UbuWeb je napravio čudo svojim kolekcijama "svega avangardnog" 24 sata na dan, no sad već sadrži toliko toga da su razni autori pozvani napraviti osobne selekcije najboljih stvari na UbuWebu.
UbuWeb Top Tens
UbuWeb Top Twenty
August 2012
Selected by Jesse Darling & Belinda Blignaut
2. Stanya Kahn's It's Cool, I'm Good
3. Michael Nyman's Decay Music
4. Survival Research Laboratories: 10 Years of Robotic Mayhe
5. Wolf Vostell's Sun in Your Head (Television Decollage)
6. Ryan Trecartin's script for K-Corea [PDF]
7. A compilation of Gutai: Japanese Performance Art 1956-70
8. Alan Kaprow's Untitled Essay & Other Works [PDF]
9. Bas Jan Ader's Selected Works
10. Michel de Certeau's The Practice of Everyday Life
11. Assorted Street Posters #Outsiders
12. Art & Language with Red Krayola: Nine Gross and Conspicuous Errors (1976)
13. Guy Ben-Ner: Stealing Beauty (2007)
14. Seth Price's Go Home/Stay at Home [PDF]
15. Chris Marker: Junkopia
16. Jodi: My Desktop OS X 10.4.7 (2007)
18. Shaker Visual Poetry: Gift Drawings & Gift Songs
19. Stephen Prina: Vinyl II (2007)
20. Lynda Benglis: Female Sensibility (1974)
Jesse Darling [LDN/NYC] works in digital media, installation, intervention, text and video, "dasein by design", and the spaces in which performance becomes unmediated experience. She has performed, published, collaborated and exhibited internationally. Belinda Blignaut is a South African artist, living and working near Cape Town.
UbuWeb Top Ten
July 2012
Selected by Bryan Waterman
3. Fluxus Anthology 30th Anniversary Recordings
4. Allan Kaprow, How to Make a Happening LP (1968)
5. John Cage and Morton Feldman, "Radio Happenings I - V"
6. Antonello Branca, dir. What's Happening? (1967)
7. Giorno Poetry Systems / Dial-a-Poem Poet recordings (1972-82)
8. Aspen No. 3 (The Pop Art Issue)
9. The Andy Warhol Tapes narrated by John Giorno
10. Patti Smith early poetry readings & rock shows, 1971-74
Bryan Waterman teaches English at NYU, including courses on New York writing. He is the author of the 33 1/3 book on Televison's Marquee Moon.
UbuWeb Top Ten
June 2012
Selected by Nick Zedd
1. Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
2. Ant Farm - Media Burn
3. Ulrike Meinhof - Bambule (film)
4. Jon Moritsugu - Mommy, Mommy, Where's My Brain?
5. Robert Clampett - Russian Rhapsody
6. Jean Genet - Un Chant d'Amour
7. Kenneth Anger - Invocation of My Demon Brother
8. Buckminster Fuller - Interview on "Into the 21st Century
9. Marcel Duchamp - Jeu d'échecs avec Marcel Duchamp
Nick Zedd is a filmmaker and theorist of The Cinema of Transgression.
UbuWeb Top Ten
May 2012
Selected by Ina Blom
1. Kenneth Anger - Puce Moment
2. Charlemagne Palestine - Island Song
4. Keith Sonnier - Air to Air I & II
6. Robert Filliou - A Filliou Sampler
7. Philip Guston's Poem Pictures
8. Wilhelm Sasnal - The Band
9. Pina Bausch - Café Müller
10. The fact that George Brecht's eight tampon and absorbent product-related patents are listed under Electronic Musical Resources
Ina Blom is a curator, writer, art historian and teacher, at the University of Olso.
UbuWeb Top Twenty-One
April 2012
Selected by Linda Norden
1. George Kubler - Style and Representation of Historical Time
2. Robert Smithson - Strata, a Geographic Fiction
3. Ed Ruscha - Parking Lot (detail)
4. The Musical Works of Alexander Scriabin
5. Jorge Luis Borges - The Craft of Verse: The Norton Lectures, 1967-68
6. Erik Satie - Pièces pour Guitare
7. Leslie Thornton - Peggy and Fred in Kansas
8. The Films of Ryan Trecartin
9. Todd Haynes - Dottie Gets Spanked
10. Frances Stark - This is not exactly a Cat Video
11. Joyce Wieland - Cat Food
12. Sun Ra - Brother From Another Planet
13. Phil Collins - The Louder You Scream The Faster We Go
14. The Films of Rodney Graham
15. Emile de Antonio - Point of Order
16. Rare Audio from Anthology Film Archives
17. The Films of Peggy Ahwesh
18. Bruce Nauman
19. Jordan Wolfson - Untitled
20. Mike Kelley - Extracurricular Activity & Superman Recites Selections from "The Bell Jar" and Other Works by Sylvia Plath
Linda Norden is a curator, writer, art historian and teacher, currently at large in New York.
UbuWeb Top Thirty-Five
March 2012
Selected by Al Filreis
Iannis Xenakis, NEG-ALE (1960)
Cioni Carpi, Punto e contrapunto (1960)
Joseph Cornell, Gnir Rednow (1960)
Ed van der Eisken, Handen (1960)
Stan VanDerBeek, Achooo Mr. Kerrooschev (1960)
Stan VanDerBeek, The Smiling Workman (1960)
Stan VanDerBeek, Blacks and Whites, Days and Nights (1960)
Stan VanDerBeek, Skullduggery Part II (1960-1961)
Harry Smith, Heaven and Earth Magic (1950-1960)
Alexander Kluge, Brutality in Stone (1960)
Norman McLaren and Evelyn Lambart, Lines: Vertical (1960)
Richard Myers, The Path (1960)
Nobuhiko Obayashi, Dandanko (1960)
Nobuhiko Obayashi, E no Naka no Shouja (1960)
Ken Jacobs, Little Stabs at Happiness (1960)
Gustav Metzger, Auto-Destructive Art Manifesto (1960)
Jose Lino Grunewald, aromamora; falo; sempre ceder (all 1960)
Friedrich Achleitner, o-i-study; ouch; alas! (all 1960)
John Cage, Tacet (1960)
Louis Zukofsky, Julia's Wild (1960)
Eugen Gomringer, The Poem as Functional Object (1960)
Luis Bunuel, A Statement (1960)
Brion Gysin, Mektoub: Recordings (1960-1981)
Richard Maxfield,
WHY 1960?
I've been avidly researching the year 1960 with a special emphasis on poetry & poetics. Was '60 the turning-point year that I think it was? I suspect a claim could be made either way and in fact I'm more interested at the moment in describing why, despite all the new-decade & new-generation rhetoric, it is a point of continuity more than of change. Change was touted; continuity is the understory. In any case, I want to reach widely across politics and culture to get as rich a context as I can. Is '60 the moment when the end of the end of the Old Left had been reached and the New Left began to emerge? Is it the final ascendancy, in certain scenes at least, of poetic postmodernity? Surely the publication of Donald Allen's The New American Poetry that year suggests this, but then again--once again--we look back on "New" here and see continuity. The rhetoric of the Kennedy-Nixon contest made much less of a dent than everyone (at the time as well as since) claimed, so one wonders why were such great claims made? Had we come to expect "1960" to be truly ubiquitously modern in a way that the 1950s really were not--not quite? And what specifically does "modern" mean in the Kennedyesque talk then and now about the torch being passed to a new generation, etc.? The First Lady really meant "modernist" when Camelotians said "modern." What about the others across the new young cultural leadership? I've been surprised by how frequently the "Beat movement" was covered in 1960 in the mainstream press. I was expecting a fair measure but I've found tonnage. 1960 was the year when the figure of the beat was beginning to find acceptance, although still 80% of these stories are mocking, rebels-without-cause condescension. For anyone whose analysis made an impact nationally, do these antipolitical adolescents count as part of the "new young cultural leadership"? No, but rather than the two being opposites, they fall along a Continuum of the New American. Now that's a change for '60. -- Al Filreis, 1960 blog
UbuWeb Top Ten
February 2012
Selected by Rob Walker
2. David Greenberger's Duplex Planet
6. Terry Allen, “Juarez.”
9. "Discourses of Gender and Desire: The Semiotics of Media in the 60s,” | from Soundings, with Wayne Pond
10. UbuWeb Radio
Rob Walker is a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine and Design Observer.
UbuWeb Top Fifteen
January 2012
Selected by WFMU
1. Delia Derbyshire - Dreams
2. Sun Ra - Space is the Place Film
3. Tellus Cassette Magazine
4. Komar and Melamid & Dave Soldier - Most Un/Wanted Song
5. DJ Food - Raiding the 20th Century
6. People Like Us & Ergo Phizmiz - Rhapsody in Glue
7. Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is the Massage
9. Lumiere and Company - Three Short Films
10. Yukio Mishima - Yukoku, aka Patriotism
11. Weegee - The Real Weegee
12. Unknown - Learn to Speak Hawaiian
13. Assorted Street Posters
14. Francis E. Dec - Rants
15. Paul Dutton - Mouth Pieces
WFMU is the longest-running freeform radio station in the U.S.
UbuWeb Top Ten
December 2011
Selected by Geeta Dayal
1. Electronic Music Review No. 5 & No. 7 [PDFs]
2. Bell Telephone Laboratories - Computer Speech
3. Lillian Schwartz - UFO's
4. Pandit Pran Nath - Ragas of Morning and Night
6. Tellus #14: Just Intonation
7. Frederic Rzewski - Coming Together, Attica (1973 Opus One recording)
8. The films of Piotr Kamler (soundtracks by Francois Bayle, Luc Ferrari, and Bernard Parmegiani)
9. Carolee Schneemann - Viet Flakes (sound collage by James Tenney)
Geeta Dayal is a frequent contributor to Frieze and many other publications, writing on music, art, and technology.
UbuWeb Top Sixteen
November 2011
Selected by Los Angeles Free Music Society
1. Richard Serra - Railroad Turnbridge
(Joe Potts)
2. An Interview With Henry Miller; Life As I See It; Henry Miller Recalls and Reflects (Dennis Duck)
3. The Poetics - Soundworks (1977-1993) (Fredrik Nilsen)
4. Kenny Graham and his Satellites - Moondog and Suncat Suites (1957) (Rick Potts)
5. Sun Ra on WXPN Christmas Day 1976 (Ace Farren Ford)
6. The Films of Mauricio Kagel (Tom Recchion)
7. The Outsider: The Story of Harry Partch (Dennis Duck)
8. The Fims of Michael Snow (Joe Potts)
9. Tod Dockstader - Interview 1963 (WRVR, Riverside Radio, New York City)(Fredrik Nilsen)
10. GUTAI - Japanese Performance Art, 1956-1970 (Tom Recchion)
11. Salvador Dalí - A Soft Self Portrait (1967) (Ace Farren Ford)
12. Jack Smith - Flaming Creatures (Ace Farren Ford)
13. Out of Orbit: The Life and Times of Marshall McLuhan (1999) (Tom Recchion)
14. La Monte Young - The Well-Tuned Piano in The Magenta Lights (87 V 10 6:43:00 PM – 87 V 10 01:07:45 AM NYC) (Tom Recchion)
15. Sculpture Mouvante - Jean Tinguely (1981) (Tom Recchion)
16. The Films of Kurt Kren (1929-1998) (Tom Recchion)
Influential experimental-music anarchists Los Angeles Free Music Society have had an immeasurable impact on the spread and evolution of noise, avant-garde music, and DIY culture in the past 40 years. www.lafms.com
UbuWeb Top Ten for October 2011
Selected by Vijay Seshadri
1. Ketjack: The Ramayana Monkey Chant
2. Sun Ra: The Berkeley Lectures
3. Sound Sculptures (ed. John Grayson)
4. Legendary Epics Yarns and Fables: Stan Brakhage
5. The Films of Vito Acconci
6. Robert Smithson: Hotel Palenque
7. Robert Duncan on Ethnopoetics: "Rites of Participation"
8. Hugo Keesing: Chartsweep
9. Aspen No. 10: The Asia Issue
10. William Kentridge: Repeat from the Beginning
Vijay Seshadri is a poet, essayist, and, sometimes, a translator. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence College.
UbuWeb Top Ten for September 2011
Selected by Rebecca Cleman
1. Zoe Beloff, The Dream Films
2. Patent: Apparatus for Drying and Treating of Hair Via Ultrasonics [PDF]
3. Brian De Palma, The Responsive Eye
4. Philip Guston and Clark Coolidge, A Car Part
5. George Kuchar, The Kiss of Frankenstein script [PDF]
6. Gregory Battcock and Robert Nickas, The Art of Performance: A Critical Anthology
7. The Space Lady, Major Tom
8. Claude Closky, The first thousand numbers classified in alphabetical order [PDF]
9. Avant Garde Project, Carl Ruggles
10. Ryan Trecartin, K-CoreaINC.K (Section A) script [PDF]
Rebecca Cleman is a writer and the Director of Distribution for Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY.
UbuWeb Top Ten for August 2011
Selected by Anne Hilde Neset
2. JG Ballard -- The Unmade films of JG Ballard
3. Mark Leckey -- Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore
4. Marie Menken -- Go! Go! Go!
5. Marina Rosenfeld -- Teenage Lontano
6. Tony Oursler -- Synesthesia: Genesis P-Orridge
7. William Wegman -- Selected Works (excerpt)
8. Susan Sontag -- The Aesthetics Of Silence
9. Bengt af Klintberg -- The Cursive Scandinavian Slave [PDF] (Great Bear Pamphlets on Ubu Historical)
10. Sun Ra -- The Berkeley Lectures
Anne Hilde Neset is deputy editor The Wire.
UbuWeb Top 10 for July 2011
Selected by Thomas Baumgartner
1. Run For Your Life, Stephen McLaughlin
2. Radioscopie De Jacques Chancel: Salvador Dalí Part 1
3. Luc Ferrari, Le Carnet Nomade
4. Brion Gysin, I am that I am
5. Kurt Schwitters/ Die Schwindlinge, Sonate in Urlauten - Zweiter Teil Largo
6. Philippe Soupault, Interview (1959)
7. Erik Satie, Pièces pour guitares
8. Robert Desnos/ Description of a dream (1938)
9. Jean Dubuffet, Humeur incertaine
10. Laurie Anderson, It's Not The Bullet That Kills You - It's The Hole
Thomas Baumgartner is the host of Les Passagers de la Nuit on France Culture
UbuWeb Top 18 for June 2011
Selected by Jordan Wolfson
1. Takashi Murakami - Superflat Monogram (for Louis Vuitton) (2003)
2. Dara Birnbaum - Damnation of Faust Trilogy (1983)
3. The Death Killers
6. Vito Acconci - Turn-On (1974)
8. Richard Kern - My Nightmare (1993)
9. Lacan-Jacques - Télévision
10. Karen Kilimnik - Kate Moss at the Beginning (undated)
11. Jack Goldstein - The Knife
12. Cheryl Donegan - HEAD (1993)
13. Oswald de Andrade - Anthropophagite Manifesto (May 1928)
14. Thomas Hirschhorn - Integrated Videos 1995-1999
15. Martha Rosler - Reads Vogue (1983)
16. Vietnamese Folk Poems
17. Chris Burden - Big Wrench (1980)
Jordan Wolfson is an artist.
UbuWeb Top Ten for April 2011
Selected by Jay Sanders
1. Tom Johnson "The Voice of New Music (1972-1982)
[PDF, 7.8mb]
2. Dylan Nyoukis / Blood Stereo (A Retrospective)
3. Les Levine "Lose" & "Hereditary Language"
4. Hannah Weiner "Little Books / Indians"
5. Alex Hubbard "The Collapse of the Expanded Field I-III"
6. Frans Zwartjes "Living"
7. Jeremy Sigler "Math" [PDF, 3mb]
8. Eric Andersen "Opus 74 Version 2"
10. Bob Brown "1450 - 1950"
10.5 Street Posters:
Mortal Man
Cluck Close's Fifteen Minutes
Jay Sanders is the co-curator of the 2012 Whitney Biennial.
UbuWeb Top Ten for March 2011
Selected by John Zorn
Sound (In Alphabetical Order)
[Appel on UbuWeb Sound]
2. Antonin Artaud - Pour Finir Avec Le Jugement Du Dieu
3. Guy Debord - Situationisten - Tracks 1 - 6
[Farrokhzhad on UbuWeb Sound]
6. Richard Foreman - Loops From Now That Communism Is Dead My Life Feels Empty
[Maurice Lemaître on UbuWeb Sound]
[Maxfield on UbuWeb Sound]
9. Harry Smith - Interview 1965 Part One And Two
[Tzara on UbuWeb Sound]
Film (In Alphabetical Order)
1. Harry Smith - Heaven And Earth Magic
2. Joseph Cornell - Rose Hobart
3. Jack Smith - Flaming Creatures
4. Hermann Nitsch - Maria Conception Aktion
5. Kenneth Anger - Lucifer Rising
6. Yayoi Kusama - Kusama's Self Obliteration
7. Forough Farrokzhad - The House Is Black
8. Kiki Smith - Jewel
9. Guy Debord - Critique de la séparation
10. John Cage And Raasaan Roland Kirk - Sound??
John Zorn is an American avant-garde composer, arranger, record producer, saxophonist and multi-instrumentalist.
UbuWeb Top Ten for February 2011
Selected by Ràdio Web MACBA
10 Curators Selected 10 Resources
1. Isidore Isou - Traité de bave et d'éternité
(Selected by Frédéric Acquaviva)
2. John Berger - Ways of Seeing: Commercial Art
(Selected by Chris Cutler)
(Selected by Ricardo Duque and Lucrecia Dalt)
(Selected by Mark Fell)
(Selected by Joe Gilmore)
6. Brenda Hutchinson - Violet Flames
(Selected by Barbara Held)
(Selected by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros)
8. Robert Ashley - Music With Roots In The Aether
(Selected by Jon Leidecker)
(Selected by Felix Kubin)
(Selected by Anna Ramos)
Ràdio Web MACBA is a radiophonic project that explores the possibilities of the internet and radio as spaces of synthesis and exhibition. This platform, which began in 2006 as a showcase for the exhibitions and activities of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), has developed into a content-generator for specific projects, focusing on the exploration of sound art, radiophonic art and experimental music.
UbuWeb Top Ten for January 2011
Selected by Paula Scher
1. Stan Vanderbeek - Achoo Mrr, Kerrooschev
2. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space
3. John Berger: Ways of Seeing - Women in Art
4. Peggy Ahwesh - Beirut Outtakes
5. Jean Panlieve - Le Vampire
7. Man Ray - The Bazaar Years
8. Thomas Demand - Tunnel
9. Fat Boy Slim - Weapon of Choice
10. Ant Farm - Media Burn
Paula Scher is a graphic designer and artist. She is a principal of the International design consultancy, Pentagram. She is also known for her large scale map paintings of dense and obsessive information.
Top Ten:
December 2010
Selected by Warren Ellis
1. Ketjak: The Ramayana Monkey Chant
2. Orson Welles - The One Man Band (1995)
3. Sun Ra: The Berkeley Lectures, 1971
4. Tuvan Throat Singing
5. John Berger: Ways Of Seeing
6. Samuel Beckett: Film
7. Charlemagne Palestine - Four Manifestations on Six Elements (1974)
8. Delia Derbyshire: Dreams
9. The Ancient Order Flyers
10. Eliane Radigue: Kyema, Intermediate States (1992)
Warren Ellis is an award-winning creator of graphic novels. He blogs here.
Top Ten:
November 2010
Selected by Peggy Ahwesh
1. Jean Painleve - The Vampire Bat
2. Borbetomagus - Snuff Jazz
3. Kurt Kren - O Tannenbaum
4. Harry Dodge and Stanya Kahn Can't Swallow It, Can't Spit It Out
5. Pier Paolo Pasolini - Seeking Locations in Palestine for the Film "The Gospel According to Matthew" (Sopralluoghi in Palestina per il film "Il Vangelo secondo Matteo")
6. The Signifying Monkey: Two Versions of a Toast)
7. Forough Farrokhzad - The House is Black)
8. Harrell Fletcher - Blot Out the Sun
9. Leslie Thornton - Photography is Easy, Version 2
10. Germaine Dulac - Invitation au Voyage
Peggy Ahwesh is an artist who works in film, audio and installation. A recent retrospective program of her work, "Laugh My Darling", was held at The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. More at EAI.
Top Ten:
October 2010
Selected by Jennifer Higgie
1. Laurie Anderson - Difficult Listening Hour
2. Fred Astaire - Bojangles of Harlem from Swing Time (1936)
3. The Wooster Group - Rhyme 'Em To Death (1993)
4. Abu Ali Mustafa - They Do Not Exist (Laysa lahum wujud) (1974)
5. Mark Leckey - Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore (1999)
6. Sun Ra - Space Is the Place (1974)
7. Alfred Leslie - The Last Clean Shirt (1964)
9. Samuel Beckett - Film (1965)
10. Peter Greenaway - Four American Composers: Meredith Monk (1983)
Jennifer Higgie is a writer and co-editor of Frieze Magazine.
Top Ten:
September 2010
Selected by Maira Kalman
1. Speechless 1-8 - Visual & Concrete Poetry Zine
2. Mauricio Kagel - Ludwig Van (1969, complete version)
3. Man Ray - The Bazaar Years [documentary] (1994)
4. Simon Morris - The Royal Road to the Unconscious (2003)
5. Joseph Beuys - Filz TV / Felt TV (1970)
6. Salvador Dalí - Salvador Dalí Speaks (1960) (My favorite of these)
7. Eugene Deslaw - La marche des machines AKA March of the Machines (1929)
8. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space (1986)
9. William Kentridge - Stereoscope (1999)
10. Bertrand Russell ABC of Relativity: Understanding Einstein
Maira Kalman is the co-founder (with Alex Melamid) of the Rubber Band Society. She is an author/illustrator of magazine and newspaper essays (NYTimes, New Yorker) and of childrens' and adult books. A retrospective of her drawings, curated by Ingrid Schaffner at the ICA in Philadelphia, is now making its way around the country. She is represented by the Julie Saul Gallery in NY.
Top Ten:
August 2010
Selected by Mathieu Copeland
An exhibition of the word(s)
A. Dziga Vertov Group - Letter to Jane
B. Michael Snow - So this is
C. Franck Leibovici - 9+11 [PDF]
D. Karl Holmqvist - Rockland
H. Gilbert and George - Ten Commandments for Gilbert and George
I. Keren Cytter - Der Spiegel
J. Bob Cobbing - Performing Concrete Poetry [here] and [here]
K. Erica Baum - Body Language [PDF] (Erica Baum on Ubu)
L. Bern Porter - The Last Acts of St. Fuck You [PDF] (Bern Porter on Ubu)
Mathieu Copeland is a curator who seeks to subvert the traditional role of exhibitions and to renew our perceptions. More on www.mathieucopeland.net
Top Ten:
July 2010
Selected by Tim Griffin
1. John Baldessari - The Meaning of Various News Photos to Ed Henderson
2. Michael Smith - The MUSCO Story: 1969-1997
3. Al Ruppersberg The Secret of Life and Death (dir. Peter Kirby)
4. Ant Farm - Media Burn
5. Peggy Ahwesh - Beirut Outtakes
6. Paul Sharits - Sears Catalogue 1-3
7. Cecil Taylor - Chinampas
8. Louise Lawler - Bird Calls
9. John Armleder - 16 Great Turn-Ons
10. Marcel Broodthaers Interview with a Cat
11. Djibril Diop Mambéty - Contras City (1968)
12. Seth Price - Cold Soul
Tim Griffin is editor-at-large of Artforum. He is currently at work on Compression, a book due out from Sternberg Press, Berlin, in 2011.
Top Ten:
June 2010
Selected by Rob Young
Dreams and Journeys
2. JG Ballard - Shanghai Jim
3. Claude Lelouch - Iran (1971)
4. Tacita Dean - Kodak
5. Taj Mahal Travellers on Tour 1973
6. Doug Aitken - Electric Earth
7. Nurse With Wound - Shipwreck Radio
8. Ken Jacobs - Disorient Express
9. Thomas Demand - Tunnel
Rob Young is an English writer and editor-at-large of The Wire magazine. His book Electric Eden: Unearthing Britain's Visionary Music is published this summer by Faber. Young blogs at Electric Eden.
Top Ten:
May 2010
Selected by Aram Saroyan
1. Andy Warhol - The Plastic Exploding Inevitable Newspaper
2. John Cage - Memogram Correspondences
3. Vito Acconci - Two Track (1971)
4. Yvonne Rainer - Hand Movie (1966)
5. Ernst Jandl - Sound Poems
6. Carl Fernbach Flarsheim - Visual Poems
7. Morton Feldman - Audio Works
8. Steve Reich - Score for Pendulum Music, 1968
9. Al Hansen - Incomplete Requiem for W. C. Fields (1966)
10. Ian Hamilton Finlay - Wave/rock
Aram Saroyan is an American poet, novelist, biographer, memoirist and playwright. His Complete Minimal Poems won the 2008 William Carlos Williams Award. A selection of his works can be found on UbuWeb.
Top Ten:
April 2010
Selected by Kay Rosen
1. Bas Jan Ader - Selected Works (1970-71)
2. Samuel Beckett - from Watt
3. John Cage - A Dip In the Lake
4. Hanne Darboven - Opus 17a
5. Cheryl Donegan - Kiss My Royal Irish Ass (K.M.R.I.A.)
6. Dominique Gonzales-Foerster - Parc Central - Kyoto
7. Steve Reich - Score for Pendulum Music
8. Michael Smith and Joshua White - The Musco Story: 1969-1997
9. Michael Snow - So This Is
10. Geoffrey Young - Kenny
Kay Rosen is an artist. A forty-year survey of her work Kay Rosen AKAK was recently published by Regency Arts Press. A selection of her works can be found on UbuWeb.
Top Ten:
March 2010
Selected by Marjorie Perloff
1. Ernst Jandl, Bist eulen?
2. William Kentridge - Stereoscope
3. Samuel Beckett - Quadrat 1+2
4. Cheryl Donegan - Refuses
5. VerbiVocoVisual Concrete Poetry and Music (1956-1970)
6. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space (1986)
7. Robert Smithson and Nancy Holt - Mono Lake
8. Caroline Bergvall, Via and About Face
9. Derek Beaulieu -"an afterword after words: notes towards a `concrete poetic" [PDF]
10. Öyvind Fahlström - Manifesto for Concrete Poetry (1952-55)
Marjorie Perloff co-edited with Craig Dworkin THE SOUND OF POETRY/THE POETRY OF SOUND (Chicago, 2009). ÊHer UNORIGINAL GENIUS: POETRY BY OTHER MEANS IN THE NEW CENTURY will be published in Fall 2010.
Top Ten:
February 2010
Selected by Christian Wiman
5. Indonesian Ketjack
6. Laurie Anderson - Difficult Listening Hour (from The Kitchen Presents Two Moon July (1986) )
7. Ian Hamilton Finlay - Fisherman's Cross (Finlay's page on Ubu)
8. Works by Alexander Scriabin (From Aspen 2)
9. John Baldessari: Some Stories (1990)
10. Susan Sontag - The Aesthetics of Silence From Aspen 5 + 6)
Christian Wiman is the editor of Poetry. His new book of poems, Every Riven Thing, will be published in November by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Top Ten:
January 2010
Selected by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
2. Paul Chan - Untitled Video on Lynne Stewart and Her Conviction, The Law, and Poetry (2006)
3. Maya Deren - A Study in Choreography for Camera (1945)
7. Dara Birnbaum - from "Damnation of Faust Trilogy" (1983)
8. Tacita Dean - Kodak (2006)
9. Dan Graham - Performer/Audience/Mirror (1975)
10. Jacques Lacan - Télévision
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev is the Artistic Director of Documenta 13 to take place in 2012.
Top Ten:
December 2009
Selected by Joan La Barbara
1. Agnes Varda - Plaisir d'amour en Iran (1976)
Reminded me of all that has been lost ...
2. Merce Cunningham - Points in Space (1986)
A wonderful doc about the making of the film and the work itself; great to see the guys happy and in action!
3. Bruce Nauman - Pinch Neck | Walking in an Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeter of a Square
Stamping in the Studio is wonderful, too - a veritable dance determinedly without flair - but I love the obsessive singularity of Walking in an Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeter of a Square, and Pinch Neck is truly voluptuous.
4. Kathy Acker - Redoing Childhood
Especially track 1: President Bush
5. Alfred Leslie & Frank O'Hara - The Last Clean Shirt
"The Last Clean Shirt" = life without seatbelts ...
6. Demetrio Stratos recordings
Start anywhere, listen as long as you like/can, choose another, listen, choose another; we will not see/hear his like again.
7. Jaap Blonk & Golan Levin - Ursonography (2005)
8. The World Record | Readings at the St. Mark's Poetry Project
It's all wonderful but especially Bob Creeley and Ted Berrigan.
9. John Giorno & Anne Waldman: "a Kulchur Selection"
The Fast Speaking Woman herself: Anne Waldman.
10. David Moss and Peter Rose - Siren
Joan La Barbara's career as a composer/performer/soundartist explores the human voice as a multi-faceted instrument expanding traditional boundaries, creating works for multiple voices, chamber ensembles, music theater, orchestra and interactive technology, developing a unique vocabulary of experimental and extended vocal techniques.
Top Ten:
November 2009
Selected by Purtill Family Business
1. Dick Higgins - A Book About Love & War, 1965. Chapter 7 & Death Canto 1 (PDF)
2. Rege Cordic & Mr. Sargent - Sounds of Ground Breaking
3. Charles Simonds, Birth (1970)
4. Michael Snow, La Region Centrale
5. Robert Smithson - Strata, a Geophotographic Fiction
6. Wallace Berman, Untitled (1973)
7. Bob Lewis and Alfred Etter - The Braille Trail
8. Hollis Frampton, Heterodyne, 1967
9. Clark Coolidge + Philip Guston, Line Drops
10. Seth Price, Dispersion, 2002. (See clip art on page 6!) [PDF, 4.5mb]
Purtill Family Business (Conny Purtill all the time and Jenelle Porter sometimes) is a graphic design studio specializing in catalogues for artists and museums. Lately, they have been thinking a lot about the ground.
Top Ten:
October 2009
Selected by Peter Gidal
when writing my beckettbook having heard this piece on the radio perchance one day in ny I visited david w. and he was fab!
2. Samuel Beckett - Not I (performed by Billie Whitelaw)
still one of the best theatre pieces in existence
which ive loved since it first appeared with my aspen subscription in the mail at brandeis
5. Kurt Schwitters - Ursonate (MP3)
6. Malcolm Le Grice - Berlin Horse (1970) (MP3)
just such a stunning work I literally see it whenever I can multiscreen single screen since inception....
8. Bruce Nauman - Stamping in the Studio
10. Art Worker's Coalition - Open Hearing [PDF, 22mb]
speaks for itself. and reminds me of discussions with gregory battcock about warhol etc on the ss maasdam crossing atlantic, in the mid 60's.....
Peter Gidal is both the chief theorist of the 1970s film avant-garde, and its most austere image-maker. He also is the foremost exponent of British structural cinema. His films can be viewed here on UbuWeb.
Top Ten:
September 2009
Selected by Hans Ulrich Obrist & Andy Dancer
Ten Oulipian-inspired UbuWeb Resources
2. Christian Bök - Chapter E from Eunoia
3. Claude Closky - All the Musical Notes Classified in Alphabetical Order (French and English Versions)
4. Cheryl Donegan - Refuses
7. Kenneth Goldsmith - No. 111 2.7.92-10.20.96
8. Helmut Herbst - Deutschland Dada
9. Hollis Frampton - Palindrome
10. Peter Manson English in Mallarmé (PDF, 684k)
My first Eureka moments in terms of curating was when I met Fischli/Weiss in 1985.
They sent me to see Alighiero Boetti in Rome and soon after I met Christian Boltanski in Paris. These conversations had freed me up in terms of what curating was concerned. I started to think about exhibitions which were unlike anything I had thought about before. They taught me the importance of experimentation, that there was not a prescriptive way of doing exhibitions. They also taught me that we only remember exhibitions which invent new rules of the game. These conversations and many other conversations led to my first exhibition World Soup the Kitchen show where my kitchen was transformed into an exhibition space and then one thing led to the next. Soon after these first conversations with artists I was very inspired by literature . Particularly important for me in relation to constraints and the invention of new rules of the games of exhibitions was the Oulipo group through which I became familiar thanks so Christian Boltanski who urged me to read Georges Perec and Jacques Roubaud. I then also read Raymond Roussel's How I Wrote Certain of my Books where he describes the games he plays with language and how these games would produce what Harry Mathews one of the protagonists of the group calls "absolutely unimaginable incidents of fiction".
Francois Le Lionnais another Oulipo protagonist emphasizes the importance of the term potentiality which he prefers to experimental, potentiality meaning the attempt to find something which has not yet been done and which could be realised.
Oulipo became the trigger for many of my curatorial projects in the 90s such as do it and unbuilt road.
-- Hans Ulrich Obrist, September 2009
Hans Ulrich Obrist is the Co-Director of Exhibitions and Programmes and Director of International Projects at the Serpentine Gallery in London.
Andy Dancer is a freelance curator.
Top Ten:
August 2009
Selected by Lionel Marchetti
1. Paul Sharits - Epileptic Seizure Comparison (1976)
5. The Soundworks of Ilhan Mimaroglu
6. UbuWeb Ethnopoetics - Soundings
7. Celtic Mouth Music
Lionel Marchetti is a composer. A selection of his works can be found on UbuWeb here.
Top Ten:
July 2009
Selected by Sina Najafi
(Cabinet magazine)
1. Forough Farrokhzad - The House is Black / Khaneh Siyah Ast (1962)
2. Ali Akbar Sadeghi - Malek Khorshid (1975)
3. Tacita Dean - Kodak (2006)
4. Derek Jarman - Shadow of the Sun (1980)
5. Survival Research Laboratories - Virtues of Negative Fascination (1985-86)
7. Bengt af Klintberg - The Cursive Scandinavian Slave (1967)
10. Unknown Artist -- No One Should Collect Anything
"Ubu is an embarrassment of riches. After hours of aimless but enjoyable rummaging, I finally decided to employ the ultimate organizing principle -- narcissism. This list is structured around my own life and comprises works I like from the four countries I've lived in. The ten items are chronological (Iran, UK, US, Sweden, and back to the US) and proportioned according to the time I spent in each place. I included Tacita Dean, who is exactly my age, not only because I like her work but because she went to a school across the street from mine in Canterbury, England." - Sina Najafi
Sina Najafi is editor-in-chief of Cabinet magazine.
Top Ten:
June 2009
Selected by Mika Tajima
2. Yvonne Rainer--Three Distributions
3. Agnes Varda--Black Panthers-Huey!
4. Vito Acconci--Theme Song
5. Tellus #13--Power Electronics
6. Nam June Paik--Edited for Television
7. Peter Campus--Double Vision
8. Liliann Schwartz--Pixellation
9. Edgard Varese, Iannis Xenakis & Le Corbusier
9. Rahsaan Roland Kirk and John Cage--Sound?
Mika Tajima is an artist and also works under the collaborative moniker New Humans. Recent shows include SFMoMA, X Initiative, The Kitchen, Whitney Biennial 2008, among others.
Top Ten:
May 2009
Selected by David Toop
1. Henri Michaux: Images du Monde Visionnaire
2. Yves Klein: Anthropometries of the Blue Period & Fire Paintings
3. Jacques Lacan: Télévision
4. Yukio Mishima: Rite of Love and Death
5. Chris Marker, John Chapman & Frank Simeone: Junkopia
6. Ethnopoetics: Canntaireachd - Earl of Seaforth's Salute
9. J.G. Ballard: Shanghai Jim
David Toop is a musician/composer, writer and curator. More here.
Top Ten:
April 2009
Selected by Pauline Oliveros
1. Billy Bang - "Daydreams"
2. Guy Klucevsek - "Clairvoyant"
3. Mauricio Kagel - Antithese
4. Tehching Hsieh (b. 1950) - One Year Performance, No. 2 (1980-81)
5. Her Noise - The Making Of
6. Terry Fox - Children's Tapes
7. Glenn Gould - Karlheinz Klopweisser Promo for CBC
8. Sainkho Namtchylak - Roulette TV
9. John Baldessari (b. 1931) - Baldessari Sings Lewitt
Pauline Oliveros (b. 1932) is an accordionist and composer who was a central figure in the development of post-war electronic art music. Oliveros was a founding member of the San Francisco Tape Music Center in the 1960s, and served as its director. She has taught music at Mills College, the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Oliveros has written books, formulated new music theories and investigated new ways to focus attention on music including her concepts of Deep Listening and "sonic awareness". More here.
Top Ten:
March 2009
Selected by Naomi Beckwith
1. Tristan Tzara "A Note On Negro Poetry" (1918)
2. Stan Douglas "Der Sandmann"
6. Alfred Leslie & Frank O'Hara "The Last Clean Shirt
7. Anton Corbijn "Some YoYo Stuff: An observation of the observations of Don Van Vliet"
8. Mona Hatoum "Measures of Distance"
9. Tehching Hsieh "One Year Performance No. 2"
BONUS: Ming Xiao-Fen Live at Roulette
Naomi Beckwith is a curator at the Studio Museum in Harlem.
Top Ten:
February 2009
Selected by Dennis Cooper
1. Alexander Kluge 'Brutality in Stone (Yesterday Goes on Forever)'
2. Ryan Trecartin 'I-Be AREA'
4. Douglas Huebler 'Variable Piece 4 New York City: Secrets' [PDF]
5. Tellus #15: The Improvisors
7. Chris Burden 'Documentation of Selected Works 1971-74'
8. Claude Simon 'Properties of Several Geometric and Non-Geometric Figures'
9. Glenn Branca/The Static 'The Static'
10. Terayama Shuji 'Experimental Image World Vol. 1'
Dennis Cooper is the author of eight novels, most recently 'The Sluts' and 'God Jr.' (both 2005). With the French director Gisele Vienne, he has co-created theater five works, most recently 'Jerk' (2007). He's a Contributing Editor of Artforum, and editor of the publishing imprint Little House on the Bowery/Akashic Books. His blog is here.
Top Ten:
January 2009
Selected by James Hoff
1. Sjollander/Weck: Extracts from Monument
2. Ron Rice: A Brief History of Anti-Records and Conceptual Records
3. Alan Sondheim: Run by Me
4. Ulay: Action in 14 Predetermined Sequences
5. Joseph Nechvatal: viral symphOny (28'09")
6. Henry Chopin Performance: Undated
7. CoLab: All Color News Sampler
10. Charlemagne Palestine: Island Song
James Hoff is an artist living in New York City. He, along with Miriam Katzeff, is the co-founder of Primary Information.
Top Ten:
December 2008
Selected by Julian Cowley
1. Robert Ashley - Music with Roots in the Aether
2. Joe Jones/ Chicken to Kitchen
3. Robert Wilson - Christopher Knowles
4. Wolf Vostell - De/Collage [LP] (1980)
5. John Cage and Raahsan Roland Kirk - Sound?? (1966)
6. Nicholas Moore, Spleen (Ubu Editions, 2004)
7. Pina Bausch Documentary (directed by Anne Linsel) (2006)
8. David Behrman, Long Throw (Roulette, 2008)
Julian Cowley contributes regularly to The Wire and occasionally to other music magazines. He has also lectured and written extensively on literature. During the 1980s he had the good fortune to work closely for several years with poet and critic Eric Mottram, whose inexhaustible conversation was, in effect, a foretaste of the UbuWeb experience.
Top Ten:
November 2008
Selected by Neville Wakefield
1. Willoughby Sharp Interviews Vito Acconci (1973)
2. Bas Jan Ader - Selected Works (1970-71)
3. Pipilotti Rist - Video Works (1986-2003)
4. Chris Burden - Documentation of Selected Works 1971-74
5. Johan Grimonprez - Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y (1997)
6. The Films of Jack Goldstein (1974-1978)
7. Gordon Matta-Clark - Splitting, Bingo/Ninths, Substrait (Underground Dailies) (1974-1976)
8. Lawrence Weiner - WATER IN MILK EXISTS (2008)
10. Robert Smithson - Bootleg of Hotel Palenque by Alex Hubbard (1969 / 2004)
Neville Wakefield is a writer and curator living in NYC. Recent film projects include 'destricted' a compilation of commissioned films by Marina Abramovic, Matthew Barney, Marco Brambilla, Larry Clark, Gaspar Noe, Richard Prince and Sam Taylor Wood. Senior curatorial advisor to PS1 and curator of Frieze he is also creative director of 'tar' magazine.
Top Ten:
October 2008
Selected by Gary Sullivan
1. Jaap Blonk's sound files
2. Dada Magazine
3. Drew Gardner's sound files
4. Kenneth Goldsmith, editor, "Publishing the Unpublishable" series
5. George Kuchar's films (especially "Corruption of the Damned")
6. Anders Lundgerg, Jonas Magnusson and Jesper Olsson, editors, "After Language Poetry" papers
7. Paper Rad's "P-Unit Mixtape"
8. Bern Porter's page
9. Jerome Rothenberg's Ethnopoetics : Soundings page (especially "Ca Dao, Vietnamese Folk Poems")
10. Survival Research Laboratories, "Virtues of Negative Fascination"
Poet and cartoonist Gary Sullivan lives in Brooklyn with Nada Gordon. Together, they wrote the book Swoon. Gary's most recent book is PPL in a Depot. He has published three issues of a comic book, Elsewhere, and maintains a blog by the same name at http://garysullivan.blogspot.com.
Top Ten:
September 2008
Selected by Rick Moody
2. Jacques Derrida, "On Religion"
3. Assorted Street Posters
5. Beth B., "Stigmata"
7. Tellus #14, "Just Intonation"
10. John Cage Meets Sun Ra
Rick Moody is the author of four novels, three collections of stories, and a memoir, THE BLACK VEIL. He also plays music with The Wingdale Community Singers.
Top Ten:
August 2008
Selected by Ben Rubin
1. Erik Saite - A Day in the Life of a Musician
2. Richard Leacock - For an Uncontrolled Cinema
3. William S. Burroughs - The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin
4. Claude Cloksy - The first thousand numbers classified in alphabetical order
5. Robert Smithson - A Heap of Language
6. Vito Acconci - RE
8. Raphael Rubinstein - A Brief History of Appropriative Writing
9. Marjorie Perloff - The Music of Verbal Space
10. Steve Reich - Pendulum Music (score)
Ben Rubin is a media artist based in New York City. He has been a frequent collaborator with artists and performers including Laurie Anderson, Diller+Scofidio, Ann Hamilton, Arto Lindsay, Steve Reich, and Beryl Korot.
Top Ten:
July 2008
Selected by Zach Feuer
1. Paul McCarthy - Painter (1995)
2. Pipilotti Rist - Video Works (1986-1999)
3. Richard Kern - My Nightmare (1993)
4. Bas Jan Ader - Fall I & II (1970)
5. Lynda Benglis - Female Sensibility (1974)
6. Sophie Calle & Greg Shepard - No Sex Last Night aka Double-Blind (1992)
7. Kembra Pfahler - Cornella; The Story of a Burning Bush (1985)
8. Robert Morris & Stan VanDerBeek - Site (excerpt) (1964, .mov)
9. Carolee Schneeman - Meat Joy (1964)
10. Dan Graham - Rock My Religion (1982-84)
Zach Feuer owns the creatively named Zach Feuer Gallery in New York City.
Top Ten:
June 2008
Selected by Ron Silliman
1. Frank Film (1973), Frank and Caroline Mouris
5. Carnival The First Panel: 1967-1970 (1973), Steve McCaffery
9. Armand Schwerner (1973), Phil Niblock (real video .rm file)
10. High Kukus (1973), James Broughton
Ron Silliman was once a slow left-handed second baseman. Now he lives in a faux forest in what was once the Biddle Estate.
Top Ten:
May 2008
Selected by Christian Bök
1. Claude Closky: "The First Thousand Numbers Classified in Alphabetical Order" (1989) [PDF]
2. Derek Beaulieu: "Flatland" (2007) [PDF]
3. Darren Wershler-Henry: "The Tapeworm Foundry" (2002)
4. Claude Simon: "Properties of Several Geometric and Non-Geometric Figures" (1971)
6. Survival Research Laboratories: "Virtues of Negative Fascination" (1985-86)
8. Trek Bloopers
10. RACTER: "The Policeman's Beard Is Half-Constructed" (1984)
IBM 7090: "Music from Mathematics" (1962)
Christian Bök is the author of Eunoia.
Top Ten:
April 2008
Selected by Laura Beiles
2. MoMA: Writing in Time (2007)
3. Piotr Kamler, Films (1960s-90s)
5. Penelope Umbrico, All the Dishes on Ebay (2002-03)
7. Abbie Hoffman Makes Gefilte Fish (1973)
9. Sophie Calle and Gregory Shephard, Double Blind (1992)
10. Cioni Carpi, Three Short Films (1960-62)
Laura Beiles is an associate educator in the Department of Education (Adult and Academic Programs) at The Museum of Modern Art, where she has organized programs with artists, poets, scholars, architects, and designers for seven years. In May of 2007, she received her MA in Art History from Hunter College, and received the Shuster Award for her thesis, "Creating National and International Identities: The Futurist Exhibitions at the Venice Biennale under Fascism, 1928-1942". Prior to coming to MoMA, she worked at NYU's La Pietra in Florence and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice.
Top Ten:
March 2008
Selected by Seth Price
1. Tessa Hughes-Freeland "Baby Doll" (1982)
2. Marie Menken "Glimpse of the Garden" (1957)
3. Robert Barry "Interview (1969)"
5. Lytle Shaw "Low-Level Bureaucratic Structures: Principles of the Emeryville Shellmound
6. Taj Mahal Travellers "Taj Mahal Travellers on Tour" (1973)
7. Asger Jorn "Pataphysics: A Religion in the Making"
8. Racter "The Policeman's Beard Is Half-Constructed" (1984)
9. Tristan Tzara "A Note on Negro Poetry" (1918)
10. I.B.M. 7090 "Music From Mathematics" (1962)
Seth Price is an artist.
Top Ten:
March 2008
Selected by Stephanie Strickland
1. Maya Deren, "Divine Horsemen"
2. "Concrete!" Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive
3. Jason Nelson, "Poetry Cube"
6. Dick Higgins, "Horizons" [PDF
8. "Concrete Poetry: A World View" Mary Ellen Solt
9. Raphael Rubinstein, "Gathered, not Made: A Brief History of Appropriative Writing"
10. Kenneth Goldsmith and Conceptual Poetics
Stephanie Strickland is a poet. Her latest collaborative hypermedia work is slippingglimpse first shown at e-Poetry 2007 in Paris and published in hyperrhiz: new media cultures. Her latest book, Zone : Zero (with digital poetry CD) will appear from Ahsahta Press in fall 2008. She recently published "Quantum Poetics: Six Thoughts, in Media Poetry: An International Anthology," edited by Eduardo Kac, co-edited The Iowa Review Web issue, Multi-Modal Coding: Jason Nelson, Donna Leishman, and Electronic Writing, and also co-edited the first Electronic Literature Collection, published by the Electronic Literature Organization.
Top Ten:
February 2008
Selected by Alan Licht
1. Derek Bailey Interview by Henry Kaiser
2. Richard Foreman MP3 loops from Now That Communism Is Dead My Life Feels Empty
3. Bruce Nauman "Record"
4. bpNichol -- all sound works
5. Cornelius Cardew "Stockhausen Serves Imperialism"
6. Philip Guston/Clark Coolidge "Poor Richard"
7. Lou Reed "the View from the Bandstand"
8. Jack Smith "Buzzards Over Baghdad"
9. Richard Meltzer "Barbara Mauritz: Music Box"
10. Adrian Piper "Untitled 1968"
Over the past two decades, guitarist Alan Licht has worked with a veritable who's who of the experimental world. He has released five albums of compositions for tape and solo guitar, and his sound and video installations have been exhibited in the U.S. and Europe. His new book Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Media, the first extensive survey of the genre in English, was published by Rizzoli in fall 2007.
Top Ten:
February 2008
Selected by Bettina Funcke
1. Harun Farocki, Inextinguishable Fire (1969) and How to Live in the German Federal Republic
2. UbuWeb Hall of Shame
3. Robert Frank, Energy and How to Get It (1981)
4. J. G. Ballard, Shanghai Jim (1991)
5. Pandid Pran Nath Ragas of Morning and Night (1968)
6. Hrabanus Marus De adoratione crucis ab opifice / De Laudibus Sanctae Crucis Augsburg (ca. 845)
7. Jacques Lacan, Télévision (1973)
9. Inuit Throat Singing, from Ethnopoetics
10. Assorted Street Posters (1985-present) from Outsiders
Bettina Funcke is the Senior U.S. Editor of Parkett Magazine.
Top Ten:
January 2008
Selected by Alex Ross
4. The Films of Mauricio Kagel
9. John Cage "4'33""
Alex Ross has been the music critic of The New Yorker since 1996. His work has also appeared in The New Republic, The London Review of Books, Lingua Franca, and The Guardian. From 1992 to 1996 he was a critic at The New York Times. He has received two ASCAP-Deems Taylor Awards for music criticism, fellowships from the American Academy in Berlin and the Banff Centre, and a Letter of Distinction from the American Music Center for contributions to the field of contemporary music. He played keyboards in the noise band Miss Teen Schnauzer, which gave only one public performance, in 1991. His first book, "The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century," a cultural history of music since 1900, was published in October 2007 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
Top Ten:
December 2007
Selected by Alejandra & Aeron
1. The Films of Toshio Matsumoto (all, especially Weavers, Mothers, Ki, and Sway)
2. The Films of Jack Goldstein (all, especially MGM, Bone China, and the 7" Records with Sound Effects.)
3. Marie Mencken "Glimpse of the Garden" (1957)
4. Peter Campus "Three Transitions" (1973)
5. Edgard Varêse and Le Corbusier "Poême électronique" (1958)
6. Kristin Oppenheim "Selected Audio Works 1994-1997"
7. David Grubbs' Soundworks
8. Pandit Pran Nath "Ragas of Morning and Night"
9. I.B.M. 7090 - Music From Mathematics
10. "Tagasode" Edo period, 17th century
11. Hidatsa: Lean Wolf's Complaint
12. Penelope Umbrico (especially Arrhythmia (All The Dishes On Ebay) and Your Choice)
Aeron Bergman and Alejandra Salinas are artists whose work meets aesthetics and politics. They currently live and work in Oslo where Bergman is head professor of the digital department at the Art Academy of Oslo, Norway, and special advisor to the Nordic Sound Art Master program, a joint program between the major Scandinavian art academies. The artist duo have done major installations at art centers such as Centre d'Arte Santa Monica in Barcelona, Taipei Fine Art Museum, ICC Tokyo and the Serralves Museum in Porto; and sound performances around the world such as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Knitting Factory in New York, and the CCCB in Barcelona; as well as running the sound art publisher Lucky Kitchen.
Top Ten:
November 2007
Selected by Christof Migone
2. Janet Zweig "Mind Over Matter"
9. Louis-Ferdinand Céline "Television Interview" (1961)
10. Adrian Piper "Here and Now"
Special Offsite Bonus: Kelly Mark "I Really Should" (Audio CD)
Extra, offsite: Santiago Sierra "11 PEOPLE PAID TO LEARN A PHRASE"
Christof Migone teaches graduate seminars on sound, silence, performative writing, and failure at Concordia University in Montreal. He co-edited Writing Aloud: The Sonics of Language (Errant Bodies Press, 2001). His first book, la première phrase et le dernier mot (Le Quartanier, 2004) synopsized his library. The second, Tue (Le Quartanier, 2007) obsessed over the second person singular pronoun. His audio, performance, and video work is documented in Sound Voice Perform (Errant Bodies Press, 2005), and Trou (Galerie de l'UQAM, 2006).
Top Ten:
October 2007
Selected by Joshua Clover
1. Guy Debord "In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni"
2. Guy Debord "Howlings Against Sade"
4. Tadanori Yokoo "Three Animation Films"
5. Susan Sontag "The Aesthetics of Silence"
9. Shaker Visual Poetry
Special Offsite Bonus: Marc Lavoine "Le pont Mirabeau"
Joshua Clover teaches poetry, poetics, film studies and theories of postmodernism at University of California at Davis; his book on The Matrix for the British Film Institute is currently being translated into Russian and Czech. He has been a DJ both on the radio and in clubs; poetry books include The Totality for Kids (California, 2006) and Madonna anno domini (LSU, 1997). All the new thinking is about money; in this is resembles all the old thinking.
Top Ten:
September 2007
Selected by Juliana Spahr
1. Learn to Say Penis
2. Germaine Dulac "La coquille et le clergyman"
3. Maya Deren "Ritual in Transfigured"
4. Carolee Schneeman "Fuses"
5. Monique Wittig, Les Guérillères
6. Carolee Schneemann, "Fuses"
7. Janet Zweig "Mind Over Matter"
8. Caroline Bergvall "About Face"
9. Barbara Cole, "Situation Comedies: Foxy Moron"
10. Pierre Coulibeuf and Marina Abramoviç "Balkan Baroque"
BONUS: Emma Hedditch "The Making of Her Noise"
Juliana Spahr's most recent book is the Transformation (Atelos P, 2007)
Top Ten:
Summer 2007
Selected by Wayne Koestenbaum
2. Adolf Wolfli, "Gelesen und vertont" (specifically either
3. Ketjak, the Ramayana Monkey Chant (MP3, in Ethnopoetics Soundings)
4. John Cage and Morton Feldman in Conversation (1967)
5. Dieter Roth, "Berliner Dichterworkshop" (1973)
6. Carolee Schneemann, "Fuses" (film)
7. Mauricio Kagel, "Ludwig Van..." (film)
8. Jack Goldstein, "MGM" and "The Knife" (films)
9. Antonin Artaud, "Pour finir avec le jugement de dieu"
10. Severo Sarduy, "Big Bang"
BONUS: Joseph Cornell, "Rose Hobart"
Wayne Koestenbaum has published five books of poetry: Best-Selling Jewish Porn Films, Model Homes, The Milk of Inquiry, Rhapsodies of a Repeat Offender, and Ode to Anna Moffo and Other Poems. He has also published a novel, Moira Orfei in Aigues-Mortes, and five books of nonfiction: Andy Warhol, Cleavage, Jackie Under My Skin, The Queen's Throat (a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist), and Double Talk. He wrote the libretto for Michael Daugherty's opera, Jackie O. Koestenbaum's new book, Hotel Theory, will be published in June 2007. He is a Distinguished Professor of English at the CUNY Graduate Center, and currently also a Visiting Professor in the painting department of the Yale School of Art.
May 2007
Selected by Adalaide Morris
1. Billie Whitelaw, "Not I" (1973)
2. Jonas Mekas - Scenes from Allen's Last Three Days on Earth as a Spirit (1997)
3 Agnes Varda - Black Panthers, Huey! (1968)
6. Philip Glass - Score of "1 + 1 for One Player and Amplified Table-Top."
8a. Cecil Taylor - Chinampas 1987 (MP3)
8b. Fred Moten on Cecil Taylor's Chinampas
9. Peter Greenaway - Four American Composers: Meredith Monk (1983)
Adalaide Morris is John C. Gerber Professor of English at the University of Iowa, where she teaches courses in modern and contemporary poetry and poetics. Her publications include How to Live / What to Do: H.D.'s Cultural Poetics (Illinois, 2003) and two edited collections, Sound States: Innovative Poetics and Acoustical Technologies (North Carolina, 1997) and, with Thom Swiss, New Media Poetics: Contexts, Technotexts, and Theories (MIT, 2006). Her current project is a book with the tentative title What Else Can Poetry Do? With Alan Golding and Lynn Keller, she co-edits the Contemporary North American Poetry Series at the University of Iowa Press.
April 2007
Selected by Anthony Huberman
1. Art by Telephone 1969 (MP3)
3. Jack Goldstein, "Soundworks" (MP3)
4. Roman Opalka, "1 to Infinity" 1965 / 1977 (MP3) (MP3)
5. Seth Price, "Dispersion" [PDF]
6. Erik Satie, "A Day in the Life of a Musician"
7. Ian Baxter "Statements" (1970)
8. Robert Smithson "Hotel Palenque Bootleg"
9. Richard Serra, "Verb List Compilation: Actions to Relate to Oneself" (1967-1968)
10. Robert Rauschenberg "Portrait of Iris Clert"
Anthony Huberman is Curator at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris. He has curated several group exhibitions in New York and in Europe, many special projects with emerging artists, as well as a broad range of performance, radio, and music events. "Grey Flags," a group show co-curated with the artist Paul Pfeiffer, was recently on view at the CAPC contemporary art museum in Bordeaux, France.
March 2007
Selected by Caroline Bergvall
Caroline Bergvall is a poet, performance writer and critic, loosely based in London. She works internationally and is involved in page-based as well as off-page and collaborative poetics. Latest book: FIG (Salt, 2005). Latest text-recordings: "Shorter Chaucer Tales" hosted at PennSound. She was the Director of Performance Writing, Dartington College of Arts (UK) and is currently co-Chair of Writing, Milton Avery School of the Arts, Bard College (NY).
February 2007
Selected by Charles Bernstein
1. Kevin Davies, "Pause Button" [PDF]
2. Craig Dworkin, "Legion II" [PDF]
3. Deanna Ferguson, "The Relative Minor" [PDF]
4. Marjorie Perloff, "Concrete Prose: Haraldo de Campos Galáxias and After"
5. Yunte Huang, "Angel Island and the Poetics of Error" [PDF]
6. George Kuchar, "The Kiss of Frankenstein" [PDF]
7. Ron Silliman, "Sunset Debris" [PDF]
8. Aram Saroyan, "Aram Saroyan"
9. Brian Kim Stefans, "Alpha Betty's Chronicles"
10. Hannah Weiner, "Little Books/Indians"
Bonus Track: Gertrude Stein, from Five Words in a Line
Ubu is justly famous for its extraordinary collection of audio and movie files and historical sound and visual poetry. For this list, however, I mostly chose from UBU's contemporary selection of poetry books and essays. - Charles Bernstein
Charles Bernstein's most recent book is Girly Man. With Al Filreis he directs PennSound and with Loss Pequeño Glazier the Electronic Poetry Center, where he has a web log.
January 2007
Selected by Mónica de la Torre
4. Samuel Beckett "Not I" (Video)
7. Mauricio Kagel "Hallelujah" (Video)
9. Emmett Williams "The Last French-Fried Potato and Other Poems" (PDF)
Mónica de la Torre is the author of the poetry books Acúfenos, published recently in Mexico City, and Talk Shows, forthcoming from Switchback Books in February 07. She translates poetry from the Spanish and frequently participates in collaborative book projects, one of which was Appendices, Illustrations and Notes, co-written with artist Terence Gower. She is the poetry editor of The Brooklyn Rail.
December 2006
Selected by Raphael Rubinstein
1. Clark Coolidge, "I Kicked into Precise Space Without Touching"
4. Leevi Lehto, "Google Poem"
6. Tan Lin, "The Edge of Summer Cleans Autumn"
8. Nicholas Moore "Spleen: Thirty-one versions of Baudelaire's Je suis comme le roi..."
9. Ara Shrinyan "2005 Resolution: I Promise to Write Better Poetry" [PDF, 5.2 mb]
10. Louis Zukofsky, "Julia's Wild"
Raphael Rubinstein is a poet and a senior editor at Art in America. He has just edited an anthology titled Critical Mess: Art Critics on the State of their Practice (Hard Press Editions). A book of poems, The Afterglow of Minor Pop Masterpieces, is forthcoming from Make Now Press.
November 2006
Selected by Ingrid Schaffner
1. Aspen Magazine, No. 3: The Pop Art Issue
3. Christian Morgenstern: Sound Poems
7. The Free Jack Ads
9. The Signifying Monkey in Ethnopoetics (MP3)
10. Ethel Waters "That Dada Strain" (MP3)
Ingrid Schaffner is a writer and curator. She is currently working on 2 exhibitions steeped in collage: "Karen Kilimnik" (with the Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) and "Jess: To and From the Printed Page" (with Independent Curators International).
October 2006
Selected by Nick Currie (aka Momus)
Nick Currie, perhaps better known as Momus, is an "electronic folk singer" with twenty albums to his credit. Born in Scotland in 1960, he has lived in London, Paris, Tokyo, New York and Berlin. More recently he's diversified into writing and art. He appeared in the 2006 Whitney Biennial as an "unreliable tour guide". LINK: Click Opera.
September 2006
Selected by Damon Krukowski
1. George Brecht, "Chance-Imagery" [PDF]
2. Bob Brown, "1450-1950"
3. John Cage, "Memogram Correspondences"
4. Cornelius Cardew, "Stockhausen Serves Imperialism and Other Articles"
5. Robert Filliou, "A Filliou Sampler" [PDF]
6. Yves Klein, "Selected Writings, 1928-1962" [PDF]
7. Alison Knowles, "By Alison Knowles" [PDF]
8. Aram Saroyan, "Pages"
9. John Barton Wolgamot, "In Sara, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven There Were Men and Women" (introduction by Keith Waldrop) [PDF]
10. La Monte Young & Marian Zazeela, "Selected Writings" [PDF]
Damon Krukowski is a writer and musician. He is the publisher of Exact Change and teaches at Harvard University.
Summer 2006
Selected by David Grubbs
1. Craig Douglas Dworkin, "Unheard Music" [PDF]
2. Henry Flynt Interview by Kenneth Goldsmith on WFMU
3. John Cage and Morton Feldman in Conversation
4. Luc Ferrari France Culture Tributes and Documentaries
5. Marcel Broodthaers, "Interview with a Cat"
6. Dan Graham, "Performer/Audience/Mirror"
7. Marjorie Perloff, "The Music of Verbal Space: John Cage's 'What You Say'"
8. Mike Kelley, "The Peristaltic Airwaves"
9. Erik Satie, "Pieces pour Guitare"
10. Hanne Darboven, "Opus 17a"
David Grubbs is known for his solo work, as well as for collaborations with Stephen Prina, Susan Howe, Tony Conrad, Angela Bulloch, Will Oldham, and many others. He is a professor of Radio and Sound Art at Brooklyn College. David Grubbs Wikipedia Entry
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