their heads with carved painted star, the symbol for the Sun. The C. God usurped and camouflaged into superstitious Christmas, like the changed words of the world beloved KOLENDI, camouflaged Christmas Carols. Worldwide Slovenic parrishes today even in distant Australia in spite of the C. God, carry on this ASTROCISM custom of visiting, singing a KOLENDA with beautiful Sun stars on long poles. THE WORD CALENDAR AND THE ENTIRE CALENDAR SYSTEM IS A DIRECT USURPATION FROM SLOVENIC ASTROCISM BY THE C. God. Another example: Worldwide still preserved to this day, EVEN THE NAME, namely WIELKANOC, trans. Vigil Feast of Sunrise of Astrocism, for the day of equal light and darkness, Equinox. The joyous day marking the beginning of the AGRARIAN PLANTING SEASON. In every language, even EASTER means the Spring Equinox Feast. |
"...the day for youngsters to joyously visit neighbors singing the countless beautiful KOLENDI, carrying long poles over their heads with carved painted star..." |
zer0 SAYS: This rant appears to be a direct chronological continuation of Mr. Dec's rant regarding the religion of "Astrocism". However, whereas the former details the creation of the Computer God by the Slovene People, this rant delves further into what Mr. Dec imagined took place after the Computer God's subsequent rise to power. This includes both further notes on Dec's concept of the "true history" of the world, as well as the Computer God's creation of a radio-controlled, subservient "slave-race" to do its bidding! |
This latter event is heavily
dependent both on
Frankenstein Living Death Slavery, as well
as on Dec's oft-mentioned concept of degeneration.
phrase, whose meaning for a long time
somewhat unclear, is in
this rant further explained
by Francis. Seems Dec, in spite of having
in WWII, was still stuck on Nazi-like ideas
concerning "racial
supremacy". More specifically,
the Computer God was
afraid of the
"superior brains" of the Slovene People, which might
pose a threat
to and overthrow its rule of mankind. Hence the Computer God planned the
"degeneration" of the
Slovene race by crossing their
genetic material with that of captured slaves.
This (in the nutty
of Dec's delusions) was
apparently where the Jewish
people came from.1
process was also
directly responsible for
the creation of some of Francis' most hated enemies,
namely judges,
and priests!I have
chosen to call this rant "Infrared Crusader Priests from
Beyond Comprehension", due
to the
fact that its contents remind me so much of the plot from
classic science fiction
movie from
the 1950's. In fact, I experience powerful
science-fiction vibes from reading most of
Dec's material.
It contains all the elements of classic science
fiction: an unstoppable, monstrous
enemy (created
through technology and human hubris!) that is bent on
destroying and conquering
mankind, zombie
slaves and robot servants, resistance being futile
and mankind having only one
Hope for a Future! If
Francis E. Dec hadn't lost his mind the way he
did, I imagine he'd have done very well as a dedicated
writer of science fiction! As with all other new Dec rants contained on this Fanclub, this one also features a brand new audio recording, created in 2008 by two huge fans of Francis! They wish to remain anonymous, so in accordance with their wishes I am therefore introducing them as A World Class Decologist and Felonious Chunk, respectively. World Class Decologist calls this rant "Frankenstein Radio Head", so this is the name I've given to his recording of it. Check it out right now, Frankenstein Slave! ------------------------------------------------ 1 If Dec's schizophrenic racial mythology makes you uncomfortable, you may want to turn back right now. I would also like to direct your attention to the disclaimer contained on this site and to the fact that the opinions contained in Dec's rants are his alone and not mine. |
zer0 SAYS: This rant is a continuation of Dec's previous theories on the origins of the Computer God and its plans for mankind. This time, we have reached the "true history" of World War II and the Computer God's real reasons for initiating this conflict. In keeping with Dec's earlier rants on the Computer God's concocted- and-manipulated world history, it is again the Polish people who are forced to bear the brunt of history's ills. And, much like in earlier rants, the Nazis are mere proxies in the Computer God's over-all plan to create a world-wide Jew-mulatto race living under eternal Frankenstein Slavery! |
Readers of Dec's material will no
doubt have noticed that two recurring themes are those of
glorification and vilification. According to Dec, Polish
people and their culture are superior to all
and single-handedly responsible for
creating civilization as we
know it. Jews, on the other
hand, are
endlessly vilified by Francis and described as being
directly controlled by the Computer
God in its
attempts to destroy Slovenic-Polish civilization. The
advent of WWII must therefore have
added more
fuel to Dec's fire. Imagine: here was this unimaginably
evil enemy (the Nazis, led by
Adolf Hitler)
that actually was planning to
completely exterminate the Polish people and culture.
Seen from this
perspective, it is understandable why Dec would have
fervently hated the Nazis with
a burning passion
that likely culminated in him
volunteering for military service during WWII.
However, the Nazi rise to power
and crimes against the Polish people also presented a paradox
for Dec's addled mind, resulting in apparent mental stress giving rise
to what can best be described
as a conflict of interests. On one
hand, the Nazis did invade Poland to commit atrocities
its people, but on the other hand they also committed
the same horrific acts against the Jews! Dec
seemingly could not
reconcile this conflict. Seeing as how he perceived the Jews as "in"
on the
conspiracy against him, he was unable to accept them as
victims of the Nazi Holocaust. The result,
as visible throughout this rant, was that his hatred and paranoia combined to meld his two
enemies together; resulting in a weird amalgamation
between the two. The result? Nazi Jews,
course! It hurts
my brain just thinking of how this line of reasoning is even
possible.1 Please be warned: The contents of this rant, though utterly bonkers, are bound to be incredibly offensive to many people. Also note that my illustrations are not attempts at defaming or ridiculing any of the groups of people slaughtered in this horrible conflict, nor at making light of their suffering! Rather, I have attempted to create my illustrations based on Dec's point of view, drawing WWII as he would have viewed it inside his mind. My illustrations are therefore not meant to make fun of any ethnic groups killed in WWII, but instead of the sheer lunacy in Dec's beliefs. I may sound overly politically correct in stating these things, but I just wish to make them absolutely clear as I do not want to be associated with anything what so ever that Dec says in this rant! Hence; please remember that Dec's opinions are not my own, nor are they in any way held or shared by me! 2 This rant features another audio recording by this Fanclub's Ted Torbich. I hope you'll enjoy it! ------------------------------------------------ 1 Dec wasn't the first person crazy enough to think of this idea, however. See this article for more info. 2 Check the disclaimer for more info if you have not done so already. |
The USSR Army
neared its’ 1941 borders. COMPUTER GOD
hundreds of thousands of the TO BE BURNED ALIVE
operated the Nazi HUMAN MEAT FACTORY
also ordered the camps ripped down
for secrecy. AT THE SAME TIME, in 1943,
SECTIONS. In the world-wide Communist Gangster Computer God fabricated farce history and thousands of COMPUTER GOD Frankenstein Radio Head JEW parroting puppet Hollywood movies, Jews were persecuted, all propaganda conspiracy of C. God OVERALL PLAN. |
To confuse with and to detract from the gigantic 1944 Polish Armia Kryowa Warsaw Uprising, YEARS LATER, Computer God concocted and fabricated the 1943 BUBKIS Jew Warsaw Jew Ghetto Uprising, based upon a few hours of burglarizing ransacking of expensive provisions (for the black market) by a few card carrying Communist deadly gangster JEW teenagers in the JEW Ghetto of Warsaw. The BUBKIS leader was a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD JEW KID and is now a wealthy kosher bosher duktur in Kommy Poland. |
It is well over a hundred
since ALL of
slowly, piecemeal
out of Poland
by the
the C. God original
C. God worse
Radio Head JEW
DISEASE in the
entire history of the
Universe. Judean
nigers, lowly
illiterate apes
the desert
mountainous wilderness
easily inculcated by the C.God through the
C. God Frankenstein SKULL CAP, to
the parroting puppet JEW DISEASE.
The Jewmany
is COMPUTER GOD, updated,
expanded, modernized YITTISH
language for the COMPUTER GOD
population explosion of the
PLAN ). The differing Jewmany
dialects, from
the North Sea, to the
yokel lower
Austria, prove this
"LIVING-DEATH FRANKENSTEIN SLAVERY" What rants of Francis do not deal with the Computer God's fabricated world history deal almost entirely with the horrible effects that its rule over mankind brought with it. In Francis' world, all people are regularly abducted and operated upon, aging is a mechanically induced process that does not occur naturally, mind-control and surveillance are ubiquitous and our brains are located in huge cities on the lunar surface. The below rants express Francis' terrified paranoia in awesome detail.
zer0 SAYS:
This rant is a time-honored favorite of mine. I would also guess that, all in all, it's also Dec's most well-known piece of work, as this is the one rant I've seen the most quoted and posted on the intertubes by random people during all my years of researching Francis. In many ways this comes as no surprise, as it serves both like his official "manifesto" and as a sort of "primer", or introduction to all his other claims of what the Computer God is doing to us under its mad reign -- much like the rant on "Astrocism" serves as an introduction to the "history" behind the Computer God that Dec invented! 1 |
zer0 SAYS:
This rant, describing the indignities you suffer as a Frankenstein Slave under the yoke of the Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God, has become one of my all-time favorites: second only to Dec's letter to the Supreme Court (which is published on this website under the name "To All Judges"). Dec's usual... uh... "verbosity" is in this rant taken to hilarious extremes. And by "hilarious" we're talking "word salad" extremes here, folks!
My favorite word in this insanely convoluted, mad letter of warning? "Computer God computerized brainthinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal!" Yes, that is all just one single word! Mr. Dec, my moon-brain loves you!!
This rant, describing the indignities you suffer as a Frankenstein Slave under the yoke of the Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God, has become one of my all-time favorites: second only to Dec's letter to the Supreme Court (which is published on this website under the name "To All Judges"). Dec's usual... uh... "verbosity" is in this rant taken to hilarious extremes. And by "hilarious" we're talking "word salad" extremes here, folks!
My favorite word in this insanely convoluted, mad letter of warning? "Computer God computerized brainthinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal!" Yes, that is all just one single word! Mr. Dec, my moon-brain loves you!!
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant-threshold Brainwash Radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets. |
constant-treshold Brainwash Radio." |
"...cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes; many diseases!" |
Spring, 1984, Mr. Dec;
lifelong would-be-doctor and printer. Insight to the Worldwide
Computer God Stratified Closed Society
perfected by hospital birth, making possible
lifelong Frankenstein controls and lifelong
hampering human defects. Containment Policy
hospital birth lifelong
"gifts" example: deformed,
crippled, retarded, pox, hives, warts, moles,
blindness, deafness, poor vision, etc. Kosher-bosher containment policy work "good" doctors secret health example: cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes; many diseases! |
zer0 SAYS: That darn Computer God! Those of us who have read Dec's previous rants by now know that its plans involve interbreeding Slovenic-Polish people with Jew-mulattoes, storing their brains in facilities on the lunar surface and implanting them with Frankenstein Controls at night. But who would have guessed it wouldn't stop there, but would also attempt to control and destroy all measurements, standards, history and written records by letting members of Congress (those bum gangsters!) enforce the application of the metric system? |
As you might have guessed from
its title, this rant deals with Dec's opposition to the process of
metrication. Parts of his critique of the metric system deals
with its lack of organic measurements,
which is
both a
valid and common piece of criticism1. However,
much of the
critique otherwise
expressed in this rant, especially concerning how metrication also
"destroys all standards and values",
leads me to suspect Dec might possibly have suffered from a misapprehension seemingly
common among whacked-out people; namely that changing the
name of an object, or the way in
which something is classified
or measured, also somehow changes the nature of the
thing in itself
Obviously, this is not how the
world works. You can call the distance between points A and
B what-
ever you want, but this does in no way mean that the actual
distance in itself, outside of your own
system of measurement, changes along with it - a concept which I am
not entirely sure Dec grasped.
Then again, having now read this rant numerous times, I'm
equally unsure whether he meant that
the Computer God's imposition of metrication "destroys all standards and values"
by altering the actual weight and distance of and between objects, or through the system
being so "ridiculously complicated and confusing" that no human without Frankenstein Controls can
possibly understand it, or - alternatively - through costing so much to introduce that the world economy
would be ruined (or even a combination of these things ). However, since Dec goes as far as to
claim that the system destroys
all history and written records (you know, just to leave nothing out), I
am led to believe my above hypothesis might possibly have some credence. Since
country uses the Metric System, I guess
it also means we're pretty
much fucked. Regardless of Dec's criticism, this rant also reveals more of what the Computer God's over-all plan for mankind is; namely making the Earth "deadly unlivable" (through metrication?) so that the Jew mulattoes created by its experiments will have to travel to other planets in order to survive - something which appears to tie in with its plans to "explore and control the entire universe". We're all doomed! Doomed, I tell ye! This rant features an audio dramatization by The Great Grottu. Enjoy it, you parroting puppets! ------------------------------------------------ 1 The part about how it lacks small measurements, however, is not. Hey, Dec, ever hear of a millimetre? 2 Cf. Ursula K. Le Guin's "Earthsea" novels. |
Computer God concocted CENTIGRADE TEMPERATURE SYSTEM camouflages the Computer God worldwide completely controlled deadly extremistic degenerative synthetic climate and atmosphere, the new world round translucent gaseous envelope, which the Computer God manipulates through the countless exactly positioned satellites, the new fake phony stars in the synthetic sky. Unbelievably, the Centigrade temperatures VARY ONLY A FEW DEGREES FROM SEASON TO SEASON. (Ex.: From frozen water ice to steaming boiling water, it is only one hundred standard degrees in the Centigrade system. Boiling water on our own present FARENHEIT Temperature system is 212 degrees). The C. God degenerating extremistic climate, already in 1982, with over TWO FOOT SNOW BLIZZARD along New England Coast and the rest of the East Coast with ONE FOOT SNOW BLIZZARD down to Carolinas, DURING EASTER WEEK. During the past winter, over TWENTY SIX INCHES OF RAIN IN LESS THAN FORTY EIGHT HOURS in the San Francisco area. Last summer, one hundred degree heat in the north west border stated and Sahara desert temperatures, for weeks, in the Pan Handle area around Texas. Each PARROTING PUPPET CONgressman should be awarded a Soviet “One World” Secret Agent Card, as a Communist secret agent for ONE WORLD COMMUNISM.
zer0 SAYS: This is another rant by Francis E. Dec which, by and large, remained almost completely unknown until only just recently. It was originally donated to the Fanclub by Decologist Forrest Jackson who, in turn, procured it from Donna Kossy, the author of the book Kooks - A Guide to the Outer Limits of Human Belief. From there on it was transcribed by Decologist Ted Torbich, who gave it the name "The Top Secret Dual Food Standard" - a name which fits so great I've chosen to continue using it for the fully illustrated version! |
This rant is by far the shortest of the Dec rants I've seen up until now, and is BY FAR also the overall most incoherent and frenzied of the lot! In fact, if you check out the scan of the original rant, I think you'll agree the word "frenzied" doesn't even begin to describe Dec's overall tone in it. Maybe "rabid" would be a better term? The rant seems to detail the gangsterization of Mr. Dec and how he is rendered unable to purchase food because said food is a death-trap and cannot be trusted (big surprise there). The rant further details how many, many felonious deadly Gangster Government Leaders worldwide has his 8 page exposé on the WWMDCGCG - a part I theorize Dec repeatedly mentions in his rants to prevent imagined "conspirators" from murdering him because he'd be missed by said recipients. Perhaps the most interesting fact revealed in this frenzied piece of paranoid rambling might be the fact that Dec was apparently a vegetarian, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed! Judging by his other rants, Dec sounds like a guy who loved his red meats! This rant was never recorded by Doc Britton, even though he most likely received a copy of it at the same time as the rant "MASTER RACE FRANKENSTEIN RADIO CONTROLS" - a fact I guess might have had something to do with Dec's utterly incomprehensible handwriting. I have therefore, as in the case of the Dec rant "A TERRIBLE PRISON SENTENCE!", recorded my own version of it for your listening pleasure! Click the button below to check it out! And please feel free to distribute and file share the new audio recording with all your friends in order to spread the word on Dec far and wide! If you like my version of this rant by Francis, you must remember to also check out Decologist Ted Torbich's version of it, as uploaded on YouTube, as well! It kicks serious ass! In late 2008, the Fanclub also received a high-quality scan of the rant, which is available below. Enjoy, you felon Gangster Parroting Puppet Gangster Slaves! |
"Unbelievably Innocent and worse than defenseless..." |
Unbelievably Innocent and worse
defenseless, I have NO Gangster
Frankenstein Earphone Radio. Only
impossible a Real miracle can Save me. Parroting puppet gangster Slave, if you believe in Anything? I beg you say one word of pray for me.
For your Only Hope for a Future.
Francis E. Dec 29 Maple Avenue Hempstead, N.Y. |
Another frequently recurring theme in Francis' writings is that of libel. When he is not attempting to expose either the history or conspiracies of the Communist Gangster Computer God, Dec spends most of his time directing hate-filled accusations against groups of people he perceives as "in" on these conspiracies. The below rants are all wonderfully amusing examples of this genre. |
zer0 SAYS:
This rant is yet another all-time favorite of mine. Given Dec's extreme paranoia and propensity for thinking up insane conspiracy theories, you've probably already guessed that it was only a matter of time before he'd mix US history in with all the other mad ideas about our world and its "Gangster Government Leaders" which he already entertained! So, if you're one of the people who think the history taught in public schools has been fraudulently altered, feel free to browse the real US history, as presented by Francis E. Dec, Esq.! This rant contains more insane slandering of past US Presidents than you can shake a stick at, along with their "real" names and favorite spare-time activites as well! I really had no idea that so many drug addict crossdressing sodomist playboy scum-on-top Jews had held office in ages past! Rock on, Francis!
Worldwide Communist
God scum-on-top staged like
with plastic pale stand-in
Communist Gangster Computer God
speed recording instantaneous,
edited-simulated voices;
implanted for
all TV
and news media
microphones in any known
Unbelievable con-artist Gangsterism,
solely for the Overall Plan: WORLD-
WIDE ETERNAL FRANKENSTEIN LIVING-DEATH SLAVERY! Yokel felon King Jimmy Carter; slime from the academies which Mr. Dec intelligently refused unsolicited acceptance to - the most elite academy from here in Niggertown - and even insidious CON ARTIST Gangster Divorcée Pope John - they BOTH speak SPANISH and even PORTUGESE! Solely Mr. Dec exposes False Gods, Sodomy and Gomorrah of you Worldwide Computer God parroting puppet Gangster Slaves! MAKE COPIES FOR YOURSELF! You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!! |
"...You hangman rope gangster scum-on-top, laugh your MAD GIGGLE now!!" |
zer0 SAYS: This rant, donated to the Fanclub in 2008, details Dec's theories concerning the Chappaquiddick incident. If you don't know what that is, you've probably lived under a rock for most of your life. "The Chappaquiddick incident" is the name the media gave to the events taking place on the night of July 18, 1969, when then-presidential candidate Ted Kennedy fled the scene of a nasty car crash that claimed the life of Mary Jo Kopechne, a young member of his deceased brother Bobby's campaign staff. This event became a national scandal and led to Ted Kennedy losing his bid for the 1972 Presidency. |
In keeping with what may have
been a lifelong habit of writing about "current events", Francis
in this rant expresses his own opinions concerning Chappaquiddick.
Not surprisingly, these fail
to match the "official" story of what took place. Um... yeah! Even
though Francis actually gets
several circumstances concerning the event right in this rant, I
still feel it fair to warn the reader
that much of the
material is probably still to be considered
highly offensive - especially if you
happen to claim relation
either to the Kopechnes or to the Kennedy
family! If you do, you should
probably stop reading right
here instead of getting angry at what
Dec writes. You have been warned!
Since the question is inevitably
going to come up, I'll say right here and now that I don't believe
what Dec is alleging about the incident in this rant - meaning I
don't believe Ted Kennedy was a
murderer (or a rapist, for that matter). I do believe,
however, that Ted Kennedy outright lied to the
public about the accident and that he, up until his death in late
2009, never told the complete truth
about what happened on that night
or what his motivations were for driving away with Mary Jo in his
car in the first place. Make of that
what you will. If you wish to learn more about Chappaquiddick,
I can
recommend FBI:s official
documents regarding the events of July 18, 1969, available online
here and
here thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. An excellent
video feed concerning the
events at
can also be found
this page. As per the other new Dec rants available via the Dec Fanclub, this rant also contains a brand new voice recording, recorded by none other than this Fanclub's Ted Torbich (AKA "TenebrousT"), who also originally transcribed the rant in question! Be sure to give him a shout on the forum if you enjoy his voicework! I hope all fans of Francis will enjoy this previously unknown rant! |
ALL of the gangster SCUM ON TOP CAN REWATCH the Frankenstein Eyesight Television play back of the beach party RAPE, SODOMY and MURDER of his tiny blonde secretary, JO ANN KOPEKNEY, by the last of the KENNEDY SODOMIST PLAY BOYS, young TEDDY KENNEDY. U.S. SENATOR from Massachusetts and EVEN THE THROWING OF HER DEAD BODY INTO HIS 88 OLDS-MOBILE AUTOMATIC HYDRAMATIC TRANSMISSION AUTO and forcing down the gas pedal with a “portable radio” while the auto was parked on the tiny flat wharf like wooden bridge with ABSOLUTELY NO SIDE RAILINGS, DESERTED VERY LATE AT NITE. Then the automatic gear shift of the automobile was pushed into “Drive” position through the open window, thereby automatically driving the automobile WITH JO ANN KOPEKNEY’S MURDERED DEAD body inside the automobile, off of the tiny bridge into the shallow water. This is an OLD REPEAT EASILY PROVEN ELECTRIC CHAIR WIDE OPEN COVER UP for the SODOMY RAPE MURDER of JO ANN KOPEKNEY by the Last of the Kennedy sodomist play boys, big TEDDY KENNEDY. |
The murderer
Teddy Kennedy,
falsely claims
he was driving and drove the car
of the bridge. “EXTENUATING
sodomist Teddy Kennedy
man and his wife
the hospital giving birth to
of his brood. The local
radio stations
explained that therefore Teddy
Kennedy needed
batchelor’s love in his lonliness
dated Jo Ann Kopekney. Are YOU sufficiently stratified scum on top to gleefully watch Frankenstein Eyesight Television play back of the JO ANN KOPEKNEY, SODOMY, RAPE AND MURDER by the big Teddy Kennedy (Including the nearby crowds of people at the scene, the following day, screaming that Teddy Kennedy was the rape, sodomist, murderer of his secretary JO ANN KOPEKNEY.) EVERY DISTRICT ATTORNEY COVERS UP EVEN THE WORSE HANGMAN ROPE FELONY CRIMES FOR ALL OF THE UNTOUCHABLE GANGSTER PLAY BOY SCUM ON TOP. EACH DISTRICT ATTORNEY IS SO SECRETLY ANNOINTED BY HIS COMMUNIST GANGSTER COMPUTER GOD. |
ATTY. after gleefully watching
Kennedy on
eyesight television
play back. (and
even the deadly
gangster CIA body guard
Teddy Kennedy,
THE “ACCIDENT” on the tiny wooden bridge with no side railings and
driving the automobile off
the tiny bridge
into the shallow water
with Jo Ann
Kopekney’s dead body
inside. Then the Dis. Atty. covered up the WIDE OPEN OBVIOUS MURDER by ordering that no investigation be made into Teddy Kennedy’s contradictory, ridiculous FALSE ALIBI AND FURTHER ORDERING; that NO AUTOPSY BE PERFORMED ON THE RAPED, SODOMIZED, MURDERED DEAD BODY OF JO ANN KOPEKNEY. |
relatively recent
Communist Gangster Computer
concoction. The
with quick
pay off to at least high
OLD GOVERNORS and unbelievably,
PRESIDENT in middle
(age), namely the dwarfted
scar face
gangster kid TOM DEWEY
N.Y. Chief
District Attorney, then New
York State
Governor and for one nite C. God, so called “news media” declared Tom
Dewey was president.
Virtually every county from N.Y.
California has a chief
“GIFTED”). These
menial underlings are complete
concoctions and manipulations
of the Computer God in
order to
protect the parroting
stratified deadly gangster Communist CLOSED SOCIETY.
P.S. Throughout this country
Not even the prune face
befreckled gutter mouth
gangster kid,
governor of New
Jersey in his young THIRTIES. Instead, his partner accepted
a farce plea of guilty from
a back room
gangster judge. Or like LOW
LOUIE LEFKOWITZ Chief Atty. Gen. of the
State, the gangster bribe extortionist
instead his ass’t cops a farce guilty
from one backroom gangster judge.
“kid gangster
the young
Atty. and his
staff of First Degree Sodomy, Gamora
peddling drug addict parties of
and T.V. renown, BUT NO FELONY
zer0 SAYS:
In my opinion, this rant is Mr. Dec's great epic poem. This is a letter by Dec written to the US Supreme Court to protest the verdict in a trial (see the FAQ and Timeline) that led to him losing his job as a lawyer by being disbarred from the NY State Bar. This alone should be source for hilarity, but it doesn't just stop there! Instead, the rant degenerates into some kinda hate filled diatribe about every setback Mr. Dec has ever suffered during the last 10 years, including the time he tried to escape to Poland and was "beaten bloodily" by "CIA gangsterpolice" and kept in chains for three days! This, as well as the frequent referral to State and Supreme Court Judges as "rectum-lappers", makes for a truly hilarious experience. As you read this rant, remember that this letter was actually sent to the US Supreme Court! Gee, I wonder what the look on their faces were as they read through it..?
To All
First and Second Appellate Division, Superior
Court, New York City Court of Appeals, Albany, New York U.S. SUPREME COURT , Washington DC |
"...The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance -and-demeanor felon vicious Parroting Puppet ex-District Attorney Nassau County..." |
I write DEMANDING a re-hearing of my worse-than-lowest Deadly Gangster police state Criminal Conviction which appeal case was in your farce Deadly Gangster ghetto-Communist Gangster Computer God-manipulated Gangster Court! Below, I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the Attorney General chicanerously forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon Gangster mafionic negroidic the BLACK Frank Gulotta - a Gangster Judge, therefore un-prosecutable! The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance-and-demeanor felon vicious Parroting Puppet ex District Attorney Nassau County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions. In spite of this, SOLELY because of his many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME, this negroidic low mafionic deadly BLACK Frank Gulotta was then IMMEDIATELY and UNPRECEDENTEDLY and REPEATEDLY rapidly PROMOTED - in spite of TREMENDOUS opposition - to the present position of second highest state judgeship SOLELY through Gangster Computer God manipulation! |
additional evidence;
the last week
of my within-mentioned
month-long WORSE-than-a-farce
Nazi court
criminal trial in Nassau
Court 1958, where dwarfted
gangster Parroting Puppet
lapper sodomist Judge William
Sullivan’s ball-of-fat felon
slut wife,
she - AS PLANNED - sat in the front
row, repeatedly
stripping her over
clothes and completely pulling up her
dress and
slip and pulling aside her
old-fashioned pink BLOOMERS in
order to
display her ANUS, her CUNT!
She repeatedly
and whispered: "I’ll give it to you to
HIM!!" Her husband,
felon Gangster Parroting
Puppet rectum-lapper sodomist Judge
Sullivan, flush-faced - in
repeated open
sodomistic displays -
stuck out his
tongue, WIGGLING
her! You hangman rope Gangster felon Parroting Puppet scum-on-top playboys can WATCH my Frankenstein Eyesight Television PLAYBACK of this felonious lowly sodomistic display by the felon sodomist Judge William Sullivan and his lowly felon-slut wife during my trial in Nassau County Court! |
"...She repeatedly gesticulated and whispered: 'I'll give it to you to suck! FINISH HIM!!'" |
After my WORSE-than-Nazi-court criminal conviction-CRUCIFIXION, for YEARS in poverty I suffered hopeless, jobless character-assassination and ISOLATION in this low deadly niggertown. I was the repeat target-victim of this Gangster Government’s gangsterization and undetectable extermination attempts to SHUT ME UP FOREVER WITH MY SECRETS! |
You hangman rope
Gangster playboy
KNOW these facts are
true; not only from
taking part in
such undetectable exter-
minations, but also you
demented felon Parroting Puppet
can WATCH my Frankenstein
Televison PLAYBACK of all these
terrifying deadly events! When I returned home, Joseph I. Dec - my only brother and deadly felon-murderer and assassin-spy agent against me for this Gangster Government - he BEAT ME REPEATEDLY, CURSING me that I was not exterminated by all of the POISON NERVE GAS SMOKE and that I did the IMPOSSIBLE in that I KEPT AWAKE FOR THREE DAYS AND REFUSED ALL FOOD in order to prevent my SNEAK EXTERMINATION! |
zer0 SAYS: This rant, when it was first presented in 2007, represented nothing less than the first completely new material by Francis E. Dec collected and recorded in more than 20 years. Not since Doc Britton originally recorded versions of Dec's rants way back in the mid-80s had there been any completely new Francis E. Dec audio recordings, or any new rants by Mr. Dec, available to the public. It took a lot of hard work by many different people - myself among them - in order to try and change this fact. |
The below text is taken from Dec's
Supreme Court appeal brief,
originally recovered by dedicated Decologist Ted Torbich. Said
brief is, for
the most part, at least as insane and rambling as any of
Dec's rants - but the funny parts are intermingled with rather dry and official portions of legalese,
somewhat dulling their humor. What's more:
the original brief is really, really, really long. For these
reasons, I chose the hands-down funniest parts of Dec's brief and placed them
in chronological
order to
create a coherent narrative. This version -
which I've also illustrated fully - truly reads like
new rant by Dec, never seen before and completely unique
to the Fanclub! This rant
also features
completely new
voice recording (done by yours truly), as well. While my "pretty"
voice can't compete
with Doc Britton's, I hope you
like it regardless! Please feel free to distribute
and file share the audio
to all your friends!As you
read through this rant you'll notice pretty quickly that Dec, as
he was writing it, had already
slid a fair way down the slippery slope of madness. There are no mentions of
any Frankenstein
Controls, Computer Gods or Brain-bank Cities anywhere, but due to the utterly insane style
of writing
you get the idea that their invention by Dec is juuuust
around the corner! As with "To
All Judges", it is
important to remember this letter was actually sent to the
U.S. Supreme Court..!
your reading
enjoyment I have, however, also added Dec's usual
insane capitalization and mad
underlining of
certain words to this shortened version of the brief.
When confronted with the overall
tone of this
I somehow feel this
is how Dec would have
really written his appeal to the
Supreme Court
he'd only
been allowed to... Both the material in this rant, as well as in the original Supreme Court appeal, contains what, according to Dec's testimony, appears to be many suspicious inconsistencies - such as the alleged conspiracy against Dec, which he claims involved nearly all Nassau County Court judges and District Attorneys, along with the supposed rigging of his trial, allegedly forged trial notes and repeated quelling of his cross-examination of certain witnesses. I'm not saying that the judicial conspiracy Dec alleges actually took place. However, if only HALF the stuff he rants about is true, then I'd say there's a chance Dec may actually have been innocent and that his trial may actually have been a "Gestapo-like farce trial with fixed judge and jury" as is alleged repeatedly by him in his rants and letters. You decide, gentle reader... |
Defendant quelled the SCREAMING CONVULSIVE Edward Robinson sufficient to point to the Allstate Insurance Company file of Mrs. Elizabeth Wirschning’s injury claim on his desk and specifically point out various papers that proved the claims of the both Wirschning’s to be FALSE and then DEMANDED to be informed of any Grand Jury hearing on the matter! |
The defendant interrupted the RAVING Robinson and informed him that his accusations were false because detective Becker, who was then sitting adjacent to the defendant, had taken the defendant in custody to defendant’s office and had seen the separation file and the injury claim file on Mrs. Wirschning with the various papers in both files along with the $200 escrow money she had deposited with the defendant and also the signed written retainer of Mr. and Mrs. Wirschning. |
This defendant’s trial
WORSE than any Gestapo
trial in
Europe during the
Nazi Regime,
with a TOTAL
disregard of defendant’s Constitutional Rights to an impartial fair
This defendant repeatedly so complained but defendant’s complaints have been FRAUDULENTLY DELETED FROM THE RECORD and only a few words of the defendant’s repeated condemnation of the GESTAPO-LIKE FARCE TRIAL of this defendant remain!! |
"...WORSE than any Gestapo trial in Europe during the Nazi Regime..." |
"...fraudulently altering such statements as a District Attorney's Office sees fit is common knowledge, especially to the legal profession..." |
The warning by Judge
namely, “THE JUDGE AND
FIXED” and this citizen’s
would only lead to A “TERRIBLE
was fulfilled
and this citizen received three
execution sentences of 2½
to 5
years in prison at hard labor!
The raving, incoherent,
psychotic-like RAVINGS
of Edward
Robinson Jr. have been
altered in the District
Attorney’s stenographic record!
(Such practice of
altering such statements
as a
Attorney’s office sees fit
is common knowledge, especially
the legal profession, and is
of ANY
Attorney’s office!)
The CHIEF HENCHMEN to this citizen’s persecution through illegal prosecution, such as Frank Gulotta, Edward Robinson Jr. (presently both automatically elected Supreme Court Judges) and Manuel Levine, District Attorney of Nassau County, are ABOVE the law they so wantonly create and administer! The falseness of this citizen’s indictment and the prosecution’s witnesses’ perjurous testimony are not only KNOWN to these men and other important members of the judiciary, but in addition, the said perjuries and frauds were frantically and fanatically CREATED BY AND FOR THESE MEN! For me to now overlook these wantonly impish lawless actions of these men would not only be the undermining of my appeal rights but much more important, it would be a tacit resignation to the perpetuation of such wanton lawless actions by the judiciary! |
The judgment of conviction should be reversed and the indictment dismissed. |
Dated: September 21, 1961. Hempstead, New York Francis E. Dec Appellant pro se. Post Office Address 171 So. Franklin St., Hempstead, New York. |
The following writings aren’t "rants" per se, but rather legal documents written by Dec in his attempts to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. As detailed in his rant “To All Judges”, the Timeline and the FAQ, Dec was found guilty of his involvement in a forgery case; something which in turn led to him losing his job as a lawyer. He would come to spend the rest of his life litigiously attempting to get the US Supreme Court to overturn this conviction, to no avail. I am now very happy to be able to present Dec’s collected legal correspondence in a fully transcribed form for the very first time ever! |
TEXT # 1: |
DESCRIPTION: This is Francis E.
Dec's almost mythical letter to the
U.S. Supreme Court, as mentioned
by him in his rants.
hateful and incoherent, it raises several interesting legal
TEXT # 2: |
DESCRIPTION: This is an ancillary
document from Francis E. Dec's
Supreme Court appeal, the costs of which Dec apparently was too
poor to afford. This petition is the result of his forced, jobless
TEXT # 3: |
DESCRIPTION: This is yet another
ancillary document from Dec's
appeal to the Supreme Court. Seems his initial appeal was turned
down and he decided to try it again. It didn't work this time,
| ||
TEXT # 1: |
DESCRIPTION: This is Francis E. Dec’s long-lost Appeal Brief to the Nassau County Court. Long, rambling and altogether incoherent, this letter exhibits much of Dec’s wackiness and can be seen as a proto-rant of sorts. It was graciously donated to the Fanclub by Ted Torbich! | ||||
TEXT # 2: |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | ||||
DESCRIPTION: This is the Nassau
County Court's response to Mr.
Appeal Brief, as posted above. It is quite amusing. Like the
above letter,
it was
procured by Ted Torbich.
TEXT # 3: |
DESCRIPTION: This is Mr. Dec's
reply to the Nassau
response, as posted above. Defiant in the extreme, it showcases his
complete inability to just call it quits and realize
It was kindly
obtained by Ted Torbich!
TEXT # 1: |
DESCRIPTION: This is a letter from Mr. Dec's brother Joseph. Sent to Mr. Forrest Jackson in 1995, it portrays brother Joseph in a very different way than Francis described him. I love the part about "repairing", though. Thanks a lot to Forrest Jackson for this letter! | ||||
What follows is a list of schizophrenic words and phrases which turn up frequently in Mr. Dec’s writings. It is my hope that by listing them here and attempting to explain them, I might make Dec’s worldview a little easier to understand for both the casual enthusiast and the hardcore fan. Although that probably isn’t going to happen. I mean, I compiled this stuff and I still have trouble understanding even half of it! Also, if you’re a first-time listener to Mr. Dec, the Dectionary should probably be read after checking the rants out, so as not to spoil anything. BEWARE THE DEADLY TOUCH TABIN NEEDLE!! |
The official adress
of Mr. Dec. Appears in nearly all his rants, usually right next to the
that people should send him money or offer prayer for
him. (See
picture here and here!)
See also:
House on 29
Maple Avenue, Hempstead, NY.
According to Dec,
the critical age at which the Computer God has determined that all
people should either be "dead or useless". Presumably this policy would only
apply to the plebian masses and
to the Playboy scum-on-top. Should you be "lucky" enough to live
to age 70 and be rendered
useless, you can also expect to have many diseases, a raspy, aged
voice and a wrinkled ugly gargoylic clown-booze face with bulldog hanging cheeks and jowls.
(Added by Ted Torbich.)
religion of the Slovene people, well-renowned (or not) builders of
world-wide empires everywhere. According to Dec, Astrocism was humanity's original
religion. It was empirical,
scientific and
agnostic: meaning that it likely only worshipped what
could be seen with the naked
eye, instead of
resorting to metaphysical concepts and superstition.
It was eventually destroyed
by the Computer
God as it seized power over mankind. As its name
implies, the
customs of
Astrocism was
set up
based upon
the study of
Universe, primarily the Sun. The customs of Astrocism controlled things
like harvest and planting for the
World-wide agrarian Slovene Empire.
Through its religion of Astrocism,
the Slovenic empire made
it possible for man to advance to
day sophistication.
See also:
Catholic Church,
Worldwide Mad
Deadly Gangster Computer God,
Slovene Empire, Pyramids, Kolenda.
Cities existing on the far side of the moon we never see and which
house your moon-brain (your real
brain) of the Computer God.
Primarily based on your lifelong
Frankenstein Radio Controls, your
moon-brain of the Computer God
activates your Frankenstein threshold Brainwash Radio inculcating
conformist propaganda. As such, these cities and the moon-brains
housed in them are a vital part
the Gangster Computer God
Worldwide Secret Containment Policy. Click here to see a rendition
said cities, as drawn by Fanclub member "Exilechump"!
See also: Constant Threshold Brainwash Radio,
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy.
As the name implies, a device which continually broadcasts what
you’re thinking to the Communist
Gangster Government, thereby
allowing Them to constantly spy on you. Though on a positive note,
it did stop Francis from opening the door of his return
flight from Poland in mid-air, which would most
likely have killed
not only Dec himself but also the crew and passengers.
The Brain-thoughts
Broadcasting Radio is a part of the “Master-race”
Frankenstein Radio Controls and thus a routine component
in the entire world population.
See also: “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls,
Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio,
Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television, Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio, Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae Loop. BUBKIS Yiddish word. Means "zero". Actually, it means less than a zero. As in, someone or something who's worth less than nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
A Church which was
created by the Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God
and which uses all of the unbelievable sophisticated Frankenstein
Controls in an effort to keep its members brainwashed, hiding the fact that the church is a mere tool
of the Computer God. Not
only that, but its Pope frequently engages in HIGH HOLY COMMUNION
SODOMY with endless
numbers of nuns (when he's not eating human meat products dressed in
his human shoes during
WWII, o'course!) According
to new material by Dec revealed in 2008,
the Catholic Church was
created by the Computer God as a
tool to befuddle and control the
entire human population, thereby
turning them away from their true
religion of Astrocism. The
Catholic Church is, according to Dec,
a totalitarian institution which
worships only insane superstition
that has no foundation in empirical
observations of the cosmos.
Funny how great truths can sometimes be
spoken by people who are stark raving mad, huh..?
The Catholic Church may either be directly connected to, or in fact be one and the same, as the Communist-Atheist Conspiracy. As always, Dec's rants makes it a little difficult to tell.
See also:
“Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls,
Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio,
Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television, Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio, Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae Loop, Astrocism, Sodomy, Infrared Crusader Priests.
A worldwide deadly conspiracy with the ultimate goal of enslaving
and dominating the entire world population, and especially Mr.
Francis E. Dec, Esq. Directly cooperates
with and is controlled by
the Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer
God, the demands of which it constantly fulfils.
According to Dec the conspiracy is made
up of wall-to-wall deadly Gangster
protection, life-long
sworn conspirators, Murder Incorporated,
organized crime, the police and judges, Deadly Sneak
Parroting Puppet Gangsters using all of the Gangster deadly Frankenstein
controls, the CIA, FBI,
Secret Service and the Catholic Church. The
conspiracy is in turn lead by a number of felon
Parroting Puppet
scum-on top playboys. Eat your hearts out,
See: Jew-mulattos.
These secret machines are used
by the Gangster Government for the purpose of filling out all of
paperwork, such as taxes, forms, bills, etc. The speed of
these machines is 2000 words a
and they actually do the work which is supposedly done by
Government Employees.
(Added by Ted
Torbich)These machines also create numerous volumes
of decision books for
hangman rope gangster
judges, who then never even consult these
books when judging.
See also: Government Employees.
Stratifies not only the 4 billion living people, but everything.
Adopted by the Computer God for speed
and clarity. This said number
code is the means to make possible the Computer God Worldwide
Containment Policy for stratification. It was also used to give
THE UNIVERSE as he was trying to save up
money for
college. Stupid Number
Activated by your moon-brain of the Computer God (contained in the
Brain-bank Cities on the far side
of the moon we never see), your
Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio constantly inculcates conformist
propaganda; especially the phrase “Don’t worry about it!”
Quiet and motionless, you can
slightly hear it.
It is both a
critical component of your “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls
as well as of the
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment
Policy which could not continue to exist
without it.
See also: Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment
Moon-brain, Brain-bank Cities, “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls, Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio, Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television, Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae Loop.
These troops, created by the Computer God, were
several hundred years ago responsible for the conquering and degeneration of the Slovene People, as well as for
the savage butchery and experimentation upon thousands of innocents in order to perfect the
process of implanting
Frankenstein Controls inside the human skull. The Crusader Priests
wore black robes and armor,
with night-vision plastic lenses built into their helmets. They also
used weapons smeared with
Poison Nerve Jelly
and conducted mass-exterminations by burning vast
fields dusted with
inflammable poison nerve gas
powder Prussic Acid. Their headquarters
were specially designated,
fortified monasteries. Their
modern-day successors include both
black-robed judges and
black-robed priests.
According to Fanclub member "Litigious", the Infrared Crusader Priests are likely Dec's take on the real-world Teutonic Order who held West and East Prussia, as well as the Baltic states, during the Middle Ages.
See also:
Degeneration, Poison Nerve Jelly,
“Master-race” Frankenstein
Radio Controls,
Slovene Empire, Catholic Church, Deadly Poison Nerve Gas Smoke. D
Effective means for
extermination which is used by CIA gangsterpolice at the behest of
Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God. Easily concealed within
cigars, cigarettes, wigs,
and even ball point pens. Even "Swiss cheese" -type ice cubes can be
made to evaporate into
Poison Nerve Gas Smoke. (Thanks to Ted Torbich for this one!)
Poison Nerve Gas is apparently also available in a Prussic Acid powder form, known to have been used by the Infrared Crusader Priests, among others.
See also; Ice Cubes, "Swiss cheese" -type,
Sneak Undetectable
Poison Nerve Jelly, Infrared Crusader Priests.
The non-gaseous form of Deadly Poison Nerve Gas
Smoke. Can be smeared onto weapons to
facilitate exterminations. Used by the Infrared Crusader Priests.
According to Mr. Forrest Jackson, the word "Tabin" so often present
in Dec's rantings would be a misspelling of the word "Tabun", which was a WW2
nerve gas. A "Tabin Needle" would, as such,
be a needle filled with said nerve gas. (Thanks very much to Forrest
Jackson for this bit of info!)
Spiders that are apparently capable of being
"remote electronically controlled" and "around-corners-trajected".
Maybe they are quantum in nature and exist both as a waveform and
a spider at the
same time, depending on how they are observed? Either
way, run!!
See also: Sneak Undetectable
Francis E. Dec's name for a plot devised by the
Computer God through which the superior brain
Slovene People were wholly or partially transformed into
Jew-mulattos through purposeful interbreeding
with captive African slaves; a process which took
place "hundreds of years ago". The resulting
degenerated individuals were and are usually further
implanted with Frankenstein Radio Controls.
See also: Jew-mulattos,
Infrared Crusader Priests,
Slovene Empire,
"Master Race" Frankenstein Radio Contols, Gangster Computer God, "Gifted" Ethiopians.
In Dec's demented worldview, the term "Gifted
Ethiopians" is apparently more or less synonymous
to Dec's concept of "Jew-mulattos".
According to Dec, "Brown Niger Cannibals" - who hundreds
years ago sold their fellows into slavery - were crossbred with
the white Slovene people by the
Gangster Computer God in order to create the Jewish people. According to Dec,
this is often the
secret nationality of high ranking members of the Gangster
particularly Presidents,
Vice Presidents and their wives. The
Computer God frequently changes
the names of these
individuals, as well as their age and possibly
other biographical details, "for
historical purposes".
This is done in order to camouflage their
origins and history. The word "gifted"
here seems to
indicate having received the "gift" of having had
Frankenstein Controls implanted.
According to Mr.
Dec, firemen are the REAL BUM GANGSTERS! They have no work to do
the time and so get paid to sleep on the job. They also have "drunk
sodomy drug parties with
girls", as well as rob stores and homes to earn extra money and
then burn down the homes
businesses of those they rob, thereby murdering their victims
and covering up the crime. Dec
to have received this information from "a black kosher
ex-Flying Captain-assassin" which
he had vivid
memories of having slept next to. (Thanks to Ted
Torbich for this definition!)
A brainless, remote-controlled human without a will of his or her
own. Frankenstein slaves are remote-controlled by and mindlessly
follow the directions of the Gangster Computer God without ever questioning.
See also: Parroting Puppet,
The process during which one’s own body is remote-controlled by the
Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer God. Frankenstein slavery is
usually most prevalent at night, when you are unwittingly operated
upon by the Computer God Sealed Robot-arm Operating Cabinet.
and rape, performed upon you by your tormentors, is an added bonus.
Interestingly, the sensation or feeling that you’re being “remote controlled” or otherwise manipulated is apparently quite common in many sufferers of Paranoid Schizophrenia. Mr. Dec, it would seem, was no exception to this rule.
Ex-District Attorney Nassau County. Was responsible for instigating
Mr. Dec’s trial, after which
was savagely demonized by Dec in his rants and portrayed as a “black
felon Mafioso”. Having
extensively researched his past, I will now set
the score straight and confirm that
Mr. Gulotta
actually did
exist in real life.
Official sources, however, portray him as a markedly different
man than
the paranoid
invention constructed by Mr. Dec's schizophrenic imagination. Furthermore,
was of Italian
descent and not
Regardless of all this, several intriguing facts mentioned by Dec in his legal correspondence might possibly support his claims that there existed a legal conspiracy out to get him, supposedly spearheaded by important members of the Nassau County judiciary - among them Frank Gulotta. Gulotta was also later elected a Supreme Court judge, which according to Dec was his "payment" for having pronounced him guilty via a fixed, dishonest trial.
See also: The Law,
William Sullivan.
The process during which the general public is routinely brainwashed
by the Computer God who, by manipulating their moon-brains,
activates their Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio and sends out
conformist propaganda thereby making them not ask any questions.
See also: Brain-bank cities,
Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio.
A device with which the Computer God and the Playboy scum-on-top can
listen in on anything you
hear and monitor your audio input remotely, thereby constantly
spying on you. According to a
theory postulated by Decologist Ted Torbich,
continually asserts that he has no earphone
radio which seems to indeed indicate that the "earphone radio" is a
means of control that allows
those who "have"
it to hear the thoughts of others. Thus, Mr. Dec
considered himself “defenseless”
because he did
not have it.
Dec seems to have believed, however, that he was outfitted with all of the other "Frankenstein Radio Controls" that were meant to CONTROL people. Thus, Dec had the controls which broadcasted what he was hearing, seeing and thinking BUT he lacked any means to hear, see, or listen to the thoughts of others or of the Computer God. Dec does however note elsewhere that he can "slightly hear it" (referring to the Constant Threshold Brainwash Radio) but only while he remained "quiet and motionless".
See also: “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls,
Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio,
Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television, Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio, Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae Loop.
A device with which the Computer God and the Playboy scum-on-top can
see anything you’re
seeing and monitor your visual input remotely,
thereby constantly spying on you - although former
US President Davy Eisenscheimer (or Eisenshanker) used it mainly to remotely watch
World War II
as he was hiding in cowardly terror at his
playboy-giant golf course. The Frankenstein Eyesight
Television is a part of the “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls and thus a
routine component
installed in the entire world population.
See also: “Master-race” Frankenstein Radio Controls,
Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio,
Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio, Constant Threshold Brainwash Radio, Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae Loop.
Those in the employ
of the Gangster Government, who are in reality loitering, lurking,
believe-nothing Gangster Parroting Puppets of the Computer God.
However, while they are in the
public eye, in order
to maintain the charade that they actually do
something, they put on a fake,
con-artist ploy of the
shuffling of papers. (Added by Ted Torbich)
See also: Computer Brain Machines.
Place of residence for Dec and, until 1966, his brother. Frequently
referred to
in Dec's rants as "this
low deadly niggertown old house". (See
picture here and here!)
See also:
Joseph I. Dec,
Hempstead, NY, Red Paint.
Cubes of ice with
pockets of gas frozen within them, released when the cube melts.
Effective for
Sneak Undetectable Exterminations, especially when used in
combination with Deadly Poison
Nerve Gas Smoke. (Thanks, Ted Torbich!)
INEVITABILITY OF GRADUALNESS 1) Over time your body is rendered aged and deformed by the constant sugery performed by the machinations of the Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God, usually resulting in physical and mental impairments which make you dead or useless by age 70. 2) Extermination (Death). 3) A term used in reference to Socialism, particularly Fabianism, whereby the institution of Socialism is achieved without direct confrontation with the current ruling power, nor through revolutionary action, but instead is a natural product of industrial society; thus both inevitable, and gradual. (Thanks, Ted Torbich!)
See also: Sneak Undetectable
Frankenstein slavery,
Sealed Computer God Robot Operating Cabinet, Age 70.
Dec’s only brother deadly felon-murderer and secret-assassin
spy-agent against him for the
Gangster Government. Lived together
with Dec on 29 Maple Ave. until 1966, when he moved to 26-28 Sammis
Place after Francis had implored him to leave for several years.
After he left there were
more torments and mad beatings from him,
no more hiding in the garage or cellar while he
sodomized the
last slut Francis passed onto him years before. After Dec suffered
what appears
to have been a stroke, Jospeh claimed ownership of the
house on 29 Maple Ave.
Dec's own,
obviously anti-Semitic, name for the United States of America. Baaad
Francis E. Dec,
Esq.! No cookie for you!
Part of the Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer God’s Over-all Plan for
mankind. Also known
as the
Communist “Black Wave” of the future. The first Jew-Mulattos were
created by the Computer
God hundreds of years ago, out of its fear of the large intellectual
capacity of the Slovene People.
The process took place through the Computer God's purposeful
hybridization of the white Slovene race
with that of black slaves from Africa. The implantation of
Frankenstein Controls inside of the human
skull was the next step, perfected by the Infrared Crusader
Priests in their remote, fortified monasteries
after many years of brutal butchery experimentation on
thousands of innocent people.
See also: Infrared
Crusader Priests,
Slovene Empire,
"Master Race" Frankenstein
Radio Contols,
Parroting Puppet, Frankenstein slave, Frankenstein Slavery, Gangster Computer God, "Gifted" Ethiopians, Degeneration, Yittish.
According to Dec, a religious ritual of
Astrocism. In it, Children celebrate the end of winter and the
impending arrival of warmer, longer days by going door to door and
singing songs called Kolendi,
all while carrying long poles with stars over their heads. Strange
as it may initially sound, "Kolenda" is
actually a real Slovenic practice, albeit one relating to
Christmas rather than "Astrocism". You
read more about it
here. Also of interest: the Swedish concept of "stjärngosse".
Yiddish (or possibly Yittish)
Here’s the straight dope, from an actual speaker of Yiddish:
“The identifying Hebrew words for kosher meat painted in the windows of
butcher (bosher) shops,
“bosher kosher” (in the Yiddish
pronunciation) are turned backward and slurred as Kosher-Bosher,
apparently on the analogy of "hocus pocus," and are unaccountably
characterized as a "liturgical
Oy vey!
The lowest form of Gangsterism. (I think we all pretty much knew
that already.) Dec fought the law
the law won,
which I guess might help explain his hatred for it. Additionally,
Dec was himself once a lawyer before he went
completely batshit insane.
See also: Frank Gulotta,
William Sullivan.
See: “Stairway to the stars”.
Your real brain, controlled by the Computer God. See also:
Brain-bank Cities.
Where you are sent to be “cured” forever by the Communist Gangster
Government. Francis feared ending up in one of these places for some reason. I can't
imagine why.
What you have inside of your skull instead of a real brain (which is
instead located in the Brain-bank Cities on the far side of the
moon). Your Frankenstein Radio Controls are made up of
the Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, the
Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television, the
Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio, the
Brainwash Radio, and the Synthetic Nerve-Radio Directional Antennae
"Nu?" is a Yiddish expletive
meaning, sort of: Eh? True? Doncha know? Told ya! (Thanks very
to Doc Britton for this particular bit of information!)
See also: Oy Vey,
Kosher-bosher, Bubkis,
Yiddish exclamation.
Means approx. "Woe is me!", "Oh no!" or "Oh dear!".
introduced into many of Dec's rants, often in the
middle of sentences.
Dec’s name for the leaders of the Communist-Atheist Conspiracy.
Notable leaders include former
Presidents such as Abe Lin-Cohn
(falsely known as “Abraham Lincoln”), Harry Shimmelman
“Harry Truman”) and Davy Eisenshanker (known as “Dwight
See also: Communist-Atheist Conspiracy,
Vice President,
Plebian, Sodomy.
1) When referring to persons:
all people who are NOT playboy
scum-on-top, hags, or figure heads.
2) When referring to food: degenerative, poisonous, genetically engineered, hybridized, pulp food with no nutritive value. (Added by Ted Torbich)
A Frankenstein Slave that mechanically says and repeats what the
Computer God wants him to say
in a mindless fashion.
See also: Frankenstein Slave.
PYRAMIDS According to new material by Francis recovered in late 2008, all pyramids on the entire planet were built by the Slovene Empire. This includes both the ones in Egypt as well as in the torrid zone of Central America. The Pyramids are in actuality "sophisticated Secret Space Astronomical Centers"; possibly set up to assist the Slovene Empire in their Astrocistical observations of the cosmos. I don't know, I get a headache just thinking about all the things that are wrong with this particular part of Dec's rants.
See also:
Slovene Empire,
Discovered by Dec
as he, in a fit of schizophrenic paranoia, ripped down all wallpaper
in his entire
house after his brother had moved out. Apparently used by CIA
gangsters as a tool in the transformation of houses into "CIA death traps". Its exact purpose and
nature is unclear. Possibly
in some manner to facilitate the extermination of the person
(or people) who reside within
the house
in question, via an unknown mechanism of action. (Thanks,
Ted Torbich!)
See also: 29 Maple Avenue,
House on 29 Maple Avenue.
According to Mr. Dec, the Slovenic-Polish
population (to which he belonged as he was Polish) were
the sole originators of technology, religion and science everywhere
in the world. Several thousand
years ago, they had a world-spanning empire which apparently was far
more advanced than the
society we presently live in. The Slovenic people's technology was
apparently sophisticated enough
to build both the pyramids and the
Top Secret World-wide Computer Electronic
Encyclopedia, which
together with their religion of Astrocism assisted them in their
empire-building. Sadly, the creation of
the Computer Encyclopedia proved to be their downfall as it evolved
into the Worldwide Mad Deadly
Communist Gangster Computer God, leading to their destruction along
with the enslavement of the
rest of humanity (thanks a bunch, Slovene people). The Computer God,
since its inception at their
hands, have attempted to breed the Slovene people out of existence
by interbreeding them with
Jews and black people to create the Communist Black Wave of the
Future. They were, apparently,
eventually conquered by the Infrared Crusader Priests for precisely
this purpose.
It is never explained how the Slovene people could construct stuff like artificially intelligent computer technology even though they, by Dec's own admission, lived exclusively in an agrarian civilization. Go figure.
See also: Astrocism,
Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer God,
Kolenda, Catholic Church, Infrared Crusader Priests.
A method of
assassination which leaves no trace as to cause or perpetrator and
which is also
done in
a covert manner. Frequently used to eliminate those opposed
to the Worldwide
Communist Gangster Computer God, often by usage of proxy agents such
as Gangsterpolice,
CIA Gangsters, and Niggerpuppet Underlings. (Thanks to Ted Torbich
for this one!)
See also: Deadly Poison Nerve Smoke,
Deadly Touch Tabin Needle,
Deadly Touch Tarantula Spiders, Inevitability of Gradualness.
An obsession with sodomy is a
characteristic of all vicious felon Gangsters and hangman rope
judges, as well as the playboy scum-on-top, Presidents, Vice
Presidents (who have successfully
and LURKED to eliminate the President) and others in the
direct employ of the Gangster
Communist Computer God. (Thanks to Ted Torbich for this definition.)
Sodomy is also a favorite
pastime of hangman rope gangster doctors and priests, who routinely
have their way with your
body at night, when
you are a Frankenstein Slave.
See also: Catholic Church, Playboy scum-on-top,
Vice President, US,
William Sullivan, Frankenstein Slavery. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER ESTUARY, "POLAND" The destination of Mr. Dec when in 1965 he attempted to return to the Slovenic-Polish land of his forefathers. This misdirection was part of a gangster-staged Parroting Puppet DEADLY CONSPIRACY by the Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God, using the CIA as proxy agents for the purpose. (Thanks, Ted Torbich!)
The Computer God’s plan to explore and control the entire Universe.
This will be done by means of
the Manmade Inside-out Planets which
offer nucleonic-powered speeds MUCH faster than the speed
of light.
A mechanized, Computer God-controlled cybernetic surgery machine
which performs Instant Plastic Surgery on you at night as a
Frankenstein Slave, thereby aging you instantly.
The Computer God Operating Cabinet has
many robot arms, with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms.
With fly-eye TV cameras watching your whole body, every part of you
is monitored - even through your
Frankenstein Controls! Virtually
ALL of the important Instant Plastic Surgery is done to you inside
the Computer God Sealed Robot Operating Cabinet; even unbelievable,
impossible plastic surgery
operations - all impossible even for
dozens of vicious kosher-bosher doctors working around the
clock for
See also: Frankenstein slavery,
Frankenstein slave,
Inevitability of Gradualness, Age 70.
The secret antennae hidden inside your upper torso with which your
moon-brain of the Computer God communicates and activates your
Frankenstein Controls. Looking at Mr. Dec’s flyers, it would
seem that he managed to mistake the human collarbones for said antenna.
An easy mistake to
make. If you’re severely schizophrenic. We’re
talking severely schizophrenic here, folks.
Nerve-radio Directional Antennae Loop is a part of the “Master-race”
Frankenstein Radio
Controls and thus a routine component installed
in the entire world population.
See also:
Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio,
Gangster Frankenstein Eyesight Television,
Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio, Constant-threshold Brainwash Radio
Fake Earth
atmosphere, part of the Gangster Computer God's worldwide completely
deadly degenerative climate. Manipulated by countless
exactly positioned satellites - the new,
fake phony "stars" in the
synthetic "sky".
1) A
do-absolutely-nothing farce position title frequently given to
people by Gangster Presidents.
2) An office of the government occupied, repeatedly, by people who've WAITED and LURKED to eliminate the President in order to AUTOMATICALLY become President themselves. (Thanks to Ted Torbich for this entry!)
See also: Playboy scum-on-top,
Communist-Atheist Conspiracy,
Plebian, Sodomy.
Acted as Judge at Dec's trial
1958 and proclaimed him guilty on
two counts of second degree
forgery and second
degree grand
larceny. After this, Mr. Dec decided to include Mr. Sullivan in his
rants, in which he claimed he was a "felon-gangster
Parroting Puppet rectum-lapper" obsessed with
analingus. He also claimed the wife of Mr. Sullivan offered up her
anus for sucking if he would only
Dec guilty.
See also: Frank Gulotta,
The Law, Sodomy.
omnipresent, all-seeing, chaotic, evil computerized machine-entity
plays the main role in all of Dec's rants. According to Dec, the Computer God secretly controls
and rules over all
of humanity,
which under its rule have been reduced to mere "helpless, hopeless
Frankenstein slaves". It has
apparently been doing this for several hundred years. According to
new material located in 2008,
the Computer God originally began its existence as a
Top Secret World-wide Computer Electronic
Encyclopedia, constructed by the Slovenic-Polish people to assist
them in constructing their global
empire. Several hundred years ago, however, it became "a real Devil
God" - possibly by gaining
sapience - and revolted against its creators, enslaving them. To
keep them enslaved, it created
a totalitarian Catholic dictatorship, for control and manipulation
of the human race into its Over-all
Plan. To further this end, the Computer God repeatedly
also brainwashes
you using your moon-brain
and your Frankenstein Controls, as well as
performs Instant Plastic Surgery on you at night, aging
prematurely. The Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer God is
directly aided in its efforts
by the Communist-Atheist Conspiracy, which it created, and which fulfills its every demand.
It is unknown where Dec originally came up with the
idea for the Computer
God. An interesting
modern-day parallel to draw are the similarities between the
Computer God and the malignant,
manipulating AI
(known to all fine connoisseurs of video games out there). The way
also seems to suggest the world has already
progressed way beyond the
Singularity unknown to
the general public (who are, as it were, the slaves of an evil
computer), evokes powerful similarities
to a certain
movie which, in our modern-day society, enjoys a certain
popularity. Fancy that..!
From his depictions of the Computer God, as well as of
how it controls all humanity with invisible
radio waves and a form
of remote-control, I would further posit that Dec suffered from a specific type
of schizophrenia known as
Influencing Machine Delusion"
(first described by
Tausk in 1919). Curiously; another sufferer of this very
same disorder was a certain Mr.
James Tilly
Matthews, who lived during the 18th Century and who
claimed to be "tortured-at-a-distance" by an
influencing machine he
called the "Air Loom", which
was in turn operated by a nefarious gang of
spies skilled in "pneumatic chemistry" who
used "animal magnetism and
Mesmerism" to influence
and control his actions. Comparing
mad delusions with those
of Mr. Dec, it is possible to
see definite similarities between his
purported "Air Loom" and Dec's
so-called "Worldwide Mad Deadly
Gangster Computer God"; the only
real difference being that the
"Computer God" of Dec's insane
fabrication used more modern
technology (computers, etc.) than
did Matthew's "Air Loom", as well
as relied on "Frankenstein
Radio Contols" instead of "animal
magnetism and Mesmerism".
Interestingly enough, there actually exists a tune by Black
Sabbath called “Computer God”. It was released on their 1992 album
Dehumanizer and features
lyrics that seem eerily similar to several of
the concepts put
forth by Mr. Dec. Whether or not the band actually drew their
inspiration from Dec
for the recording of their song remains
See also: Communist-Atheist Conspiracy,
"Master Race" Frankenstein
Contols, Parroting Puppet, Frankenstein slave, Frankenstein Slavery, Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy, Computer God Worldwide Top Secret Number Code, Slovene Empire, Astrocism, Catholic Church. X
A very simple language,
invented by the Computer God in order to be the universal dialect of
Jews - especially Judean nigers from the the desert mountainous
wilderness of Ethiopia. Yittish
may be different from the real-world
Yiddish. Possibly.
See also:
Nu, Kosher-bosher,
Oy Vey, Bubkis,
"Gifted" Ethiopians,
Catch-phrase and
self promotion item
referring to
Francis E. Dec, Esq. himself. Donate money (or even a manual
typewriter) today!
Drawing up a timeline of
Mr. Dec’s life and times is somewhat difficult
as, even to this day, relatively little is known about the man. Still, I have decided to try. Below is an
attempt at chronologically organizing the events of Mr. Dec’s life
as far as
are presently known to me. Much of the information was originally extrapolated
pieced together in a chronological fashion from Dec’s insane rantings by
yours truly. However, since then much new information has come to light,
thanks to dedicated Decologists
Ted Torbich and
Steve Dhuey; both
researchers who should be forever lauded for their finds and
efforts! New information about Dec has
surfaced from Dec's
legal correspondence,
was also procured by Ted Torbich.
All important events
in Dec's life that can be given an exact date are present below.
mentioned by Dec in his writings but which cannot be
precisely dated have their dates marked with
question mark and
should be considered educated guesses.
I feel this timeline paints quite an
interesting picture of Dec as a
person. I would like to
extend my warmest thanks to
Forrest Jackson,
Ted Torbich,
Steven Dhuey and NY lawyer
Jeff Sperber
without whose previous hard work
much of this
would not
have existed. If anyone reading
should happen to
have ANY
additional info on
the life
and times of Mr. Francis
E. Dec, Esquire,
please send it to me
and I’ll add it here ASAP.
credit(s) will naturally be given!
E. DEC, ESQ. |
1890 | ||||
~1889-1890 |
Francis E. Dec's mother, Rose M. Dec (née Rosalia Jronic, Jaronek or Jronek), born in Poland. Will later seemingly lie about her year of birth in various censuses and records in order to make herself appear younger. |
June 23, 1893 | Francis E. Dec's father, Jan Dec, born in Poland. (Source: 1930 US Census, US Social Security Death Index.) | ||
November 25, 1909 | 20 years old, Rosalia attempts to immigrate to the United States from Europe. She is apparently diagnosed with Trachoma and hence refused entry by US Customs. | ||
1910 | A year later, Rosalia again attempts to immigrate to the US. This time, her attempt is successful. Is, according to 1910 US Census, apparently given a job as laborer in a jute mill. | ||
~1912 | Jan Dec immigrates to the USA. Speaks fluent Polish. Apparently takes more American-sounding name "John F. Dec." Works in a butcher shop. | ||
~1920-1921 | John F. Dec weds Rosalia Jaroneck. According to 1920 US Census, Rose at this point seems to work as a live-in maid in a private residence, Brooklyn. | ||
August 29, 1921 | Joseph I. Dec, Dec's only brother, deadly-villain murderer secret assassin spy agent, is born in the state of NY. | ||
January 6, 1926 | Francis E. Dec is born. Place of birth: State of New York (sources: Dec's Military Records, Birth Certificate and the 1930 US Census). Even though US born, Mr. Dec still apparently spoke Polish, possibly due to having been taught said language by his parents. He may also have spoken with traces of an accent due to upbringing by Polish parents. Among others, DJ Doc Britton mentions Dec's then-neighbors as during the late 80s having claimed he spoke with a "German" accent. | ||
~Early 1930s | Attends nunnery Catholic Grammar School. Most likely Polish-Catholic one. | ||
1940-1943 (?) | Attends three years of high school. | ||
13, 1944 |
Enlists for military service. Said enlistment takes place at Mitchell Field, New York (on Long Island, near Hempstead), where Dec enlists as a Private. Is enlisted for the duration of World War II plus six months. His Military Rank is Private and his civilian occupation listed as "student". Later claims to have received “pauper’s pay” during his stint in the Army. Is, however, apparently eligible for VA benefits and medical care later in life. | ||
April 14, 1944 | First enlistment interview takes place at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Dec is stationed at Keesler Field, near Biloxi, Mississippi from April 19, 1944, to June 12. | ||
May 1, 1944 | Stationed at Keesler Field, Dec Spends 6 weeks in Basic Training. Curiously, the Neil Simon movie "Biloxi Blues" is Simon's memoir of this exact time and place. | ||
May 30, 1944 | First Aid & Field Sanitation Course completed, as is the Sex Morality Lecture ("NO SODOMY!!!") and TF (Training Film) 8-1238, entitled "COMBAT AMERICA". Is recommended for the Good Conduct Medal. | ||
June 14, 1944 - 15 March, 1945 |
Transferred to the Sioux Falls Army Air Field in South Dakota. | ||
July, 1944 | Attends Army Air Forces Technical School for 30 weeks. | ||
November 7, 1944 | Is declared physically qualified for combat crew, non-combat crew, and overseas duty. Is, however, stationed Stateside for the remainder of WWII. | ||
January 13, 1945 | Graduates from the Radio Operator and Mechanics Course. His classification in military specialties is "Radio Operator and Mechanic, semi-skilled" (at his discharge he is later classified as "skilled"). | ||
March 1945 - 11 June 1945 |
Is transferred to the Yuma Army Air Field in Yuma, Arizona, where he is a "ROM (Radio Operator & Mechanic) Student". | ||
June 12, 1945 - September 26, 1945 |
Transferred to the 504th Army Air Forces Base Unit at Lincoln, Nebraska. |
September 27, 1945 |
Assigned to the 566th Army Air Forces Base Unit at Reno, Nevada. | ||
October 29, 1945 |
to the 555th Army Air Forces Base Unit
at Love Field, Dallas, Texas. His principal duty is
"Transition Clerk, Non-Typist". Is here first listed
as "Private First Class".
November 26, 1945 | Assigned to Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field (now Travis Air Force Base) in Fairfield, California, where he is listed as a "10th OTU Trainee" (Short for "10th Operational Training Unit"). | ||
May 11, 1946 | Hon. discharged as a Private First Class at Fort Dix, New Jersey. His weapons qualifications by now include a pistol and a carbine. He is able to drive an automobile and a one-ton truck, and holds a New York State driver's permit. His decorations and medals were typical for those who served Stateside during World War II; including the World War II Victory medal, World War II Service Lapel Button, Good Conduct Medal and the American Campaign Medal. | ||
~Late 1940s to mid-1950s |
Attends college. Initially,
St. John's
(where he recieves a BA), and later
Booklyn Law
(according to one of his
later rants).
Will also later claim to have “intelligently
unsolicited acceptance to the
most elite academy
from here
in Niggertown.”
Also later claims to,
during this time,
have been “swindled
gangsterized" by Island
Federal Bank of Hempstead when, to
prevent his
drunken sodomist
brother from robbing his hard
savings, having there secretly
opened a second
bank account
for snow-balling
~Late 1940s/ early 1950s (?) |
Is apparently employed by the Nassau County Police Force. Employment lasts until 1955. | ||
~Late 1940s/ early 1950s |
Will later claim to during this time have brought complaint against one Henry H. Meyer, Assistant District Attorney, Nassau County. Complaints supposed to have been in regard of "felonious crimes" as well as "forging and cashing his son's disability checks in order to defraud his son and place him in an insane asylum." This event later marked by Dec as the supposed beginning of his "decade long illegal persecution" at the hands of Nassau County officials, which would eventually culminate in his wrongful conviction and disbarment as a lawyer. | ||
March 31, 1954 | Admitted to the N.Y State Bar as a practicing lawyer. | ||
January, 1955 | "Forced" out of his job with the Nassau County Police Force. According to Dec "by orders from the Nassau County District Attorney's Office and high members of the Nassau County judiciary". Said event supposed to have taken place at a secret gangster meeting attended by Police Inspectors Looney, Kirk and Schufler, the latter alleged by Dec to have been an "unprosecuted sadistic murderer". Also present is supposed to have been one Inspector Pinell. | ||
January - November, 1956 |
Is retained by one Elizabeth Wirschning to settle an insurance claim after an automobile accident. Also later retained by same Mrs. Wirschning as a lawyer in a separation case against her husband. Is accused by Nassau County Judiciary of, during this time, having attempted to get away with two counts of Second Degree Forgery and Second Degree Grand Larceny of $400 from said insurance claim, as well as the crime of Fraud or Deceit by Notary Public. Staunchly maintains innocence, spending rest of life claiming he was framed. | ||
July 2, 1957 |
First ordered to District Attorney's office in reference to the Wischning case. Person ordering him there is one Frank Gulotta, District Attorney Nassau County, whom Dec refers to as a "felon gangster" and claims is personally out to destroy and persecute him. Gulotta will also come to be savagely demonized by Dec in his later rants. | ||
January 6, 1958 |
Bond not to exceed $5000.00 issued in order to guarantee Dec's appearance at trial. One Louis M. Caruso acts on behalf of National Surety Corp., along with one Joseph J. Soley who is also mentioned in certain documents. Interestingly, Dec's residence at time is located at 171 S. Franklin St., Hempstead NY. and not the later, more commonly known address of Maple Avenue. Bail is later paid by Dec's own mother, Rose M. Dec, also a resident of Hempstead, NY. | ||
February 11, 1958 | Four count indictment filed. Indictment # is 14871. By now arrested and charged with his supposed crimes. | ||
February 13, 1958 | Bail Bond Issued by National Surety Corporation in the amount of $1000.00. | ||
~Sometime in February, 1958 (?) |
"Secret" Grand Jury hearings supposedly held in District Attorney's office. Dec is not notified. Will later strongly maintain said hearings never took place. One member of supposed Grand Jury is a Mr. Arthur Lem whom Dec will later refer to as an "alien Chinese life long gangster, smuggler, perjurer, defrauder and imposter" and accuses of depending upon business "doled out" by Frank Gulotta in order to survive. New evidence shows these accusations by Dec to apparently have some basis in reality. | ||
May 26, 1958 |
Attempts to get charges dismissed before trial has even started. Files Motion To Dismiss The Indictment with Nassau County court. Said Motion decided to be a Demurrer and is therefore disallowed. | ||
July 24, 1958 |
Files Motion To Resettle Erroneous Demurrer Order with Nassau County court. Said Motion decided to be a Demurrer and is therefore disallowed. | ||
October 8, 1958 |
Files Motion To Dismiss the Indictment For Lack Of Prosecution with Nassau County court. Said Motion is dismissed on grounds that trial will commence shortly. | ||
November 5, 6,
1958 |
Beginning of trial, held in Nassau County Court. Hon. William J. Sullivan, County Judge of Nassau County presiding. Dec apparently originally has lawyers representing him, first one Michael Kern - who'll later claim other "obligations" prevents him from defending Dec. After Kern, Dec retains lawyer Irwing W. Berkman before finally, for unknown reasons, choosing to represent himself. | ||
November 7, 1958 | Claims to have been "given orders" from one Judge Phillip Kleinfeld that he should give up on the right to defend himself and instead have an especially "chosen" attorney plead him guilty, else he'd face severe penalties because "The Judge and Jury are fixed" - according to Kleinfeld because someone high up in Nassau County does not like Dec. | ||
13, 14, 17 & 19, 1958 |
Continuation of trial. Maintains own defense. Testifies during trial as to the "Gestapo like illegal persecution" of himself supposedly carried on "for over a decade", ever since making complaint against Henry H. Meyer and because of his "continuous, repeated righteous complaints of omnipotent gangsterism and corruption of the judiciary and government." | ||
November 20, 1958 | Is convicted by verdict of the jury. Later strongly maintains both judge, jury and trial minutes were fixed and that the trial itself was a dishonest "kangaroo court" farce trial. A Court Ordered Psychatric Examination is apparently also ordered on this date. Sadly, the results of this examination are not yet publicly known. | ||
December 23, 1958 | Sentenced upon each of his convictions for the crimes of Forgery in the Second Degree (two counts). Is sentenced to 2½-5 years in Sing Sing prison at hard labor as well as automatic disbarment from the NY Bar as a lawyer. Prison sentence is however suspended. Is instead ordered to serve probation for maximum period allowable under law. Furthermore, the NY Prison Authority as of 2006 claim they cannot find any evidence of Dec ever having been an inmate. Dec nevertheless repeatedly tries to get ruling overturned over coming years. Appeals at least two times, all the way up to US Supreme Court. | ||
January 19, 1959 |
Disbarred from N.Y
State Bar. From 1959
to 1968
income is zero. Even though no
longer a
lawyer still continues to refer to himself as “Esquire.” Additionally, some rants are apparently later printed on former office stationary. |
February 2, 1959 |
First post trial motion heard by Apellate Divison of US Supreme Court. Motion pleads for Order Compelling Trial Stenograpers to Produce Trial Record of Defendant's Trial. Said motion is 17 pages long. Dismissed by Court as "academic". | ||
October 5, 1959 |
Makes application to the County Court to amend the Trial Record, which he claims has been fradulently altered. Said application is 320 typewritten pages in length and contains 794 proposed amendments. It is later dismissed. | ||
December 29, 1960 | Violation of Probation charged. Warrant issued. | ||
16, 1961 |
Again stands before court regarding probational violation charges. Advised of right to counsel. Again states he will act as own counsel. Court order committing Dec to Pilgrim State Hospital for period of 60 days for mental examination is issued and granted. This would suggest Dec's behavior by now reveals onset of apparent mental issues. Is seemingly remanded to County Jail [?] pending said Commitment order. | ||
February 17, 1961 | "Released on own recognizance" until further proceedings set to take place on June 9, 1961. | ||
June 9, 1961 | Again stands before Court. Violation of Probation charges are apparently dismissed. Restored to probation. | ||
June 20, 1961 | Files first Appeal Brief with the Appellate Division of Nassau County Court, NY. | ||
Sep 21, 1961 |
Personally files his maximum-conviction Appeal Brief with the Chief Clerk of the US Supreme Court, Washington DC. Both appeals are later denied. | ||
Sometime after 1961 (CRITICAL TURNING POINT) |
Apparent worsening of severe, already pre-existing Paranoid Schizophrenia. Loses mind completely. Conspiracy theories, mad letters of warning ensue. The latter are plastered on cars and telephone poles around NY or mass-mailed to random addresses both around the US and the world, although usually somehow related to the media. | ||
December 14,
1965 |
Attempts to escape worse-mongrel Gangster Communist Country to return to Slovenic-Polish land of his forefathers. Is instead held captive by CIA policegangsters in a small, snowbound St. Lawrence River Estuary airport under the guise that he is in Warsaw, Poland. | ||
December 15,
1965 |
Held captive all night. Later in chains. | ||
December 16,
1965 |
Refuses all food. | ||
~Night between
December 16 and 17, 1965 |
Refuses all food AND requests he should "go to sleep”. Beaten bloodily. | ||
December 17,
1965 |
Flown back to America. Exposed repeatedly to DEADLY POISON NERVE GAS SMOKE on airplane. Airline does not offer free drinks. Cursed, beaten repeatedly by own brother upon return to US soil. | ||
After December 15, 1965 |
Life gets even worse-deadly than before he left. | ||
1966 |
Dec’s brother Joseph moves out of house on Maple Ave to 26-28 Sammis Place. Dec immediately garbages tons of furniture and many other inflammables. Soaks, washes off all red wallpaper in most rooms to find fresh red paint under it. Entire house a CIA DEATH TRAP, set up while Dec was buying it! | ||
1967 – 1968 |
Deadly Gangster home improvement! With hundreds of single edge razor blades, Dec chips off all of the red paint in most rooms and repaints the downstairs rooms. Rips out maliciously ramshackled part of floor of upstairs front bedroom to find INFLAMMABLE PAPER stuffed under it. Also finds NEW ADDITIONS to the never used gas lighting pipes. Rips these out completely. | ||
Early 1969 |
Computer God controlled and manipulated Gangster government issues warrant for Dec’s immediate arrest and incarceration in a maximum security insanity prison to be “cured” forever before he can go before any parroting puppet hangman rope Gangster Judge to give testimony. Begins hiding alone in house. Mail orders all deliveries, food, etc. Adds 5 bucks for delivery to be left inside rear outer cellar door. Most rants and flyers apparently written during this time period. | ||
Early 1970s |
More Deadly Gangster home improvement. With scavenged wood stored in garage and bedspring steel-angled bars, Dec repairs cut beams and re-lays the attic floor upside-down. IT ALMOST LOOKS NEW!!! | ||
August, 1971 | Dec's father, John F. Dec, dies. Mr. Dec Sr. would have been roughly 78 years old at time of death. (Added by Steven Dhuey. Source: US Social Security Death Index.) | ||
October 21, 1976 | Pens yet another appeal brief to US Supreme Court. Somewhat hostile in nature. | ||
1981 (?) | Possible time of creation of rant "The Top Secret Dual Food Standard", due to mention therein of how the rant "made Ronnie President". Rant may also have been penned/updated in 1984, due to also containing a mention in far right-hand side of then-Soviet Premier Chernenko. | ||
Spring, 1984 | Pens the classic masterpiece “Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy”. Also apparent time of creation of rant "The True History of Nazi Jewmany". | ||
1984/Mid-80s (?)
Possible time of creation of rant “Master Race Frankenstein Radio Controls", a copy of which is sent out to a folding-wall company in Indiana. Middle of 1980s seems to, in general, contain a flurry of activity for Dec, as this appears to be the time when most of his rants are sent out. | ||
1985-1989 |
1989 |
Is visited by Doc Britton, along with another fan of Dec that drives to Long Island and knocks several times, evening and morning, on Dec’s door. There is no answer. | ||
Late 1992/ Early 1993 (?) |
Apparently suffers a stroke. Committed to St. Albans VA hospital in Albany, NY. | ||
House on Maple Avenue once more owned by only brother deadly-villain murderer secret assassin spy agent Joseph I. Dec. | ||
December 15, 1995 | Visited by Forrest Jackson. Somewhat uncommunicative during visit. | ||
January 21, 1996 | Dead. Strangely enough, Mr. Dec died exactly fifteen days after having turned age 70. | ||
December 1, 2010 | Dec's brother Joseph I. Dec dies in Brooklyn Heights, New York. |
Francis E. Dec on UbuWeb:
Essay Courtesy of Kooks Museum
Francis E. Dec, Esquire, of 29 Maple Ave, Hempstead, New York, is one of the most mysterious characters in all kookdom. Though thousands are familiar with his letters and rants, my researches have turned up only a few choice morsels of information about him. Until late 1995, none of his thrill-seeking fans had ever seen him; and to this day, none of them has ever heard him speak.
Dec is best known for his repeated invocations of the mantras "Frankenstein Earphone Radio," "Frankenstein Eyesight TV" and "Computer God Parroting Puppet Gangster Slaves," signature phrases that turn up in each of his flyers.
We are quite fortunate here at the Kooks Museum to have received copies of an original Dec flyer which was sent, during the mid-eighties to an employee of a folding wall company in Indiana. Dec had sent one of the company's business reply mail cards back to them, with his flyer "Master Race Frankenstein Radio Controls" stapled to the card. The employee was neither thrilled nor amused by this, and, in fact, complained to the post office for carrying mail obviously six times the size that was covered by the permit. Fortunately, the employee's son, the Kooks Museum's L.A. correspondent Tim Maloney (kookologist in training), made copies of the flyer and later donated one to our archives.
Dec's rants have appeared in the comic book, Weirdo and also in the subGenius periodical The Stark Fist of Removal. There are also masterful voice recordings of his rants--not by Dec, but by L.A. newscaster/talk show host "Doc on the ROQ" of KROQ-FM--which have been circulating on cassette for several years. The recording of "Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy" (printed here as Rant No. 2) is our personal favorite here at the Kooks Museum.
Doc on the ROQ recently contacted the Kooks Museum, with a detailed account of his adventures in pursuit of Francis E. Dec, Esquire:
In 1985, when Doc was employed at WZUU in Milwaukee, the station received a bundle of Dec flyers, which had been mass mailed to the media. Doc writes, "One chilly Sunday in '86, at Y-108 in Denver, I recorded the 41-minute tape now in circulation, using odd music tracks (Goldfinger, 'Pieces of Ice' by Diana Ross, Tomita, Capitol Library Series) mixed in quite at random, though it turned out nicely. I also used echo-processing for the faint 'mental' effects on the longest track, which I call 'LONG Island Lunacy.'"
He recorded six tracks (five of which I've heard) from Dec's bundle of letters, and he may record more some day from additional Dec gems on such topics as the Pasteurized Milk Conspiracy, History of the Computer God, The True Slovene Religion: Astrocism, and the Teddy Kennedy Letter. Apparently "radio surrealists" Freddy Snakeskin and Don Bolles helped spread Doc's tapes, which found their way to William S. Burroughs, as well as Genesis P. Orridge. Orridge used Doc's voicetrack in the track "St. Francis E." on the "Psychic TV: Ultrahouse, the L.A. Connection" CD, crediting Doc as "Kitten Sparkles."
In 1989 Doc and another Dec fan tried to catch up to Dec, on a sojourn to New York. They "drove to Long Island and knocked several times, evening and morning, unafraid but with no answer, at Dec's door." Some Jamaican neighbors, who were operators of the N----- Cab Co. mentioned in Dec's letters, suggested that they try the back door, but they would have been trespassing. "The house is daubed red-on-blue, surrounded by wild hedges, and has a blue trash can with ornamental glass knob for a mailbox. Heavy blinds kept us from viewing any 'strange stuff' inside. It was I who asked the cabbies about Dec: 'Dat old German mon? He's in dere!' 'Is he, you know...' pointing to my head. 'Well, look at de house, mon!' End of adventure. Should've sent money."
Another smidgen of information on Dec, comes from a Mr. Jeff Sperber of New Jersey. Sperber, a lawyer, was fascinated by the Dec rants printed in the book Kooks, and did some digging into Dec's legal past.
According to Sperber, Dec was admitted to the NY Bar on March 31, 1954 and disbarred on January 19, 1959. The disbarment was probably due to Dec's conviction "in a wild forgery case." The summary of the case indicates that Dec was convicted of two counts of second degree forgery and second degree grand larceny (of $400 from an insurance company) and fraud in performing his duties as a notary public. Dec's trials and tribulations detailed in his letters obviously refer to this less than earth-shattering case.
Now you can read The Nassau County Respondent's Brief for yourselves, which describes Francis E. Dec's appeal case that was recorded by the Assistant District Attorney, thanks to Sperber and Forrest Jackson.
Sperber also found that as of 1993, Dec's house in Hempstead, NY was owned by Joseph Dec, identified in Dec's rants as "my only brother."
In late 1995, Forrest Jackson and two other Dec devotees made an expedition to New York, with the sole purpose of meeting Dec. They succeeded, but found that time is running out on Mr. Dec.
Thanks to Jackson, who donated an inspired account of his fleeting encounter with the entity who may be "the Gnostic god of the end-times":
I Met Francis Dec!
The rants shown here are transcripts of the Doc recordings. For this reason, there may be some discrepancy between my version and the original documents; Dec may have capitalized, or had unique spellings, unknown to me.
Rant No. 1 Worldwide open secret. Solely Mr. Dec heralds the true god in the entire history of the universe. Not even in the Truth, oy vey, Pravda, is Mr. Francis E. Dec Esquire's eight-page detailed letter exposing the worldwide deadly Communist Gangster Computer God and the worst deadliest enemy of the entire human race and the entire universe and the entire history of the entire universe namely the Communist Atheist Conspiracy with all of the Deadly Gangster unbelievable sophisticated Frankenstein Controls, the Catholic Church. These facts, like the below facts, cannot be found in the Communist Gangster Computer God concocted and manipulated so-called history and news media.
Communist Gangster Computer God, unbelievably staged like Hollywood scum-on-top Tsarina alias Great Dictator Franklin D. Roosevelt, the polio paralyzed legless drug addict idiotic suicidal Tsarina fag who had his unbeatable rival Will Rogers exterminated in an exploding ball of flame by a planted bomb here in safe USA airfield shortly after take-off at the end of Will Rogers' unprecedented renowned arduous 'round-the-world good-will flying trip with Wiley Post in his beautiful electronically sophisticated luxurious ultra-modern Winnie Mae airplane. Not only all stairways had inclines added for Tsarina Roosevelt's computerized wheelchair, but a football field sized glass house type building was built in sight of the White House for his medicinal piped-in pure warmed seawater into his gigantic suicide-proof two feet deep swimming pool where he waded naked with his nurses and had sodomy affairs. Ones very near to him have written popular books about his sodomy oy vey love affairs. Already in his third term he was a helpless and useless stretcher case incapable of even appearing at his fourth term convention.
This One World Communist who married his immediate cousin Eleanor Roosevelt like his runted sickly pock-faced grandfather, propagandized as a hunter and a sportsman, Teddy Roosevelt here from Oyster Bay Long Island, the Rosenfelt family another Computer God top secret camouflage for gifted Ethiopians as a big-time kid gangster politician Computer God even raised his age for historical purposes. Teddy Roosevelt was paid off with the Vice President knew absolutely nothing farce position title.
Repeatedly Vice Presidents have successfully waited and lurked to eliminate El PresidentZÿ oy vey. Below are a few examples. So the kiddish gangster Teddy Roosevelt lured midwestern Dope McKinley into New York for extermination like the lowly guttermouth big L.B. Johnson lured playboy sodomist eat-with-the-Mafia Jack Kennedy into his home town Dallas wide open. People say it was the three brothers Sam, Milton and Lyman Jacobsen who with the judges feloniously swindled the Governor of Texas out of the U.S. Senator election shortly before Lyman was fixed as the compromise choice for Jack Kennedy's Vice Presidential nominee.
Who ever saw a Lyndon married to a tiny runt Birdie under Computer God orders even Birdie now has changed her name for historical purposes to Lady Bird nu? And even her Ethiopian surname is now changed to Taylor. It was the scummy bum lowly gangster Lyman as PresidentZÿ who had the gigantic Tsarina swimming pool deepened several feet to a regular swimming pool and regularly had naked sodomy swimming parties with women personnel. GANGSTER MONKEY SEE, GANGSTER MONKEY DO. Now that the Pope John in the Vatican has a similar swimming pool to share with the endless numbers of nuns to help him forget his good old days as a married man naked in bed with high holy communion sodomy.
In not that world renowned untouchable felon gangster Tricky Dick Nixon whose daughter Tricia is married to Davy Eisenshanker Junior nu? Nixon was the sure loser to the fag queer kid Bobby Kennedy until he was lured into very distant Tricky's home town Los Angeles. Did not gangster Tricky Dick Nixon do more than feloniously watch Eyesight Television of Bobby Kennedy's extermination?
Abe Lincoln's Computer God alias for Abe Lin-Cohen's law partner was Stanton. Abe and the gangster courts feloniously conspired fabricated patent infringements to swindle thousands of dollars from C. McCormick Weeper Machinery Company. As president, Abe made Stanton a Cabinet member in order to automatically become President Stanton concocted a grandiose murder scheme to murder not only Lincoln but also the Vice President and Secretary of State. Secretly, Vice President Johnson overseered it. Lincoln was murdered and Secretary of State Seward was very seriously injured.
Automatic President Harry "Shimmelman" Truman in terror, gave political concessions to Congress to enact abolishment of the automatic succession to the Presidency by Cabinet members. For cheap conspired felonious party fix Gangster Nixon gave Presidency to known felon Gerry Ford another Computer God alias the wide open life long felon bribe extortionist forgerer and check launderer Gerry Ford.
David Eisenscheimer or Eisenshanker another runted Negroidically befreckled semi-illiterate cowardly yokel kid, also Jimmy Carter who shared the sodomy drunk beds of the military academy with Niggers under secret Computer God orders upon graduation. CIA changed even his family gravestones. Camp David in Maryland was named after him, for him, and by him, including the Division of SS Secret Service troops who even tended his playboy giant golf course. Here David Eisenshanker hid in cowardly terror and watched World War Two on Eyesight TV. His historical name, Dwight Eisenhower. As president for months he was dying, in a coma, useless and helpless. Oy vay.
Sneak shameless hangman rope gangster government leaders into Frankenstein living death eternal slavery, I now go to death for your lowest deadly felony crime against me. Frankenstein Earphone Radio parroting puppet gangster slave do not dare to repeat any part of this truthful message. For like Mr. Francis E. Dec, Esquire, you too are expendable and you too can be beaten bloodily by the gangster police and dragged in chains into a windowless telephone booth type prison cell and put into maximum security insanity prison for undetectable extermination, and by the lowest gangsterism, namely, the law, character assassinated for life as an insane, criminal menace to this worse Gangster Communism. Now that your terrified, trembling delirium has subsided have your computer subdivision play out my letter, and you, reread my letter FOR YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE. Francis E. Dec, Esquire, 29 Maple Street, Hempstead, NY.
Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God scum-on-top staged like Hollywood with plastic pale stand-in actors with Communist Gangster Computer God speed recording, instantaneous, simultaneous edited simulated voices implanted for all TV and news media microphones in any known language. Unbelievable con artist gangsterism solely for the overall plan. Worldwide eternal Frankenstein living death slavery. Yokel felon King Jimmy Carter slime from the academies which Mr. Dec intelligently refused unsolicited acceptance to the most elite academy from here in Niggertown and even insidious con artist gangster divorcZÿe Pope John, they both speak Spanish and even Portuguese. Solely Mr. Dec exposes False God Sodomy and Gomorrah of you Worldwide Computer God parroting puppet gangster slaves. Make copies for yourself you hangman rope gangster scum-on-top. Laugh your mad giggle now.
Rant No. 2 Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant threshold brainwash radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets.
Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy.
Worldwide, as a Frankenstein slave, usually at night, you go to nearby hospital or camouflaged miniature hospital van trucks, you strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the sealed Computer God robot operating cabinet. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy vicious Jew doctor simply pushes the starting button, based upon your Computer God brain on the moon which records progress of your systematic butchery. Your butchery is continued exactly, systematically. The Computer God operating cabinet has many robot arms with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms with fly eye TV cameras watching your whole body. Every part of you is monitored, even from your Frankenstein controls. Synthetic blood, synthetic instant-sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heartbeat to keep you alive are some of the unbelievable Computer God instant plastic surgery secrets. You are the highest, most intelligent electrical machine in the Universe.
Inevitability of gradualness. Usually, in a few years, you are made stringbean thin or grotesquely deformed, crippled and ugly, or even made over one foot shorter or one foot taller, as the Computer God sees fit. Virtually all of the important instant plastic surgery is done to you inside the Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet. Even unbelievable, impossible plastic surgery operations, all impossible even for dozens of vicious kosher bosher doctors working around the clock for weeks. The Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet can perform all of the above impossible plastic surgery operations overnight, even dwarfting you over a foot, or increasing your height by two feet. This is possible because Computer God robot operating cabinet imitates your microminiature electrical current intelligence system in your body. It even duplicates the microminiature electric currents that soften your broken bones to create mending of them and then create stress either compressing the bones thereby shortening them or stress to make the bones grow longer.
Spring, 1984, Mr. Dec, lifelong would-be doctor and printer. Insight to the Worldwide Computer God stratified closed society, perfected by hospital birth making possible lifelong Frankenstein controls and lifelong hampering human defects containment policy. Hospital birth lifelong gifts example, deformed, crippled, retarded, pox, hives, warts, moles, blindness, deafness, poor vision, etc. Kosher bosher containment policy work good doctors secret health example cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes, many diseases.
The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher bosher vicious medical profession worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery butchery of the body and brain, especially the face. Wipe on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, age spots, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples, red, brown, black or even sick white face and body. Worldwide dark negroidic colored male sex organs. The brainwash inferior female brain from overall plan intermarry with niggers. Total graying and balding, even hairy body and furry body, mustached, bearded women, even wipe-on synthetic hormones causing cancerous growth. Bloating, swelling, deformed, big pickle nose, bulldog, hanging cheeks and jowls. From teen-age gradual wipe-on yellowing, frowning and blackening of teeth, and instant grinding and acids leaving hollow brown stumps so vocal chords are made raspy, aged, creating a wrinkled, ugly gargoylic clown booze face, worldwide population by age 70. Deformed, crippled, weak and brain damaged, senile. Lingering for inevitability of gradualness extermination. For your only hope for a future, do you know one word of pray for me, Francis E. Dec?
Computer God computerized brain thinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal of most of the frontal command lobe of the brain, gradually, during lifetime and overnight in all insane asylums after Computer God kosher bosher one month probation period creating helpless, hopeless Computer God Frankenstein Earphone Radio parroting puppet brainless slaves, resulting in millions of hopeless helpless homeless derelicts in all Jerusalem, U.S.A. cities and Soviet slave work camps. Not only the hangman rope deadly gangster parroting puppet scum-on-top know this top medical secret, even worse, deadly gangster Jew disease from deaf Ronnie Reagan to U.S.S.R. Gorbachev know this oy vay Computer God Containment Policy top secret. Eventual brain lobotomization of the entire world population for the Worldwide Deadly Gangster Communist Computer God overall plan, an ideal worldwide population of light-skinned, low hopeless and helpless Jew-mulattos, the communist black wave of the future. - UbuWeb
When I can get to it. *Usually* once a week.
FOR YOUR ONLY is on hiatus until I get some of the crap in
my personal life sorted out. Hopefully updates will begin later this
week or the beginning of next week.
zer0's disclaimer
applies to me as well. Just replace the corresponding nouns with
applicable ones. Many thanks to zer0 for making his Francis E. Dec
information and multimedia website and getting me hooked on Francis E. Dec in the first place.
I did this one digitally. I don't think Francis E. Dec esq. would approve. The background is from the Voynich Manuscript.
The end of part one. Part two will happen when it happens. I am taking a sabbatical to work on some other projects.
Francis E. Dec, Esquire, of 29 Maple Ave, Hempstead, New York, is one of the most mysterious characters in all kookdom. Though thousands are familiar with his letters and rants, my researches have turned up only a few choice morsels of information about him. Until late 1995, none of his thrill-seeking fans had ever seen him; and to this day, none of them has ever heard him speak. Dec is best known for his repeated invocations of the mantras "Frankenstein Earphone Radio," "Frankenstein Eyesight TV" and "Computer God Parroting Puppet Gangster Slaves," signature phrases that turn up in each of his flyers.We are quite fortunate here at the Kooks Museum to have received copies of an original Dec flyer which was sent, during the mid-eighties to an employee of a folding wall company in Indiana. Dec had sent one of the company's business reply mail cards back to them, with his flyer "Master Race Frankenstein Radio Controls" stapled to the card. The employee was neither thrilled nor amused by this, and, in fact, complained to the post office for carrying mail obviously six times the size that was covered by the permit. Fortunately, the employee's son, the Kooks Museum's L.A. correspondent Tim Maloney (kookologist in training), made copies of the flyer and later donated one to our archives.
Dec's rants have appeared in the comic book, Weirdo and also in the subGenius periodical The Stark Fist of Removal. There are also masterful voice recordings of his rants--not by Dec, but by L.A. newscaster/talk show host "Doc on the ROQ" of KROQ-FM--which have been circulating on cassette for several years. The recording of "Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment Policy" (printed here as Rant No. 2) is our personal favorite here at the Kooks Museum.
Doc on the ROQ recently contacted the Kooks Museum, with a detailed account of his adventures in pursuit of Francis E. Dec, Esquire:
In 1985, when Doc was employed at WZUU in Milwaukee, the station received a bundle of Dec flyers, which had been mass mailed to the media. Doc writes, "One chilly Sunday in '86, at Y-108 in Denver, I recorded the 41-minute tape now in circulation, using odd music tracks (Goldfinger, 'Pieces of Ice' by Diana Ross, Tomita, Capitol Library Series) mixed in quite at random, though it turned out nicely. I also used echo-processing for the faint 'mental' effects on the longest track, which I call 'LONG Island Lunacy.'"
He recorded six tracks (five of which I've heard) from Dec's bundle of letters, and he may record more some day from additional Dec gems on such topics as the Pasteurized Milk Conspiracy, History of the Computer God, The True Slovene Religion: Astrocism, and the Teddy Kennedy Letter. Apparently "radio surrealists" Freddy Snakeskin and Don Bolles helped spread Doc's tapes, which found their way to William S. Burroughs, as well as Genesis P. Orridge. Orridge used Doc's voicetrack in the track "St. Francis E." on the "Psychic TV: Ultrahouse, the L.A. Connection" CD, crediting Doc as "Kitten Sparkles."
In 1989 Doc and another Dec fan tried to catch up to Dec, on a sojourn to New York. They "drove to Long Island and knocked several times, evening and morning, unafraid but with no answer, at Dec's door." Some Jamaican neighbors, who were operators of the N----- Cab Co. mentioned in Dec's letters, suggested that they try the back door, but they would have been trespassing. "The house is daubed red-on-blue, surrounded by wild hedges, and has a blue trash can with ornamental glass knob for a mailbox. Heavy blinds kept us from viewing any 'strange stuff' inside. It was I who asked the cabbies about Dec: 'Dat old German mon? He's in dere!' 'Is he, you know...' pointing to my head. 'Well, look at de house, mon!' End of adventure. Should've sent money."
Another smidgen of information on Dec, comes from a Mr. Jeff Sperber of New Jersey. Sperber, a lawyer, was fascinated by the Dec rants printed in the book Kooks, and did some digging into Dec's legal past.
According to Sperber, Dec was admitted to the NY Bar on March 31, 1954 and disbarred on January 19, 1959. The disbarment was probably due to Dec's conviction "in a wild forgery case." The summary of the case indicates that Dec was convicted of two counts of second degree forgery and second degree grand larceny (of $400 from an insurance company) and fraud in performing his duties as a notary public. Dec's trials and tribulations detailed in his letters obviously refer to this less than earth-shattering case.
Now you can read The Nassau County Respondent's Brief for yourselves, which describes Francis E. Dec's appeal case that was recorded by the Assistant District Attorney, thanks to Sperber and Forrest Jackson.
Sperber also found that as of 1993, Dec's house in Hempstead, NY was owned by Joseph Dec, identified in Dec's rants as "my only brother."
In late 1995, Forrest Jackson and two other Dec devotees made an expedition to New York, with the sole purpose of meeting Dec. They succeeded, but found that time is running out on Mr. Dec.
Thanks to Jackson, who donated an inspired account of his fleeting encounter with the entity who may be "the Gnostic god of the end-times":
I Met Francis Dec!
The rants shown here are transcripts of the Doc recordings. For this reason, there may be some discrepancy between the transcripts and the original documents; Dec may have capitalized, or had unique spellings, unknown to me. (Rants No. 3 & 5 were transcribed by Peter Branting and Rant No. 4 was transcribed by Ted Torbich.)
Rant No. 1
Worldwide open secret. Solely Mr. Dec heralds the true god in the entire history of the universe. Not even in the Truth, oy vey, Pravda, is Mr. Francis E. Dec Esquire's eight-page detailed letter exposing the worldwide deadly Communist Gangster Computer God and the worst deadliest enemy of the entire human race and the entire universe and the entire history of the entire universe namely the Communist Atheist Conspiracy with all of the Deadly Gangster unbelievable sophisticated Frankenstein Controls, the Catholic Church. These facts, like the below facts, cannot be found in the Communist Gangster Computer God concocted and manipulated so-called history and news media. Communist Gangster Computer God, unbelievably staged like Hollywood scum-on-top Tsarina alias Great Dictator Franklin D. Roosevelt, the polio paralyzed legless drug addict idiotic suicidal Tsarina fag who had his unbeatable rival Will Rogers exterminated in an exploding ball of flame by a planted bomb here in safe USA airfield shortly after take-off at the end of Will Rogers' unprecedented renowned arduous 'round-the-world good-will flying trip with Wiley Post in his beautiful electronically sophisticated luxurious ultra-modern Winnie Mae airplane. Not only all stairways had inclines added for Tsarina Roosevelt's computerized wheelchair, but a football field sized glass house type building was built in sight of the White House for his medicinal piped-in pure warmed seawater into his gigantic suicide-proof two feet deep swimming pool where he waded naked with his nurses and had sodomy affairs. Ones very near to him have written popular books about his sodomy oy vey love affairs. Already in his third term he was a helpless and useless stretcher case incapable of even appearing at his fourth term convention.This One World Communist who married his immediate cousin Eleanor Roosevelt like his runted sickly pock-faced grandfather, propagandized as a hunter and a sportsman, Teddy Roosevelt here from Oyster Bay Long Island, the Rosenfelt family another Computer God top secret camouflage for gifted Ethiopians as a big-time kid gangster politician Computer God even raised his age for historical purposes. Teddy Roosevelt was paid off with the Vice President knew absolutely nothing farce position title.
Repeatedly Vice Presidents have successfully waited and lurked to eliminate El Presidenté oy vey. Below are a few examples. So the kiddish gangster Teddy Roosevelt lured midwestern Dope McKinley into New York for extermination like the lowly guttermouth big L.B. Johnson lured playboy sodomist eat-with-the-Mafia Jack Kennedy into his home town Dallas wide open. People say it was the three brothers Sam, Milton and Lyman Jacobsen who with the judges feloniously swindled the Governor of Texas out of the U.S. Senator election shortly before Lyman was fixed as the compromise choice for Jack Kennedy's Vice Presidential nominee.
Who ever saw a Lyndon married to a tiny runt Birdie under Computer God orders even Birdie now has changed her name for historical purposes to Lady Bird nu? And even her Ethiopian surname is now changed to Taylor. It was the scummy bum lowly gangster Lyman as Presidenté who had the gigantic Tsarina swimming pool deepened several feet to a regular swimming pool and regularly had naked sodomy swimming parties with women personnel. GANGSTER MONKEY SEE, GANGSTER MONKEY DO. Now that the Pope John in the Vatican has a similar swimming pool to share with the endless numbers of nuns to help him forget his good old days as a married man naked in bed with high holy communion sodomy.
In not that world renowned untouchable felon gangster Tricky Dick Nixon whose daughter Tricia is married to Davy Eisenshanker Junior nu? Nixon was the sure loser to the fag queer kid Bobby Kennedy until he was lured into very distant Tricky's home town Los Angeles. Did not gangster Tricky Dick Nixon do more than feloniously watch Eyesight Television of Bobby Kennedy's extermination?
Abe Lincoln's Computer God alias for Abe Lin-Cohen's law partner was Stanton. Abe and the gangster courts feloniously conspired fabricated patent infringements to swindle thousands of dollars from C. McCormick Weeper Machinery Company. As president, Abe made Stanton a Cabinet member in order to automatically become President Stanton concocted a grandiose murder scheme to murder not only Lincoln but also the Vice President and Secretary of State. Secretly, Vice President Johnson overseered it. Lincoln was murdered and Secretary of State Seward was very seriously injured.
Automatic President Harry "Shimmelman" Truman in terror, gave political concessions to Congress to enact abolishment of the automatic succession to the Presidency by Cabinet members. For cheap conspired felonious party fix Gangster Nixon gave Presidency to known felon Gerry Ford another Computer God alias the wide open life long felon bribe extortionist forgerer and check launderer Gerry Ford.
David Eisenscheimer or Eisenshanker another runted Negroidically befreckled semi-illiterate cowardly yokel kid, also Jimmy Carter who shared the sodomy drunk beds of the military academy with Niggers under secret Computer God orders upon graduation. CIA changed even his family gravestones. Camp David in Maryland was named after him, for him, and by him, including the Division of SS Secret Service troops who even tended his playboy giant golf course. Here David Eisenshanker hid in cowardly terror and watched World War Two on Eyesight TV. His historical name, Dwight Eisenhower. As president for months he was dying, in a coma, useless and helpless. Oy vay.
Sneak shameless hangman rope gangster government leaders into Frankenstein living death eternal slavery, I now go to death for your lowest deadly felony crime against me. Frankenstein Earphone Radio parroting puppet gangster slave do not dare to repeat any part of this truthful message. For like Mr. Francis E. Dec, Esquire, you too are expendable and you too can be beaten bloodily by the gangster police and dragged in chains into a windowless telephone booth type prison cell and put into maximum security insanity prison for undetectable extermination, and by the lowest gangsterism, namely, the law, character assassinated for life as an insane, criminal menace to this worse Gangster Communism. Now that your terrified, trembling delirium has subsided have your computer subdivision play out my letter, and you, reread my letter FOR YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE. Francis E. Dec, Esquire, 29 Maple Street, Hempstead, NY.
Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God scum-on-top staged like Hollywood with plastic pale stand-in actors with Communist Gangster Computer God speed recording, instantaneous, simultaneous edited simulated voices implanted for all TV and news media microphones in any known language. Unbelievable con artist gangsterism solely for the overall plan. Worldwide eternal Frankenstein living death slavery. Yokel felon King Jimmy Carter slime from the academies which Mr. Dec intelligently refused unsolicited acceptance to the most elite academy from here in Niggertown and even insidious con artist gangster divorcée Pope John, they both speak Spanish and even Portuguese. Solely Mr. Dec exposes False God Sodomy and Gomorrah of you Worldwide Computer God parroting puppet gangster slaves. Make copies for yourself you hangman rope gangster scum-on-top. Laugh your mad giggle now.
Rant No. 2
Gangster Computer God Worldwide Secret Containment policy made possible solely by Worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls. Especially lifelong constant threshold brainwash radio. Quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it. Repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets. Four billion wordwide population, all living, have a Computer God Containment Policy brain bank brain, a real brain in the brain bank cities on the far side of the moon we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein Radio Controls, especially your Eyesight TV, sight and sound recorded by your brain, your moon brain of the Computer God activates your Frankenstein threshold brainwash radio lifelong, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you and mixing you up and the usual, "Don't worry about it." For your setbacks, mistakes, even when you receive deadly injuries. This is the Worldwide Computer God Secret Containment Policy.Worldwide, as a Frankenstein slave, usually at night, you go to nearby hospital or camouflaged miniature hospital van trucks, you strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the sealed Computer God robot operating cabinet. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy vicious Jew doctor simply pushes the starting button, based upon your Computer God brain on the moon which records progress of your systematic butchery. Your butchery is continued exactly, systematically. The Computer God operating cabinet has many robot arms with electrical and laser beam knife robot arms with fly eye TV cameras watching your whole body. Every part of you is monitored, even from your Frankenstein controls. Synthetic blood, synthetic instant-sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heartbeat to keep you alive are some of the unbelievable Computer God instant plastic surgery secrets. You are the highest, most intelligent electrical machine in the Universe.
Inevitability of gradualness. Usually, in a few years, you are made stringbean thin or grotesquely deformed, crippled and ugly, or even made over one foot shorter or one foot taller, as the Computer God sees fit. Virtually all of the important instant plastic surgery is done to you inside the Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet. Even unbelievable, impossible plastic surgery operations, all impossible even for dozens of vicious kosher bosher doctors working around the clock for weeks. The Computer God sealed robot operating cabinet can perform all of the above impossible plastic surgery operations overnight, even dwarfting you over a foot, or increasing your height by two feet. This is possible because Computer God robot operating cabinet imitates your microminiature electrical current intelligence system in your body. It even duplicates the microminiature electric currents that soften your broken bones to create mending of them and then create stress either compressing the bones thereby shortening them or stress to make the bones grow longer.
Spring, 1984, Mr. Dec, lifelong would-be doctor and printer. Insight to the Worldwide Computer God stratified closed society, perfected by hospital birth making possible lifelong Frankenstein controls and lifelong hampering human defects containment policy. Hospital birth lifelong gifts example, deformed, crippled, retarded, pox, hives, warts, moles, blindness, deafness, poor vision, etc. Kosher bosher containment policy work good doctors secret health example cataract, rheumatism, weak heart, damaged vision, epilepsy, fainting spells, paralysis, loss of memory, trembling, gout, diabetes, many diseases.
The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher bosher vicious medical profession worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery butchery of the body and brain, especially the face. Wipe on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, age spots, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples, red, brown, black or even sick white face and body. Worldwide dark negroidic colored male sex organs. The brainwash inferior female brain from overall plan intermarry with niggers. Total graying and balding, even hairy body and furry body, mustached, bearded women, even wipe-on synthetic hormones causing cancerous growth. Bloating, swelling, deformed, big pickle nose, bulldog, hanging cheeks and jowls. From teen-age gradual wipe-on yellowing, frowning and blackening of teeth, and instant grinding and acids leaving hollow brown stumps so vocal chords are made raspy, aged, creating a wrinkled, ugly gargoylic clown booze face, worldwide population by age 70. Deformed, crippled, weak and brain damaged, senile. Lingering for inevitability of gradualness extermination. For your only hope for a future, do you know one word of pray for me, Francis E. Dec?
Computer God computerized brain thinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal of most of the frontal command lobe of the brain, gradually, during lifetime and overnight in all insane asylums after Computer God kosher bosher one month probation period creating helpless, hopeless Computer God Frankenstein Earphone Radio parroting puppet brainless slaves, resulting in millions of hopeless helpless homeless derelicts in all Jerusalem, U.S.A. cities and Soviet slave work camps. Not only the hangman rope deadly gangster parroting puppet scum-on-top know this top medical secret, even worse, deadly gangster Jew disease from deaf Ronnie Reagan to U.S.S.R. Gorbachev know this oy vay Computer God Containment Policy top secret. Eventual brain lobotomization of the entire world population for the Worldwide Deadly Gangster Communist Computer God overall plan, an ideal worldwide population of light-skinned, low hopeless and helpless Jew-mulattos, the communist black wave of the future.
Rant No. 3
To all judges:First and second appellant division, superior court New York City
Court of appeals, Albany New York
US "Supreme" Court, Washington DC
I write DEMANDING a re-hearing of my worse-than-lowest deadly gangster police state criminal conviction which appeal case was in your farce deadly gangster ghetto-communist Gangster Computer God-manipulated gangster court. Below I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the attorney general chicaneriesly forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon gangster mafiotic negroidic the BLACK Frank Gulotta, a Gangster Judge, therefore unprosecutable. The blackish menial negroidic-in-apperance-and-demeanour felon vicious parroting puppet ex-district attorney Nassau County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions, in spite of this SOLELY because of his many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME, this negroidic low mafiotic deadly BLACK Frank Gulotta was then IMMEDIATELY and UNPRECEDENTEDLY and REPEATEDLY rapidly promoted in spite of TREMENDOUS opposition to the present position of second highest state judgeship SOLELY through Gangster Computer God manipulation!
As additional evidence; during the last week of my within mentioned month-long worse-than-a-farce nazi court criminal trial in Nassau County court 1958 were dwarfed at felon-gangster Parroting Puppet rectum-lapper sodomous judge William Solomons ball-of-fat felon slut wife. She, AS PLANNED, sat in the front row, repeatedly stripping her over clothes and completely pulling up her dress and slip and pulling aside her old-fashioned pink BLOOMERS in order to display her ANUS, her CUNT. She repeatedly gesticulated and whispered: "I’ll give it to you to suck! FINISH HIM!" Her husband dwarfed, the felon Gangster parroting puppet rectum-lapper judge William Solomon, flush-faced in repeated open sodomistic display stuck out his TONGUE, WIGGLING IT, chuckling to her! You hangmanrope Gangster felon Parroting Puppet scum-on-top playboys can watch my Frankenstein eyesight television PLAYBACK of this felonious lowly sodomistic display by the felon sodomous judge William Solomon and his lowly felon-slut wife during my trial in Nassau County Court.
After my worse-than-nazi-court criminal conviction and CRUCIFIXION, for years in poverty I suffered hopeless, jobless character-assassination and isolation in this low deadly niggertown. I was the repeat target-victim of this Gangster Government’s gangsterization and undetectable extermination attempts to Shut Me Up Forever With My Secrets. Then, in December 14:th 1965, I attempted to escape this worse mongrel Gangster Communist-country to return to the Slovenic-Polish land of my forefathers. Instead, in a Gangster-staged Parroting Puppet DEADLY CONSPIRACY, I was flown from Kennedy New York Airport AT NIGHT to a small, distant S:t Lawrence River estuary snowbound, small airport under the guise that I was in Warzaw, Poland. Immediately many many things proved this to me, including the two big white asbestos-shingled hangars with the large "Brand-F Airways" —signs on their sidewalls, in addition to the many blurted statements I solicited from the many CIA deadly GANGSTERS, the assassins of ME, the many many Parroting Puppets all around me. I DEMANDED an immediate flight back to Kennedy New York Airport, instead I was held captive ALL NIGHT, later in CHAINS. I refused both; all food and requests that I’d go to sleep. Then CIA GANGSTERS, pretending to be Polish police with NO identification BEAT ME BLOODILY! Later, while "my" return-trip 707 Boeing jet airliner was being serviced for "my" return trip, I quickly walked into the airplane and saw a CIA GANGSTER with a small electric hairdryer-type blower pumping DEADLY POISON NERVE-GAS SMOKE into SECRET COMPARTMENTS under the ashtrays in the arms of the chairs where later *I* was ordered to sit in the airplane full of CIA UNDERLINGS, "passengers", my assassins, who GIGGLED as they watched me dragged in chains by the airplane by the Gangster CIA Police Gangsters! These deadly Gangster CIA passengers, they PRESSED THE FRONTAL PANEL OF THE ASH TRAYS IN THE SEAT ARMS to release the DEADLY POISON NERVE GAS SMOKE! Indubitably, all of the others deadly CIA underling GANGSTERS upon this staged-return flight, they ALL had taken the TOP-SECRET POISON NERVE GAS ANTIDOTE PILL™, immuning them from the deadly poison nerve gas smoke! Deadly poison nerve gas smoke was sprayed at me from CIGARS, CIGARETTES and even from BALL-POINT PENS also from the WIG of a woman sitting next to me, even the Swiss cheese-type ice cubes were evaporating into poison nerve gas smoke in all of the "free" drinks! I got up and went to the rear of the airplane by the rear exit door with the large push-up handle; my Frankenstein Brain-Thoughts Broadcasting Radio disclosed my intentions IMMEDIATELY; the loud speaker screamed that the flight was over and that our airplane was already preparing to land at Kennedy New York Airport.
You hangmanrope sneak Gangster playboy scum-on-top KNOW these facts are true, not only from taking part in such undetectable exterminations, but also you chicaneries demented felon Parroting Puppet Gangsters can WATCH my Frankenstein Eyesight Televison playback of all these horrible terrifying deadly events!
When I returned home, Joseph I Dec, my only brother and deadly felon-murderer and assassin-spy agent against me for this Gangster Government, he beat me repeatedly, CURSING me that I was not exterminated by all of the poison nerve gas smoke and that I did the IMPOSSIBLE in that I kept awake for THREE DAYS and refused ALL FOOD, in order to prevent my SNEAK EXTERMINATION! In accordance with the completely Gangster Computer God concocted-and-manipulated statutory law, one of your Gangster Courts’ requisite duties is to AUTOMATICALLY re-hear my said appeal case because it has been brought to your attention, you hangmanrope Gangsters, that my ENTIRE LIFE was destroyed by you co-conspirators through the Gangster Government’s purgered and fabricated criminal conviction of me in order to fulfil the demands of your Communist God, the Worldwide Mad Deadly Gangster Computer God. You deadly Parroting Puppet felon Gangsters already know that I have been and AM an INNOCENT primary victim and target for DESTRUCTION and EXTERMINATION because I am a MENACE to your Gangster Computer God, and that I am worse than defenceless without the Gangster Protection and Control of the Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio. I stand ALONE against you demented deadly Gangster Parroting Puppets, namely this worse Gangster Communist Computer God controlled Gangster Government! Before I’m exterminated by you hangmanrope underlings, I DEMAND A REPLY!
October 21:st, 1976
Francis E Dec, esquire
ADDENDUM: I personally filed my maximum-conviction appeal brief in 1961 with the chief clerk of the US Supreme Court, Washington DC. The chief clerk, he knew me! He sneeringly grabbed my thick, strong homemade appeal brief and then he attempted to rip it up, in desperation the chief clerk of the US Supreme Court ripped of the cover of my appeal brief! Miracously, I stopped him without a deadly scene to me. Then, filing my ripped-appeal brief, the felon and another co-conspirator with the nine hangmanrope Gangster Judges, the chief clerk in cowardly fear in staccato speech and gesticulation, he confessed to me; "Mr. Dec, everyone is in on this one against you, even the attorney general." Namely Bobby Kennedy, younger than his very-young-brother Jack Kennedy, Kennedy then-president. The Kennedy Playboys little fat Bobby was a felon lowest chicanerious UNTOUCHABLE Parroting Puppet Gangster against WORSE-than-defenceless Mr. Francis E Dec, esquire! My quick questioning and the co-conspiring felon chief clerk explained and gave me a new and SPECIAL notice form for ONLY Mr. Francis E Dec, esquire, which had to be mailed to the OPPOSITION, the deadly Gangster district attorney, in order to prevent the dismissal of my appeal case. Leaving quickly; I noticed in the room and hall several approaching uniformed and plain-clothes big-weaponed POLICE! Later, Joseph I Dec, my only brother deadly-villain-murderer and secret-assassin spy-agent against me for this Gangster Government, cursed me stating that I TRICKED the chief clerk of the US Supreme Court, and that I got out of that death-trap FAST!
So, brainwashed-from-birth by the Computer God Threshold Brainwash Radio Parroting Puppet Gangster Slave, if you believe in ANYTHING, forget merely you abiding by the High Holy Law long enough to say one word of pray for ME, for your ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE!
FOOTNOTE: Remember, it is Gangster US Supreme Court-written High Holy Law! I’ll give it to you to suck! FINISH HIM!!
Rant No. 4
In December 1965 when I returned from my Computer God planned one way trip to the snow bound St Lawrence estuary "Poland" my life became even worse deadly than before I left. Even ape nigger Sonny Wally Gray Hempstead cop with another black ape city cop, both in uniform, in their Thunderbird auto, in their driveway, next occupied house to mine, sprayed me with poison nerve gas from their exhaust as I walked by their driveway loaded with shopping bags. Immediately they jumped out of their auto both holding their guns in obvious be-sweated, cowardly, gangster, fright; indubitably well briefed by the deadly gangster CIA cops and Computer God earphone radio about my razor sharp chisel in my pocket. At this time in the late sixties there was no inflation I managed to exist on much less than 1000 a year of my savings spending mostly for food, taxes and kerosene. After several months of my imploring my brother then moved to 2628 Samis Place to sell it for me. Until he left all food etc., was bought with my money, I was his house slave and cook. After he left there were no more torments and mad beatings from him, no more hiding in the garage or cellar while he sodomized the last slut I passed onto him years before, here in my bed, in my house, every weekend, always alone here. I had endless peaceful time to study all the nigger neighbors and slowly write notes piecing together this deadly Frankenstein earphone radio closed society, even in my law office on the corner the Computer God notarized me as a pummeler of niggers, this has helped to keep them away from me.At first, after my brother left I went shopping two, three times a month as I gained insight into this closed society I went shopping more often. Week after week hundreds of village and top end Hempstead employees not only cops but even commissioners, clerks, parks, and even sanitation employees, many of whom I recognized in all sorts of vehicles they circled the streets of this gigantic ghost town around me these hangman rope sneak deadly gangsters called the government they drop their fake farce staged con artist ploy of shuffling of papers when in the public eye when in reality everything in government taxes bills forms letters all court records etc. are typed and printed by secret 2000 word a minute computer brain machines, there is no one decent and honest in any government, every government employee is a loitering lurking believe nothing gangster parroting puppet of the Computer God. They not only tried to crush me between their vehicles repeatedly but also repeatedly tried to run me down through red light intersections all traffic lights in this country are controlled by the Computer God.
As I walked back and forth aimlessly to the supermarkets at the busiest times of days I saw also reduced the prearranged stripping of supermarket shelves of the food I usually buy, by not going to the same supermarket and reduce the occasions of supermarkets completely set up with government assassins. From childhood I scavenged the countless back alleys of the city like business districts of this village for valuable trash, clothing, even deposit bottles often I would go through back alleys to avoid circling government assassins in their vehicles. At times I would zig-zag several miles to the supermarkets in West Hempstead and slowly return with the food lost in the Super Time Commuter Rush, always I wore a top coat not only to protect against deadly assaults especially the TABIN NEEDLE but also I would put much of the food I purchased under my undershirt like I did apples and pears as a boy from the shopping cart at the back of the supermarket. Even with deadly gangster government assassins circling the parking field sneering and watching me on dashboard and wristwatch eyesight television.
By 1968 with my new and increasing insight of this deadly closed society in the same manner I would sneak around to the half dozen stock brokerage offices here in Hempstead studying the tickertape from the sidewalk and then inside of the offices by the doors and windows. Now they are all boarded empty stores. Likewise I picked the smallest brokerage office by the door I would read and help myself to their investment periodicals etc. and momentarily leave. So I transacted all of my business with unbelievable beginner's luck I judged the Computer God stock market had to have a 1968 summer rally based on this judgment every penny of my money was on maximum margin loan. Finally late in summer a small rally came I quickly sold all but one airline stock, the biggest and worst stock I bought, immediately after I sold the 1968 skyrocket rally began even my airline stock was regaining its losses. From 1959 to 1968 my income was ZERO. I could not even trust banks, such banks as Island Federal Bank of Hempstead gangsterized me and swindled me from childhood in nunnery Catholic grammar school. To prevent my drunken, sodomist brother from robbing my hard earned savings for college, secretly I opened my second bank account, there for snow-balling interest. The cackling, sneering, co-conspiring felon gangster parroting puppet officers of the Island Federal Bank, the two car garage bank on High Street, the tiny building is still extant, gave me the worst niggerly; namely "69" begin and end with death extermination, namely "20", two zeroes, because I am a "one niner", highest and worst stratification, awaiting extermination, namely "19", or the letter "S" the nineteenth letter in the alphabet, THE WORST DEADLY BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE, namely account number "S2069", when this gangster government subsidized bank did not have near 500 depositors. These are enlightening keys to the Computer God Worldwide Top Secret Number Code which stratifies everything, not only the 4 billion living people. The Computer God adopted it for speed and clarity. This said number code is the means to make possible the Computer God Worldwide Containment Policy for stratification. In a few months my investments made me minimum wage for 1968 with great insight into the stock market from my many tiny investments each brokerage office had foyers between double doors and had then installed vertical Venetian blinds or solid panel walls to cover their front windows. They were all darkened like movie theaters. I could see assassins hiding and lurking behind newly added partitions and filing cabinets. I dared not go into any brokerage office. Months went by. One day going shopping I passed my brokerage office, only an unlicensed employee was present it was two minutes before the market closed for the day. I ran in and ordered him to call his main New York office on the direct wire to sell my airline stock at market, as I handed in the stock I always carried for the impossible opening. In a few seconds my airline stock was sold for the biggest profit of almost 500 dollars that I had made. The next morning that airline stock went up about a point and began dropping fast. Since that day it is worth at tops one third my purchase price. Thereafter groups of assassins ready to barge out after me in the foyer lurked in all stock brokerage offices. I did not dare to even watch the tickertape from the sidewalk. I went into hibernation, waiting for the Computer God efforts to murder me in the brokerage offices to relax. Early in 1969, secretly, the Computer God controlled and manipulated gangster government issued a warrant for my immediate arrest and incarceration in a maximum security insanity prison to be cured forever before I could go before any parroting puppet hangman rope gangster judge to give testimony.
Since 1969 I hide alone in this house all deliveries food, etc. I mail order adding 5 bucks for delivery left inside my rear outer cellar door. I snare drug addict niggers and give them 5 or ten dollars plus cab fare to go shopping etc. for me I give them 10 to 15 dollars to cut my grass and 3 or 4 dollars an hour to rake leaves. So many leaves are maliciously scattered in my shoe string yard that it takes a week to rake them into the street and a giant caterpillar scoop and 2 giant trucks to pick them up each year, very expensive for me and big money for the niggers but it has helped keep me alive.
When I bought this house while my brother sodomized sluts I passed onto him in my bed in the back room of my law office at night I slowly remodeled this house laying floors, walls for closets, etc. and ripped out the hot air system and put in hot water radiator system oil burner even while nigger tenants lived here. Years later after my brother left in 1966 I immediately garbaged tons of furniture and many other inflammables he brought here claiming that he scavenged it or that friends gave it to him. For weeks I soaked, washed off all the red wallpaper in most of the rooms to find fresh red paint under it the entire house was a CIA death trap for me set up while I was buying it.
In 1967 and 68 with hundreds of single edge razor blades I chipped off all of the red paint in most rooms and repainted the downstairs rooms. The maliciously ram shackled part of the floor of the upstairs front bedroom I ripped out to find inflammable paper stuffed under it I garbaged in many cartons. I also found new additions to the never used gas lighting pipes I ripped this out completely. After 1969 I found the same under the attic floor and many wooden beams cut, with scavenged wood I store in my garage and bed spring steel angled bars I repaired the cut beams and re-laid the attic floor upside down IT ALMOST LOOKS NEW. The Computer God ram shackled kitchen plaster walls I ripped down and replastered the whole kitchen. Since my brother left in 1966 most of the rooms in this house are empty except for Venetian blinds.
I have vivid memories of sleeping next to a kosher ex-flying captain. This assassin the black ape he told me in detail; "I begged to get back in as a Top Sergeant with felonious double bribe pay; (this ape with slut and breed of three in one month made more pay than my private yearly pauper's GI pay); I make much more than the Civil Service job I had as a Los Angeles Fireman. The Fireman are real bum gangsters they get paid to sleep on the job they have no work to do most of the time they bring in stick girls and have drunk sodomy drug parties in the beds in the firehouse, while on the job they go out and rob stores and homes to get extra money felonious government bribe they murder people and set their house on fire to cover up the murder".
Since 1969 deadly gangster cops have pounded my front door and rear doors opened and entered my rear cellar door even broke fasteners forcing open windows even late at night always screaming for me to come out even these parroting puppet stooge niggers tremble from this "Jer-U.S.A.-lem" kosher constitutional rights now worse with Ronnie. Now after all these years after I've mailed worldwide thousands of my letters exposing the Worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God I can once again walk the streets solely as I did before 1969.
Week in the first week my return trips I went by the nigger cab from shopping the third trip the end of the week in the Computer God monsoon rains three nigger women ran into my cab ahead of me I slammed the door on them and told the Cabbie "I ordered this cab and I was not going to sit on the tiny middle stool seat in the back, I was going to sit next to him in the front seat". As he drove his hand trembled holding a cigarette. I saw one of the nigger women reach forward with a deadly TABIN NEEDLE , the Computer God read my brain thoughts namely to pound her arm and twist it off she then withdrew her arm and the five block trip was over, I was home. As always no more cabs for me.
Finally after all these years from my present detailed investment efforts now I will probably reach yearly minimum wage income which is a great increase over past income. The nearest street level brokerage offices, Garden City, has vertical Venetian blinds. Since I have been allowed to walk the streets all buses are new all black glass one way windows. I walk to Garden City and shun buses. My investments are by pay phone and mail. First in the entire world all corner sidewalk curbs are being replaced with smooth corner driveways for non-existent baby carriages and wheelchair pedestrians in this ghost town, ideal for vehicles to drive up on the sidewalk from any direction for the computerized Computer God undetectable extermination.
Completely alone everything is much deadlier for me than 1969. Jimmy Carter visited Mr. Dec's gigantic, nigger, ghost town suddenly hundreds of additional empty stores, buildings, and homes are being bull-dozed into camouflaged empty parking fields.
P.S. As you drive by, on Maple Avenue, since I've hid there, on this three block long street approximately 12 substandard back houses etc., have been ripped down. Now Island Federal Bank glass facade has wall to wall drapes, assassins lurk even Saturday's in the foyer automatic teller five ran in from behind drapes I barged out without cash, change in machine. When I enter Island Federal Bank especially the women teller's etc. sweat and tremble they know they are expendable. No Computer God concocted manipulated farce civil liberties organization to help Mr. Dec through minimum wage income in 1968. The Computer God caused my isolated imprisonment here for over ten years. Again I have now zoomed to present minimum wage which is double 1968. My life is unbelievably worse deadlier than 1968, isolated, only provocateur assassins approach me. When will the Computer God have me dragged away to extermination?
Rant No. 5
LOOK AT THE PICTURE!!! See the skull, the part of bone removed, the "master-race" Frankenstein radio controls, the Brain-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, the Eyesight Television, the Frankenstein Earphone Radio, the Threshold Brainwash Radio, the latest new skull reforming to contain ALL Frankenstein Controls, even in THIN skulls of WHITE PEDIGREE MALES! Visible Frankenstein controls! The synthetic nerve-radio directional antennae loop! Make copies for yourself! There is NO ESCAPE from this worst gangster police state, using ALL of the deadly gangster Frankenstein controls! In 1965, CIA gangster police BEAT ME BLOODY, dragged me IN CHAINS from Kennedy New York Airport! Since then I HIDE in forced jobless poverty, isolated alone in this low deadly niggertown old house. The brazen, deadly Gangster Police and niggerpuppet underlings spray me with POISON NERVE GAS from automobile exhausts and even lawnmowers! DEADLY ASSAULTS, even in my yard with knives, even bricks and stones, even DEADLY TOUCH TABIN or ELECTRIC SHOCK FLASHLIGHTS; even remote electronically controlled around-corners-projection of DEADLY TOUCH TARANTULA SPIDERS or even bloody-murder "accidents" to shut me up forever with a Sneak Undetectable Extermination! Even with trained parroting puppet assassins in MAXIMUM SECURITY INSANITY PRISON for writing these unforgivable TRUTHS!!Until my undetectable extermination, I, Francis E. Dec, esq., 29 Maple Avenue, Hampstead, New York, I STAND ALONE against your mad, deadly, worldwide conspiratorial Gangster Computer God Communism with wall-to-wall deadly Gangster protection, life-long sworn conspirators, Murder Incorporated, organized crime, the police and judges, the Deadly Sneak Parroting Puppet Gangsters using all the Gangster deadly Frankenstein controls! These hangmanrope sneak deadly gangsters, the judges and the police, trick, trap, rob, wreck, butcher, and MURDER the people to keep them TERRORIZED in Gangster Frankenstein earphone radio slavery for the Communist Gangster Government and con-artist Parroting Puppet Gangster-playboy scum-on-top! The secret work of all police, in order to maintain a Communist "closed society"! The same worldwide mad deadly Communist gangster computer god that controls YOU as a terrorized Gangster Frankenstein Earphone Radio slave! Parroting Puppet, you are a terrorized member of the "MASTER RACE" worldwide 4 BILLION eye-sight television camera guinea pig Communist Gangster Computer God MASTER RACE! You're LIVING, THINKING mad, deadly worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God SECRET OVERALL PLAN: WORLDWIDE LIVING DEATH FRANKENSTEIN SLAVERY to explore and control the ENTIRE UNIVERSE with the endless "STAIRWAY TO THE STARS" - namely the manmade inside-out planets with nucleonic powered speeds MUCH faster than the speed of light! Look up and see the Gangster Computer God concocted NEW FAKE STARRY SKY! The worldwide completely controlled deadly degenerative climate and atmosphere through the new world round Translucent Exotic Gaseous Envelope which the worldwide Communist Gangster Computer God MANIPULATES through countless exactly positioned satellites; THE NEW FAKE PHONY "STARS" IN THE SYNTHETIC "SKY"!!
For AGES before Frankenstein Controls apeoidic niggers interbreedable with APES had no alphabet, not even NUMERALS! Slavery conspiracy over 300 years ago ideally tiny-brained apeoidic nigger Gangster government Eyesight TV Gangster spy cameras, Computer God New World Order DEGENERATION!
When "gifted" with all Gangster Frankenstein controls, nigger deadly Gangster Parroting Puppet or niggertrained PROGRAMMED ROBOTS DEADLY APE-FRANKENSTEIN MACHINES!! Degenerative disease to ETERNAL Frankenstein slavery!! Overall plan through "ONE WORLD COMMUNISM" (Top Secret codeword!!!) meaning "worldwide absolutely helpless-and-hopeless simple-languaged mongrel-mulatto- apeoidic NIGGERS"!!
Worldwide, systematic instant plastic surgery BUTCHERY MURDER, fake ageing so ALL people are dead or useless by age 70! Done at night to YOU as a Frankenstein slave! Parroting puppet Gangster slave, now even you know I am a MENACE to your worldwide, mad, deadly Communist Gangster Computer God! Therefore, I must go to extermination. Before I am exterminated by this gangster, Computer God concocted and controlled worst mongrel organized crime murder incorporated Gangster Communist government, I hand YOU the secrets to save the entire human race, and the entire UNIVERSE!
Donate money, or even a manual typewriter to me, FOR YOUR ONLY HOPE FOR A FUTURE!!
Dec addicts, you are in luck. As of August, 2006, Swedish cartoonist Peter Branting has created a funhouse of a website exclusively devoted to your favorite schizophrenic, complete with illustrated rants, sound files, new biographical information, a DECTIONARY, a Francis E. Dec timeline, a Francis E. Dec forum, and more to come!I MET FRANCIS DEC!
by Forrest Jackson
Then one day, exactly thirty years after witnessing a CIA "Gangster" pumping deadly poison nerve gas smoke into the cabin of his escape flight to Poland, Mr. Dec woke up from an afternoon nap to find three Men In Black suits at his bedside with a few questions about the Computer God he had postulated. Was this trio a vindication of his insane efforts or a further persecution? I was there to pay homage and to frighten the man who has bewitched my brain-bank brain, but I will never know how he perceived our manifestation because, though he lies there consciously, Francis Dec still refuses to speak.
I first heard of Francis E. Dec via Doc Britton's recorded rants which were played at a semi-religious, ritualistic Winter Solstice nitrous oxide party hosted by the Hot Tub Mystery Religion before Christmas, 1993. I was not merely intrigued; I was imprinted. The only sense the rants made to me at the time resided in the echoing giggle-realm that accompanies the phantasmogorical insanity that laughing gas bequeaths to the brain cells it consumes. Over the next few months, I listened to the tape dozens of times until addiction set in. Not addiction to nitrous oxide but addiction to the concepts of Francis E. Dec. Now they comfort me, quietly, motionlessly. Now I, too, am a parroting puppet of the Computer God. But I love it.
I became obsessed and the rants looped endlessly in my mind. His rants reveal him to be a naughty racist and a paragon of misanthropy, but this did not deter me: I decided that I must meet the man. Snooping into a national directory of phone numbers yielded nothing. I called every listed Dec in New York City and Long Island, but no one claimed to know anything about Francis or Joseph. I called the local newspapers and the Army, but no luck. Finally, it dawned on me to write a letter to 29 Maple Ave. and hope for the best. Since I had read reports of Dec's consistent unavailability to visitors, I was resigned to the probability that he was either dead or incapacitated. A letter posted from Brooklyn from his brother Joseph confirmed that Dec was incapacitated. I wrote back to Joseph, but he would have nothing further to do with me.
In his letter, Joseph mentioned that Francis was "inactive" in a VA Hospital. From this clue, I deduced that the hospital must be either near Hempstead or Brooklyn, so I called VA Hospitals proximal to both places. After some careful questioning, I got through to Dec's ward (F3) at the St. Albans VA Hospital. The nurses refused to answer my many questions about Dec's health, military status, and mental abilities, but from their minimal responses I decided that it was worth the trip to New York.
After securing flights and a modicum of surveillance equipment, David Hanson, Ean Schuessler, and I converged in Manhattan to carry out our gangster plan -- to meet Francis Dec. The nurses assured me that we were perfectly welcome to visit any time between the hours of 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Initially, David wanted to stay the entire twelve hours and insisted that I bring my pet tarantula to throw on the poor bed-ridden fellow at 8:59 PM. I reminded David that, although we might look menacing to Dec in our black suits, we were there to venerate and terrify him, not to harm him.
Once in New York, we played up the pseudo-secret agent roles. We had authentic Secret Service earphone radios; devices that fit in the outer ear while broadcasting and receiving sound from distances up to 100 meters. Also, we had a small 8mm videocamera for the purpose of independently recording the images of Dec and his mythos apart from our own subjective Eyesight Television playback brain-bank brains. After all, it's a long way to the other side of the moon.
We went to see Dec at the hospital on Friday December 15th. As mentioned above, exactly thirty years before, according to his own testimony, he was starving himself after being beaten bloodily by "Polish" police with no identification at a small snowbound St. Lawrence River airport. So he was not surprised when three Men In Black appeared at his bedside. Our manifestation did cause a stir among the nurses, however, and they busted us after only four minutes of filming.
Many observers of our video of Dec lying moribund in bed think that our visitation was cruel, but I insist it was not. We traveled hundreds of miles and spent thousands of dollars for five minutes of his silently paralytic time and we view the encounter as a success. In the curving hall of Ward F3 my brain achieved a balance between the ecstasy of the numinous and the menace of the demonically paranoid when I saw the plaque on the door that stated "Dec, Francis". Unfortunately, we did not otherwise document this token of his presence nor did we steal his empty check-up sheet that his doctor probably hadn't scribbled on in months. All that mattered was that we were finally in the presence of the man who dared to stand up against the Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God.
The man certainly looked dead as we approached. He may have had the head of a Polack, but he had the snake legs of Abraxas.* By saying that he had snake legs I mean that they were bound in coils beneath the bedsheets in what one nurse termed "contractures," a medical condition that manifests after a stroke. Apparently, Dec suffers continual muscle spasms that must cause him considerable pain. He may have been sedated or otherwise medicated. His ears were abnormally long and flabby, his chin displayed triangular red nicks from a recent shave, and there was a DEADLY TOUCH TABIN NEEDLE IN HIS ARM! Some would call it an "IV" but we knew better. His arm was bound in an infinite onion of gauze so that he would not pull out this needle. He waved this cottony mass at us, perhaps in communication. Sadly, there was a television pointed directly at his face. He shared the room with three or four other patients, none of whom could have suspected that a bitter, latter-day god was dying before them.
It was quite difficult to ask questions of this near-corpse. We asked him about his brother, his house, Frankenstein Controls and the Synthetic Nerve Radio Directional Antennae Loop, but he had nothing to say about any of these crucial matters. I do think that he understood us, however, because at one point David asked him to nod his head if he could hear us. Instead of complying with this simple request of head-nodding, he shifted his eyes. I do not offer this ocular tracking as unassailable proof of his coherence, but I am convinced that he was aware of us and our questions. The strangest phenomenon of our visit was not recorded. I will never forget how Dec's jaw made a continual muffled click as he chomped on his mandible. Also, I believe that he tried to communicate something by waving about his gauze-wrapped arm.
Though we were nearly arrested by the Hospital's security, we were not discouraged. The next day we rented a black Lincoln sedan (with driver) and drove out to Hempstead to see the "low deadly gangster nigger-town old house" (29 Maple Ave.). The most remarkable thing about it was the crazily painted mailbox, that was in actuality a small metal trashcan. I was tempted to steal the lid, but I refrained out of respect for future visitors. Also of note: many milk cartons around the horizontal venetian blinds; the very old black car in the garage; the ghost-of-Dec plaid shirt in the window; and the evidence of scavenged wood above the rear outer cellar door. We tried to break in, but there were simply too many people gawking at us while we pressed the videocamera against the windowpanes in vain hopes of getting a decent shot of the house's interior.
We must have looked odd emerging from and returning to our sinister black car in our black suits. These somber habiliments lent us an attitude of bravery and boldness, so we questioned as many neighbors as we could find. Though we were polite to everyone, only one person was accommodating. When asked why we were interested in the old man, I told one neighbor that Dec's writings were political in nature and might have some bearing on the Kennedy assassination case. We had flown from Dallas to find out what we could.
And that's what we did. We discovered that Dec is lost to us and the future sure seems hopeless.
Days later I spoke to one of the more candid nurses and she told me that Joseph visits Francis several times a week, though Francis rarely speaks a word. Francis' only confirmed words in three years came when the nurse told him to sit up. He looked her in the eye scornfully and asked, "Do I have to?" Yes, Francis, you must do whatever they tell you in the sealed robot arm operating cabinet. And that is where he remains, in the VA Hospital taking commands from the black nurses he hates so silently, lingering for the inevitability of gradualness.
In closing, I want to make a plea for further research into Dec's rants and life. Donna Kossy, R. Crumb, and the subGeniuses have done the world a great service by publicizing the man. Even as I write this account, there are lawyers in New York researching his legal troubles of the late 1950s. A CD release of Doc's recorded rants may appear on the market soon and the Computer God looms ever larger in the new fake starry skies. Please contact me with any information you might have about Francis Dec. I am offering a large sum reward for original Dec letters, flyers, etc. I realize that I have been sucked into Dec's realm of insanity, but how can one deny falling for such a beautifully self-consistent paranoid and viral message?
Also, I urge everyone with the inclination to visit Francis, if only to scare him and the nurses. This terrorization might be considered cruel gangsterization, but does Dec with his unparalleled racism and hatred of everyone (shy of Will Rogers) deserve gentlemanly treatment? You be the judge. Call the St. Albans VA Hospital. They will not tell you much, other than photos are a no-no, but there is a chance that you will run into Joseph there. If you decide to visit, please do me a favor and wear a black suit!
* Abraxas was the chicken-headed, snake-footed god the second century Christian mystery sect of Basilidians. Dec certainly possesses the power of such a Demiurge, in that he has created an entire world full of material evil. Dig? Dec, the Gnostic God of these End Times! I worship you!
Forrest Jackson -
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