U ovoj urnebesnoj mješavini
krimića, grčke tragedije i homeopatskog futurizma svijetom vladaju
algoritmi, a ljudi (opet) znaju gdje im je mjesto – daleko ispod
„bogova”. No to je futurizam bez budućnosti (budućnost se već
dogodila, a nepoznanica je prošlost - jer se stalno mijenja), krimić
u kojem se ubojstva tek trebaju dogoditi. Likovi koji izgledaju poput
Bogarta, Becall, Bergman i Warhola, ali to nisu, u lančanom reaktoru
obrata i iznenađenja razmeću se šašavim tragedijama, kao u
Chandlerovim krimićima. Grčke tragedije govorile su zapravo o
algoritmima, sada algoritmi ispisuju novu grčku tragediju, a
najvažnije je pitanje: što
se događa ako spajanje ljudi (organske inteligencije) i algoritama
(anorganske inteligencije) ne uspije? Junaci uvijek propadaju jer
imaju „jedno oko previše”.
u svemu tome nema ničega tragičnog, ovaj roman začinje novu
religiju, istinski
je utješan jer potvrđuje
da su ljudi iznimni baš zato što su strašni, jer nitko ne bi
otvoreno bio
toliko užasan
kada iza njega ne bi nešto stajalo. I zaista, i stoji: u svojem
dubokom zlu ljudi skrivaju i čuvaju neizmjernu ljubav da je ne bi
oteo kozmički predator. U ljudima živi mrtvi bog, oni su grobnica
ljubavi. No tko je predator?
komedija s mnoštvom sudbinskih odgovora na loša pitanja. Miks
2001.: Odiseje u svemiru, Stockhausena,
Raymonda Chandlera, Nicka Landa, Flanna O'Briena, Euripida i Alana
Forda. Pomrčina romana po kojoj će se pamtiti
23. prosinca 2020.
ti si velika, neizmjerno duboka tajna, ali nitko je više ne želi
razgovor i ulomak romana (Treći program Hrvatskog radija)
About humankind’s
irreversible effect on the biosphere
If I Would Lose My
Voice, a brand new production by Kekäläinen & Company, is an
extraordinary display of humanity’s impact on Earth’s
transformation. It is a thought-provoking piece about the state of
the world, and how the actions of humankind are affecting nature more
than ever before.
In recent years, it
has become commonly accepted that the Earth has shifted into an
entirely new era, the Anthropocene, in which human beings have become
the driving force affecting the world’s ecosystems, geology and
climate. With her new stage piece for the Finnish National Theatre,
Sanna Kekäläinen creates an fictive constellation in which this new
era can be envisioned and imagined through artistic work.
The stage of the
Finnish National theatre is where things begin to unfold. The
situation is threatening, there is something unsettling and
irrevocable about the event. We have exploited the world and slowly,
because of this, a new Earth has come alive under us, with new soil,
new waters, new rivers and zones. This new Earth has begun to move,
to tremble, react and froth: the Earth is revolting.
If I Would Lose My
Voice is a piece consisting of two independent parts commenting on
each other. The first part is named Voice and the second is My Friend
Sanna Kekäläinen
is the founder of Kekäläinen & Company and an undisputed
pioneer of Finnish contemporary dance. During her career she has
created more than 70 stage productions that have been presented both
nationally and abroad. With the piece If I Would Lose My Voice she
moves on from her autofictive work tackling gender politics to a new
form of fictional reality.