Antibothis je portugalski kontrakulturni izdavač audio i tekstualnih antologija.
collection of book anthologies featuring texts and interviews showcasing
a variety of ideas that are a genuine alternative to the dogma of
conformity, the commitment to disconnect the cables of corporhate
coolonization, disinverting cultural reality through the dissemination
and dispersion of alternatives vortices of information and infinite
chaotic propaganda, speculation, simulation, stimulation, to
revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural
transformation, reclaiming our guts and revolt in the name of
imagination in opposition to a toxic life of low awareness, herd
mentality and programmed though, infecting human minds and alter their
featuring written texts from John Zerzan, Erik Davies, Joe Ambrose, Chad Hensley, Carl Abrahamsson, Vadge Moore, Nigel Ayers, Pentti Linkola, Adi Newton, Ewen Chardronnet, Critical art Ensemble, Antero Alli, Earth First, Boyd Rice, Robin Rimbaud, V. Vale among many others. Each publication features a cd compilation with artist such as The Master Musicians of Joujouka, Controlled Bleeding, Jarboe, O Yuki Conjugate, Cotton Ferox, Andrey Kiritchenko, Scanner, Rapoon, Anla Courtis, Lydia Lunch, Phillipe Petit, Adi Newton, Zeitkratzer, Pietro Riparbelli, Kal Cahoone, Checkpoint 303 among many others.
featuring written texts from John Zerzan, Erik Davies, Joe Ambrose, Chad Hensley, Carl Abrahamsson, Vadge Moore, Nigel Ayers, Pentti Linkola, Adi Newton, Ewen Chardronnet, Critical art Ensemble, Antero Alli, Earth First, Boyd Rice, Robin Rimbaud, V. Vale among many others. Each publication features a cd compilation with artist such as The Master Musicians of Joujouka, Controlled Bleeding, Jarboe, O Yuki Conjugate, Cotton Ferox, Andrey Kiritchenko, Scanner, Rapoon, Anla Courtis, Lydia Lunch, Phillipe Petit, Adi Newton, Zeitkratzer, Pietro Riparbelli, Kal Cahoone, Checkpoint 303 among many others.

ANTIBOTHIS - Occultural Anthology 4
Book anthology + cd compilation.
Featuring articles from:
Antibothis cd compilation includes:
The cd compilation was curated by Philippe-Petit.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, January 2013
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha

-02: Bestiário Ilustríssimo
€15,00 (Incluindo 0 % IVA)
268p. p/b 22x16cm, capa a cores Abril
com prefácio de Marco Santos, ilustrações de Joana Pires e design de Ecletricks.
com prefácio de Marco Santos, ilustrações de Joana Pires e design de Ecletricks.
( Only in portuguese )
ISBN: 978-989-8363-12-1 ISBN e-book: 978-989-8363-13-8
Bestiário Ilustríssimo é uma nova colectânea de textos sobre música de Rui Eduardo Paes: O melhor jornalista de música em Portugal. Um musicólogo reconhecido entre alguns músicos portugueses e virtualmente desconhecido do grande público. É fiel à sua integridade, porque só escreve sobre música que considera merecedora de atenção: por a considerar esteticamente bela, mas também porque a sua imensa cultura musical lhe permite adivinhar e percorrer novos caminhos no preciso momento em que estão a ser trilhados pelos músicos. Contudo, nada tem de elitista. Entre os vários músicos referidos nos 50 textos que compõem este livro vamos encontrar Elliott Sharp. Merzbow, Mão Morta, RED Trio, Carlos "Zíngaro", Sei Miguel, Rafael Toral, Charlotte Moorman, Ahmed Abdullah, Aki Onda, Steve Lehman, Thisco, Nate Wooley, Genesis P. Orridge, Metthew Herbert, Nobuyasu Furuya,... entre várias outras referências que passam pelo multi-media, artes plásticas e banda desenhada.
ISBN: 978-989-8363-12-1 ISBN e-book: 978-989-8363-13-8
Bestiário Ilustríssimo é uma nova colectânea de textos sobre música de Rui Eduardo Paes: O melhor jornalista de música em Portugal. Um musicólogo reconhecido entre alguns músicos portugueses e virtualmente desconhecido do grande público. É fiel à sua integridade, porque só escreve sobre música que considera merecedora de atenção: por a considerar esteticamente bela, mas também porque a sua imensa cultura musical lhe permite adivinhar e percorrer novos caminhos no preciso momento em que estão a ser trilhados pelos músicos. Contudo, nada tem de elitista. Entre os vários músicos referidos nos 50 textos que compõem este livro vamos encontrar Elliott Sharp. Merzbow, Mão Morta, RED Trio, Carlos "Zíngaro", Sei Miguel, Rafael Toral, Charlotte Moorman, Ahmed Abdullah, Aki Onda, Steve Lehman, Thisco, Nate Wooley, Genesis P. Orridge, Metthew Herbert, Nobuyasu Furuya,... entre várias outras referências que passam pelo multi-media, artes plásticas e banda desenhada.

Ondina Pires
152p. 22x16cm, capa a cores
Em português / In Portuguese.
ISBN: 978-989-95447-3-4
Capa de João Maio Pinto, design por Ecletricks, prefácio por Carlos Vidal
Kenneth Anger é um realizador controverso, com múltiplas linhas de ambiguidade, numa teia de símbolos e significados, de paradoxos, de ícones, e de manipulação violenta do imaginário.
Ondina Pires (ex-Pop Dell'Arte, The Great Lesbian Show), faz neste livro ensaístico uma reflexão riquíssima sobre vários aspectos da cultura underground do século XX. Embora se centre numa análise de um filme do mítico realizador este livro é muito mais do que isso, uma vez que todos os aspectos invocados no seu filme são explorados a fundo por esta autora. Temas como os gangues, a violência, o Cristianismo, o Nazismo, a máquina, a civilização motorizada, os Estados Unidos, a apropriação de imagens, o cinema, a velocidade, o século XX, são tratados de forma fecunda e multilinear.
Este livro cativará todos os que se interessem pela cultura enquanto local de aparição de fenómenos extremos.
Em português / In Portuguese.
ISBN: 978-989-95447-3-4
Capa de João Maio Pinto, design por Ecletricks, prefácio por Carlos Vidal
Kenneth Anger é um realizador controverso, com múltiplas linhas de ambiguidade, numa teia de símbolos e significados, de paradoxos, de ícones, e de manipulação violenta do imaginário.
Ondina Pires (ex-Pop Dell'Arte, The Great Lesbian Show), faz neste livro ensaístico uma reflexão riquíssima sobre vários aspectos da cultura underground do século XX. Embora se centre numa análise de um filme do mítico realizador este livro é muito mais do que isso, uma vez que todos os aspectos invocados no seu filme são explorados a fundo por esta autora. Temas como os gangues, a violência, o Cristianismo, o Nazismo, a máquina, a civilização motorizada, os Estados Unidos, a apropriação de imagens, o cinema, a velocidade, o século XX, são tratados de forma fecunda e multilinear.
Este livro cativará todos os que se interessem pela cultura enquanto local de aparição de fenómenos extremos.

ANTIBOTHIS - Occultural Anthology 3
Book anthology + cd compilation.
Featuring articles from:
The anti-civilizationist author JOHN ZERZAN on "Silence".
LIAM SIONNACH from Earth First on " Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force".
CHAD HENSLEY on " Dead Lays".
EWEN CHARDRONNET on "Molecules of Combat".
IONA MILLER on " Sasha´s Ecstasy & the Agony of CONtrollers".
JOE AMBROSE on " The Darker Side of Me - White Irish".
NIGEL AYERS on "All Killer, No Filler".
WILFRED HOU JE BEK on "In Defense of Primate Poetics".
FRANK RHYNNE on " Brian Jones Joujouka Rolling Stone".
RANDALL PYKE on " Neo-Anarchist Dream State".
ADI NEWTON and JANE RADION NEWTON on "The Denizens of Beyond".
Antibothis cd compilation includes:
The Master Musicians of Joujouka, Lydia Lunch with Philippe Petit, Checkpoint 303, Kal Cahoone, Gintas K, Orbit Service, Anla Courtis, Stpo, Jabe Radion Newton and Adi Newton / T.A.G.C., Zeitkratzer, Pietro Riparbelli/K11, Gjoll.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, May 2010
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha
Book anthology + cd compilation.
Featuring articles from:
The anti-civilizationist author JOHN ZERZAN on "Silence".
LIAM SIONNACH from Earth First on " Becoming an Anti-Capitalist Ecological Social Force".
CHAD HENSLEY on " Dead Lays".
EWEN CHARDRONNET on "Molecules of Combat".
IONA MILLER on " Sasha´s Ecstasy & the Agony of CONtrollers".
JOE AMBROSE on " The Darker Side of Me - White Irish".
NIGEL AYERS on "All Killer, No Filler".
WILFRED HOU JE BEK on "In Defense of Primate Poetics".
FRANK RHYNNE on " Brian Jones Joujouka Rolling Stone".
RANDALL PYKE on " Neo-Anarchist Dream State".
ADI NEWTON and JANE RADION NEWTON on "The Denizens of Beyond".
Antibothis cd compilation includes:
The Master Musicians of Joujouka, Lydia Lunch with Philippe Petit, Checkpoint 303, Kal Cahoone, Gintas K, Orbit Service, Anla Courtis, Stpo, Jabe Radion Newton and Adi Newton / T.A.G.C., Zeitkratzer, Pietro Riparbelli/K11, Gjoll.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, May 2010
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha

CHTHONIC - Prose & Theory by Vadge Moore
"Vadge Moore is an American author and musician that has spent a lifetime testing the boundaries of good and evil. He toured and recorded with the infamous sleaze-punk institution The Dwarves, apocalyptic rock group Neither-Neither World, and his own nihilist-noise unit Chthonic Force. He has written for the early nineties occult journal Primal Chaos, the esoteric magazine Dagobert's Revenge, and the controversial web 'zine Synthesis. Recently Vadge has taken up an aphoristic-prose style of writing that best expresses his iniquitous and sinister insights into the mind of Man. Chthonic: Prose & Theory is just that; prose wedded to theory that scrutinizes the human, all too human, Monster that is Man."
Available directly though www.vadgemoore.com
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
Design by João Cunha
"Vadge Moore is an American author and musician that has spent a lifetime testing the boundaries of good and evil. He toured and recorded with the infamous sleaze-punk institution The Dwarves, apocalyptic rock group Neither-Neither World, and his own nihilist-noise unit Chthonic Force. He has written for the early nineties occult journal Primal Chaos, the esoteric magazine Dagobert's Revenge, and the controversial web 'zine Synthesis. Recently Vadge has taken up an aphoristic-prose style of writing that best expresses his iniquitous and sinister insights into the mind of Man. Chthonic: Prose & Theory is just that; prose wedded to theory that scrutinizes the human, all too human, Monster that is Man."
Available directly though www.vadgemoore.com
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
Design by João Cunha

ANTIBOTHIS - Occultural Anthology 2
Book anthology + cd compilation + cd compilation "Electronic Thisturbance",
Featuring articles/interviews with/from:
The author of Techgnosis ERIK DAVIS interviews Peter Lamborn Wilson ( also know as Hakim Bey ).
The sonic sorcerer and deviant writer CARL ABRAHAMSSON on Why Another Park Then.
MAGUS COYOTEL LEYBA on Ritual, Rite and Dance.
VADGE MOORE with select excerpts from his forthcoming book .
CHAD HENSLEY interviews Boyd Rice also presents his Pornography of Words.
CENTER for TACTICAL MAGIC on Sigil, Logos and Lucky Charms.
ANTERO ALLI interviewed about the 8 Circuit Brain.
The satirical and subversive BRIAN DEAN on How to Frigthen a Population.
ANDREW MCKENZIE from Hafler Trio put some questions and something else.
STEFAN SZCZELKUN on An Occultural Open Archive.
An interview with the prayformer ORRYELLE.
An interview with the cyberpunk body art collective AESTHETIC MEAT FRONT.
VINCENT ALEXZANDER on Avant Terrorism.
Antibothis cd compilation includes:
O Yuki Conjugate, Controlled Bleeding, Orryelle, Aesthetic Meat Front, Enkidada (ex : psychik warriors ov gaia/exquisite corpse), Cotton Ferox, Hybrids, Strings of Consciousness, MILF (ex:bourbonese qualk).
Cd Offer:
Along with the book/cd volume 2, the spokenword/oral cut up cd compilation "Electronic Thisturbance" will be offered, featuring, Jarboe, Francisco Lopez, Terre Thaemlitz, Gx Juppiter Larsen, Von Magnet, Rasalasad+Sci fi Industries, Telepherique, Wild Shores.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, June 2008
ISBN: 978-989-95447-2-7
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha
Book anthology + cd compilation + cd compilation "Electronic Thisturbance",
Featuring articles/interviews with/from:
The author of Techgnosis ERIK DAVIS interviews Peter Lamborn Wilson ( also know as Hakim Bey ).
The sonic sorcerer and deviant writer CARL ABRAHAMSSON on Why Another Park Then.
MAGUS COYOTEL LEYBA on Ritual, Rite and Dance.
VADGE MOORE with select excerpts from his forthcoming book .
CHAD HENSLEY interviews Boyd Rice also presents his Pornography of Words.
CENTER for TACTICAL MAGIC on Sigil, Logos and Lucky Charms.
ANTERO ALLI interviewed about the 8 Circuit Brain.
The satirical and subversive BRIAN DEAN on How to Frigthen a Population.
ANDREW MCKENZIE from Hafler Trio put some questions and something else.
STEFAN SZCZELKUN on An Occultural Open Archive.
An interview with the prayformer ORRYELLE.
An interview with the cyberpunk body art collective AESTHETIC MEAT FRONT.
VINCENT ALEXZANDER on Avant Terrorism.
Antibothis cd compilation includes:
O Yuki Conjugate, Controlled Bleeding, Orryelle, Aesthetic Meat Front, Enkidada (ex : psychik warriors ov gaia/exquisite corpse), Cotton Ferox, Hybrids, Strings of Consciousness, MILF (ex:bourbonese qualk).
Cd Offer:
Along with the book/cd volume 2, the spokenword/oral cut up cd compilation "Electronic Thisturbance" will be offered, featuring, Jarboe, Francisco Lopez, Terre Thaemlitz, Gx Juppiter Larsen, Von Magnet, Rasalasad+Sci fi Industries, Telepherique, Wild Shores.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, June 2008
ISBN: 978-989-95447-2-7
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha

Book anthology + cd compilation + Merzbow cd, Volume 1
Featuring texts/interviews with/from :
Noise Master GX JUPPITER LARSEN on Permawave Cyberpunk KENJI SIRATORI on Mind Virus
Nihilistics Zen CORRUPT on Unreal
Radical Ecophilosopher PENTTI LINKOLA on Can We Survive ?
Cultural Engineer IONA MILLER on G-P-Orridge Cut Up Pandrogeny
Daydream Cabalists SOCIALFICTION on Crystalpunk
Dronist JORGE MANTAS on Virulent Music
The Post-Human Tantrik EDGAR FRANCO on Transhumanism and Cyber Art
Iconoclast American Philosopher WULF ZENDIK on Realm
Cultural Terrorist ADEL SOUTO on Tantra and Sects
Mail-Art Devotees SZTUKA FABRYKA on Neoism
Interview with the Ecclectic Ritualist DENNY SARGENT
ALEX BIRCH on Big in Japan
Spoken word / oral cut up cd compilation:
Along with the book a spoken word / oral cut up cd compilation will be available with artists like : Jarboe, Fernando Ribeiro ( Moonspell ), Kenji Siratori, Phil Von ( Von Magnet ), Christophe Demarthe ( Clair Obscur), Rasal.asad, Euthymia, Wildshores, Andrey Kiritchenko, Netherworld, Rapoon, Planetadol, Thermidor, Structura, Martin A. Smith, Alex Tiuniaev.
Merzbow cd "dust of dreams" offer:
The cd "Dust of Dreams " by the japnoise master Merzbow will be offered along with the book when purchased directly trough us.
PRICE : 15.00 euros with postage included everywhere,payable through Paypal , please go to Buy Books link.
Published by Associação Chili com Carne and Thisco
THISCOvery CChanel collection
First edition, November 2007
ISBN: 978-989-95447-1-0
Cover art & illustration by
André Lemos - opuntya-syndrome.blogspot.com
Design by
João Cunha
The occultural stew is hot !
"As usual with this excellent Portuguese anthology, we find ourselves positioned in a gap between the old and the new on many levels. The occultural, post-industrial (as in the music/subculture, not as in general history), avant garde environment swings easily between play and philosophy, between genuine transformation and abstracted discourse, between pure experimentation and thorough thinking. Most of it is still fairly fresh, I have to say. If there’s some kind of code that unites these disparate voices, it’s an antithetical stance against the passive collective, expressed in eloquent experiments. Single voices spewing out disdain or frustration in honest, poetical and sometimes scary bursts."
"As usual with this excellent Portuguese anthology, we find ourselves positioned in a gap between the old and the new on many levels. The occultural, post-industrial (as in the music/subculture, not as in general history), avant garde environment swings easily between play and philosophy, between genuine transformation and abstracted discourse, between pure experimentation and thorough thinking. Most of it is still fairly fresh, I have to say. If there’s some kind of code that unites these disparate voices, it’s an antithetical stance against the passive collective, expressed in eloquent experiments. Single voices spewing out disdain or frustration in honest, poetical and sometimes scary bursts."
By Carl Abrahamsson
We are proud to announce that our anthologies Antibothis will be available for public consultation in several Documenta Venues. Documenta (13 ) is an exibition of modern and contemporary art which takes place in Kassel, Germany.
Antibothis anthology volume 4 is already available and this time with written contributions from Chad Hensley, Polly Superstar, Crimethinc, Z´ev, Trevor Brown, Raymon Salvatore Harmon, Ewen Chardronnet, Joe Coleman, Karl Buechner ( Earth Crisis lead singer ), Carl Abrahamsson, Júlio Mendes Rodrigo, V. Vale ( Re/ Search Pubs ), Robin Rimbaud ( Scanner ), Francisco Lopez, Mason Jones ( Charnel Music ), André Coelho ( Sektor 304 ), Joe Ambrose, Dj Balli, Adolf Marx.
The cd compilation is curated by Philipe-Petit from the innovative french record label Bip-hop and will include :
Also visit our non profit cultural organization,book publisher, online and record label featuring works from Kk Null, Merzbow, Randy Grief, Jarboe, Rapoon, Lasse Marhaug, Anla Courtis, Ultra Milkmaids, Pbk, Martin A. Smith, Astro, Mimetic, Simon Crab ( ex: Bourbonese Qualk ), Von Magnet among many others.
Our blog
Antibothis Reviews:
"I've dipped into Antibothis and what I've read so far is brilliant. It really does cross over with so much that I'm into. Finding stuff about the master musicians of Joujouka, Nigel Ayers playing with dictionaries and Google, Chad Hensley's piece on necrophilia - it's all disturbingly good work". David Hine, british comic writer.
"We highly recommend you order ANTIBOTHIS", V. Vale, Re/Search Books. U.S.A.
"ANTIBOTHIS is a mighty fine journal!", Antero Alli.
"Antibothis offers 112 fat pages of food for thought, a veritable feast of heretical initiations and countercultural discourse, offering both options for personal spiritual development and alternatives to the alienated, atomised, deracinated and homogenised consumer culture of today, which sits poised on the brink of economic and ecological devastation. Mainstream culture is the problem – Antibothis is striving to be part of the solution". Simon Collins, Judaskiss, U.K.
"Beautiful Production" V.Vale, Re/Search Books, U.S.A.
"Great Work", Dedroidify,Belgium
"The next step after re/search and apocalypse culture". yorek.com
"thèmes "borderline", proche d'une certaine contre-culture américaine qui s'incarnait dans les années 80/90 autour de personnages comme John Oswald (Plunderphonics). Entre littérature expérimentale, engagement politique et démarche artistique où le collage et le détournement ont une grande place". Musiques e Cultures Digitales, France
"Your work is reeeaaallly great" Okultura, Poland
"awesome! Truly magical". Center for Tactical Magic, U.S.A.
"great stuff,really one of the best publications,i.. ve ever read, an hybrid platform full of dynamism and a very psychic level emanation." Lashtal, Colombia
" Well recommended " Muhrmur
Articles about Antibothis @

As usual with this excellent Portuguese
anthology, we find ourselves positioned in a gap between the old and the new on
many levels. The occultural, post-industrial (as in the music/subculture, not
as in general history), avant garde environment swings easily between play and
philosophy, between genuine transformation and abstracted discourse, between
pure experimentation and thorough thinking. Most of it is still fairly fresh, I
have to say. If there’s some kind of code that unites these disparate voices,
it’s an antithetical stance against the passive collective, expressed in
eloquent experiments. Single voices spewing out disdain or frustration in
honest, poetical and sometimes scary bursts.
What’s the point? Well, perhaps to
reflect that even stern individualists need to be in touch with similars. As
fodder for continued thinking and as an example of this kind of outsider
networking, Antibothis does a great job. In a fragmented world like ours,
that’s not a bad thing at all.
My contribution to the stew is A Mega
Golem Official, written for Vicki Bennett’s Radio Boredcast project in 2012.
It’s another limb (actually a very special kind of gristle) in the magical
being that is evolving entirely out of art. By reading the text, you also
contribute to its birth. I cannot guarantee the result but I applaud your
courage in partycipating.
”Now, what exactly is it
that I do? Am I in the right position? Well, I look and see and then I recount
in my own way. This has happened, take it or leave it. I used to think this was
escapism or a psychological-emotional fulfilment, but it’s not. It’s about
making a contribution to the unlimited collage, the Quantum Quilt, that is the
overall human existence on this planet and in this omniverse. History writing
in four or even more dimensions. Yes, I write, I read, I cast an occasional
spell, I aspire, I inspire, I take pictures, I make pictures like reflection
surfaces, I’m the Mega Golem’s cock and balls – a really privileged position to
be in, I should add – and I enjoy it more than I dare to even admit (probably
for superstitious reasons).”
You can listen to my friend Thomas
Tibert’s aural magic treatment of this text c/o the wonderful entity WFMU. Our
collaboration here actually makes this the latest/last Cotton Ferox
transmission… Ever? We shall see, you shall hear.
The CD compilation that comes with the
anthology is curated by Philipe-Petit from the innovative French record label Bip-hop
and includes: Scanner & Sci-cut.db, Murcof, Bela Emerson reworked by Same
Actor, Israel Martinez, PAS & If, Bwana, The Stargazer's
Assistant, Michel Banabila & Philippe Petit, Cindytalk, Xambuca, Kk
Null, Mark Beazley, and Machinefabriek.
Scanner’s trip-hoppy, slowmotion-paintballing
anthem ”My Lip Cam” is my current favourite. Very simple in structure, yet very
atmospheric and intense. Xambuca is also truly great. A very edgy and electric
track, increasing in energy as it progresses onwards. On the whole, this CD is
pretty predictable and symptomatic of this environment: a mix of (dark) ambient, musique
concrète and experimental electronics. But it’s all enjoyable stuff and
definitely a good soundtrack to the textual material, which is basically (dark)
ambient, musique concrète and experimental electronics in word form. Dive right
in! - www.thiscoverychannel.com/

Cerqueira,the deconstructive soul behinds THISCO Records, from Portugal
have the twisted idea to gather the different ideas,visions,thoughts in
the fields of eclectic occultism. Giving Birth to ANTIBOTHIS, a
collection of book anthologies featuring texts, interviews and diverse
visions breaking the normal standards of so many publications. Creating
different vortices of information, generating dynamic paradigms of ultra
cultural transformation which has as final purpose to program, to
infect to alter the sub-conscious of readers vial a lot of channels. In
each channel, you will experience eclectic convergences.In the Vol I,
you will find so very interesting articles interviews with: Adel Souto,
talking about his deep experiences in Tantra and Kundalini.Also Mr.
Souto reveal us an interesting article called “Need Money? Messiahood
Awaits”. Wilfred Hou Je Bek, includes an excerpt from the second crystal
punk manifesto called “The Future Was Our First Love (And It Will Be
Our Last)”,” Can We Survive? A Certain Model Of A Controlled Future” is
an article written by Finnish Pentti Linkola, revealing in part the
human limitations which are destroying the eco system. Iona Miller comes
with “Pandrogeny 2005”, a lon
article based on Genesis P.Orridge and hir transcendental pandrogeny
breaking the concepts of duality, sexual genders as hormonal alchemy.
“Unreal”, an article dealing with apologies to William Burroughs and
Jhonatan Swift. Japanese Kenji Siratori, deconstructing his futuristic
paradigms through “Mind Virus”. Also I cooperate with two interviews
Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati and also I cooperate with an extensive
conversation with Denny Sargent (FR.Aion)…also you shall find lots of
more interesting articles. 104 pages of ultra-cultural information,
transcending the realities of present time and no-time, coz this is an
organism mutating, changing all the time in all directions. This first
volume also includes a Cd compilation with acts such as RAPOON,
among others!
The VOL II, also has such eclectic nature, and enlightmnet dis-informative currents converging all the time, the different facets, visionary realities, are aspects which we must explore in order to understand the essence hidden behinds ANTIBOTHIS.and with this second volume ANTIBOTHIS establish as a vortex mutating through spiritual, deconstructive paradi
developing spontaneous articles and interviews with: Erik Davis,kwon by
his book “Techgnosis” and several essays from his own, bring us “The
Wandering Sufi”,”Sigil,Logos & Lucky Charms” is a practical document
revealing aspects inherent to symbolic sorcery and beliefs. Brian Dean,
Carl Abrahmanson, Andrew M. McKenzie…among others contributes with in
deep articles worth to check. Also myself contributes with Oryelle
Defenestrate and Aesthetic Meat Front interviews. An evolutive organism
devouring standard, primitive structures, in all directions, and never
static. ANTIBOTHIS is a experimental magickal grimorium,unleashing
unlimited perspectives for dynamic individuals, always questioning
themselves,adopting new elements to their own reality.also,ANTIBOTHIS
offer you a compilation Cd including artists such as : HYBRYDS,ORYELLE,O
ANTIBOTHIS is an evolutive parasite disinverting cultural reality
through the dissimination and dispersion of alternatives vortices of
information and infinite chaotic propaganda,speculation,stimulation to
revolutionize the dynamics of life in a total process of cultural
transformation, empowered by the will, reclaiming our guts and revolt in
the name of imagination in opposition to toxic life on low awareness,
herd mentality and programmed through, infecting human minds and after
their behaviours. - thelabyrinth111.blogspot.com/

The VOL II, also has such eclectic nature, and enlightmnet dis-informative currents converging all the time, the different facets, visionary realities, are aspects which we must explore in order to understand the essence hidden behinds ANTIBOTHIS.and with this second volume ANTIBOTHIS establish as a vortex mutating through spiritual, deconstructive paradi

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