Animirani film napravljen prema crtežima Pietera Brueghela starijeg o sedam smrtnih grijeha. Ne puka transmisija, nego nastavljanje renesanse drugim medijima.
(click on thumbnails)
Triptych « The Temptation of St. Anthony », 4 panels painted, media player, 22 x 16 cm (closed) 44 x 16 cm (open), 2009, 7 copies

Diptych « The temptation of Anthony », 114 x 195 cm each, Oil on canvas 2009

« The messenger of the devil », Series 1 (XII) 2009, Oil on canvas 30 x 30 cm 2009

From « The Temptation of Saint Anthony » by Hieronymus Bosch

From the video works » The Flemish Proverbs » and » The Academy «

- series small souvenir objects – 130/152cm ou 152/130cm, Acrylic on canvas 2009


- Childhood Art

- Family Portraits



- Series « Pékin : l’éveil » -Works after 3 months of residence at Yishu 8 in Beijing, China, 2012

As densely populated as a ‘Where’s Wally?’ spread, Pieter Brueghel and Jérôme Bosch’s canvases teem with life like beehives about to explode. Men, women, animals, monsters and machines are piled on top of each other, their grotesque arrangements containing infinite narrative possibilities. To experience them better, you almost want to plunge into these strange worlds and see the demonic cauldrons light up, the lovers embrace and the hybrid insects beat their wings and fly away – a slightly disturbing fantasy, which Antoine Roegiers has brought to life, transforming the works of the Flemish masters into animated films.
The 32-year-old Belgain artist works from numbered reproductions of the original works, cutting them up, rearranging them and inspecting every detail on his computer to get the setting right. After ‘The Temptation of Saint Antoine’ (Bosch) and ‘Flemish Proverbs’ (Brueghel), this show revisits Brueghel’s ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ (1558) – an ensemble of etchings that Roegiers has this time copied mostly by hand, with a quill pen and brown ink. The result: seven captivating videos of around three minutes each.
Faithful to the artist’s vision, Roegiers puts lust, wrath, greed and envy in motion, inventing a narrative progression for each situation. To a soothing soundtrack, the characters circulate like flotsam in the middle of these infernal kingdoms, where reptiles drink from beer glasses (Gluttony) and giants haunt depraved villages with knives between their teeth (Anger). From time to time, colour splashes across these sepia-toned allegories – peacock-feather blue (Pride), the green of a viscous drink (Gluttony), red tongues licking between a woman’s legs (Lust). The impressive ensemble brings Brueghel’s dark fantasies to life with all the cruelty of the Brothers Grimm fairytales, in a learned mixture of candour, baseness and poetry.
Roegiers doesn’t content himself with channelling art history, he positions himself as the successor to a tradition. ‘Animation’, here, performs its true calling: held prisoner of flat paper for centuries, these mad Flemish fantasies can at last come fully to life.
Antoine Roegiers: Les sept péchés capitaux
For his first exhibition at Praz-Delavallade, Belgian artist Antoine Roegiers presents his latest work, a series of drawings and a video installation inspired by The Seven Deadly Sins by Pieter Brueghel, made in the sixteenth century. Mastering pen and ink drawing techniques with the same ease as digital tools, Antoine Roegiers has been engaging in a dialogue with the great masters of Flemish painting, and the fantastical universes of Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Brueghel in particular, for the past several years.
For this exhibition, Antoine Roegiers shows a video installation composed of seven screens that each presents a narrative animation related to pride, lust, gluttony, envy, sloth, greed and wrath, along with a series of sixteen drawings that are in fact the storyboards the artist has imagined and entirely redrawn in ink.What interests Roegiers in Brueghel’s 1558 version of The Seven Deadly Sins, besides the poetry, creativity and beauty of those drawings, is the flat representation of a whole story. Even though these drawings depict great spatial depth, they are designed like a movie whose scenes are mounted in one single sequence, which must then be abstracted to be able to read and interpret the work.
Through animation techniques, Antoine Roegiers creates a space for the viewers to penetrate into and beyond the drawings. His steady and light pencil lines, dissect each character, each piece of scenery, as if to reveal the singular poetry of a universe both comical and disturbing, surprising and captivating, in which men, women, animals, demons, metamorphosed creatures, hybrid characters, giants, and fanciful architectures coexist in a delirious, but perfect harmony. Freely navigating these drawings, the artist chooses details of specific scenes, imagines the character of a figure and invents the continuation of an action or movement.
Antoine Roegiers designs and produces every step of the creation himself. He has collaborated with Antoine Marroncles, who has created the soundtracks of his videos since 2005.
STORYBOARD OF THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS, ink on paper, 76 x 56 cm, 16 drawings, 2013
from the drawings « The Seven Deadly Sins » by Pieter Brueghel 1559

Landscape of the seven deadly sins and Landscape body of the seven deadly sins
ink on paper, 195 x 132 cm, 2012
from the drawings « The Seven Deadly Sins » by Pieter Brueghel 1559

series of seven landscape of the seven deadly sins by Bruegel
Ira – Desidia – Superbia – Avaritia – Gula – Invidia – Luxuria, ink on paper, 41 x 23 cm, 2011
from the drawings « The Seven Deadly Sins » by Pieter Bruegel 1559

One drawing with one copy of the movie « the seven deadly sins »:
Ira – Desidia – Superbia – Avaritia – Gula – Invidia – Luxuria, ink on paper, 29,7 × 40,5 cm, 2011
from the drawings « The Seven Deadly Sins » by Pieter Brueghel 1559

All drawings designed for the movie « the seven deadly sins », ink on paper, 21 x 28,2 cm, 92 drawings, 2011
from the drawings « The Seven Deadly Sins » by Pieter Brueghel 1559

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