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It’s an example of Stewart Home’s “Durational Cinema.” I wanted a cross between Warhol’s non-shit work (especially EMPIRE and SLEEP) and the French Situationists. - Simon Strong
Dictated by the Whims of the Heavens:
An Interview with Simon Strong
An interview with Simon Strong about his film, THE THE NAKED LUNCH AND THE NAKED THE NAKED LUNCH.
And totally mis-interpreted speech-to-text voice over from the same film.
via UBUWEB.com
Interview begins:
David Cox: Your film THE THE NAKED LUNCH AND THE NAKED THE NAKED LUNCH seems to draw attention to its own structure as “bonus” extra. I like this idea of the bonus extra as the main feature. Can you talk about this?
Simon Strong: The first (Paris Olympia Press) edition of The Naked Lunch was the only edition of the book EVER to feature the text of The Naked Lunch without any supplementary material. There have been numerous rationales provided for the agglomeration of extra texts to the book but the only credible reason is to dilute the impact of the core text to help forestall its prosecution for obscenity. Thus, in a process analogous to “cutting” in narcotic terminology, The Naked Lunch was the one of the first and most intensively expanded books in literary history,* pre-figuring the cult of snowballing extra material into reissues (usually for marketing reasons) that became relevant after the advent of CDs and format-based obsolescence.
To return to my film. I had originally intended the film to be silent (except for opening and closing theme music) but then I thought it would be funny to provide a director’s commentary. I couldn’t be arsed (DC note—this means “bothered”) doing the separate track and the gag would not have worked on online versions anyway, so that’s why it’s like it is. You can find a literary precedent for this gag in Paul Fournel’s book Suburbia (1996).
*q.v. Carol Loranger. “This Book Spill Off the Page in All Directions: What Is the Text of Naked Lunch?”Postmodern Culture 10.1 (1999)—a rather inadequate overview on a few levels.

DC: You tell the audience to go fuck themselves—is this a sentiment you really hold, is your audience a pack of “fucking idiots, who might well watch the film and drive at the same time?” Have you seen this happen?
SS: Quite the reverse! The prickliness is an affectionate affectation. I am very grateful for the indulgence of any audience, and I very much hope that they enjoy my films! Although this hope is complimented by the expectation that they will not. As for watching films and driving at the same time, my film is the very first to issue this kind of warning, an idea [that] seemed flippant at the time of its production. The advent of pocket televisions (or “iPads,” “Android tablets,” as they are sometimes called) has made this scenario so common that I expect this type of admonition to become statutory anytime soon.
DC: You say that you deserve a “not inconsiderable financial compensation.”
SS: Well, we don’t always get what we deserve—or do we?—but in any case, this is an overtly ridiculous statement as I go to great lengths to avoid payment for all my creative work.

DC: The whole film is a long take of the cover of the book The Naked Lunch—is this a wind-up or a howl in favor of Sade?
SS: It’s an example of Stewart Home’s “Durational Cinema.” I wanted a cross between Warhol’s non-shit work (especially EMPIRE and SLEEP) and the French Situationists.
DC: The mutability of the title of your work is one of the key themes—the suppression of the definite article “The” is an interesting point—what else can you tell us about this?
SS: This is discussed in the film, but I now have a wealth of extra info regarding the definite article in the title. It is even more complicated and creeepy than I thought! I can’t elaborate for reasons that I can’t even go into. Suffice to say that the story of the “The” in the title is one of the most fascinating and perverse tales in literary history! I believe Craig (Baldwin) was looking into links between William Burroughs and Guy Debord (via Alex Trocchi, I guess). If he tells me what he knows, I may be able to confirm or deny some details but there is some seriously heavy shit going on here! Since I am aware that this article will be read by certain interested parties, it may be prudent to give the safe-word: JISM-FORGE.
DC: Tell us about the Ledatape organization—how many books is it currently publishing, and how many authors are on the list currently?
SS: The LedaTape Organisation is too big to be seen by the human eye. It’s the same shape as the universe itself, but not as useful. There are printed books (although they come in and out of print sporadically)—these ya can get (or not) through most online booksellers. eBooks are in the pipeline—these will be free and gratiswhere possible. We also have music available through archive.org—and an active YouTube chan—and some of our stuff is up at ubuweb.com.
Future projects. Well, I’m currently trying to get David Cronenberg to personally apologize to me about his film. Apart from that, I’m working on a 23-hour-long film about the role of protest music in the 20th century. It’s called BECAUSE FUCK YOU! THAT’S WHY... Everything is true. Nothing is permitted. Peace off. Ites!
Interview conducted via email, January 2013.
What follows is the voice-over for Simon Strong’s film THE THE NAKED LUNCH AND THE NAKED THE NAKED LUNCH, filtered through the speech-to-text program Dragon, with the mistakes it has made in interpreting Mr. Strong’s voice included. This is in the spirit of the “cut-ups” of William S. Burroughs, author of the book, whose various cover art is shown during the duration of this film.
Simon Strong:
It is probably fair to say that this film was motivated primarily as a response to film of a similar name made by the Canadian director David Cronenberg. The fame that his film shares a title with a book by William Burroughs little in common with the book having credit that Second Life fictionalized narrative is flailing around events surrounding the composition is not defined in the defense is to offset 23 insensitive considerations that the vendor any direct film unviable I couldn’t face the same problems that we’ve been my imagination and the intellect is the considerably superior in front of the for wishing to have done myself with faint praise is no substantial reason to consider his son any kind of dating of the overstates the includes very little material from the of the nothing you can homophobia a reticence accepting and youth and casting of that Julie Davis is some kind of fact shall you?
The cans and bottles to the sound comparison with the recent stage of the Templeton in fact for the viruses I get a different song entitled the wildlife effort to address similar issues and problems if companies such as study to prevent the effect of the submerged Lavon Underwater for Not Insignificant Length of Time and That If a Conversation for Admission at the Conference Material That Characterizes so the Novel Affect the Artwork Generally the Rendering Have a Field of Temporal Dynamics in the Simply Because the Freeway and His Facial financial affinity for most of his death is not the from of the Canadian filmmakers but customers into serious difficulties that definitely slutty Mexican didn’t the experience 20 film days on the first of the night with Seattle in fact...
Contentious material may well be fair to say that benefits the little conferences and things in my am Michael compensates for that you have for your faithfulness to the can. if this is achieved and 85 firefighters extrinsic properties of a handful faking if you think it’s comforting if maybe for the most faithful adaptation by faithful from the eighth-of a novelist and living attempted in the motion picture industry and i think i you are not inconsiderable financial remuneration if your undying affection and respect to flatten them If the cost of accident that this approach has resulted in an artifact of anything son-in-law. that the entire state Warhol is often regarded as a visual analog to the virus has languished for the parts of the john-john have the starting sleep with a longtime friend of fence mending used to recording instantly embarrassed for you is rolling by films here is a fourth phase i is novel and you will note that the a finished site you don’t sleep and another interesting down Warhol for synchronicity the mate Andy Warhol the restaurant and joyfully start date Julian bar association obviously the at-the fifth influence it’s redundant to say that the version of the artist takes ladyfingers superior to creditors simply by virtue of the conclusion of the definite article?
The keypunch normal correctly in the 80 lines in fact violated based on the 1959 certification has been tough for that-my unless is as beautiful as the title of the book itself which will be naked lunch on first publication in Paris in 1959 on restaurant if but when cartographic it for the growth fresh-faced oppressive definite article and it’s a minor typographical revision of text and in an exhibition and conference get to work more overtly antidrug at the coffee of the definite article might be made to obfuscate legal proceedings had to understand for a ride we could’ve been done to fifth-grade customs authorities who are inclined to thought that stuff lists with leading article and librarian for Willemstad the reasons that may be guessed that when john called up at naked lunch in the k vehicles the youth the definite article held at half better relations with your audience than nothing and his edition and resiliently by arrangement with the link address our candidate make the film itself is a have to be granted in the lesson and yet another he used!
The us title of the book in all territories that in our cultural imperialists style 50 ml hadn’t taken the trouble to researcher anything now realized artifact is distinguished from a potential artifact that you are its existence in the physical universe of faith and/or time for example in their essential forms paintings if into mentions the vertical and horizontal whilst piece of music exists in only one temporal dimension it should be noted that these essential forms refer to the intrinsic of different artifacts from Cynthia Fuchs extrinsic fall on its media and its difficult company occupy three dimensions of physical state and its intrinsic form the words that comprise its text its message and its material properties these occupy Jeff flock recording out the text of the book artifact would like life occupy three spatial dimensions in extrinsic for the just one temporal dimension intrinsically and intrinsically motivated occupy key spatial and one temporal dimension and it should be noted that the temporal dimension includes with any two separate channels the soundtrack and the order of the unfolding of the images.
Some types of artifacts such as paintings and drawings correspond strongly in their intrinsic and extrinsic forms it’s necessary to say strongly things such medium thickness and if is not generally a significant attribute like life it would be unproductive give you gramophone records as two-dimensional artifacts not least since they generally have two sides fuses apprehending intrinsic updated from artifact extrinsic manifestation is of course the predicate of all recorded communication and the degree of intellectual effort required to discern intrinsic content from the extrinsic properties of an artifact is inversely proportional to the total information contained in the artifact this is demonstrated by the fact that minimalist works in today’s thanking you think the electric are comfortable with the least lost when lossy compression techniques are used to store them digitally another notable aspect of my film effect of interest seem to have any thought is much amplified collective forests were looking question is of course the extremely sought-after fifth edition 5000 the fifth of different even feel with the threat collective characterized by off install extrinsic and intrinsic qualities of artifacts as demonstrated from 50 different insight into what the original and the print whole concept of limited-edition defect endodontic fetish the multiethnic countries 451 in its liquid and soon to manifestations if that’s the the right the intrinsic properties of the books they love rather than the extrinsic forms at a flaring era nude message to the extrinsic Is difficult company that artifacts are traditionally been further conservationists and archivists.
Easily unheralded heroes of all cultural endeavor where the comfort of Thank You for the Information That Would Be No Lasting For the Pentagon Pundits Staff Myself That...The Two Methods of Cultural Conservation Preservation of Original Artifacts and the Reproduction of Artifacts and Sometimes on the Different Types of Media Otitis Media Does Not Always Have the Same Number and Type of Don into the Facility Consider and It Is a Unique Manuscript Must Be Treated at a Tutorial Were had constipation it’s important to distinguish changes in the content and originality fifth time agent. The pigments FFF for the distinguish the from plaintiff with you. You can transfer the media the most obvious of the examples in analog-to-digital conversion the compression implications of these issues from the my facial film the origin of the world and sometimes give in to the mysteries of the Golden photographer interested viewers have cinematic censorship is originally a function of the extrinsic healthy the film in the infancy of filmography 10 of the 20th century Emerson faculty highly flammable nitrate.
Several terrible fight licensing of the venues find local authorities if legislation is infinitely thick of the content of the films explained even as recently as 1994 finally unlicensed Internet showing photographic films in London resulted in 11 fatalities the distinction between the two forms of and impossibility of literal translation if the primary subject of the film is conceived indefinitely in 2005 not made until now yesterday so here I have been starting to the work that is simultaneously profound PDF and hilarious at friend Clint have first observed we are looking for the intelligent throughout the series and the film was made to investigate right to demonstrate the thesis film because it’s very likely intent that enables it demonstrate effective for the more effectively now in technological times sentimental at the sole prerogative of the natural world and the direction of the Supreme Court to or as a result of an delay and bureaucratic system hero refer of course to the constellations in the night sky.
The first movie stuff that literally actually all the flaming gas project like a fascist state and the eons that stars are still lower cost and still don’t have only just the frightening but now they appear been that if you think of the artificial illumination in the industrialized areas not as a result of any natural phenomena the prototype films unfolded over the course of the year that the constellations as the heavens their action was slow but the audience had a reason to appreciate this since they didn’t have any precedents and the narrative was interrupted by the regular committee of the day which prefigures the argument into the poor appetite and drank it black refreshments could be procured and the necessary obligations of life that fulfilled phenomena continues to this day in modern films to the audience and their role in the formation of any narrative third of the population
Is it possible that a few the stories have a divine authority or was this merely a function of both feet and control the dissemination of textiles which everything case it seems likely that the notion that people convector and Taylor postdated the relation of the stuff is considered to be dictated by the winds of the heavens if the invention of writing with an Atlantic City flake and golf in the first of his lethargic and the formation of the world the interview in relation to it and quickly progressed into describing the social relations between the individual ancient societies developed system of classifying groups of staff forming a kind of prehistoric world cinema if you are so taken by 16 at one characteristic that is common to almost all the details and strikingly frequenting some at himself into our contemporary reality with difficult access between humans and animals and Victorian times when Western influence the highest the ultimate expression of culture was considered to be found in the legends of an increase in Rome learning of course such incidents are common metaphor becomes more asked if we regard our star of mechanics active in films with a tautology I think that all cultural artifacts must you live in order to fifth effective truth and regardless of its impact on the Of? The Kind of Little FFF
Is a Form of You Is the Films Such As This One That Majority of His Infielders Is Now Presents the Expenditure of Any Effort to Comprehend Something Not Been Offered an Obvious Incentive to Visit in the Most Elusive and Even Been Invited for Second Effect since the Eighth Laziness and Their Ignorance and Their Mercenary Motivation Is That You Calculate the Value of the Content Is Artifact According to This Agreement with FFF Expectations ISS in the Social Relations That They Themselves Criticize the Individuals Are Pretty Fast and Positive Reactions Which Will Flight Manifest As to the Social Environment and for the Artifacts That Originate from a Follows That Any Criticism Life That You Are Not Executive for Myself That the and I Think the Society That Jesus’s Society Sought to Suppress Evidence in the Film Finally the Fifth Impoverishment Video Fluffy 50s Such Idiosyncratic Secondly: Indictment of the Critic Making Project in the Back Looking to for a Fifth of May 50 55K Rejection of His Life and Sadly Performs an Environment of the Fighting 50 Secreting Themselves As Demonstrated That He Do throughout the Artifact Is the Only Individual Concern Is No Responsibility for the Reception Health around the Fire Do Apologize That ETD Nature of the Year Film Itself and Also Visibility of the Common Faith and Cost Necessary Given the Subject Matter and the Content Itself Is Somewhat Heated for This to Be the Case That out in the And Place It Honestly, Deciding Upside Down and the Economy and the Game Is an Occasionally People Will Talk to a Change into the Once You Overcome Them the Guy Who Killed the Complexity Late or Philosophy LEM Assam That This Autonomy Are You...Is Sitting down like an Athlete Will Flock You Can’t Still in the Flocking
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