utorak, 6. prosinca 2016.

Charles Arsène-Henry - Metafiction #1: The Prismatic Subdivisions of an Idea

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Charles Arsène-Henry: arhitektura ideja za ontologiju koja dolazi. 


Series: AA Tutor Lecture

Date: Friday 5 February 2016

In 1897 Stéphane Mallarmé discovers the multiverse in the form of a poem. In 2014 Grant Morrison gives shape to DC comics’ 52 versions of earth. Both draw the possiblity of superhabitable scapes. An architecture for the ontologies to come.


Longplayer Live: Lewis Wolpert and Charles Arsene-Henry:

Dîner Noire and The Library is on Fire 1(c): Haunting Glyphs

Charles Arsène-Henry is a London-based editor and writer. He is the co-editor of the forthcoming second volume of Hans Ulrich Obrist’s Infinite Conversation, a range of 70 interviews with prominent artists, writers, architects, philosophers and scientists. In 2009, he founded the agence de pensée White Box Black Box whose first project is a series of Knowledge Capsules, both printed and digital, conceived for specific individuals or institutions, made as an edition of one. Past and current themes: Images of the Brain, Texture of Dreams, Structure of the Night and Infinity.

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