Ilustracije udžbenika iz psihologije i biologije '70-ih često su bile nenamjera psihodelija. (Preuzeto s bloga 50 Watts.)
Communications Research Machines published Life and Health in 1972. I started to collect CRM's intentionally or unintentionally psychedelic publications after finding a copy of Biology Today in a bookstore's discard pile. Other early-seventies gems I plan to feature include Psychology Today and Developmental Psychology Today. (If searching for your own copies, pay attention to the dates as apparently subsequent editions are toned down.) For a fuller picture of Life and Health, see my previous posts featuring the surreal paintings of Phil Kirkland and the diagrams of Tom Lewis.
The main illustrators were Karl Nicholason and Diane McDermott, with important (for me at least) contributions by Phil Kirkland, Paul Slick, Terry Lamb, Michelle Burchard, and Masami Teraoka. Richard Oden, one of my favorite Biology Today illustrators, didn't contribute to this book. Tom Suzuki was CRM Book's overall design director; Leon Bolognese was Art Director for Life & Health.
Karl Nicholason
Illustrations by Karl Nicholason for CRM textbooks in the late 60s and early 70sFrom Developmental Psychology Today, 1971
Figure 20.8: "The adolescent may show a calm exterior, which often hides a raging inner turmoil."Karl Nicholason, a key illustrator for Communications Research Machines (CRM) textbooks in the late 60s and early 70s, recently got in touch. Over the years I've posted many wild illustrations—including Karl's—from these books (see the series). Karl sent me a bunch of scans of his work, and I then scanned more from my own collection. I provided publication details whenever possible.
Bio from the publisher's page for Ptimothy Ptarmigan, a recent book illustrated by Nicholason:
Karl Nicholason is a native Californian who has lived in Colorado on and off (here again, gone again) since 1960, including a stint as a student at The Art Institute of Colorado. He holds numerous awards for his illustrations including the Athena award for best four-color illustration, awards from the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Saint Louis Art Directors Club (gold medal), the Philadelphia Art Directors Club (silver medal), and the Society of Publication Designers (merit award). One of his paintings resides in the Permanent Collection of Fine Art at the Western Colorado Center for the Arts.
In our back-and-forth, Karl gave a couple insights into how these books were received at the time (something I've long wondered about). He mentioned "Psych Today and CRM books were called the MAD magazine of textbooks and I was called 'Dial-A-Style' back what." (Indeed.) Also: "Time and/or Newsweek did at least one article on us in, I don't remember, 69-70-71. They were pretty jealous of our working conditions and didn't hide it."
Stay tuned for another post on Phil Kirkland's CRM work.
From Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 22: Religion as a social institutionFrom Abnormal Psychology Today, 1972 (def. also used in another CRM textbook)
Fig. 5.8: One important aim of existential psychotherapy is to help the person assume responsibility for his own actions, because only through accepting responsibility can the client create meaning in his own life. Different existential therapists, however, may use totally different approaches; the label "existential" represents a viewpoint, not a method. Frankl, for example, has developed the techniques of paradoxical intention and de-reflection, which he uses to help a client deal with neurotic disturbances. These methods, which are described in the chapter, help the individual to "control his own chess board" rather than being one of the pawns.
From Psychology Today, 1970
Illustrates the section "Agression Directed Inward"From Developmental Psychology Today, 1971
"Figure 23.9: The revolutionary versus the patient."From Abnormal Psychology Today, 1972
section on personality disorders: "explosive" (top), "antisocial" (right), "obsessive-compulsive" (bottom), "explosive" (left)From Abnormal Psychology Today, 1972
section on personality disorders: "paranoid" (top), "schizoid" (right), "cyclothymic" (bottom), "asthenic" (left)From Abnormal Psychology Today, 1972
section on personality disorders: "hysterical" (left), "cyclothymic" (right)From Psychology Today, 1970
Illustrates the section on homosexualityFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 5: The demographic basis of societyFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 12: The world of workFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 28: Knowledge and social structureFrom Psychology Today, 1970
Illustrates the section on personality disordersFrom Biology Today
From Psychology Today, 1970
Illustrating (I think) the section titled "Organic Psychosis"Illustrating "sequential causative factors" in psychopathology
From Abnormal Psychology Today, 1972
Illustrating section on low reliability of psychiatric diagnoses
From Psychology Today, 1970
Illustrating the section on psychosesFrom Psychology Today, 1970
"Figure 13.1: Our sensory systems do not transmit copies of the external world to an audience in the brain but rather perform complex encodings of information that are somehow interpreted in higher centers."From Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 10: Youth and societyFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 3: Biology and societyFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 2: Basics concepts: the society gameFrom Society Today, 1971
From Chapter 11: Formal organizations***
And some non-textbook illustrations from the same time period:
silver medal for illustration at the Philadelphia Art Director's show in 1976
"Film critics, like art critics, tend to reduce big visual ideas to little words. Leaning the other way, we sent artist Karl Nicholason to the Los Angeles press review of The Yellow Submarine. This is his review."
"Nixon of Arc," Psychology Today magazine design by Tom Lewis. Body painting by Karl Nicholason.
Preface by publisher John H. Painter:
Imagine yourself as a cave dweller whose energies are confined to collecting firewood and stalking wild animals whose bodies provide food and clothing. Your life, if you are successful in your daily tasks, allows you approximately twenty years filled with the burden of mere survival.
As a resident of fourteenth-century England, while your daily existence is less fraught with the endless search for food and fuel, you hear the village bell toll again and again, marking yet another victim of the dreaded Black Death. Your life will probably end before you are fifty.
As an American in the 1970s, you no longer face the daily need for time-consuming food gathering or dread the devastating plague; the satisfaction of your basic needs is taken for granted. Through the centuries man's foes have slowly evolved from being obvious external ones to predominantly self-inflicted ones: degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis and emphysema; aggravating, sometimes fatal pollutants; ignorant abuse of dangerous drugs; and tremendous psychological pressures that arise out of societal and personal demands.
In a setting that overflows with phenomenal scientific advances, each man's life (and most of us can expect to live to at least seventy) is no longer a conscious quest for sheer physical survival but is focused on achieving increasingly higher degrees of well-being. But all the knowledge science has to offer is of little value in and of itself—it must be comprehended, evaluated, and applied. It is therefore the goal of this book, Life and Health, to help you determine your personal needs and values in the light of current thought in the areas of mental and emotional health, the potentials and limitations of drugs, the functioning of the human body, disease facts and theories, nutrition, ecology, and trends and techniques in current medical practice.
Life and Health is not just a book for the classroom (an endless list of dos and don'ts); it is current thought and information to be applied to individual daily lives. The purpose of this book, then, is not to suggest a list of solutions to health problems but to isolate some of the most perplexing questions and provide opinions, data, and facts that help in investigating those questions. If you want to rise above the level of the barely subsisting caveman or the disease-fearing medieval Englishman, if you are to thrive, to achieve your own personal goals, you must see yourself as having a life that you, rather than external forces, can direct and control.
Michelle Burchard
Figure 21.9 Environmental elements, such as population density, air pollution, and sanitation, are all factors that can lead to disease.Karl Nicholason
Chapter title page: Systemic Diseasesdetail
Paul Slick
Figure 19.3 The functioning of the eye in many ways can be compared to that of a camera.Paul Slick
Chapter title page: The Eyes and Earsdetail
Masami Teraoka
Chapter title page: Human SexualityDianne McDermott
Figure 26.1 Man's manipulation of his environment through such activities as land development has resulted in unbalance in many ecosystems.detail
Karl Nicholason
Chapter title: The Role of Drugs in the Good LifePaul Slick
Chapter title page: Alcohol AbuseThe amazing arms of alcoholics
Karl Nicholason
Figure 6.5 Whether or not a person will use or abuse drugs is determined by a combination of psychological, sociological, and pharmacological (physiological) factors that vary from individual to individual.Karl Nicholason
Chapter title page: Drugs in PerspectiveSusan Anson
Figure 6.4 With habituation, denial of the drug causes the person to be irritable and nervous. As on develops tolerance to a drug, he finds that he must take larger and larger doses to achieve the desired effect. Tolerance can occur with either habituation or addiction. With addiction, denial of the drug results in a withdrawal illness.Karl Nicholason
Figure 8.4 The psychological factors involved in the effect, use, and abuse of alcohol may include prior experience, family background, motivation, and customs and belief.Karl Nicholason
Figure 22.5 When the skin is punctured, the alert goes out to the immune system, which reacts by sending large clumps of white blood cells to the injured area. The cells ingest the foreign material. Due to the large concentration of these cells, the injured area usually is swollen and painful from added pressure on surrounding nerves.Karl Nicholason
Figure 6.3 Drugs and the law.Karl Nicholason
Chapter title page: Infectious DiseasesNude marathons!
Fig. 12. 3 Homosexuality has always been part of human existence. Although there seems to be a gradually increasing acceptance of the homosexual life style, there is still great pressure exerted on any individual who deviates from "the norm." This pressure is imposed in the form of job discrimination, legal restrictions, and social ostracism."Eyewitness News ad
Watch "Lesbians." With Ron Burgundy and the Eyewitness News team. This Monday through Friday, November 16–20 at 4:30 and 11:00 p.m.
Call the Eyewitness News team anything you like. Except indifferent.
John Oldenkamp/IBOL
Fig 28.12 The elaborate machinery pictured here typifies the facade of technological complexity displayed by quacks to their "victims."This section begins, "A 'quack' is a pretender to medical skill, a medical charlatan. 'Quackery' is the practice of medicine by such a pretender."
The fairy godmother of Steampunk?
Karl Nicholason
Figure 24.4 The nine contributing factors to heath disease include overeating, saturated fats and cholesterol, obesity, sedentary living, smoking, alcohol, diabetes, stress, and a family history that exhibits tendencies toward heart disease
Karl Nicholason
Chapter title page: Controlling Drug Use and AbuseFelicia Fry
Figure 21.8 Life expectancies and infant mortality rates for selected countries. Note the low comparative position of the United States.
Ignacio Gomez
Chapter title page: NutritionMillsap/Kinyon
The muscular systemDiane McDermott
Section title page: Foundations of Health ScienceDiane McDermott
In the section "More than the sum of its parts"Reproduced from Triangle, The Sandoz Journal of Medical Science
Howard Saunders
Figure 5.3 There are a number of ways in which society can interfere with the needs and desire of the individual, providing him with another source of psychological stress.
Diane McDermott
Susan Anson
Figure 26.8 Water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, overpopulation—all take their daily toll in deterioration of the individual's overall health.
Karl Nicholason
Figure 8.7 Technological progress has made intoxication a much more serious problem than it was even sixty years ago because of the possible damage that can be done by an individual working or driving under the effects of alcohol.
Patty Peck
Figure 7.3 The opium poppy and its derivatives.Ron Estrine, after Penfield and Rasmussen, The Cerebral Cortex of Man
Young & Rubicam
Figure 18.1 An unfortunate "by-product" of the technological advances of the twentieth century has been the instigation and perpetuation of a sedentary society. Unlike their ancestors, who were forced to labor to heat their homes, collect water, gather food, and so on, most Americans get far too little exercise, so that today, although infectious diseases have been largely conquered, Americans are being killed by life styles and attitudes that admit little time for exercise.
Diane McDermott
Section title page: Health and DiseaseTerry Lamb
John Dawson
Figure 13.12 Stages of childbirth, shown...diagrammatically
Diane McDermott
Section title page: Personal Health CareDiane McDermott
Section title page: Family HealthThirteen illustrations by Phil Kirkland for early 1970s science textbooks
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Life and Health (1972)
caption (I kid you not): "If government can legislate against drugs, may it some day require people to take them?"
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Psychology Today (1970)
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Developmental Psychology Today (1971)
"An artist's conception of Rank's fear of life and fear of death."
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Developmental Psychology Today (1971)
"The id and the superego"
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Psychology Today (1970)
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Developmental Psychology Today (1971)
"An artist's conception of the adolescent mind at work"
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Developmental Psychology Today (1971)
section 'Moving from Youth to Adulthood'
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Psychology Today (1970)
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Psychology Today (1970)
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Psychology Today (1970)
Phil Kirkland, chapter title page (Health and the Individual) for Life and Health (1972)
Phil Kirkland, illus. for Life and Health (1972)
caption: "Woman's role in marriage"
Phil Kirkland, title page for Life and Health (1972)
Masami Teraoka, chapter title page, Human Sexual Behavior
Construction by Masami Teraoka, chapter title page, Cellular Regulation and Control
Masami Teraoka, chapter title page, Cell Division
Richard Oden, comparative cutaway views of Hydra and Aurelia
Frank Armitage after Payson Stevens (scan features a small section of a crazy fold-out)
Paul Slick, chapter title page, Reception and Action
John Dawson, chapter title page, Human Embryology
Richard Oden, chapter title page, Animal Hormones
Karl Nicholason, chapter title page, Development
Joseph Garcia, chapter title page, Population Genetics
Construction by Joyce Fitzgerald, chapter title page, Respiration
Karl Nicholason, chapter title page, Specialized Cells and Tissues
Ron Estrine's illustration for Figure 9.1. "An artist's interpretation of a pandemic. Every few years, a new mutant strain of an influenza virus arises in the human population. If this virulent mutant is resistant to antibodies, a pandemic occurs. Such a pandemic has been occurring about every 10 years."
Page 158, chapter 9 title page, "Viruses." This image caused me to walk off with the physically-heavy curio. Credited to Philip Kirkland, who hopefully also created some prog-rock album covers. Note the spittle.
Paul Slick's amazing title page illustration for chapter 43, "Drugs and Human Behavior"
Masami Teraoka illustrated the chapter title pages for chapters "Human Reproductive Physiology" (above, obviously) and "Human Possibilities" (below, possibly not so obvious).
"Figure 8.4. An artist's depiction of a swarm of rapidly dividing bacteria." (p. 150)
Another trip ruined by Philip Kirkland.
The book is full of such "artist's interpretations."
Diane MacDermott's illustrations of eucaryotic (first image) and procaryotic (second image) cells. The below chapter title page below is credited to David MacDermott. I bet the flower below is actually Diane!:
This painting by Paul Slick takes up the title page of chapter 23, Building Blocks of Nervous Systems. Paul Slick may or may not be an under-documented collaboration of Paul Kantner and Grace Slick.
p. 889, Figure 43.12: "A photographic impression of a speed trip." Biology Today, 1972 textbook. I wonder what drug William MacDonald was really on when he made this "photographic impression."
This construction is credited to Earnie (not Ernie) and Helga Kollar.
Helga did most of the work but Earnie came in at the last moment with the all important red and blue balloons.
Page 865, Figure 42.11, "photograph of an x-ray of a 2-month fetus....The limb bones and digits are almost completely ossified, although the rib cage remains mostly cartilage."
In the evening sun going down
When the earth streams in, in the morning
Send a cage through the post
Make your name like a ghost
Please, please, baby lemonade
Page 843, Figure 41.6, "Two aging prostitutes on the streets of New York." I like to imagine that these two non-prostitute friends were innocently waiting for the bus when a passing photographer snapped the faces of whoredom for students throughout the 70s. Either way, it makes me want to cop some glint and plan a Strangers with Candy marathon.
"Illustration depicting the costume worn by physicians during the Marseilles plague in 1720." Page 6, Figure 1.1.
French "hippies" sidebar
A "contributing consultant"
David McDermott, chapter title page, Learning and Memory
Biology Today, Larry Sharp, life cycle of the jellyfish Aurelia
Monkey watching train
William MacDonald-IBOL, photographic interpretation of conflicting sexual mores
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