Osobna mitologija samoukog umjetnika. Apstraktni totemizam i urođenički komunikacijski mediji. Tipičan naslov slike: "Shark Bear Emerges From 3 Directions Becoming One."

Truth Myth Extinction
A 100 page, full-color book.

Jesse Reno - Welcome
Forward - Like a Flower that Only Desires to Blossom
A 40 page, full-color book featuring my work.

Jesse Reno Symbols circlesquarexline Jesse reno Cave Face
Jesse Reno - native people - 60 x 60 cm - 2005
Jesse Reno - All roads lead to nowhere - 60 x 101 cm
Jesse Reno - Fortune Teller Jesse Reno -Arrowhead
101 x 76 cm - 2006 101 x 76 cm - 2006
Jesse Reno - Breastform for the Keep A Breast Foundation
Here’s a preview of the breast-form I painted for an event this October in Oceanside, CA which will benefit the Keep A Breast Foundation. The Keep A Breast Foundation is a nonprofit breast cancer awareness organization which creates one-of-a-kind plaster forms of the female torso that are customized by fine artists and auctioned to raise consciousness and funding for breast cancer research and treatment. Learn more about them on their site: http://www.keep-a-breast.org/
Jesse Reno - No Escape from Empire - 30 x 60 cm
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