Ako ste hipster, što čitati slijedeće? Bojite se da će autora kojeg obožavate uskoro zavoljeti i svi drugi? Ah, ta divna vremena kad vas je samo nekoliko znalo za Roberta Bolaña, a sad ga prevode čak i na hrvatski! Dave Eggers i McSweeney's su se profanirali...
Fala bogu, još postoje tajna oružja - Michael Kimball, Lydia Davis, Amy Hempel, George Saunders, Blake Butler, Grace Krilanovich, Teju Cole, Amber Sparks...
Srećom kod nas još nije prevedena nijedna knjiga ultimativnih hipsterskih pisaca, Davida Fostera Wallacea i Tao Lina :))
Here on Goodreads, we've got all kinds of readers: Romance, Sci Fi, Armchair Sailors, you name it. This month we decided to focus on an interesting subset of our gigantic and diverse community—The Hipsters. After analyzing the data, and admittedly, taking some editorial liberties, we've determined a few things. The life of the hipster is hard. Between worrying the band you love is about to go big and wondering whether it's finally time to wash your raw denim jeans, you don't have a lot of time to think about what to read next. To make matters worse, now that you've raced through his collected essays, Both Flesh and Not, you've run out of David Foster Wallace books. That's where Goodreads comes in. Behold our hipster lit flow chart! Answer a few simple questions, and we will hook you up with your next favorite book. Life should always be this easy. - www.goodreads.com/blog/
Hipster Literature
The Ultimate Hipster Reading List
Intellectualizing Hipsters is the New Hipster Intellectualism
What Was the Hipster?
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