Egzotično, čudno, tajanstveno, ekscentrično i posebno!! Bolje od pizze i nogometa!
Izvrsni kratki video-dokumentarci o mumijama kućnih ljubimaca, taksidermiji, kolekciji muzičkih automata, kirurgu koji je transplantirao glave, carstvu smrti, ginjolima i stravi, radovima u vosku, ouija pločama, opskurnosti, okultizmu i umjetnosti itd.
Episode 1 - Modern Day Mummies - - Thank you for coming to check out the first of many episodes of The Midnight Archive. This week - meet The Sorceress Cagliastro. When Joanna (Brooklyn Observatory, Morbid Anatomy Library) informed me that The Observatory was giving Mummification lessons, i knew right away that the instructor had to be the first segment of this series. Me and my crew arrived at her temporary 'laboratory' in Sunset Park, Brooklyn (a neighborhood i am very familiar with) and we were greeted by a menagerie of her canine followers. After sharing a glass of a mutual favorite spirit (green chartreuse) we got into what it takes to make a mummy. As charming as she is intelligent, meet The Sorceress and of course for more information on her and her work which goes far beyond mummifying pets please visit www.sorceresscagliastro.com or email her at cagliastro@sorceresscagliastro.com.
Executive Producer: Ian Karr - Producer Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography: Robbie Renfrow - B-roll and Sound: Jay Bones - Music: Gerardo Giraldo - Title Theme: Stephen Coates (The Real Tuesday Weld) - Title Graphics: Matt McCleod - Directed and Edited by Ronni Thomas
EPISODE 02 : Occult NY Part 1 -- The master or all things intriguing, Mitch Horowitz, takes us on a virtual tour of a city not very often associated with the Occult historically; my home town, New York City. Mitch is, among many other fantastic things, the author of Occult America (which can and should be purchaseD HERE) -- In this - part 1 of the tour - we learn about our old time New York pals talking to spirits, channeling the dead and getting in touch with our ascended masters. If you are in NYC Mitchey-boy gives a fabulous live walking tour through The Brooklyn Observatory (hosted by the fabulous Pam Grossman ofphantasmaphile.com). Its worth the schlep... this is just a little taste. Later in the series Mitch is going to take us to Grand Central Station, The Fred F. French Building and the most significant place in new york's occult history - "The Lamasery" --- For more on Mr. Horowitz please visit his website at www.mitchhorowitz.com . Executive Producer: Ian Karr - Producer Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography: Robbie Renfrow - B-roll and Sound: Jay Bones - Music: Gerardo Giraldo - Title Theme: Stephen Coates (The Real Tuesday Weld) - Title Graphics: Matt McCleod - Directed and Edited by Ronni Thomas
EPISODE 03 : Anthropomorphic Taxidermy -- This episode brings us the cutest little thing ever to rip the guts out of a dead cadaver. I was very grateful when Sue Jeiven, a tattoo artist of East River Tattoo in brooklyn agreed to let me film her to chat about turning mice into little men. Here we discuss the history and process and facination behind a very old and very odd artform; anthropomorphic Taxidermy. As sue will explain, its the process of taking an animal's skin, preparing it, and putting it in a human-like setting. It sounds much more charming coming from sue. So have a look and if you are interested, she is planning a book on taxidermy in addition to occasionally teaching students how to 'DIY' their own little mouse or squirrel. Check in at the Brooklyn Observatory in hopes she adds another class in the future!
Executive Producer: Ian Karr - Producer Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography: Robbie Renfrow - B-roll and Sound: Jay Bones - Music: Gerardo Giraldo - Title Theme: Stephen Coates (The Real Tuesday Weld) - Title Graphics: Matt McCleod - Directed and Edited by Ronni Thomas
EPISODE 04 : The Automata And Automatic Music -- Tucked away, in a quiet and pleasant suberb of New Jersey, there exists one of the most fascinating collections of artistic engineering ever collected. The collection belonged to Murtogh Guiness, of the Guiness Brewering company. Its contents are, what i can only desrcibe as the early days of robotics, engineered for our ancestor's entertainment. Dolls that perform incredible tasks, full orchestras in the middle of your parlor, and my favorite of course, a banjo that plays itself. The collection is maintaned and managed by Jere Ryder who began his interest at a very early age. He is now entrusted to the collection at the Morris Museum located in Morristown New Jersey. Keep your eyes on The Brooklyn Observatory as they occasionally take a field trip out. The museum is located at 6 Normandy Heights Road Morristown, NJ And well worth the trip if you are nearby - Jere is not only very knowlageable on the subject but also a fantastic tour guide... thanks a ton, mr. ryder, we'll see you soon no doubt!
Executive Producer: Ian Karr - Producer Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography: Robbie Renfrow - B-roll and Sound: Jay Bones - Music: Gerardo Giraldo - Title Theme: Stephen Coates (The Real Tuesday Weld) - Title Graphics: Matt McCleod - Directed and Edited by Ronni Thomas
EPISODE 05 : SPECIAL FILM - A. HEAD B. BODY -- This week we have a very special film presentation. Directed by my good friend Jim Fields (End of the Century, Time Online) - The film is about the late Dr. White, a neurosurgeon... who did a head transplant. Yes. Took the head of an ape, cut it off, and stitched it onto the body of another ape. Successfully. And its all here... All the gory details. The film was actually produced a few years back. But due to the extreme nature of some of the visuals (though i am not sure what the big deal is) it didn't get much exposure at first. But the brave have certainly made it something of a docu-cult classic. We are honored to be able to have it as a special entry in the Midnight Archive. Jim can be found twiddling his thumbs at the Time Magazine offices weekly and drinking heavily after hours. For more on his work visit jimfields.tv - oh and I did some of the music in the piece... so little talent... so much time... wait a minute - scratch that... reverse!
A FILM BY JIM FIELDS - Presented by The Midnight Archive
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Jessica Gallant - Graphics - Jay Bones
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Anthony Moran - Music - Stephen Coates
- Robbie Renfrow - Music - Gerardo Giraldo
EPISODE 09 : WAX -- A long standing obsession of mine has always been wax... I am honored to have someone I genuinely consider a true artist as part of our series - Ms. Sigrid Sarda. From our first meeting i knew we'd have a ton of things to talk about. The charmingly perverse Sarda has taught herself the ancient art of sculpting in wax and it is every bit as creepy and interesting as you might expect. Her home (where we shot the episode - is LITTERED with her creations. Its a scene out of one of my all time favorite films "Tourist Trap' minus a creepy cross dressing Chuck Connors. Take a look at the art behind the wax. Its truly a fascinating medium. And Sig is truly a fascinating artist. Stay tuned as she is working on a maze called Welcome To Hegemony which is sort of a super speed 'haunted' maze which will feature many of her wax friends - HOPEFULLY including the wax figure she is making of yours truly! Enjoy!
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale - Music - Stephen Coates
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale - Visual Effects - Martin Murphy
Music - Stephen Coates
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale
Music - Stephen Coates
EPISODE 12 : Old Machines - the Tim Mullen Collection -- This episode takes a look at the collection of NYC's Tim Mullen, an engineer with a soft spot for Antique Machinery... His amazing apartment is LITTERED with Machines from before the turn of the century and onwards. The scope of it was pretty hard to capture on film but i hope we did a good job of it. X-Ray Machines, Vicotrian hospital devices, Old TVs and Radios, and my favorite - a funeral fan (complete with burning jesus lighting) are just a few of the many amazing items in this electirfying collection. Tim is always on the lookout for 'new' old stuff so if you have anything in your basement - drop him a line!
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale
Music - Stephen Coates
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale
Music - Stephen Coates
ISODE 14 : Dealing In Obscurity -- It is a pleasure to have Evan Michelson, owner of the NYC epicenter of the odd 'Obscura' and star of Science Channel's 'Oddities' as a guest on our series. In what is certainly our most abstract and experimental episode, she quite eloquently puts into words why some of us are so drawn to certain objects, the dark, and the disturbing. Her house is, as she puts it, a literal library of the strange and esoteric. Each artifact houses a special story and emotion for its possessor. So enjoy a very psychedelic and surreal episode of the series and please make sure to like our facebook page at http://facebook.com/themidnightarchive for random tidbits of macabre history and events around the world! And be sure if in NYC or visiting to check our Obscura Antiques on the Lower East side - you will not be disapointed!
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale
Music - Stephen Coates
EPISODE 15 : Art And The Occult -- the very venerable Pam Grossman (phantasmaphile.com) shares her views on the 'Magic of Art'. A noted voice in the world of the esoteric and the art scene, you'll learn about her very unique and compelling perspective on how there is a magical transference when viewing particualr works of art. For more information and far more images, visit www.phantasmaphile.com and if you are in Brooklyn, check out her events at The Brooklyn Observatory
Created By - Ronni Thomas - Exec. Producer - Ian Karr - Producer - Joanna Ebenstein - Cinematography - Robert Carnevale
Music - Stephen Coates
The Midnight Archive is a new web series which aims to document the exotic, the strange, the eccentric and the truly unique. Often dark and always on the fringe, the series puts an honest look into some of the most fascinating people, places and artifacts that many people are wildly unfamiliar with. From a woman who mummifies pets to the largest collection of automata, the idea is for the subject matter to tell its own story and give the viewer just a taste of something 'unusual'. No dramatic stings, no editorial drama - just the facts.
The series' creator was inspired by an institution in his hometown called The Brooklyn Observatory. In 2010 he was asked to lecture there on his collection of mid-19th century 3D Demonic Stereo-Tissues and was amazed at both the variety and the number of people that came to the event. Talking to Joanna Ebenstein - one of the proprietors of the space and creator of the Morbid Anatomy Library (morbidanatomy.blogspot.com), it seemed that there was a growing interest in the esoteric. So after much back and forth - they decide to undertake filming short pieces using the Observatory as their home-base.
The series was created by Ronni Thomas a Brooklyn NY Native who has had a longtime fascination with the bizarre and the unknown. His films have shown round the world and he has written for numerous film and arts magazines (occasionally under the silly post-punk nickname Ronni Raygun). The Midnight Archive is the first series to be produced by a new online 'network' hellobox.tv.
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