Časopis Eda Pinsenta koji je enciklopedija "zabranjenog muzičkog znanja", muzike protjerane iz raja itd.
absurd acoustic Africa ambient American art music Australia avant-rock bass beats big band Black Metal blues cabaret Canadian cassettes Christmas cinema classical collage comics compilation complex composed computers cosmic cut-ups dance dancehall dark Death metal Denmark despair devices disco disturbing doom drone dub dubstep dulcimer Easter electroacoustic electronic electronica electropop English Ethiopia ethnic exotica feedback festival field recordings Finland flute folk France free jazz free noise French funk guitar Haiti Halloween horror improvised indie rock industrial installations isolationist Italy Japan jazz krautrock laptop music Latin-American layered magic mailart melodic metal microtonal Miles Davis minimal musique concrete mystical neo-psychedelic noise Norway No Wave occult oddities orchestrated organ music outer space outsider percussion performed piano places poetry Poland pop music post-punk Post-rock Power Electronics progressive rock psychedelic quiet reggae religious retro rockabilly rock and roll rock music Russia saxophone scientific sculpture silence singer-songwriters ska songs sound art sound documentary soundscape soundtracks Spain spoken word stochastics stoner stoner rock stringed instruments Sudden Sway Sun Ra supernatural Sweden synths tapes techno trance Turkey turntabling Ukraine underground vague vinyl violin vocals voice Xenakis Zappa Zinovieff
NEW INTERVIEWS WITH Anne Guthrie / Lutnahimat / Nathalie Bles / Nick Hoffman / The Truth About Frank / Tim Olive / Vicki Bennett / The Warm Digits / Andrea Pensado / Brandon Nickell / Mike Vernusky / Jesse Stiles / Wozzeck / Vialka / Architeuthis Walks On Land
144 pages, perfect bound, colour covers, B/W interiors.
NB: all but ten of the record reviews this issue have already been published on this blog; the texts are being recycled in this print publication. To compensate for this in some degree, the interviews (54 pages of 144 pages) are all new content. Plus drawings, photos, new cover scans, index…

Index to artists in this issue
(etre), 106@c, 112
A Band, The, 37
Abrahams, Chris, 110
Absolute Value Of Noise, 107
Achenar, 39
Aeroplane Trio, 12
Åkerlund, Lars, 107
Ali, Rashied, 14
Allen, Cory, 136
Allen, Marshall, 14
Ankersmitt, Thomas, 136
Anomali, 31
Antimatter, 37
Architeuthis Walks On Land, 143
Arev Konn, 136
Asano, Koji, 9
Beautiful Friend, 6
Belfi, Andrea, 141
Bellancourt, Max, 26
Belorukov, Ilia, 101
Bernhard Gál, 130
Bernier, Nicolas, 97
Bigg City Oorgastraw. 47
Billiam Wutler Yea, 108
Bionulor, 136
Bird Names, 5
Bohman, Adam, 46
Bosetti, Alessandro, 98
Bösmann, Karl, 133
Brasil And The Gallowbrothers Band, 141
Buckner, Thomas, 101
Bumšteinas, Arturas, 98
Burke, Dan, 140
Butcher, John, 100
Cardew, Cornelius, 97
Carney, Paul, 134
Castelló, Angélica, 142
Casu, Elia, 104
Chamæleo Vulgaris, 138
Chatham, Rhys, 138
Cheezface, 34
Chrysakis, Thanos, 111
Cindytalk, 134
Colin L. Orchestra, The, 3
Column One, 46
Cooper, Jerome, 15
Cough Cool, 7
D’Incise, 110
Davidson, Marcus, 105
Deison, 137
DeLaurenti, Christopher, 94
Demian Johnston, 8
Demonologists, 34
Denzler, Bertrand, 101
Diatribes, 103
DM&P, 102
Doodshoofd, 34
Duch, Michael Francis, 101
Eco D’Alberi, 15
Electric Orange, 41
Elektronavn Sacred Songbook, 19
EMB, 23
Emmer, Huib, 132
Én / Q. / Ahad, 143
Evans, Peter, 140
Failing Lights, 35
Fat Worm of Error, 49
Fell, Mark, 132
Fil, Edyta, 101
Filthy Turd, 32, 36
Fire In The Head, 37
Fongaard, Bjørn, 21
Frasconi, Miguel, 101
Frawley, Joe, 105
Friedl, Reinhold, 94
Friedlander, Erik, 100
Galloway, Vance, 142
Gardiner, Michael, 93
Gerard, Pierre, 110
Ghost Of 29 Megacycles, The, 137
Gord Grdina Trio, 13
Grimes, Henry, 14
Gröhn, Costa, 111
Gudnadóttir, Hildur, 17
Guionnet, Jean-Luc, 100
Gunnarsson, Guðmundur Steinn, 96
Gus Coma, 45
Gustafsson, Mats, 13
Guthrie, Anne, 139
Hamilton Yarns, 24
Hatterud, Bjørn, 95
Hausswolff, CM Von, 96
Hearts Of Palm, 4
Heldén, Johannes, 17
Helhesten, 25
Herbert, Zbigniew, 48
Hills, 41
Hoffman, Nick, 9, 112
Holloway, Ian, 113
Huijbregts, Nico, 13
If, Bwana, 46
Inien, 102
Jackie Crab, 32
Jamka, 130
Jasper TX, 135
Jazzfakers, The, 7
Jazzfinger, 25
Jerman, Jeph, 113
Johnson, Tom, 112
Joinedbywire, 23
Julius, Rolf, 95
Jüppala Kääpiö, 17
K11, 22
KaiBorg, 106
Kawaguchi, Takahiro, 9
Kawasaki, Utah, 9
Kayaka, 10
Kemialliset Ystävät, 17
Keränen, 32
Kimura, Mari, 142
Kinetix, 134
Kobi, 19
Korber Prins, 130
Korperschwache, 40
Kowalczyk, Kamil, 112
Kristus Kut, 48
Labasheeda, 40
Laitinen, Juho, 101
Landry, Dickie, 92
Lapin, Alexey, 101
Larkin, Corey, 107
Le Berge, Anne, 93, 143
Lemur, 101
Liberez, 39
Lickets, The, 133
Loizillon, Guillaume, 105
Lontano: Homage to Giacinto Scelsi, 97
Lou Grassi Po Band, The, 14
Loubatiére, Rodolphe, 140
Lucier, Alvin, 93
Lumsdaine, David, 95
Lutnahimat, 135
Lygo, Adam, 23
Maaaa, 31
Machida, Yoshio, 10
Machinefabriek, 113
Machinist, 113
Mackle Jackle, 32
Margolis, Al, 140
Marhaug, Lasse, 36
Maroney, Denman, 101
Matthews, Wade, 111
Melmac, 135
Mense, Lucia, 139
Merzbow, 30, 31, 32
Mink Stole, 8
MoHa!, 16
Monteiro, Alfredo Costa, 107
Morrow, Charlie, 92
MRI, 132
Murayama, Seijiro, 100
Murphy, Anthony, 23
Myself, 39
Nelson, Zac, 5
Nerfbau, 35
Neurobot, 143
New Blockaders, The, 31
Nickell, Brandon, 131
noisepoetnobody, 142
Non-Ferric Memories, 24
Nordwall, Joachim, 135
Noteherder & McCloud, 25
Nowitz, Alex, 94
Null, KK, 34
Old Time Relijun, 48
Olekranon, 8
Olive, Tim, 141
Orcutt, Bill, 3
Orning, Tanja, 97
Other Vultures, 39
Oval Language, The, 108
Pain Jerk, 49
Paranoid Critical Foundation, The, 3
Parran, JD, 14
PAS, 6, 7
Pascal Battus, 108
Pensado, Andrea, 138
Petrolio, 101
Phantom Heron Seas, 26
Phonotopy, 103
Physical Demon, 33
Pilesar, 7
Pinhas, Richard, 38
Pitchshifters, The, 10
Pitz, 15
Poino, 25
Pope, Odean, 12
Premier Roeles, 101
Preston, Martin, 23
Priest, Gail, 134
Pylône, 134
Quintana Jacobsma, 133
R/S, 132
Rant, 139
RedSK, 32
Riek, Lasse Marc, 110
Robair, Gino, 100
Robinson, Jason, 102
Rock’n’Roll Jackie, 49
Safe, 33
Saldanha, Jonathan Uliel, 44
Sanderson, Richard, 101
Schick, Ignaz, 141, 142
Schnitzler, Conrad, 95
Selvafiorita, Fabio, 106
Shoemaker, Matt, 136
Simonis, Lukas, 143
Sissy Spacek, 33
Sixteen Fingers, 33
Slate Pipe Banjo Draggers, The, 49
Spicer, Daniel, 25
Spruit, 133
st.ride, 131
Stampfel, Peter, 141
Static Tics, The, 47
Subtle Lip Can, 13
Sula Bassana, 41
Swamp Harbour, 133
Szczesny, Dawid, 142
Tazartès, Ghédalia, 45
Technical Drawings, 138
Tele.S.Therion, 22
Tenhornedbeast, 35
Tetragrammaton, 9
Theriault, Doug, 113
Tilly-Tô, Thomas, 111
Tiptons Saxophone Quartet, The, 13
Torturing Nurse, 30
Tracker, 41
Trawler Bycatch, 4
Tricoli, Valerio, 106
Trophies, 98
Truth About Frank, The, 24
Tuusanuuskat, 19
Ural Umbo, 36
Vear, Craig, 111
Vernusky, Mike, 107
Vialka, 40
Vibravoid, 40
Vigroux, Franck, 140, 142
Vladimir Bozar ‘n’ Ze
Sheraf Orkestär, 46
Vomir, 31
Voudouris, Dimitri, 96
Vrakets Position, 16
Warm Digits, 23
Wastell, Mark, 36
Watson, Chris, 105
Wind Swept Planes, 7
Wooley, Nate, 140
Worm All-Stars, The, 141
Wozzeck, 47
XXXII Concorso Internazionale Di Musica Elettroacustica E Rumore, 108
Yukinori, Kikuchi, 141
Z’EV, 32, 34
Zanzibar Snails, 6
Zarzutzki, Aaron, 112
Zeitkratzker, 32
Zero Centigrade, 104
Back issues:
Current listening
Sozialistische Musiker Initiative: a quaint historical futuristic recording
E Keller, Martin Schwarzenlander, Sozialistische Musiker Initiative,
Creel Pone, CDR CP059 (2006) Attractively presented with a reproduction
of what I presume is the original LP cover with the
Konstruktivist-inspired image of a red fist striking down a terrified
man (I’ll pretend that fellow is Rupert Murdoch – now that makes me feel
better!), this blast…
Read more »Astromancy: outsider avant-rock / pop with hiphop and funk rhythms and film-noir ambience
Astromancy, Galaxy Records, CD (2012) Misfit one-man band Fastest
returns with his seventh original full-length album to deliver yet
another sermon to the world. The music is a strange mixture of
deliberately awkward and lumpen funk rhythms played on old cheap
electronic keyboards from thirty years ago, synthesised percussion from
the same period with…
Read more »In Six Parts: cool and impenetrable exterior gives way to warmth and appetite for exploration

Feeney and Vic Rawlings, In Six Parts, Sedimental, SEDCD050 (2007) A
continuous improvisation of electronically-enhanced cello and open
circuits by Vic Rawlings chopped into six parts, aided by Tim Feeney on
percussion and mixers, this recording demands a fair amount of tolerance
on the listener’s part for unusual and often very tense, high-pitched
Read more »Sillage: a-hunting we will go in improvising duo’s tour of unknown territories

Murray and Seth Nehil, Sillage, Sedimental, SEDCD029 (2007) Buried deep
in my collection and only rediscovered while I was spring-cleaning,
“Sillage” is a document of live recordings made by these two improvising
American musicians using a mixture of found objects, discarded tapes,
old reel-2-reel tape recorders and other recycled materials and
instruments at hand.…
Read more »Zond: free-form noise rock / punk that defies easy pigeon-holing categorisation

Zond, self-titled, R.I.P. Society Records, CD RIP012
(2010) Not quite a noise band nor a rock band, not quite free-form
improv but not peddling definite songs either, yet noisy and rocking out
and sounding structured and unstructured at the same time throughout,
this is the Melbourne-based psych-rock-noise outfit Zond. At least Zond
consists of four…
Read more »German Oak: claustrophobic bunker music is a trip into deep black inner space and time

Oak, self-titled, Flash Back, FBCD1001 Originally released in 1972 and
only selling eleven copies at the time (according to the Aquarius
Records website) due to its meditation on Nazi German rule and World War
II, this self-titled album by a German five-piece band has a very cold,
strange and dark echoing sound: all the…
Read more »The Killer: not quite the killer techno dub experience it should be

The Killer, 50 Weapons, 50WCD08 (2012) Well you wish this could have
been the soundtrack to that John Woo film of the same name that starred
Hong Kong actor Chow Yun-Fat in which he and another guy as mafia
hit-man and maverick police officer respectively engage 300 gangsters in
a church and demolish them all including…
Read more »Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water: a varied album of dark folk, apocalyptic visions and unexpected toughness

Nazoranai: a gripping and terrifying debut from Dark Overlord Keiji Haino’s new trio

self-titled, Editions Mego / Ideologic Organ, CD SOMA009 (2012) No
sooner had I heard of Keiji Haino’s revival of Fushitsusha and his
Fushitsusha-for-foreigners band featuring Jim O’Rourke and Oren Ambarchi
with their album “Imikuzushi” than news loomed ominously on the far
distant horizon that the Dark Overlord had yet another Fushitsusha-like
project called Nazoranai boasting…
Read more »Phase Two: acoustic guitar meets noise-glitch electronics on tiny release

Phase Two, Australia, Sound & Fury, 3″ CD-R, S&F011(2007)
Sitting in its tiny blank green sleeve among shelf-loads of more brash
CD recordings at the city record shop, this modest release could have
missed my eye as I perused the dull collection. Red Eye Records just
hasn’t been the same since Oren Ambarchi left…
Read more »Vantaa: Vladislav Delay at his warmest and most beautifully lush

Delay, Vantaa, Raster-Noton, CD R-N 136 (2011) Reliable
electronic-minimalist warhorse Vladislav Delay surfaces with “Vantaa”, a
beautifully warm and lusciously textured dubby dance album, his first
for the Raster-Noton label. Frankly I don’t understand why R-N couldn’t
give this album the packaging it deserves: anything by Vladislav Delay,
let alone anything by VD man…
Read more »… On Sea-Faring Isolation: warm oceanic sound cocoon to float away in

Into The Future, … On Sea-Faring Isolation, Fonal Records, CD FR-84
(2012, Fourth Edition) Originally released on Not Not Fun Records back
in 2009, this reissue includes a bonus track lasting nearly 15 tracks
and comes with new artwork layouts by Fonal Records man Sami Sanpakkila.
This album is the kind of pleasurable New…
Read more »Novaya Zemlya: less an urgent warning than a cold and sometimes scary polar ambient soundtrack

Köner, Novaya Zemlya, Touch CD TO:85 (2012) It’s of great contemporary
significance that Thomas Köner has named this album “Novaya Zemlya”,
after the archipelago of two islands off the coast of sub-polar European
Russia north of the Ural Mountains (of which the islands are an
extension) which delineate the border between Europe and Asia.…
Read more »Ruins of Morning: a serene and mellow painting of a fresh beginning

Ruins of Morning, Broken Spine Productions (2010) Well, this is a
surprise for me: I had given up on Nadja for sticking to their usual
noisy ambient drone doom texture soundscapes but for once the duo give
us something a little like introspective country or folk post-rock. The
first half of “Ruins of Morning” reminds me of current Dylan…
Current listening
Sevenstars: Fennesz in an 18-minute nutshell

Sevenstars, Touch, CD EP Tone44 (2011) Not much of an album here, being
only 18 minutes long, but at least it’s a solo Fennesz release (with
help from Steven Hess on drums) and not a release where the guitarist
has to share space with or play second fiddle to people who I regard as…
Read more »Theme: a singular recording of outsider music

Theme, self-released CD-R (2009) Now and again it’s my pleasure to chat
about some real outsider music from people who leave albums and EPs at
record shops like Aquarius Records as if these were abandoned waifs in
search of a good home. Such a foundling is Fastest’s “Theme” album and
very individual and eccentric…
Read more »Deteriorated Broadcast: another dimension where strange drones and textures glide by in dark liquid ambience
Vertonen, Deteriorated
Broadcast, CIP, CDR16 (2011) A short series of muffled voices, as
though from an expectant audience gathering to watch a performance or to
participate in a seance perhaps, opens this CD-R; then all of a sudden
there’s a snap and we are abruptly plunged into another dimension of
existence, one that exists in parallel…
Read more »The Iron Soul of Nothing: beautifully hypnotic ambient drone music mystery

meets Nurse With Wound, The Iron Soul of Nothing, Ideologic Organ, CD
soma005 (2011) My copy of “The Iron Soul of Nothing” comes as a bonus
with SunnO)))’s reissued first album “00 Void” on the Southern Lord
label; I wasn’t able to get it separately here in Australia. Nurse With
Wound’s remix of that…
Read more »This is Dubstep: double compilation set of dubstep is music for a new Dark Age Britain
Artists, This is Dubstep (Expanded Edition), GetDarker, GD001CD (2010)
Ain’t my usual line of music reviewing business here but on seeing that
there’s another compilation of dubstep music by the GetDarker folks
being released in 2012 and I’ve actually had this double set for over a
year now, I thought I’d better say something…
Read more »Dust in our Mouths: a bleak and frightening ambient black / noise soundscape

Wraiths, Dust in our Mouths, Aurora Borealis, CD
abx045 (2010) A bleak and frightening ambient black / noise soundscape
that lasts nearly an hour, “Dust in our Mouths” is part of a trilogy by
the Scottish duo Wraiths, earlier recordings having been “Oriflamme”
(Aurora Borealis) and “The Grey Emperor” (At War With False Noise).
Read more »I will Never Have the Right: minimalist power electronics album masks anger and frustration at world
Fist of the Sun, I will Never Have the Right, Finland, Freak Animal
Records, CD (2011) Iron Fist of the Sun (IFOTS) is the solo project of
musician Lee Howard who hails from Birmingham, UK, and as far as I can
find out, “I will Never Have the Right” is IFOTS’s second proper album
Read more »Hypnos: for once, the hype fails to live up to the music – wonderfully delirious and immersive

Mario Diaz de Leon, Hypnos, Shinkoyo, CD SHIN040
(2012) Third solo album for this musician / composer and apparently a
major departure from previous work which was a mix of electro-acoustic
instrumentation and power electronics, “Hypnos” is a wonderfully
delirious and immersive work done entirely with electric guitars and
synthesisers. This could very well end…
Read more »Hitoyogiri: almost easy-listening Japanese noisy psych-guitar rock with a blues touch

Miminokoto, Hitoyogiri, Important Records, CD
IMPREC338 (2011) Featuring the kind of bleak, dark noisy psychedelic
blues that I usually expect from the PSF Records guy, Miminokoto’s
“Hitoyogiri” maintains Japanese psych-guitar rock’s strangle-hold on my
fragile psyche. Generally the music on this CD is melancholy and
wistful, or at the very least has a dark, inward…
Read more »Elektra Bidasoa: little sense of power of nature versus machinery in experimental soundscapes

Francisco López and Xabier Erkizia, Elektra Bidasoa,
Ferns Recordings, CD ferns_stem_02 (2011) Environmental field recording
expert Francisco López teams up with Xabier Erkizia to go a-sailing down
the Bidasoa river in the Basque country to capture the sounds of
hydroelectric power plants and then independently convert these
recordings into two sets of abstract experimental musique concrète…
Read more »Artistry of Exhaustion III: a smooth but still quite dark ambient work

Carbonscape, Artistry of Exhaustion III,
www.carbonscape.bandcomp.com (2012) Another online ambient offering from
Tad Piecka who masterminds the black metal project Petrychor, this
follows on from “Artistry of Exhaustion II”, also available online.
Whereas that project drew on the sounds of nature, this offering takes
on orchestral music, space music and ambient music from the 1990s,…
Read more »Biokinetics: icy electronic dance music still as fresh and beguiling as ever

Porter Ricks, Biokinetics, Type Recordings, CD TYPE
100 (reissued 2012) Originally released by the Chain Reaction label in
1996, this reissued album by the Porter Ricks duo (Thomas Köner and Andy
Mellwig) still sounds as beguiling and mysterious as it must have done
sixteen years ago. Somewhere in my heart a small flame still burns…
Read more »Current listening
Dust in our Mouths: a bleak and frightening ambient black / noise soundscape

Wraiths, Dust in our Mouths, Aurora Borealis, CD
abx045 (2010) A bleak and frightening ambient black / noise soundscape
that lasts nearly an hour, “Dust in our Mouths” is part of a trilogy by
the Scottish duo Wraiths, earlier recordings having been “Oriflamme”
(Aurora Borealis) and “The Grey Emperor” (At War With False Noise).
Read more »I will Never Have the Right: minimalist power electronics album masks anger and frustration at world
Fist of the Sun, I will Never Have the Right, Finland, Freak Animal
Records, CD (2011) Iron Fist of the Sun (IFOTS) is the solo project of
musician Lee Howard who hails from Birmingham, UK, and as far as I can
find out, “I will Never Have the Right” is IFOTS’s second proper album
Read more »Hypnos: for once, the hype fails to live up to the music – wonderfully delirious and immersive

Mario Diaz de Leon, Hypnos, Shinkoyo, CD SHIN040
(2012) Third solo album for this musician / composer and apparently a
major departure from previous work which was a mix of electro-acoustic
instrumentation and power electronics, “Hypnos” is a wonderfully
delirious and immersive work done entirely with electric guitars and
synthesisers. This could very well end…
Read more »Hitoyogiri: almost easy-listening Japanese noisy psych-guitar rock with a blues touch

Miminokoto, Hitoyogiri, Important Records, CD
IMPREC338 (2011) Featuring the kind of bleak, dark noisy psychedelic
blues that I usually expect from the PSF Records guy, Miminokoto’s
“Hitoyogiri” maintains Japanese psych-guitar rock’s strangle-hold on my
fragile psyche. Generally the music on this CD is melancholy and
wistful, or at the very least has a dark, inward…
Read more »Elektra Bidasoa: little sense of power of nature versus machinery in experimental soundscapes

Francisco López and Xabier Erkizia, Elektra Bidasoa,
Ferns Recordings, CD ferns_stem_02 (2011) Environmental field recording
expert Francisco López teams up with Xabier Erkizia to go a-sailing down
the Bidasoa river in the Basque country to capture the sounds of
hydroelectric power plants and then independently convert these
recordings into two sets of abstract experimental musique concrète…
Read more »Artistry of Exhaustion III: a smooth but still quite dark ambient work

Carbonscape, Artistry of Exhaustion III,
www.carbonscape.bandcomp.com (2012) Another online ambient offering from
Tad Piecka who masterminds the black metal project Petrychor, this
follows on from “Artistry of Exhaustion II”, also available online.
Whereas that project drew on the sounds of nature, this offering takes
on orchestral music, space music and ambient music from the 1990s,…
Read more »Biokinetics: icy electronic dance music still as fresh and beguiling as ever

Porter Ricks, Biokinetics, Type Recordings, CD TYPE
100 (reissued 2012) Originally released by the Chain Reaction label in
1996, this reissued album by the Porter Ricks duo (Thomas Köner and Andy
Mellwig) still sounds as beguiling and mysterious as it must have done
sixteen years ago. Somewhere in my heart a small flame still burns…
Read more »
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