Hundebiss Record objavljuju albume otkačenih autora/bendova kao što su Aaron Dilloway, Popol Gluant, Mudboy, Dracula Lewis, Olyvetty, Francesco Cavaliere...
ali ono po čemu odskaču njihovi su promotivni klipovi koji su najluđe što se može naći u tom žanru.
Njihova nova izdanja:

POPOL GLUANT - Solo Piano - One sided LP
33 RPM
Ltd. edition of 300
No repress
Artwork: Hand cut paper, silkscreened vinyl
Popol Gluant is the obscene creature of Hendrik
Hegray, the guy with moustache behind the observatory for contemporary
outsider drawings called Nazi Knife. Pretty infamous for his own intense
live performances, Hendrik collected a lot of tapes during the years
but he relly can't edit so he decided to send a selection of some crappy
cassettes with some notes to ST at Hundebiss Records. The result is a
fluorescent creeping lava, moving from schizoid collage to droney
obsession for coming back in a burlesque avant-garde parody.

MUDBOY - Impossible Duets LP
33 RPM
Ltd. edition of 500
No repress
Artwork: Hand cut and folded recycled paper
Last temptation of Raphael
Lyon's Mudboy, after dozen recordings as the seminal This is Folk Music
(Last Visible Dog, 2005) and exciting Hungry Ghosts (Not Not Fun, 2007)
the doctor of experimental organomics explore new approaches to his
personal hallucinations. The works on this album are only the hapless
product of stumbling fingers, hammered out by so many orangutans
fighting over garbage. In these four small handholding adventures,
Mudboy takes no more than he can give. If he had the opportunity to sit
down with Brian Eno or Philip K Dick and talked through their
collaboration, he would have said: "You have done your half, please allow me to do mine”.

FRANCESCO CAVALIERE - Neverending Somersault C37
Ltd. edition of 50
Pro-dubbed black tape with white silckscreen on the body
Artwork: two different hand-cut and xeroxed paper plus black cardboard
Young italo-berlinese wizard,
Francesco gave us this twelve baroque sound frames. Member of
Alberorovesciato, Rayo and Doro Bengala, Cavaliere's works is everytime
obsessed by frenetics and automatic movements. Protean sounds as an
imaginific manufacts from a Maya population from the future.
"Neverending Somersault is games, counting, ferrets, trail of moving leaves and magical powders. Every track is the sign left from the retrieval of musical instruments, parts of audio archives and field actions. Recorded during 2008 and 2009, mainly on the Mediterranean coast of Italy and north-east of Germany" - Francesco Cavaliere, 2009
"Neverending Somersault is games, counting, ferrets, trail of moving leaves and magical powders. Every track is the sign left from the retrieval of musical instruments, parts of audio archives and field actions. Recorded during 2008 and 2009, mainly on the Mediterranean coast of Italy and north-east of Germany" - Francesco Cavaliere, 2009

AARON DILLOWAY - Lip Syncing to Verme C55
Ltd. edition of 50
Pro-dubbed black tape with white silckscreen on the body
Artwork: two different hand-cut and xeroxed paper plus black cardboard
As a slow motion Stan Brakhage on
K, this last recording from Aaron Dilloway is fluid and cinematic. Like a
deep navigation in a buzzy ocean of dirty water loops you'll be in a
creepy joureny to the centre of the earth, and you can just crawl like a

HAIR POLICE “Totaled and Stranded” One Sided LP
Ltd. edition of 500
33 rpm
Artwork: hand cutted black cardboard, Xeroxed recycled paper, raw paper inner sleeve, The B side is screenprinted by Serimal
“Recorded in a hotel room after we totaled out tour vehicle and became
stranded in the worst snowstorm in Ohio history”
Beatty, Connelly, Tremaine

DRACULA LEWIS - Vernasca, Valhalla C30
Ltd. edition of 50
Yellow tape
Artwork: Hand made black cardboard box, Xeroxed inner sheet in eight different colours
Dracula Lewis is one of the most well hidden deep dark secret from eastern-Europe, based in Romania he spent long time traveling all over the world. Vernasca, Valhalla is the first official release and Hundebiss Records is proud to present this four tracks done with a broken mixer and two open-mic. The result is a deep listening, lo-fi aggressive electronics with weird field recordings but also a spacey melodic sweet sound who came up from this maelström.

OLYVETTY - Im Leeren 7"
Ltd. edition 333 copies
33 rpm
Ltd. edition 333 copies
33 rpm
Artwork: Hand made gatefold black cardboard pop-up, xeroxed inner sleeve
Olyvetty is formed by Claudio
Rocchetti (3/4HadBeenEliminated and many many more) and Riccardo Benassi
(visual artist and italian experimental underground agitator). The
project was born in Berlin in 2006, it immediately results as a melting
of minimal techno driftes and power-noise fury. They performed in many
european festivals like Sonambiente, Flora and Netmage. After their
first release 'as all-encompassing as a hole' - a double 12'
hand-engraved picture disc - they approde to Hundebiss Records who
release the seveninch Im Leeren,an assault of noise freakerie packed in a
d.i.y. gatefold pop-up.
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