Folk koji odjekuje u šupljem stablu, truli dok ga jedu mravi, zuji među mrtvim pčelama, hoda po snijegu i pada, klizi niz stubište i puže do podruma začepljena raštimanim robotima. Moć raspadanja i nesimetrije.
MV & EE is a group of musicians focused around Matt Valentine, sometimes referred to as MV, and his partner Erika Elder. Matt Valentine was in the neo-psychedelic group, The Tower Recordings. While the duo record under many different names, including MV & EE, Medicine Show and the bummer road, most of the records center around both artists and feature a rotating cast of additional musicians. Their style is self-described as “lunar ragas”, with many of the lyrics dealing with celestial imagery. They combine indian raga style composition (with increasing authenticity as they become more accomplished with time) with Appalachian folk and post-psychedelic electrical experimentalism. They use Western and Eastern acoustic instruments amplified and augmented with effects such as reverb, delay, and flange. Their compositions occasionally feature vocals, which are off-kilter and rambling, while seeming drugged.

"Latest studio album from Vermont duo Matt Valentine and Erika Elder.
Apart from the fact that “MV & EE” is slang for zero gravity and that they’ve been doing it consistently “better” with good vibes/jams they still WANT to give you more of the best of them. This is their “space homestead” and for good reason this wall of sound applied thru DIY sensibilities was recorded over the course of a year in 9 different studios, presenting as clearly as circumstances can permit, a living idea right here in the now of what it is all about. These are sonics in motion, the satiate plural perfect supply of the hunger unusual, the picturesque in sound. Grab a shuttle for your spectrasound furniture any time in any aeon and dig the volume of their trip."
"Growers, settlers, sumptuous shufflers stretching out a tired
finger and reeling back not too far from the prone position — but back
nonetheless. Nearly 40 minutes to devote to lazy graces and countless
hours hence, Matt Valentine & Erika Elder are here for you as ever.
Something dry and dusty and comfy and perhaps a little mildewed to ease
you into a rare, sleepily sound satisfaction. There is a currentless
drift to these nine doggypaddlers, what with the sloppy rhythms,
plain-as-dirt vocals, and obligatory wah solos — but it’s all so
satisfying in its way.
Not that there aren’t some strong hooks. The wistful singing of the title during Valentine’s reverb-y spoken word muttering makes “Sweet Sure Gone” a highlight. The penultimate track, “Wasteland,” has a pretty sturdy chorus aided in no small part by Erika’s enchanting echo answer to Matt’s “Waaaaaaasteland.” And it’s fun the way “digging the nature scene” clumsily sits at the end of the verses in “Workingman’s Smile.”
But Space Homestead is no plate of vittles. It’s a stop-start fetid breeze pocket in which to ensconce yourself and happily wither. It’s music of strength in decay and blind perseverance when it seems most pointless. It’s oddly demanding for being such a mellow recording. One moment you’re in a slow watertube spin and the next you’re sputtering about in shallow, sodden water with a face full of blackflies. It’s grounded for how foggy it is, and perhaps it’s just that classic combination of earnestness and what-the-fuck-let’s-do-this-ness of everything this duo unleashes on us. The music is too character-rich to be slight and too pointed to be mere stoner rock. (That being said, “Too Far To See” is one of the sweetest bullshit-free stoner jams I’ve laid ears on in ages.)
It’s comforting to know these guys are still out there doing what they do so well. I highly recommend seeing ’em if you get the chance. Their shows are a good spot of heady doubled-up galaxy twang, and they’ve got a better catalog of strong material than ever now. In the meantime, if you were to dive into this group’s vast recorded output, Space Homestead ain’t a bad spot to get acquainted." -
Not that there aren’t some strong hooks. The wistful singing of the title during Valentine’s reverb-y spoken word muttering makes “Sweet Sure Gone” a highlight. The penultimate track, “Wasteland,” has a pretty sturdy chorus aided in no small part by Erika’s enchanting echo answer to Matt’s “Waaaaaaasteland.” And it’s fun the way “digging the nature scene” clumsily sits at the end of the verses in “Workingman’s Smile.”
But Space Homestead is no plate of vittles. It’s a stop-start fetid breeze pocket in which to ensconce yourself and happily wither. It’s music of strength in decay and blind perseverance when it seems most pointless. It’s oddly demanding for being such a mellow recording. One moment you’re in a slow watertube spin and the next you’re sputtering about in shallow, sodden water with a face full of blackflies. It’s grounded for how foggy it is, and perhaps it’s just that classic combination of earnestness and what-the-fuck-let’s-do-this-ness of everything this duo unleashes on us. The music is too character-rich to be slight and too pointed to be mere stoner rock. (That being said, “Too Far To See” is one of the sweetest bullshit-free stoner jams I’ve laid ears on in ages.)
It’s comforting to know these guys are still out there doing what they do so well. I highly recommend seeing ’em if you get the chance. Their shows are a good spot of heady doubled-up galaxy twang, and they’ve got a better catalog of strong material than ever now. In the meantime, if you were to dive into this group’s vast recorded output, Space Homestead ain’t a bad spot to get acquainted." -
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