Infinite Glitch je automatski sustav koji stvara stalno promjenljivu audio-vizualnu informacijsku struju koja se hrani sve većom količinom slobodno dostupnih medijskih fajlova na internetu. Organsko-kaotična magma internetske svijesti.
Vaudeo Signal:
Every day an incomprehensible number of new digital media files are uploaded to hosting sites across the internet. Far too many for any one person to consume. Infinite Glitch is a stream-of-conciousness representation of this overwhelming flood of media, its fractured and degraded sounds and images reflecting how little we as an audience are able to retain from this daily barrage.
Infinite Glitch is an automated system that generates an ever-changing audio/video stream from the constantly increasing mass of media files freely available on the web. Source audio and video files are ripped from a variety of popular media hosting sites, torn apart, and recombined using collage and glitch techniques to create an organic, chaotic flood of sensory input.
Benjamin Baker-Smith is currently employed as a video editor, streaming media expert, and web developer at Backstar Creative Media in Chicago, IL. He maintains a website and active blog at bitsynthesis.com, and is a contributing writer for vagueterrain.net and the Backstar company blog (backstar.com/blog). He has done freelance web design for Statewide Software (statewidesoftware.com) and lectured on basic website creation to students at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He is the creator and maintainer of Upflickr (Rubygems.org/gems/upflickr/), a Ruby gem that makes it easier to upload and organize images on flickr using the Ruby programming language.

Slični projekti:

Vaudeo Signal: bitsynthesis.com/vaudeosignal
Monica Panzarino: monicapanzarino.com + ovdje
Arcanebolt: arcanebolt.net
Battleship: battleship.bandcamp.com + ovdje
Cracked Ray Tube: crackedraytube.com
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