Henning M. Lederer stvara animacije u kojima se naglašava mehanički aspekt čovjeka - i općenito svega (naizgled?) "organskog", a na blogu skuplja sve što se dotiče te teme. Čovjek kao analogno industrijsko postrojenje.
Der Mensch als Industriepalast (animacija napravljena prema posteru Fritza Kahna iz 1926.):

machinatorium /// 72 TV Channels na Vimeu

na Vimeu
hm-lab (This is my laboratory... space for animated pieces that are work in progress or just not finished yet) na Vimeu

Fantastičan Ledererov blog:
551 // MA-P / Constructivism
Have a look at these models of Soviet Constructivist
architectures (built or non-built), recently made by Australian students
of the University Of Western Australia, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts(ALVA).
More pictures and information can be found here.

More pictures and information can be found here.

550 // MSN1 / The most human human
•October 14, 2012 • Comments Off
I found this nice book cover a while ago:
The most human human by Brian Christian. Not only the cover looks nice, but also the description sounds interesting:
The Most Human Human is a provocative, exuberant, and profound exploration of the ways in which computers are reshaping our ideas of what it means to be human.

While looking up all these information I found out that there are different cover illustrations for the different markets or maybe for different editions of the book – which are nicely done as well. Have a look:

And last but not least this is the first UK edition I think. But I cannot find a proper sized image, so this one here has to work:

The most human human by Brian Christian. Not only the cover looks nice, but also the description sounds interesting:
The Most Human Human is a provocative, exuberant, and profound exploration of the ways in which computers are reshaping our ideas of what it means to be human.

While looking up all these information I found out that there are different cover illustrations for the different markets or maybe for different editions of the book – which are nicely done as well. Have a look:

And last but not least this is the first UK edition I think. But I cannot find a proper sized image, so this one here has to work:

548 // MSN1 / Falling
•October 14, 2012 • Comments Off547 // MSN1 / Measuring the Concepts of Personality
•October 14, 2012 • Comments Off546 // MA-P / Yves Naud
•October 12, 2012 • Comments Off
A nice illustration on Yves Naud’s book “U.F.O.’s and extra-terrestrials in history”
545 // MA-P / MASS.gif
Interesting. I just found this animted gif on ffffound.
It is a scene from the musicvideo MASS I made on last year. It was surprising to find this gif… because I didn’t make it.
Also good for my visual assistant: My girlfriend Charlotte helped me with making the video and she was focusing especially on this space scene.

It is a scene from the musicvideo MASS I made on last year. It was surprising to find this gif… because I didn’t make it.
Also good for my visual assistant: My girlfriend Charlotte helped me with making the video and she was focusing especially on this space scene.

544 // MSN1 / Animated gif
•October 11, 2012 • Comments Off543 // MSN1 / Harry Smith
•October 11, 2012 • Comments Off
By accident I found an image by Harry Everett Smith taken from his film Heaven and Earth Magic.
I didn’t know anything about him or this film, so I had a look. You can have a look at the film on youtube (devided in six parts), but I have to warn you: This is a very arty, avant garde film released in 1957; quite weird and quirky. Even the explaination of Smith doesn’t really help at all:
“The first part depicts the heroine’s toothache consequent to the loss of a very valuable watermelon, her dentistry and transportation to heaven. Next follows an elaborate exposition of the heavenly land, in terms of Israel and Montreal. The second part depicts the return to Earth from being eaten by Max Müller on the day Edward VII dedicated the Great Sewer of London.”
Anyway, there are some interesting images in this film; depictions of bodies and machines and, well, watermelons…

I didn’t know anything about him or this film, so I had a look. You can have a look at the film on youtube (devided in six parts), but I have to warn you: This is a very arty, avant garde film released in 1957; quite weird and quirky. Even the explaination of Smith doesn’t really help at all:
“The first part depicts the heroine’s toothache consequent to the loss of a very valuable watermelon, her dentistry and transportation to heaven. Next follows an elaborate exposition of the heavenly land, in terms of Israel and Montreal. The second part depicts the return to Earth from being eaten by Max Müller on the day Edward VII dedicated the Great Sewer of London.”
Anyway, there are some interesting images in this film; depictions of bodies and machines and, well, watermelons…

539 // MA-P / Henkel
Great illustrations – done by the agency Home for an image-film by Henkel. Sadly I cannot find the animated version.
Thanks for the link, Matthias!

Thanks for the link, Matthias!

538 // The lab / Kreislauf des Jahres
•October 9, 2012 • Comments Off
A new animated Anton Stankowski. This one is based on a cover sheet for the New Year.
Presenting the annual cycle by arrows
Original design: Stankowski + Duschek Studio
Animation: Henning M. Lederer
Music: Puniho (freesound.org/people/Puniho)
January > to rest, to relax, to cover up, to sleep, to concentrate, to forecast
February > to wake up, to listen, curious, to straighten up, to check, strong
March > to prepare, to search, to tense, to follow, detour, to curl
April > to look for, inner unrest, coltish, who-how-where-what, to distribute, to swarm
May > inside, upwards, to start, to become, to come alive, to prickle
June > to sprout, to unfold, to mushroom, it’s done, impulse, to blossom
July > to open, to start, to spread, to reach out, the middle, to glare
August > lots, at the top, maturity, turning point, to grow, individual
September > overall, distribution, to meet, to collect, dance, assiduous
October > dense, connected, to order, to hang, earthwards, ripeness
November > to hide, downwards, to withdraw, returning, prevention, tired
December > to curl up, to bethink, to have a rest, snug, silence, contemplation
Presenting the annual cycle by arrows
Original design: Stankowski + Duschek Studio
Animation: Henning M. Lederer
Music: Puniho (freesound.org/people/Puniho)
January > to rest, to relax, to cover up, to sleep, to concentrate, to forecast
February > to wake up, to listen, curious, to straighten up, to check, strong
March > to prepare, to search, to tense, to follow, detour, to curl
April > to look for, inner unrest, coltish, who-how-where-what, to distribute, to swarm
May > inside, upwards, to start, to become, to come alive, to prickle
June > to sprout, to unfold, to mushroom, it’s done, impulse, to blossom
July > to open, to start, to spread, to reach out, the middle, to glare
August > lots, at the top, maturity, turning point, to grow, individual
September > overall, distribution, to meet, to collect, dance, assiduous
October > dense, connected, to order, to hang, earthwards, ripeness
November > to hide, downwards, to withdraw, returning, prevention, tired
December > to curl up, to bethink, to have a rest, snug, silence, contemplation
537 // MA-P / Murals
A great project by David de la Mano and Pablo S. Herrero
who collaborated on the streets of Stavanger and Sandnes in Norway to
create these lovely figures made of trees and people. Check out their
respective websites for more photos.

536 // MA-P / Mechanical flipbooks
A wonderful project by the kinetic artists Mark Rosen and Wendy Marvel who created a series of wonderful mechanical flipbooks based on the work of Eadweard Muybridge.
535 // MA-P / Laura Todoran

Laura Todoran (b.1980, Serbia/France) – Genèse 11 « Babel », L’origine des langues (2007-2012)
“The project focuses on the text of Genesis 11, recounting the Tower of Babel myth. Artist used different alphabets, Latin characters and dactylology (or fingerspelling) used in deaf education. The body painted in white serves as paper, hands painted in black as ink. This writing form revisits the myth that languages have been introduced to create confusion among the people. All these tables show faithfully the text of Genesis in English, the language of communication par excellence. The dactylology alphabets make the story less accessible including for deaf people, as it is not the sign language in itself but alphabets that are used to spell words. This writing and this language, English, have the power to connect different worlds but yet, over the tables, the myth of Babel becomes increasingly difficult to decipher. Photographed bodies are also the declensions of Humanity, masculine, feminine, from (W) white to (B) black.”
(Roughly translated by ARTchipel)

534 // MA-P / Dynamics of the Subway
•October 3, 2012 • Comments Off
Nice musicvideo.
Visually interesting filled with great simplified shapes and patterns.
I like it a lot!
Thanks for the link, Tobias.
Visually interesting filled with great simplified shapes and patterns.
I like it a lot!
Thanks for the link, Tobias.
533 // MA-P / Salt Labyrinth
•September 30, 2012 • Comments Off
This is wonderful!
“Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto creates huge labyrinths and other surreal designs by using salt as his only instrument. Looking at it, it´s like following a trace of his memory. The lines change and vanish as time goes by. While creating he cannot tell if he will reach the essential point until its very end, because lines are curved or leading into nowhere. The whole process of creating his labyrinths depend on Yamamoto´s psychological and physical conditions, as well as on the condition of the floor and the level of humidity. Like in everyday life, he just silently follows the trace of his memory and feelings, which are both, controlled and intensional right from the beginning. Check his webpage for more amazing salt installations.”

“Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto creates huge labyrinths and other surreal designs by using salt as his only instrument. Looking at it, it´s like following a trace of his memory. The lines change and vanish as time goes by. While creating he cannot tell if he will reach the essential point until its very end, because lines are curved or leading into nowhere. The whole process of creating his labyrinths depend on Yamamoto´s psychological and physical conditions, as well as on the condition of the floor and the level of humidity. Like in everyday life, he just silently follows the trace of his memory and feelings, which are both, controlled and intensional right from the beginning. Check his webpage for more amazing salt installations.”

530 // MSN1 / Andy Vible
Artist Andy Vible creates life-size sculptures of human bodies whose heads have been replaced by everyday objects. These objects determine the action the bodies are engaged in (sitting, eating, drinking, knitting, etc.), making the piece a self-referencing loop. “I use objects that people are already familiar with because they communicate a language that everyone understands.” Andy says, “I substitute these objects for a person’s head and create a vicious cycle by putting the person in a chicken-and-egg circumstance with no escape.”

Find out more about Andy’s work here.
Artist Andy Vible creates life-size sculptures of human bodies whose heads have been replaced by everyday objects. These objects determine the action the bodies are engaged in (sitting, eating, drinking, knitting, etc.), making the piece a self-referencing loop. “I use objects that people are already familiar with because they communicate a language that everyone understands.” Andy says, “I substitute these objects for a person’s head and create a vicious cycle by putting the person in a chicken-and-egg circumstance with no escape.”

Find out more about Andy’s work here.
529 // MA-P / Leonardo Ulian
Technological Mandala No. 2 is the latest work from Italian-born, London-based artist Leonardo Ulian
who carefully solders a myriad of computer components, circuitry and
microchips to create these precisely symmetrical mandalas. More
information here.

528 // MA-P / Smallpox
Another really old one: Taken from an article in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.
Subline: A quarter of the population must not be vaccinated against smallpox, the rest has to be.
Subline: A quarter of the population must not be vaccinated against smallpox, the rest has to be.
527 // MSN1 / Ute Henrix
•September 19, 2012 • Comments Off526 // MSN1 / Enigma

LE ROI EST MORT, VIVE LE ROI! I just found a promotion postcard in my flyer-box – where I have been storing all the interesting paper stuff for years.
By this I looked up the cover of this album which is by the band Enigma. A nice body-machine-structure… and here is the full cover:

525 // MSN1 / I Overcomplicate Things
Based on an illustration by Frank Chimero
called “I Overcomplicate Things” I did this little animation. I am not
quite sure if I already mentioned this illustration on this blog before.
But now it was definitely a nice task to bring life into the different
parts of this chain reaction:
524 // MA-P / Tesla

I just realised that next to my desk there is a poster which should definitely mentioned on my blog. Its silhouette style with a bright background colour was also a source of inspiration when I did my MA project – a long while ago. So I had a look again, collecting some information about the poster, its origin and its designers.
The poster was created by the Berlin based agency cyan for the media/art/laboratory tesla also in Berlin which was sadly closed in 2007 due to the missing support of the cultural funds.

521 // MSN1 / SPUR
Cute drawing by Joyce Hesselberth from SPUR.

Memory Development for New York Times – “This piece, for The New York Times, talks about how memory develops in young children. Freud thought that we all repressed our early childhood memories, but recent studies suggest that is not the case.”

Memory Development for New York Times – “This piece, for The New York Times, talks about how memory develops in young children. Freud thought that we all repressed our early childhood memories, but recent studies suggest that is not the case.”
520 // The lab / Christopher David Ryan
A long time ago I posted some great artwork by Christopher David Ryan.
Having some time to play around, I decided to create a little loop based on one of his illustrations called “The Escape”. Have a look:
Having some time to play around, I decided to create a little loop based on one of his illustrations called “The Escape”. Have a look:
517 // MA-P / Philippe Decrauzat
While being in Bordeaux for a day, I found a little leaflet
promoting some arts & culture events in this lovely city. Part of
this leaflet was an image by Philippe Decrauzat – a Swiss artist who is
currently living and working in Lausanne.
Looking up his name in the Internet I came across quite a lot of interesing pieces – playing with shapes and moiré-like patterns in differing spatial environments. Great work, so have a look:

For more information have a look at this site.
Looking up his name in the Internet I came across quite a lot of interesing pieces – playing with shapes and moiré-like patterns in differing spatial environments. Great work, so have a look:

For more information have a look at this site.
516 // MSN1 / Crashkurs Wein
Another great illustration by nomono aka Cristóbal Schmal:
From a series of several illustrations for a ‘Crashkurs Wein’ Book. Germany 2012

From a series of several illustrations for a ‘Crashkurs Wein’ Book. Germany 2012

515 // The lab / Eyecycle
•August 9, 2012 • Comments Off
Eyecycle – Based on an original artwork by Brent Couchman. I just thought it would be nice to animate this lovely illustration.
514 // MSN1 / Craig Andrew Smith
•August 7, 2012 • Comments Off512 // MSN1 / Creativity
A wonderful double cover for the German Zeit Magazin.
Topic: Creativity. Illustrator: Christoph Niemann

Topic: Creativity. Illustrator: Christoph Niemann

511 // MSN1 / Twisted head…
A nice book cover illustration for “Human Knowledge: Its Scope
and Limits” by Bertrand Russell. This illustration is possibly from the
design-couple John and Mary Condon.


508 // MA-P / Ben Newman
A nice cover design by Ben Newman for the Brummell Magazine.

Title: Timepiece Illustration (2011)
Brief: Cover Illustration about Time.
Client: Brummell Magazine
Copyright Ben Newman

Title: Timepiece Illustration (2011)
Brief: Cover Illustration about Time.
Client: Brummell Magazine
Copyright Ben Newman
507 // MSN1 / Memory
A nice depiction… found here. Again: I couldn’t find out who made this one, but nevertheless I think it fits on this blog:

506 // MSN1 / Phrenology
•August 6, 2012 • Comments Off
While looking for visually interesting pieces in the field of
human machines, anatomic depictions and illustrations similar to Fritz
Kahn’s work, I found a few bits based on a topic called ‘Phrenology’.
This idea sounds rather interesting and based on this theory scientists
and artists created loads of exciting illustrations and sculptures.“Phrenology (…) is a pseudoscience
primarily focused on measurements of the human skull, based on the
concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain
areas have localized, specific functions or modules. The distinguishing
feature of phrenology is the idea that the sizes of brain areas were
meaningful and could be inferred by examining the skull of an
individual. Following the materialist notions of mental functions
originating in the brain, phrenologists believed that human conduct
could best be understood in neurological rather than philosophical or
religious terms. Developed by German physician Franz Joseph Gall in
1796, the discipline was very popular in the 19th century, especially
from about 1810 until 1840. (…)
Phrenological thinking was, however, influential in 19th-century psychiatry and modern neuroscience. Gall’s assumption that character, thoughts, and emotions are located in the brain is considered an important historical advance toward neuropsychology.”
This Maserell-like illustration is very nice, sadly I don’t know who made it:

Phrenology diagram from Wikipedia; from People’s Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (1883):

A coloured, text-based version:

And last but not least cover form The New Yorker depicting a teen’s mind…

Phrenological thinking was, however, influential in 19th-century psychiatry and modern neuroscience. Gall’s assumption that character, thoughts, and emotions are located in the brain is considered an important historical advance toward neuropsychology.”
This Maserell-like illustration is very nice, sadly I don’t know who made it:

Phrenology diagram from Wikipedia; from People’s Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (1883):

A coloured, text-based version:

And last but not least cover form The New Yorker depicting a teen’s mind…

505 // MSN1 / Mike Lemanski
A nice illustration by Mike Lemanski.

Supercomputer Genetics.
Client: Fortune
“An illustration for Fortune for an article about ‘The End of Illness’ a book by David Agus.
Agus argues that we need a whole new way to think about our bodies and ourselves. The book covers such subjects as genetic testing and measuring human protein with supercomputers.”

Supercomputer Genetics.
Client: Fortune
“An illustration for Fortune for an article about ‘The End of Illness’ a book by David Agus.
Agus argues that we need a whole new way to think about our bodies and ourselves. The book covers such subjects as genetic testing and measuring human protein with supercomputers.”
504 // MSN1 / Franciszek Starowieyski
Wow… interesting machinery:

Anatomia czasu / Anatomy of Time
Original Polish Exhibition poster
Designer: Franciszek Starowieyski
Year: 1979

Anatomia czasu / Anatomy of Time
Original Polish Exhibition poster
Designer: Franciszek Starowieyski
Year: 1979
501 // Basement / MOLOCH
In 2003/2004, while studying in Düsseldorf, I created one of my
first animated videos: MOLOCH – An apocalyptic trip to the underground
of alienation…
This musicvideo for the track Dive! by the Propellerheads was quite successful being shown on a lot of film festivals all over the world. Nevertheless there were a few bits I always wanted to improve. Also, while looking at the old project files, I found some other parts that I reworked just a little bit… without loosing the original style of this piece.
So, slightly improved and also in a higher resolution, here we go…
This musicvideo for the track Dive! by the Propellerheads was quite successful being shown on a lot of film festivals all over the world. Nevertheless there were a few bits I always wanted to improve. Also, while looking at the old project files, I found some other parts that I reworked just a little bit… without loosing the original style of this piece.
So, slightly improved and also in a higher resolution, here we go…
499 // MA-P / Daniel Faller
Daniel Faller
created this nice illustration for an article about child labour in the
western countries – describing this growing phenomenon, its advantages
and disadvantages for the kids and their development as well as for the

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 15th July 2012.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 15th July 2012.
498 // MSN1 / Everybody Has a Body
•August 2, 2012 • Comments Off
Emily Turner recently sent me a nice email mentioning an
interesting project. She is part of a team of designers and researchers
and together they designed a graphic which colourfully highlights some
amazing and interesting facts about the body that you may not have
known. Have a look!
Thanks for sharing, Emily!
Title: Everybody Has a Body
Graphic: www.onlinenursingprograms.com/everybodys-got-a-body
Organisation: www.OnlineNursingPrograms.com

Thanks for sharing, Emily!
Title: Everybody Has a Body
Graphic: www.onlinenursingprograms.com/everybodys-got-a-body
Organisation: www.OnlineNursingPrograms.com

497 // MA-P / OLYMPUKES 2012

© Virus Fonts
Found on the Creative Review Blog – and I really like this idea…
In 2004 Jon Barnbrook’s foundry VirusFonts reinterpreted the Olympic pictogram in a series of designs that “acknowledged the complex contradictions of the modern Olympics.” Launching today, a new range of Olympukes symbols has been created to reflect on London 2012… (…)
Acknowledging the commercialism inherent to the modern Olympics, Virus explain that the new Olympukes range also makes reference to the economic climate in which the Games are being staged. “Ironically, the last time London hosted the Olympics, they were nicknamed the Austerity Games,” the studio writes. “Sixty-four years later, we find ourselves back in an era of austere cuts which serves to highlight the absurd expense of the 2012 games.”
The hot potato of Games ‘security’ is also dealt with graphically. “What was a little more unexpected is the excessive security measures due to be employed by a supposedly liberal democracy,” say Virus. “But then again, in a country with an estimated 1.8 million CCTV cameras, maybe we shouldn’t be so surprised.”
Taken together the 2012 Olympukes look at the “complaints, controversies and accusations levelled at the London Games and associated events”, rendering some of the more familiar Games-related media stories in pictogrammatic form. (…)
Have a look at the full set of 52 pictograms here…
496 // MSN1/ “They Know and Sell All About You”
“They Know and Sell All About You”
This image by illustrator Minh Uong is taken from The New York Times issue of Saturday, July 14, 2012. The article describes a company which is in a way the world largest commercial database on consumers – containing information about 500 million active consumers worldwide. Frightening!

This image by illustrator Minh Uong is taken from The New York Times issue of Saturday, July 14, 2012. The article describes a company which is in a way the world largest commercial database on consumers – containing information about 500 million active consumers worldwide. Frightening!

495 // MA-P / …against the tide
A nice illustration – similar to the depictions shown before on this blog. This one is by Warren Gebbert found in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung from the 29th July 2012.

493 // MA-P / Kyle Bean
The Sea of Time
An new little in-between project… Have a look!
Based on an artwork by Kyle Bean that I have mentioned before (Post 352).
“I have been working on a project inspired by the Beatles song ‘The Sea of Time’ from Yellow Submarine. I really liked the idea of the sea being like a giant watch mechanism.”
Have a look at his other awesome work: www.kylebean.co.uk
Kyle is represented by Blinkart.
An new little in-between project… Have a look!
Based on an artwork by Kyle Bean that I have mentioned before (Post 352).
“I have been working on a project inspired by the Beatles song ‘The Sea of Time’ from Yellow Submarine. I really liked the idea of the sea being like a giant watch mechanism.”
Have a look at his other awesome work: www.kylebean.co.uk
Kyle is represented by Blinkart.
492 // MSN1 / Alma
Heart-Art… The Italian illustrator Alessandro Adelio Rossi made this interesting cover for the new album “Alma” by Paolo Fresu & Omar Sosa “Alma” 2012. Thanks for the link, Jenny.


SUPERHUMAN – While staying in London I visited the SUPERHUMAN exhibition in the Wellcome Collection: A great exhib exploring human enhancement! If you have the possibility have a look…
“Glasses, lipstick, false teeth, the contraceptive pill and even your mobile phone – we take for granted how commonplace human enhancements are. Current scientific developments point to a future where cognitive enhancers and medical nanorobots will be widespread as we seek to augment our beauty, intelligence and health.
Superhuman takes a broad and playful look at our obsession with being the best we can be. Items on display range from an ancient Egyptian prosthetic toe to a packet of Viagra, alongside contributions from artists such as Matthew Barney and scientists, ethicists and commentators working at the cutting edge of this most exciting, and feared, area of modern science.”
One main reason for me to have a look at this exhibition was having a look at the Spanish version of the Industrial Palace. I knew that it will be part of this exhib…
© Wellcome Collection
490 // MSN1 / William Cobbing
A weird idea and it was quite a strange feeling while looking at this piece… but I liked it.
Palindrome by London based artist William Cobbing. On permanent display at the Wellcome Collection.

Palindrome by London based artist William Cobbing. On permanent display at the Wellcome Collection.

489 // MA-P / Time Warped
•July 20, 2012 • Comments Off488 // MA-P / CBS Outdoor
While being in London for a few days I saw these adverts all over
the London Underground system featuring animals made up of the
capital’s landmarks. Nice idea…
“Out-of-home (OOH) advertising company CBS Outdoor has launched this campaign promoting its services in the UK, highlighting the effect of OOH media. The creative, called ‘Outdoor by Name, Urban by Nature’ is regionally targeted and features images of animals comprised of icons from each area.
The campaign is currently running on the Underground and National Rail sites in London, and on bus sides, National Rail six-sheets and four-sheets in Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester and Bristol.”

“Out-of-home (OOH) advertising company CBS Outdoor has launched this campaign promoting its services in the UK, highlighting the effect of OOH media. The creative, called ‘Outdoor by Name, Urban by Nature’ is regionally targeted and features images of animals comprised of icons from each area.
The campaign is currently running on the Underground and National Rail sites in London, and on bus sides, National Rail six-sheets and four-sheets in Birmingham, Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester and Bristol.”

486 // The lab / Anton Stankowski / Colours
“…somewhere between art and design”
Well, just another shape-colour-animation test… The original image is is taken from a series of prints by Anton Stankowski – artistic variations of trademarks / logos.
Well, just another shape-colour-animation test… The original image is is taken from a series of prints by Anton Stankowski – artistic variations of trademarks / logos.
485 // MSN1 / opensource.com
Is the traditional business world at war with creativity?
This image was created by Libby Levi for opensource.com illustrating the article:Is the traditional business world at war with creativity?

484 // The lab / Bicycle
•July 12, 2012 • Comments Off
Well, another experimental piece. Just a quick test – playing
around with expressions and tools in After Effects to make a bicycle
work properly…
The background loop is by Mister Tood via freesound
The background loop is by Mister Tood via freesound
484 // MA-P / Jan Bazing
A nice image by Stuttgart based illustrator Jan Bazing for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (8th July 2012 issue).
Reminds me on Mel Furukawa’s illustration.
Nice one!

Reminds me on Mel Furukawa’s illustration.
Nice one!

483 // MSN1 / BBC Four – Add On
•July 11, 2012 • Comments Off
Heart Versus Mind: What Makes Us Human?
I just found this TX card on the website of David Briggs – the producer and my contact in this project. Nice!

I just found this TX card on the website of David Briggs – the producer and my contact in this project. Nice!

482 // MSN1 / BBC Four
Heart Versus Mind: What Makes Us Human?
Great news! BBC Four will broadcast a documentary next Tuesday including parts of my Industrial Palace. Awesome!
Confirmed for Tuesday 10 July 2012 on BBC Four at 9.00-10.00pm

“The heart may be the most symbolic organ of the human body. Throughout history it has been characterised as the site of emotions and the very centre of human existence. But modern medicine has come to see the heart as just a pump – a brilliant pump, but nothing more – while many people believe that they are ruled instead by their heads.
In this one-off programme for BBC Four filmmaker David Malone unravels the heart’s conflicting histories, both as an emotional symbol and a physical organ, and looks at the latest scienctific discoveries about its structures, capacities and roles.
In the age-old battle of hearts and minds David explores whether these new discoveries could allow the heart to reclaim something of its traditional place at the centre of our humanity.
Part of the BBC Four season, Flesh, Blood and Bone: The Amazing Human Body.”
Great news! BBC Four will broadcast a documentary next Tuesday including parts of my Industrial Palace. Awesome!
Confirmed for Tuesday 10 July 2012 on BBC Four at 9.00-10.00pm

“The heart may be the most symbolic organ of the human body. Throughout history it has been characterised as the site of emotions and the very centre of human existence. But modern medicine has come to see the heart as just a pump – a brilliant pump, but nothing more – while many people believe that they are ruled instead by their heads.
In this one-off programme for BBC Four filmmaker David Malone unravels the heart’s conflicting histories, both as an emotional symbol and a physical organ, and looks at the latest scienctific discoveries about its structures, capacities and roles.
In the age-old battle of hearts and minds David explores whether these new discoveries could allow the heart to reclaim something of its traditional place at the centre of our humanity.
Part of the BBC Four season, Flesh, Blood and Bone: The Amazing Human Body.”
481 // MA-P / Francois Robert
Politically and visually impressive work by Francois Robert:
It is a series called ‘Stop the Violence’ and here a few examples. Have a look at his website for more…

It is a series called ‘Stop the Violence’ and here a few examples. Have a look at his website for more…

480 // MSN1 / Carl Wiens
Check out the work by Carl Wiens… it is just amazing! I really like his collages and combinations of old machine parts and colorful illustrations. Wow!
Check out his website as there is much more to explore!

Check out his website as there is much more to explore!

479 // The lab / Anton Stankowski / Fahrstuhl
This animation is based on the way-signing system for the
Göttingen hospital from 1975. Together with Karl Duschek and Hans
Geipel, Anton Stankowski created an arrow layout for each floor level
for a better orientation.
I was relying on black and white photos mainly, with only a few coloured exceptions. Therefore the colours are not 100% true to the original. Also, I couldn’t find all the levels, so this is just a selection.
Design: Anton Stankowski, Karl Duschek, Hans Geipel
Architects: Heinle, Wischer + Partner
I was relying on black and white photos mainly, with only a few coloured exceptions. Therefore the colours are not 100% true to the original. Also, I couldn’t find all the levels, so this is just a selection.
Design: Anton Stankowski, Karl Duschek, Hans Geipel
Architects: Heinle, Wischer + Partner
477 // MSN1 / Nacho Rojo
A nice head depiction by the Spanish illustrator, art director and photographer Nacho Rojo.

Via whokilledbambi.co.uk

Via whokilledbambi.co.uk
476 // MSN1 / Daan Botlek

Nice, but quite creepy illustrations by Daan Botlek – depicting themes of human anatomy, stylized characters and patterns. Therefore it should be mentioned on this blog.

Check out his Flickr-site!
475 // The lab / Round and round
I read about a project by the Stockholm-based design agency BOLD… and tried out to animate their identity design for the film “While you were gone”.
474 // MSN1 / Oliver Weiss
Labyrinth of the Mind
A nice infographic by Oliver Weiss.
He says:
“I have created this full-page illustrated infographic for DIE ZEIT, Germany’s largest weekly newspaper.
The page provides an outline of the four main fields in psychotherapy which have evolved over the years – from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and Wilhelm Reich’s humanistic psychology up to the streams of systemic psychology and behavioral psychology.
My artwork takes a whimsical approach, and incorporates a large number of fun illustrations.”

The illustration is available for download as well.
A nice infographic by Oliver Weiss.
He says:
“I have created this full-page illustrated infographic for DIE ZEIT, Germany’s largest weekly newspaper.
The page provides an outline of the four main fields in psychotherapy which have evolved over the years – from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and Wilhelm Reich’s humanistic psychology up to the streams of systemic psychology and behavioral psychology.
My artwork takes a whimsical approach, and incorporates a large number of fun illustrations.”

The illustration is available for download as well.
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