Mater Suspiria - muzika tak (više bljak) tak, ali vizualije su ipak vuššš. Witch house kitch glamurnalije. Darkersko-nimfetinska ljubičasta kmica i drogiranje B-filmovima.
Mater Suspiria Vision – Inverted Triangle II (2011)
Mater Suspiria Vision: Multi-Media Tour de Force. What started as an ingenious cobbling of evil-sexy sounds and found footage has erupted into a full-blown internet installation: eternally updating videos, images and music that depend so relentlessly on each other, it’s difficult to understand one piece of the puzzle without the others locked in place. Hence the Inverted Triangle II trailer, this tense and excited thing, selling you not just on the music—though, of course, it does that too—but the art that defines it.
And we thought Inverted Triangle I was an experience. This about-to-drop sister album is serious next level, in terms of both filmic and sonic storytelling. I mean, the trailer says enough: bright and hallucinatory videos on a perpetual loop, music the demonic crush and clatter we’ve come to crave from MSV. And the whole thing begs psychosis: can the textural combination of sound and image inspire not only an emotional reaction but a physical one? Watch this video, then you tell me:
The strobes. The snare. The kick. It’s all a grand mal waiting to happen, an experience that warrants the video’s warning screen but goes so far beyond it; your hands will jitter by the time you’re through the opening epic “Paradise of New H Suite (Paradise of New H, Religion of Medusa and Mania); you’ll spend five minutes shaking off the sensory earthquake.
And if the swell and simmer of next track “Opera Infernale feat. How I Quit Crack” helps smooth the edge, it comes back sharply on the B side. Flip the record. Find your religion; it’s a new paradise.
With visuals taken from Cosmotropia de Xam’s forthcoming film Inauguration of Snow White, “A Giant Snake That Eats Itself feat. Shazzula, Ariana Papademetropoulos, How I Quit Crack and Carmen Incarnadine” is the most guttural, fully formed idea to come flying from MSV’s fingertips. The repetitive trance of it, those organic sounds like a train surging through some dark and unending tunnel — both this song and the roiling undertow of those that accompany it on the B (“Allucinazione! feat. Shivabel)” and the deadly hot “Inauguration of a New H feat. Marina Dellamore”) are an endless return of everywhere MSV’s been and all the places it wants to go.
Hinging so much of an album on the concept of Ouroboros wasn’t some happy accident; Inverted Triangle II is poignantly self-reflexive. A seamless and cyclical reference to every phase of itself — found footage, early sounds and all — with no end and no beginning. What’s new is old is new. The giant snake of MSV, eating itself again and again. - mishkanyc.com
You drop the tab and as you feel the first lift the clockwork elves appear, pour you a drink. They chatter playfully and wind up the music box. You hear a soothing voice you can't quite understand and then the clockwork elves seize you and open up your third eye with a long, narrow dagger. Your surroundings once so familiar that you no longer noticed any part in detail is now populated with figures of haunting and haunted glamour. Mannequins seem to be sentient and eyes of living people betray no conscious thought. There is something terrible lurking beyond vision and sound. This thing that can not be described is not a beast out of Lovecraft, nor is it the usual petty and violent criminal figures of fear. The journey into the world of Inverted Triangle III has begun.
Side one opens up with a sound collage and keyboard sequence that is like a mescaline trip that kicks in at the perfume counter a Macy's. Even though brightly lit, the atmosphere is heavy with mystery. The first beat drops at four minutes in, evoking Sirkle Zero era Sleep Chamber and the first Enigma release simultaneously. There is a blanket of voices weaving in and out of the arrangements from the start of La bocca è la tana del bianco coniglio (part 1) that create a continuous backdrop that reaches a crescendo in the appropriately titled Hieronymus Bosch and trails off into a decaying glossalalia. Side one concludes with a soft keyboard wash the traquility of which is shattered at points with stabs of jarring discordance that are gone as suddenly as they appear. Here is the vivid evocation of Giallo films MSV are so well known for.
Side two begins with a continuation of the feel of horror that concluded the end of side one. The first track Onodelia (feat. Agnes Pándy) sounds like a gibbering coven of witches in the grip of belladonna bay and scream over a backdrop of abstract synths and echoing, bubbling percussion. The sound moves seamlessly through startk and simple arrangements that would not be out of place on a Tangerine Dream film soundtrack through more ecstatic reversed percussion with layers of operatic voices. One could almost imagine this is an Ennio Morricone scored film directed by Rinse Dream and re-edited by Harmony Korine. Not until the final minutes of the record do we get the by now obligatory pulsing square wave synth bass and reverb cloud of most witch house. But here these elements sound fresh and the wash of reverb hides nothing.
If your exposure to witch house has been through quick and lo-fi tracks on bandcamp or hastily compiled drag mixes on soundcloud, you will be very surprised with the excellent and dynamic production of Inverted Triangle III. There is as much precise craft to the production and material as there is inspiration and sonic exploration. Some may feel a lack in the absence of hooks. Some hipsters who have proclaimed witch house and several succeeding genres dead since it metastasized on the belly of subculture may find this release a tad earnest. I find it a most gratifying and disturbing pleasure to witness the creative power of Mater Suspiria Vision in full bloom on Inverted Triangle III. - www.terrorizer.com
Exorcism of the Hippies

“For all the Witch House music out there, it seems like very little of it actually gets released. Instead it’s shared, and downloaded, offered on Soundcloud and various other sites, occasionally released as super limited cd-r’s, but proper releases are few and far between.
As far as we know this may very well be the first proper release (definitely the first and only vinyl, there’s been a cd-r and a cassette) from the mysterious collective called Mater Suspiria Vision, purveyors of witch house, or perhaps ghost drone, haunted disco trance, or even drag, depending on who you ask. The sound of witch house, for the uninitiated, is a twisted hybrid of classic goth, nineties techno, DJ Screw style slowed down sounds (hence the term drag), and all manner of spooky creepy atmospheres, horror movies, giallo soundtracks, all woven into a witchy bit of electronic psychedelic creepiness. And the various monikers tend to be heavy on the strange symbols that you get by pressing option or control on your keyboards, you know, little black triangles, tiny crosses, all those sorts of zapf dingbats style icons. Anyway, Salem is probably the most high profile witch house combo out there, but of all the other outfits we’ve heard, Mater Suspiria Vision is probably the only other group that comes close to conjuring up the same sort of mystery, coupled with the same sort of sonic heft.
No idea if MSV is a group or a person, it seems to be some sort of collective, or where they’re located, all of their various pages list their home as Kabul, which seems suspect. In addition to music, they also create incredible tripped our psychedelic videos, that perfectly capture the same twisted vibe as their music. And they somehow manage to release a continuous stream of sights and sounds, new ones seemingly every day, which is why it’s even more remarkable that this is one of only a tiny handful of actual MSV releases.
Regardless, it’s a doozy, if you dug the Salem, and the oOoOO and the Balam Acab and maybe that Big Pink Tapes comp, then you are definitely gonna want this. And if you’ve yet to take the witch house plunge, but dig stuff like Leyland Kirby and Demdike Stare, odds are this is gonna be right up your alley.
A two parter titled provocatively “Exorcism Of The Hippies”, it’s all fat fuzzed out woozy warbly bass, thick low end swells, strange stuttery handclap rhythms, swooping spaced out effects, creepy dubbed out slo-mo atmospherics, strange voices, vocal snippets and samples, all blurred and smeared, a hazy, gauzy lysergic psychedelic trip out, the soundtrack to some strange foreign horror film from the seventies, coupled to some primitive old school techno 12″, both spinning at 16rpm, the whole thing doused in cough syrup and left in the sun, cursed by a witch, buried in a graveyard, only to be dug up, melted down and mixed with liquid thorazine and a handful of horse tranquilizers and then pressed into this here 7″. SO GOOD! Packaged in super swank full color covers, and LIMITED TO 300 COPIES!!!” – Aquarius Records
“Limited edition (300 copies) vinyl debut from A/V W*itch House force, Mater Suspiria Vision. If you’ve had a beady eye on this scene you’ll no doubt be familiar with MSV’s occultish oeuvre. Their work always has a strong visual corollary, usually appearing on multimedia DVDs or CDs up until now, and slots in neatly with Pendu Sound’s tainted roster of Atelecine and Chelsea Wolfe, among others. However, it’s hard to escape the fact that ‘Exorcism Of The Hippies’ sounds like an emaciated Salem. That’s not necessarily a terrible thing, and their exaggeratedly lo-fi methods gives the record a shadowy soul of its own, but you do end up kinda craving some more 808 fills and proper hooks. It looks great though, and for the collectors this is choice little oddity. Limited copies – don’t sleep!” – BOOMKAT
“limited to 300. following their jaw-dropping run of dvds and cds (each song is accompanied by a visual element) ‘exorcism of the hippies’ marks mater suspiria vision’s 7″ debut. for the wide-eyed uninitiated who’ve yet to be embraced by the psychotic darkness, ‘exorcism…’ is, like the rest of msv’s output, a terrifying / terrific slab of ghost-droned out evil: all clattering percussion slowed down from a tribal invocation, evil mutterings culled from ghostological recordings, burbling synths like a river of oil… a short stab of pure menace and one of the most exciting sounds around at the moment.” – Rough Trade
“Currently native to: Somewhere in Germany, I’m guessing. I would even be so bold as to wager Berlin.
Notes: Mater Suspiria Vision first appeared in 2010, an appropriately mysterious purveyor of that spookiest of genres, witch house (or ghost drone, or haunted disco trance, or whatever you want to call it). Actually all of those descriptives give you a good idea of what to expect from MSV’s music, a woozy concoction of gothy techno and half-coherent vocal samples with some dub and distortion thrown in for good measure. It’s pretty damn addictive.” – Engineer’s Daughter
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