Animirane fotografije nisu inače neko ludilo, ali odnos nepomičnih i pomičnih dijelova ponekad stvara jezovit dojam. Kao da su neki dijelovi svijeta posjednuti sablastima a drugi ne, različiti metafizički registri supostoje i međusobno su ravnodušni. Ta je neinteraktivnost, uzajamna ravnodušnost zapravo najviše unheimlich/uncanny.
Erdal Inci pak radi nešto slično, ali bogatije - klonirani video.
La donna è mobile:
thing electricity:
The filmmaker, photographer and graffiti artist Erdal Inci works in Istanbul, Turkey, where he has been experimenting with cloning movement in video since 2004. During the last few months he has converted some of these hypnotic videos in gifs.
Photography is one of the ultimate keys charting your memory. Using still images can often times be more flexible than moving ones as they allow you to recreate what went on through your own narrative! Turkish filmmaker, Erdal Inci, made series' of videos, put together by "sequentiallyarranged photo frames". Turn your beloved photograph into something whirling, in your brain and in video form!
Turkish filmmaker Erdal Inci shows us that life is full of repetition through his motion graphic gifs. He uses video as an instrument to explore “the phenomena of motion, time, and rhythm”. “The Circular Echo”, seen above, stars Inci and is composed 32 frames for a one-second motion graphic that’s endlessly looped. Isn’t it interesting to look at another person’s life through this medium? Do you ever have moments in which you go about your daily life unconsciously?
Video radovi na Vimeu
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