Meathaus je jako dobar blog za strip, ilustracije, crteže...
Maxime Sabourin Art
Posted By Chris
Michelle Xin Art
Posted By Chris

Michelle Xin has a blog here with her drawings and a unique cat-butt-face character that will fart its way to your heart.
Mu Pan Sketchbooks
Posted By Chris
Hugo Ruyant Art
Posted By Chris

Hugo Ruyant’s sketches of buildings and people in different cities and imagination spaces can be found here on his blog.
Jordan Speer Art
Posted By Chris

Jordan Speer looks like he has coalesced his image making efforts around an isometric perspective 3D modeled freak world style which is fun to explore and think about.
Sébastien Sans-Arcidet Art
Posted By Chris
Sergio Membrillas Art
Posted By Chris

Prophet Article
Posted By Chris

Meathaus fellas Brandon and Farel are featured in this recent review of the revived Prophet comic over here on Comics Alliance.
Jeremy Sorese Art
Posted By Chris
Shawn Eisenach Art
Posted By Chris
James Jean Details
Posted By Chris
Wren McDonald Art
Posted By Chris
PCS Book 3
Posted By Jeffro

The Philadelphia Cartoonist Society just printed our 3rd anthology. The PCS has been around for 15 years. The initial club was started by Andrew Hart, Jeffro Kilpatrick, and Chrissie Currier, and now has over 100 members on their distribution list. About 30 are active in local charity projects and art shows. 20 members contributed to this 3rd anthology, which was dedicated to their friend Megan Miller. The anthology not only showcases the work of longtime members, but younger, newer additions to the group as well. It’s a wild mix, a true reflection of what a diverse assembly this ragtag group of cartoonists and illustrators has evolved into. Here is a small sampling of the work in PCS Book 3…
Rog Petersen:

Meg Dunn:

Sam Heimer:

Melissa Lomax:

Christian “Patch” Patchell:

You can purchase a copy of PCS Book 3 by going to Patch’s page HERE.
You can visit the Philadelphia Cartoonist Society’s website by going HERE.
New Herpich
Posted By Chris
Thomas Wellmann Art
Posted By Chris

Checking in with Thomas Wellmann again because he is just kicking ass, in terms of drawing outstanding things. I’m naturally inclined to prefer artist’s rough, personal work, their sketchbooks, but Thomas’s illustration and client work is just as exciting. This, this website, this blog, previously.
Cory Dumps
Posted By Chris

Dudeman Robertryan Cory has recently dumped a new load of the solidest cartoon designs and sketches you could hope to see on his this.
Yeji Yun Art
Posted By Chris
Wai Wai Pang Art
Posted By Chris
Jeffro’s Fishtown Print
Posted By Jeffro

I made a new limited edition giclee print that will be for sale on my online shop only until the end of August. The print celebrates my love for the Philly neighborhood where I was born and raised. Two different sizes are available: 10″x8″ & 14″x11″. Each archival giclee is printed on smooth, fine art, 270 gsm, 15 mil. paper, and will be signed and numbered. For more information, please go to the shop: jeffrosstore.bigcartel.com.
Joann Sfar Art
Posted By Chris
Letter to Meathaus: Jeff Pastorek
Posted By Josh

Jeff Pastorek sent Meathaus a package from New Orleans with Quick! Pretend Like You’re Reading, a magnet, a blacked out bribe dollar and a letter that reads:
“New Orleans to Philadelphia via air and ground transport. Look, it’s not easy to write (Josh/Chris/Rob/Jim/Jason/Mu/Thomas) I got stung by a caterpillar on the palm of my writing hand when I was weeding the garden (sincerely). Here is a bribe-dollar (black). Enjoy. Please tell the world about my book. I don’t know what my audience is besides my beloved friends in New Orleans. Maybe you can tell me.Thanks Jeff, that’s some serious ink on that dollar. What is this, India, Sumi? And thanks for the book. This volume has a mixture of of writing and images, some hand-lettered bits, some diagrams, a painting of Prince and Morrissey, some horses, it’s a book about reading and pretending to read the book as much as it isn’t. Audience? I don’t know much about audiences except that apparently I’m typing these words and someone is reading them RIGHT NOW. That’s about as much as I can fathom. Oh and the book made it up here from New Orleans just fine. I was in New Orleans once playing a show in some bar that was also a laundromat. Is that common there, or is that THE bar that is also a laundromat?
p.s. me”
See Jeff’s website here for more work.
Letter to Meathaus: Cole Pauls
Posted By Chris

Cole Pauls sent Meathaus a package from the Yukon with two original prints, two Zine Train mini zines, and Astral Projection Comix #3 and a letter that reads:
“Yo Meathaus! I love everything you guys do! I thought I’d mail you my zines inspired by your anthologies and creators to show that love! The Zine Train is a art zine I edited with my foundation year classmates here in the Yukon. I was chatting with one student about James Jean & Brandon Graham and I introduced him to your books & he said, ‘we should do this too!’ I edited & published two issues (one for each semester) getting 17 (including me) artists (classmates) to submit 3 pieces each! The 2nd has 18 artists contributing 3 more pieces. The other comic is my solo project, which I rip off Tales From the Crypt. Currently I am thumbnailing the 4th Astral Projection Comix issue. I hope you enjoy what you’ve been influencing!! XOX♥Hey thanks for the love and for sending these books and letter, Cole. It’s good to hear about people experiencing and enjoying new things and knowing that our efforts played a part. Cool too, your words on Unfiltered (the art book about director/artist Ralph Bakshi that I designed and co-researched with the writing duties performed primarily by my project partner, author Jon M. Gibson of “I am 8-Bit” fame). Check out Cole’s blog over here for more.
Love, Cole Pauls
P.S. – I love Unfiltered & used it for a presentation this past semester for info. I got to educate my class on one of my heroes with the help of your rad book!”

Letter to Meathaus: Brandon Elijah Johnson
Posted By Chris

Meathaus got a package with a zine, a pin, a sticker, an illustrated lava lamp and a letter that reads:
“Deer Meat House,Hey cool, thanks Brandon for the book and illustrated letter. I’m glad you like the website, you might have noticed this but this site runs deep, back years, thousands of posts, most of them pretty solid! So much art to look at. Brandon’s zine is all about illustrated experiments, little illustrated icons and drawn type, with a couple shown off above. See more Brandon and more of the zine over here.
Your website is the bees knees! It makes me smile until my face hurts. In this package you will find some things that I made. I hope they make you smile until your face hurts. Brandon Elijah Johnson”

Letter to Meathaus: Inés Estrada
Posted By Chris

Inés Estrada sent up a package from Cafe con Leche with her new book Ojitos Borrosos and some sweet-ass stickers and a note that reads:
“I hope you like my new book… I also send you some stickers for yr kids (or if they’r too scary you can keep ‘em) ♥Inés”Yow! Thanks Inés, these stickers will be awesome on the cover of my son’s sketchbook. The book is really fine work. It is a 160 page solo anthology with b/w interior with a handful of short and medium stories and a variety of comics drawn in pencils, ink, pens and possibly a page with digital line art. It includes some diary comics, a story about magic testicles, and another one where a girl’s boyfriend’s head swaps with the dog and no one cares, but they sort of have some relationship problems for other reasons until they melt together into a blob that some ants eat. You’ve got to check out more Inés at inechi and see what she’s up to with Roi at Cafe con Leche.

Future Tubes
Posted By Chris

I really like cut-away view drawings and visions of the future and architectural concept drawings of ideas like the circular inner-city rooftop airport. These three and more can be found on the blog n-architecture, and more similar things here and here. All share some visual sensibilities and appear to be the blogs of nikoonmars. The images above are Historical Diagram: Hudson River Tubes Cutaway, 1909, Tunnel Digging as a Hobby Modern Mechanics and Invention, August 1932 and Elevated, Rooftop Inner-City Circular Airports, 1919.

Simon Hanselmann Comics
Posted By Chris

I love digging through this sweet load of Simon Hanselmann’s comics that he’s uploaded on Girl Mountain. I also love hearing about the piles more that he’s produced and has sitting around his place in Tasmania, via this interview with Frank Santoro.

Letter to Meathaus: Roman Muradov
Posted By Josh

Roman Muradov sent Meathaus a comics zine called The Yellow Zine (#2) and this one is full of more drawings and little comics doo-dads. Did we lose a note? I don’t know, I didn’t post this. Josh? Oh wait, he’s not here, he got a job. Right on! Anyway, let’s see, ah on the back of the envelope it says:
“New funnies! Please don’t bend!”Cool, thanks again Roman. This arrived un-bent. See more Roman here and his previous letter here.
Posted By Tomer

Yes. I love this movie. The girl is (spoilers) not the girl he thinks she is. But what girl ever is?? this print will be available on Friday morning here.
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