Opet po izboru e-magazina Empty Kingdom, ali za 2011. godinu (abecednim redom).

1. AJ Fosik ★ (November 2011, February 2010)
KA: I thought my mushroom tea tasted a little weird.
BM: Yummy to my tummy.

2. Amanda Elizabeth Joseph (July 2011)

3. Amber Isabel (February 2011)
KA: In a dark basement office at the EK headquarters, plans for Project X begins.
BM: The first rule of Project X…is never talk about Project X.
KA: The second rule of Project X…is you kill anyone who talks about Project X.
BM: Then it is a good thing that we are already dead.
OK: We’re not even supposed to know who is who in the X room.

4. Andreas Englund (August 2011)

5. Andreas Franke (December 2011)

6. Anton Kusters (September 2011)
KA: “…extra wasabi…EXTRA WASABI…the boss always wants extras wasabi! How could I forget?!”
OK: It’s about time we call Mr. Kusters to document Empty Kingdom.

7. Antony Micallef (June 2011, May 2010, February 2010)

8. Ariana Page Russell (October 2011)
OK: Unquestionably, one of kind set from Ariana. I’m not quite sure if I’m over the physical textures.

9. Asger Carlsen (December 2011)
BM: …Excuse me ma’am…but your butt is staring at me. How rude.

10. Atelier Olschinsky (August 2011)

11. Barnaby Roper (June 2011)
OK: A beautiful symphonic display of interactive visuals.

12. Benetton: UNHATE Campaign (November 2011)
KA: Only if other nations would follow suit…
BM: How do we know this isn’t what they do when no one is looking?
OK: In the next series, you got to pay to see what else goes on.

13. Berlinde De Bruyckere (August 2011)
BM: Insert babyback ribs joke here.
KA: Shit…insert the damn baby back into the womb…I don’t think it’s quite done yet.
OK: Empty Kingdom needs a hallway full Berlinde’s work.

14. Big Lazy Robot VFX: “The Gift” (December 2011)
BM: Nothing lazy about this VFX group. Sheesh.

15. Bill Durgin ★ (EK Interview – July 2011, June 2011, May 2010)
BM: Mr. Durgin kicks arse.

16. Brian Dettmer (March 2011)
BM: I love a person who can appreciate a good book.

17. Brooke Shaden (June 2011, February 2011, February 2010)
OK: Each photograph displays each dimension of Brooke Shaden’s world.

18. Bruno Dayan (February 2011)

19. Christy Lee Rogers (October 2011)

20. CILER (June 2011, January 2011)
BM: Who the heck drew on me while I was asleep???
KA: I don’t know, but are those granny panties?

21. Daikichi Amano (June 2011)
KA: Dirty, dirty.
BM: Um…
OK: I’m hungry.

22. Daniele Manoli (February 2011)
BM: Being hooked on phonics has really screwed me up.
KA: Being hooked on crack is pretty bad I hear too. I read that somewhere on the internet, but I don’t know about the validity of that statement.
BM: I have no idea what you’re talking about. By the way, have you seen a little glass pipe lying around here anywhere? My, um, friend is looking for it.

23. David Choong Lee (February 2011, May 2010)
BM: Mr. Choong Lee is one of the coolest mofos around.
OK: The multi-talented Mr. David Choong Lee.

24. Debra Hampton (January 2011)

25. Elizaveta Porodina (July 2011, September 2010)
BM: Yep. She’s got it.

26. Erin M. Riley (December 2011)

27. Fredrik Åkum (July 2011)

28. Gehard Demetz ★ (EK Interview – March 2011, January 2011, August 2010)

29. Geirrod Van Dyke (June 2011)

30. Gianmarco Magnani (EK Interview – March 2011, January 2011, April 2010, January 2012)

31. Gottfried Helnwein (February 2011)
BM: If rabbits could mate with humans, I’d be all over this guy. RRaawwrrr.
OK: I never got to read his statement, but I’m pretty sure it’s abstrusely peculiar.

32. Hayashi Natsumi (September 2011, February 2011)
BM: OH, so you think you can hop, huh?
OK: Beautiful.

33. Henrique Oliveira (February 2011)
KA: Insanity in an art gallery.

34. Hisatomi Tadahiko (October 2011)
OK: Organic.

35. Holly Suan Gray (February 2011)

36. Iain MacArthur (April 2011, March 2011, March 2010)

37. Istvan Nyari (October 2011, August 2010)
BM: I would make a silly comment but I’m afraid of getting my face ripped off. This artist is clearly not fucking around.

38. James Hart Dyke (February 2011)
OK: Personally one of my favorite artists of 2011. Each brush stroke makes me oscillate, and each painted crevasse makes my mouth water.

39. Jamie McCartney (April 2011)
KA: All hail the mighty wall.
BM: Respect the vagina.
KA: Oh trust me…I do.
OK: Should I praise standing or on my knees?

40. Jason DeCaires Taylor ★ (EK Interview – June 2011, February 2011, October 2010)
OK: The legendary sunken colony. Republic of DeCaires.
BM: When I die I want DeCaires to cast my body and put it underwater with the colony.

41. Ji Yong Ho (September 2011, March 2010)
BM: ha ha ha -good one.

42. John Clang (June 2011)

43. José Ferreira (August 2011)
KA: Truly moving and startling work.
BM: Yea for reals. You know he’s legit if I have zero desire to make a smartass comment.
KA: “We’re dealing with real human beings who are suffering and dying and being tortured and starving because of policies that we are involved in we, as citizens of democratic societies, are directly involved in and responsible for. And what the media are doing is ensuring that we do not act on our responsibilities, and that the interests of power are served, not the interests of suffering people, and not the needs of the American people, who would be horrified if they realized the blood that’s dripping from their hands because of the way they’re allowing themselves to be deluded and manipulated by the system.” -Noam Chomsky

44. Juha Arvid Helminen (July 2011)
OK: This series is such an iconic set. Imagine a film or a documentary based on this societal nation. Peerless.

45. Julia Fullerton Batten (August 2011)
BM: I wonder why they are all dressed like Sailor Moon?
KA: Or also how Asian girls are also the object of most non-Asian men’s fetish/fantasy desires…”exotic orientals”, right?
BM: What’s an oriental?
KA: What? Oriental rugs? Huh?

46. Justin Mortimer (March 2011)

47. Kelsey Brookes (November 2011, June 2010)
KA: Last year on a crazy-wack-a-do roadtrip to Las Vegas, we ended up getting absolutely lost in the middle of fuckin’ nowhere in the dead of the night on some god-forsaken unmarked rural highway, and ran over two HUGE hares (not mere rabbits) and a majestic owl (of all fuckin’ creatures of the desert) just before we ran out of gas.

48. Kent Williams ★ (September 2011, May 2010, March 2010)

49. Kibwe Tavares & Factory Fifteen: “Robots of Brixton” (September 2011)

50. Kilian Eng (January 2011)

51. KILLMAG (October 2011)
BM: Kill Mag is pretty damn cool and so worth the download.
OK: If people want to see an app-based visual website, this is the one. There is no other app like this.

52. Kim Cogan ★ (August 2011, March 2011, January 2011, January 2010)

53. Korehiko Hino (August 2011)
KA: Right…
BM: Practice makes perfect?
KA: Right…
OK: Is this natural?

54. Kris Kuksi ★ (December 2011, August 2011, March 2010)
KA: I’m pretty sure that Kuksi sold his soul to the Devil at some point in order to be able to create something of this scale and level of intricate detail. Yes, I’m pretty sure.
OK: Or he sold his soul to God.
BM: lol, marzo

55. Laurie Lipton (June 2011, April 2010)
OK: The details…

56. Lee Guk Hyun (October 2011)

57. Lee Jeffries (August 2011)
KA: No joke…my insides feel like how this guy looks.
BM: Man, this series was for reals.
OK: Worldliness of souls that manifest.

58. Lina Scheynius ★ (June 2011, October 2010, August 2010, April 2010)
OK: Nothing else matters, my darling.

59. Lissy Elle (June 2011)
BM: ”Lassie, if these clouds evaporate, we are screwed.”
OK: Still searching.

60. Ludovic Levasseur ★ (January 2011, November 2010)
KA: Say “HELLO” to my little friend.
OK: This is what happens when we grow old and our toys expire.
KA: They grow penises?! And play with them?!!!
BM: You guys are crazy

61. Marco Mazzoni (August 2011)

62. Mariana Quevedo (November 2011 – PART I, November 2011 – PART II)

63. Mars-1 (September 2011, October 2010)
KA: If anyone finds liquefied brains anywhere…they’re mine.
BM: It’s one of my goals to own a Mars-1 piece like this eventually…then you will never see me again.

64. Marta Penter (October 2011)

65. Matthew Brown (February 2011)

66. Matthew Cusick (April 2011)
OK: This artist will never get lost.

67. Max Ginsburg (August 2011)
KA: After really examining Ginsburg’s work in 2011, I can say that he is one of the few contemporary artists that I truly look up to. He carefully merges classical dramatism with moments and scenes of relevant contemporary times in a way that makes my underwear tingle. Inappropriate? I think not.
BM: You’re so dreamy when you get all analytical n’ stuff.

68. Menoside (June 2011)

69. Motohiko Odani (March 2011, June 2010)

70. MUSICIANS WITH GUNS (January 2011)

71. Nick Pedersen (July 2011)
OK: A grand series that portrays the obligations and solidarity of man.
BM: The man, the myth, the legend continues.

72. Nicola Samori (September 2011, EK Interview – January 2012)
OK: Samori’s work allows us to sense and smell the shadowy aroma within the world being represented.

73. Oh Yeah Studio (September 2011, November 2010)

74. Pakayla Biehn (December 2011, January 2010)
OK: Yes, this is a painting.

75. Pat Perry (June 2011, November 2010)

76. Polynoid: “Loom” (June 2011)
BM: As MDA put it, an “intensely epic CG-animated short”

77. Raul Ronald Moreno Cardenas (March 2011)

78. Ray Jones (July 2011, August 2010, April 2010)

79. REPLACEFACE (October 2011)
KA: Talk to me goose.
BM: You had me at hello. You complete me.

80. Richard Mosse (December 2011, August 2010)
KA: I give much props to Mosse for bringing back such beautiful and startling images from war-torn Kivu, Congo. And to think, most American’s still think Africa is a country and not a continent…

81. Rikki Kasso ★ (August 2011 – PART I, August 2011 – PART II, January 2011, June 2010)
KA: Hello. Hi there.
OK: Rikki Kasso’s raw journalistic eyes truly deliver art through a series so tantalizing.

82. Robert Gligorov (October 2011)

83. Ruben Brulat (November 2011)
BM: Seriously guys, where’d you hide my keys??? AND WHY AM I NAKED??
KA: Dude…major shrinkage.

84. Ryan Schude (August 2011, May 2010)

85. Sagaki Keita (March 2011)

86. Sandy Kim ★ (December 2011, December 2010)
BM: Miss Kim so crazy. With a capital Z.
OK: So Zandy!

87. Saturno Butto (March 2011)

88. Sauco (June 2011)
OK: The beauty in absurdity.
KA: …Or just another creepy, twisted, fucked up old man.

89. Seo Young Deok (December 2011)

90. Serge Salat (September 2011)
OK: Serge Salat & Co’s traveling architectural installation show is one of a kind.

91. Shawn Barber (July 2011)
KA: Mr. Barber is the illest of the ill.
BM: He’s super cool and was the first artist we met back when we were still in school and wet behind the ears. I consider him partially responsible for the success of EK today…he personally introduced us to many great artists we love and support today.
I remember he was like: “I should introduce you to James Jean, he’d be a good interview for your documentary.”
And I was like, “Who’s that?”
And he was like, “Only one of the most influential illustrators working today… You ass.”
-okay I added the ass part, but it was history after that. Cheers to you, Mr. Barber.

92. Shinji Imaoka & Christopher Doyle: “Underwater Love” (November 2011)
KA: Oh me, oh my…
BM: While giving a top 100 spot to a trailer is usually unacceptable, this one had the three of us giggling like school girls. Also, the fact that it was shot by the legendary Christopher Doyle makes it automatically awesome, no matter what the story.

93. Shintaro Ohata (September 2011)
OK: It’s one thing to create sculptures and another to create a scenic installation. Shintaro creates both by blending a 3D rendered look, while feeling like we’re in the midst of an anime scene.

94. Spunky Zoe (October 2011)
KA: Be it as it may, Spunky Zoe is probably one of my many personal favorite breakout artists for 2011. Ball-point pens, y’all…BALL-POINT PENS!

95. Terence Chang (June 2011)
BM: If you leave your heart in San Francisco…I’ll keep it safe. Cake.
KA: If you leave your heart in San Francisco…okmarzo will eat it with cake. Huh?

96. Thom Puckey ★ (EK Interview – November 2011, August 2011, May 2010)
OK: The Greek Gods are very proud of you.
KA: I think the Greek God both fear and desire Puckey’s works!
BM: I imagine the Greek Gods are a bit confused.

97. Ting Cheng (July 2011)

98. TSO Photography (September 2011)
BM: Where’s the double rainbow?
OK: Rumor has it that Double Rainbow Man supposedly relapsed after watching this.

99. Yutaka Sone (September 2011)

100. This spot is not only to all the other artists featured on EMPTY KINGDOM throughout this past 2011 year, but to all the young artists still in school, still learning, still developing, still growing. Without a doubt, EMPTY KINGDOM will see many of you featured on our site in the years to come, and many more make it to our future TOP 100 lists.
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